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Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #57 on: August 29, 2013, 12:06:00 AM »
Quote from: BigMFer
mike, I know where your coming from. I really didn't intend to quit 8 days ago. my wife ran my last can through the washing machine and I was to pissed to even go into to town. after a couple of hours I realized I was acting like a real ass to every one in the house. I decided right then that I will never let anything control me like that again. I kicked that nic bitch in the ass and got ready to fight. ODAAT
Wow, now that's pissed if you didn't even want to go get more! But guess it was your time to man up too since you just jumped in  did it. That's complete bad ass!! Nothing like just doing it  realizing you can.

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #56 on: August 28, 2013, 11:24:00 PM »
mike, I know where your coming from. I really didn't intend to quit 8 days ago. my wife ran my last can through the washing machine and I was to pissed to even go into to town. after a couple of hours I realized I was acting like a real ass to every one in the house. I decided right then that I will never let anything control me like that again. I kicked that nic bitch in the ass and got ready to fight. ODAAT

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #55 on: August 28, 2013, 11:05:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Reinvent whooo are you? Who ? Who ?

Addiction, Self-Identity and 1 Day at a Time.

Breaking the physical addiction to nic is simple. It is unpleasant, but simple, and only lasts 72 hours.

The psychological component to quitting is the real journey. Begin the journey by inventing a new self-identity. The Quitter.

Say, “I AM QUIT”.

You are not “quitting”. You are not “trying” to quit. You ARE quit. It is a state of being. The psychological term is “Identity Development”. There is no try, there is. It is now part of your identity. “Quit” is who you are.

Also, observe the user that is contemplating quitting but would rather quit tomorrow or next week. You see, 72 hours of physical withdrawal is nothing to the user because the user has been managing physical withdrawal symptoms the entire duration of the addiction. What is scary? Can the addict fundamentally change his/her Self-Identity? Can the addict quit for the rest of his/her life? Quit for the rest of your life? How is that possible? These notions can scare a potential quitter into choosing addiction over freedom.

There is good news friend. You do not have to quit for the rest of your life. Simply choose to quit today. Do not worry about baseball next March. Do not worry about next monthÂ’s exams. Do not worry about TuesdayÂ’s deadline. Quit today. The body will adjust. The psyche will adjust. You will gradually and often unnoticeably reinvent what it is to be you. You shall be restored one day at a time.
Thanks Scowick, really appreciate hearing this, you've got good ideas  observations too. It's really this identity thing I struggled with earlier this week. It's very hard to rewire yourself  I can see how someone would be afraid to even try, especially as we get older  more set in our ways, but I don't feel quit yet. I just hope that the psychological heals one day at a time just as the physical does. It was a part I didn't even think about when quitting. Figured I'd get over the withdrawls then it'd be smooth sailing from there. Haha! :D

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #54 on: August 28, 2013, 11:00:00 PM »
Thanks Srans  Miles, today has been much better. I can't get to the hate or the regret, but getting to internalize the 'it's time to move on  grow up' attitude.

See for me to have hate or regret, I'd have to think that at some point I F'ed up in choosing to even try tobacco. I didn't. At the time given the decision parameters I had to work with, it was the greatest decision ever. The problem was for me it wasn't a one time choice or one time issue that I F-ed up. I'm an addict, always have been  always will be so I'm told. But whereas for my previous adult life I chose to scratch the itch again  again, now I'm choosing to ignore it till it goes away.

Lets hop in the Delorean at 88mph  go visit young mike busting open a can of hawken at band camp, probably 89 or so.

Young Mike really wouldn't have listened to old Mike at that point, why that gray haired old geezer he must be near 40! What does he know? I'm fascinated by dipping the very idea of it. Everybody does it, I can quit later. My whole family smokes, what's the big deal. I've got decades before I'm old enough to worry.

Well then just how did this turn into a 2 decade cope habit? College, votech, degrees, all late night study sessions made better by cope. Hanging out with the jocks, hanging out with the cowboy kids. Going to bars  nightclubs though I rarely drank. Hey everybody's gotta have a vice. Mine's the safest one going. Farming jobs, oilfield jobs, first jobs, life changes, moves, construction, on  on. Soon 20 years have passed  you haven't hardly noticed you got old  you're not a 20yo at a frat party anymore.

So no I can't have anger or regret at my choices as I chose to feed the addiction one day at a time in every situation it was called for. In order to not be an addict today I'd have to have a completely different life than what I've lead, not likely. It hasn't been one or two bad decisions, it's been a whole lifetime of who I am.

No anger, no regret, it's just who I was  what I did,  now it's time to change. Like moving to a new house, starting a new career with a new company, buying a new car. Life changes  your needs/wants change as you grow too, this is another thing to fix/change in my life while I still have the freedom to do so.

Not sure this analysis makes total sense, but it's like I can't say "gee if I'd just not tried that once I'd be the same only healthy today". Because that's not the case. If I missed or refused the first opportunity to get into a can, there'd be another one tomorrow. Just like on here how I have to choose to remain off it again tomorrow.

Ok I forget what I was actually gonna blog about tonight, but that should be good. Better day today, I finally don't feel like I'm honestly planning a cave for vacation  feel like I might just have a better vacation without tobacco! Wild! Never would've thought that a week ago.

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #53 on: August 28, 2013, 04:41:00 PM »
Reinvent whooo are you? Who ? Who ?

Addiction, Self-Identity and 1 Day at a Time.

Breaking the physical addiction to nic is simple. It is unpleasant, but simple, and only lasts 72 hours.

The psychological component to quitting is the real journey. Begin the journey by inventing a new self-identity. The Quitter.

Say, “I AM QUIT”.

You are not “quitting”. You are not “trying” to quit. You ARE quit. It is a state of being. The psychological term is “Identity Development”. There is no try, there is. It is now part of your identity. “Quit” is who you are.

Also, observe the user that is contemplating quitting but would rather quit tomorrow or next week. You see, 72 hours of physical withdrawal is nothing to the user because the user has been managing physical withdrawal symptoms the entire duration of the addiction. What is scary? Can the addict fundamentally change his/her Self-Identity? Can the addict quit for the rest of his/her life? Quit for the rest of your life? How is that possible? These notions can scare a potential quitter into choosing addiction over freedom.

There is good news friend. You do not have to quit for the rest of your life. Simply choose to quit today. Do not worry about baseball next March. Do not worry about next monthÂ’s exams. Do not worry about TuesdayÂ’s deadline. Quit today. The body will adjust. The psyche will adjust. You will gradually and often unnoticeably reinvent what it is to be you. You shall be restored one day at a time.

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #52 on: August 28, 2013, 09:42:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Mike
QOTD: Whooo are you?  Who ? Who ?

Hmm ok today I'm still thinking about caving.  I'm a dipper,  cigar smoker besides.  How can I possibly change my identity?  It feels impossible.  Got hit by the fog today again, but that still seems like a minor physical thing, compared to changing who I am.  So many guys associate themselves with the can though.   I'm not sure how to undo myself from that.  Who are you indeed?

The career dude?  The power broker who doesn't have time to stop for a smoke break, so is the complete ninja dipper?  This one's probably the best sum up for me.  I know lots like this, it helps performance it helps concentration, it helps you go go go for as long as you can.
The sports dude?  I don't care if it's football or golf, watching or playing, sports just didn't happen without a dip.  If you're rodeo, even worse.  Maybe swimmers don't dip.  In the pool at least.  Lakeside/beach, well that's fair game.  Or the ski hill.  Or pretty much any sport really. 
The outdoors dude?  Less so me, especially as I get older, I really am a suburban dude, but what guy out in the wilderness isn't carrying a can as essential as any other outdoor gear.
The rationalizing dude - this one hits home mostly for me  yes I kinda made it up, the one nobody even suspects of dipping because you're the one who doesn't really drink, doesn't gamble,  certainly doesn't do anything illegal.  Yes I've had people who can't believe I dip.

Which is funny because to see me pack a fat lipper, nobody would think anything odd.  I'm a nearly 40yo white dude, as conservative in politics as you can get, at least for a libertarian.  To a certain extent, tobacco use represents freedom, odd as that might sound to someone who's quit, but it obviously makes sense to a large segment of the target market, look at that dude advertising e-cigs on tv.

I have pretty much the closest buzz cut possible.  Conservative.  Clothes that aren't bad, not too out of date, but not the latest urban fashion.  Driving around in a F150 or mustang.  I pretty much fit what you'd expect a dipper to look like.  Even the body which says I watch more football from the couch than play it nowadays.  But then what is the right image of a dipper?  Reading another thread, WTW described himself as commuting in a Hyundai with shirt  tie on, spitting into a starbucks cup.  Pretty much the image of a modern dipper  fits well with stereotype #1 ( what dipper actually carries a go cup even to save $0.10 at starbucks when they give you that paper cup it's worth gold!)  The coffee gets poured in the go cup after I get back in the car where the paper cup gets reused which is of course better than recycling...

So in the end of all this, if the descriptions of who's a dipper or a smoker or whatever are so broad/vast  hard to pin down, could you really just be exactly the same person just without any tobacco use?  Of course there are lots of guys on here who are.  So ODAAT  the healing will happen, All you have to do is promise  then keep it for a day.

Sure it feels like I've lost my best friend, but this week it's looking more like a relationship it was time to be done with  move on in life.  Like an ex who just became too needy  didn't fit in your life anymore  had no compromises to offer so you just had to cut ties.  ODAAT indeed!
Stick to the plan and you will not be sorry. Freedom is not being chained to a can or any other form of nicotine. Don't believe everything you see in tv. Especially someone suckling with the poison.

Mike your in a room. There is a door you need to get to. This door is hard to get to and open. You will like what's on the other side. Keep pressing forward.

Say it with me mike,,,, I HATE THE POISON! Caving is not an option, take it off the table and quitting becomes so much easier. Quit with you.
I remember when I 'missed' dipping....that romanticizing lasted about a week until I had a taste of FREEDOM. Keep fighting the good fight. Don't let some leaf define who you are brother!





I'm at day 905 and I regret ever starting. I wish I could take it all back. I was a fool.

Today I am quit and that's what is important.
I quit with with you all!

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #51 on: August 28, 2013, 04:00:00 AM »
Quote from: Mike
QOTD: Whooo are you? Who ? Who ?

Hmm ok today I'm still thinking about caving. I'm a dipper,  cigar smoker besides. How can I possibly change my identity? It feels impossible. Got hit by the fog today again, but that still seems like a minor physical thing, compared to changing who I am. So many guys associate themselves with the can though.  I'm not sure how to undo myself from that. Who are you indeed?

The career dude? The power broker who doesn't have time to stop for a smoke break, so is the complete ninja dipper? This one's probably the best sum up for me. I know lots like this, it helps performance it helps concentration, it helps you go go go for as long as you can.
The sports dude? I don't care if it's football or golf, watching or playing, sports just didn't happen without a dip. If you're rodeo, even worse. Maybe swimmers don't dip. In the pool at least. Lakeside/beach, well that's fair game. Or the ski hill. Or pretty much any sport really.
The outdoors dude? Less so me, especially as I get older, I really am a suburban dude, but what guy out in the wilderness isn't carrying a can as essential as any other outdoor gear.
The rationalizing dude - this one hits home mostly for me  yes I kinda made it up, the one nobody even suspects of dipping because you're the one who doesn't really drink, doesn't gamble,  certainly doesn't do anything illegal. Yes I've had people who can't believe I dip.

Which is funny because to see me pack a fat lipper, nobody would think anything odd. I'm a nearly 40yo white dude, as conservative in politics as you can get, at least for a libertarian. To a certain extent, tobacco use represents freedom, odd as that might sound to someone who's quit, but it obviously makes sense to a large segment of the target market, look at that dude advertising e-cigs on tv.

I have pretty much the closest buzz cut possible. Conservative. Clothes that aren't bad, not too out of date, but not the latest urban fashion. Driving around in a F150 or mustang. I pretty much fit what you'd expect a dipper to look like. Even the body which says I watch more football from the couch than play it nowadays. But then what is the right image of a dipper? Reading another thread, WTW described himself as commuting in a Hyundai with shirt  tie on, spitting into a starbucks cup. Pretty much the image of a modern dipper  fits well with stereotype #1 ( what dipper actually carries a go cup even to save $0.10 at starbucks when they give you that paper cup it's worth gold!) The coffee gets poured in the go cup after I get back in the car where the paper cup gets reused which is of course better than recycling...

So in the end of all this, if the descriptions of who's a dipper or a smoker or whatever are so broad/vast  hard to pin down, could you really just be exactly the same person just without any tobacco use? Of course there are lots of guys on here who are. So ODAAT  the healing will happen, All you have to do is promise  then keep it for a day.

Sure it feels like I've lost my best friend, but this week it's looking more like a relationship it was time to be done with  move on in life. Like an ex who just became too needy  didn't fit in your life anymore  had no compromises to offer so you just had to cut ties. ODAAT indeed!
Stick to the plan and you will not be sorry. Freedom is not being chained to a can or any other form of nicotine. Don't believe everything you see in tv. Especially someone suckling with the poison.

Mike your in a room. There is a door you need to get to. This door is hard to get to and open. You will like what's on the other side. Keep pressing forward.

Say it with me mike,,,, I HATE THE POISON! Caving is not an option, take it off the table and quitting becomes so much easier. Quit with you.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #50 on: August 27, 2013, 11:37:00 PM »
QOTD: Whooo are you? Who ? Who ?

Hmm ok today I'm still thinking about caving. I'm a dipper,  cigar smoker besides. How can I possibly change my identity? It feels impossible. Got hit by the fog today again, but that still seems like a minor physical thing, compared to changing who I am. So many guys associate themselves with the can though.  I'm not sure how to undo myself from that. Who are you indeed?

The career dude? The power broker who doesn't have time to stop for a smoke break, so is the complete ninja dipper? This one's probably the best sum up for me. I know lots like this, it helps performance it helps concentration, it helps you go go go for as long as you can.
The sports dude? I don't care if it's football or golf, watching or playing, sports just didn't happen without a dip. If you're rodeo, even worse. Maybe swimmers don't dip. In the pool at least. Lakeside/beach, well that's fair game. Or the ski hill. Or pretty much any sport really.
The outdoors dude? Less so me, especially as I get older, I really am a suburban dude, but what guy out in the wilderness isn't carrying a can as essential as any other outdoor gear.
The rationalizing dude - this one hits home mostly for me  yes I kinda made it up, the one nobody even suspects of dipping because you're the one who doesn't really drink, doesn't gamble,  certainly doesn't do anything illegal. Yes I've had people who can't believe I dip.

Which is funny because to see me pack a fat lipper, nobody would think anything odd. I'm a nearly 40yo white dude, as conservative in politics as you can get, at least for a libertarian. To a certain extent, tobacco use represents freedom, odd as that might sound to someone who's quit, but it obviously makes sense to a large segment of the target market, look at that dude advertising e-cigs on tv.

I have pretty much the closest buzz cut possible. Conservative. Clothes that aren't bad, not too out of date, but not the latest urban fashion. Driving around in a F150 or mustang. I pretty much fit what you'd expect a dipper to look like. Even the body which says I watch more football from the couch than play it nowadays. But then what is the right image of a dipper? Reading another thread, WTW described himself as commuting in a Hyundai with shirt  tie on, spitting into a starbucks cup. Pretty much the image of a modern dipper  fits well with stereotype #1 ( what dipper actually carries a go cup even to save $0.10 at starbucks when they give you that paper cup it's worth gold!) The coffee gets poured in the go cup after I get back in the car where the paper cup gets reused which is of course better than recycling...

So in the end of all this, if the descriptions of who's a dipper or a smoker or whatever are so broad/vast  hard to pin down, could you really just be exactly the same person just without any tobacco use? Of course there are lots of guys on here who are. So ODAAT  the healing will happen, All you have to do is promise  then keep it for a day.

Sure it feels like I've lost my best friend, but this week it's looking more like a relationship it was time to be done with  move on in life. Like an ex who just became too needy  didn't fit in your life anymore  had no compromises to offer so you just had to cut ties. ODAAT indeed!

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #49 on: August 27, 2013, 11:27:00 PM »
I hit the 72 hour mark tomorrow evening at 8 pm eastern time. Struggling a good deal.

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #48 on: August 27, 2013, 11:05:00 PM »
Thanks KC, congrats again on 100 days! Right now that feels impossible but with leaders like you who can demonstrate it is. Really glad to have WTW in my corner, he's been awesome to me this week. So thanks again for sharing your story  giving a great example to go off of. I don't think I have a danger of unemployment ( no wife/daughter like Erussell) so any difficulty I have has to be less than that, so I know if I cave, it's a choice one not accidental.

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #47 on: August 27, 2013, 08:31:00 PM »
Bro I have been watching your quit. Great job. WTW is a great guy to have in your corner. Quit on man quit on.
Quit Date 05/20/2013

HOF 08/27/13
2nd Floor 12/5/13
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5th Floor 10/1/14

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #46 on: August 27, 2013, 01:47:00 AM »
Ok I think it was Radman suggested I stop  smell the roses a bit.  with a day off work to go to the dentist to get a good checkup. So what can you enjoy in just one day today while having a clean bill of health? LOTS!
- I drove my car. Yippee right? But I love flinging that thing all over the city, an 89 GT 5.0 vert. Little tough to do if I'd been in the chair all afternoon. The feeling of freedom driving the car wouldn't have been nearly so sweet if I'd not gotten the freedom of a clean doctors report beforehand.
- I went to the mall. Oh boy um yay? But yeah yay! I bought normal hygene stuff I needed at Target then went  ate Chinese food at the food court.  I enjoyed it. Pretty hard to enjoy eating if you're sick,  even taking care of the basics in life would be more difficult.
- I met with a contractor at the house. Time to get the garage finished off  I don't have time to do it. No big medical bills means I can have the freedom to have a new garage mahal by fall.
So it's been a good day besides the dentist appointment. Takehome lesson of the day? Do stop  smell the roses a bit  enjoy your day  the freedom you have. Don't forget to use that too to talk with others  mentor to them, you never know the positive impact you can have!

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #45 on: August 27, 2013, 01:30:00 AM »
Thanks WTW, the dentist visit went great! Like I said, the exam was much more intense than I'm used to. THey examined teeth  gums like they were looking at a prize thoroughbred. Then they took out this black light  shone it all around, I guess it's supposed to pick up any pre cancerous cells  make them glow or something, but the doc couldn't find anything.

Good. Now I NEVER have to worry about another dentist visit. Provided I stay quit that is. Now if I can get this throat infection completely beat I'll be back to good. Time to use that clean dentist record as incentive to get through week #2 on here.

It was actually kinda a funny appointment as I'd said. The hygenist wanted to talk to me about quitting  such for her boyfriend. I tried to fill her in as best as I know on what it's like, tough to explain to someone on just how powerful this all is. But she said she had another client who used this website... what was it... kick the can...

ok ok yeah I put my hand up  said it's kill the can  I'm on that one too  tried to explain to her how it worked  how it would've helped her other customer  how it's helping me.

So there's at least one more person from my city  even the same dental office, uses this site. I have no idea who it is.

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #44 on: August 27, 2013, 01:26:00 AM »
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: Mike
QOTD: What did you relearn this week?

Since I still don't know where to post new topics:
Just curious what everybody learnt this week could be done without dip?
For me:
- golf, even if it felt like my game was affected
- car repair, ok just changing a taillight but it was something
- work commute, admit to using the fake stuff here or I wouldn't have made it
Other than that it's been a quiet weekend.  On purpose. 
So what did yall learn this week  how big a revelation was it?
Mike, I learned that you are owning your quit, and getting very active on KTC! I smell a quitter. I am getting near 100 days and still working on getting rid of the oral fixation, but don't worry about using whatever nic free thing you stick in your gob to get you through. I haven't used the fake dip in a couple months but I have a can at the ready just in case. As long as you choose not to put the poison in your body you have that fake dip guilt free.
Thanks Matt, appreciate the vote of confidence. But the real truth? I'm trying to be active  posting on here as much as I can because it helps me. I don't feel like a quitter or like I own my quit. I started dipping way back when because I was absolutely fascinated by it! I'm still a dipper  cigar smoker in my mind to this day  think about it constantly. I suppose that's somewhat to be expected after only a week.

Making sure I'm on this site even with just a quick word of encouragement for another guy who's going through the same stuff I am, reminds me of why the daily roll call is so important  why I go day by day  see just how it's gonna be to get better. The alternative is failure, something I've been feeling lately.

Congrats on nearing 100 days!! I can't hardly imagine such a milestone, I've had some pretty lean weeks in the past, but this week is probably the first week in my adult life of being totally tobacco free.

In the end I guess that's something to think about celebrating too!

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #43 on: August 26, 2013, 04:39:00 AM »
Quote from: Mike
QOTD: What did you relearn this week?

Since I still don't know where to post new topics:
Just curious what everybody learnt this week could be done without dip?
For me:
- golf, even if it felt like my game was affected
- car repair, ok just changing a taillight but it was something
- work commute, admit to using the fake stuff here or I wouldn't have made it
Other than that it's been a quiet weekend. On purpose.
So what did yall learn this week  how big a revelation was it?
Mike, I learned that you are owning your quit, and getting very active on KTC! I smell a quitter. I am getting near 100 days and still working on getting rid of the oral fixation, but don't worry about using whatever nic free thing you stick in your gob to get you through. I haven't used the fake dip in a couple months but I have a can at the ready just in case. As long as you choose not to put the poison in your body you have that fake dip guilt free.