Author Topic: Quitting  (Read 10778 times)

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Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #75 on: July 14, 2014, 09:54:00 PM »
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 8: Started the morning off great- slept well, no headache and I marched my happy nic free ass into my office to post. After that it was pure crave hell damn near all day.

A little after I started working the nic bitch started working on me. Just a little crave, no big deal, ignore it and it'll go away. It didn't go away though instead it grew into a full on rage of a crave. Motherfucker. That bitch was putting up a fight. Fuck her.

At this point I really wished I had some Hooch or other fake stuff. So I got on KTC and looked up the fake shit, talked to some vets on chat about it and then found where they sold it in my area. Awesome, the closet place that had it: CIGARETTES FOR LESS. A nicotine haven. A fucking NICOTINE SUPERSTORE. Every nicotine product you could think of was in there but they also had Hooch and I needed some Hooch and I figured if I was going to cave now then I didn't have the resolve to get through this for very long.

So I walked in there, bought 5 cans of Hooch and had a lipper in before I even started the car. Not only that but I walked right into the bitches house and told her to fuck off. It feels so good to no longer be a slave to that bitch. I know she hanging around, just waiting and every continually tempting and I know it will take a thousand more crave beat downs before she gets further away but it's one step at a time.

I beat that bitch again today, on her turf and I'm gong to beat her again tomorrow.

Nicely done. Fireballs are a nice alternative as well, and I think smoky mountain still sends free sample to first time orders.

Way to rock it. Bad ass
Gooooo stuff.
Agreed! Bad Ass indeed! Another victory. Scoreboard,Nic Bitch!
'Cheers' 'dance' :Winner: That a boy! Quit w/you my friend! If you need anything you have my number. Don't hesitate to shoot me a text, brother.
Thanks fellas! Appreciate all of your support! Here to QUIT with you edd!

Offline THansen2413

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #74 on: July 14, 2014, 09:06:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 8: Started the morning off great- slept well, no headache and I marched my happy nic free ass into my office to post. After that it was pure crave hell damn near all day.

A little after I started working the nic bitch started working on me. Just a little crave, no big deal, ignore it and it'll go away. It didn't go away though instead it grew into a full on rage of a crave. Motherfucker. That bitch was putting up a fight. Fuck her.

At this point I really wished I had some Hooch or other fake stuff. So I got on KTC and looked up the fake shit, talked to some vets on chat about it and then found where they sold it in my area. Awesome, the closet place that had it: CIGARETTES FOR LESS. A nicotine haven. A fucking NICOTINE SUPERSTORE. Every nicotine product you could think of was in there but they also had Hooch and I needed some Hooch and I figured if I was going to cave now then I didn't have the resolve to get through this for very long.

So I walked in there, bought 5 cans of Hooch and had a lipper in before I even started the car. Not only that but I walked right into the bitches house and told her to fuck off. It feels so good to no longer be a slave to that bitch. I know she hanging around, just waiting and every continually tempting and I know it will take a thousand more crave beat downs before she gets further away but it's one step at a time.

I beat that bitch again today, on her turf and I'm gong to beat her again tomorrow.

Nicely done. Fireballs are a nice alternative as well, and I think smoky mountain still sends free sample to first time orders.

Way to rock it. Bad ass
Gooooo stuff.
Agreed! Bad Ass indeed! Another victory. Scoreboard,Nic Bitch!
'Cheers' 'dance' :Winner: That a boy! Quit w/you my friend! If you need anything you have my number. Don't hesitate to shoot me a text, brother.
Quitters I've met in person : Keddy, boelker62, Big Brother Jack, baitbanjo, SirDerek, Chewie, Scowick65, theo3wood, mcarmo44, MonsterEMT, Bronc, dforbes, rocketman, Lance from SD, kdip, wastepanel, quitspit, basshaug, greenspidy, 30yrAddict, btdogboy, cmark, chrisTKE1982, Jeffro Dolfie, Clampy, carlh2o, JGlav, ReWire, Chewrouski_Philly, Sranger999, walterwhite, DWEIRICK, spit cup, FranPro, ericfluck

Offline rdad

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #73 on: July 14, 2014, 09:00:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 8: Started the morning off great- slept well, no headache and I marched my happy nic free ass into my office to post. After that it was pure crave hell damn near all day.

A little after I started working the nic bitch started working on me. Just a little crave, no big deal, ignore it and it'll go away. It didn't go away though instead it grew into a full on rage of a crave. Motherfucker. That bitch was putting up a fight. Fuck her.

At this point I really wished I had some Hooch or other fake stuff. So I got on KTC and looked up the fake shit, talked to some vets on chat about it and then found where they sold it in my area. Awesome, the closet place that had it: CIGARETTES FOR LESS. A nicotine haven. A fucking NICOTINE SUPERSTORE. Every nicotine product you could think of was in there but they also had Hooch and I needed some Hooch and I figured if I was going to cave now then I didn't have the resolve to get through this for very long.

So I walked in there, bought 5 cans of Hooch and had a lipper in before I even started the car. Not only that but I walked right into the bitches house and told her to fuck off. It feels so good to no longer be a slave to that bitch. I know she hanging around, just waiting and every continually tempting and I know it will take a thousand more crave beat downs before she gets further away but it's one step at a time.

I beat that bitch again today, on her turf and I'm gong to beat her again tomorrow.

Nicely done. Fireballs are a nice alternative as well, and I think smoky mountain still sends free sample to first time orders.

Way to rock it. Bad ass
Gooooo stuff.
Agreed! Bad Ass indeed! Another victory. Scoreboard,Nic Bitch!

Offline rdad

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #72 on: July 14, 2014, 08:57:00 PM »
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 8: Started the morning off great- slept well, no headache and I marched my happy nic free ass into my office to post. After that it was pure crave hell damn near all day.

A little after I started working the nic bitch started working on me. Just a little crave, no big deal, ignore it and it'll go away. It didn't go away though instead it grew into a full on rage of a crave. Motherfucker. That bitch was putting up a fight. Fuck her.

At this point I really wished I had some Hooch or other fake stuff. So I got on KTC and looked up the fake shit, talked to some vets on chat about it and then found where they sold it in my area. Awesome, the closet place that had it: CIGARETTES FOR LESS. A nicotine haven. A fucking NICOTINE SUPERSTORE. Every nicotine product you could think of was in there but they also had Hooch and I needed some Hooch and I figured if I was going to cave now then I didn't have the resolve to get through this for very long.

So I walked in there, bought 5 cans of Hooch and had a lipper in before I even started the car. Not only that but I walked right into the bitches house and told her to fuck off. It feels so good to no longer be a slave to that bitch. I know she hanging around, just waiting and every continually tempting and I know it will take a thousand more crave beat downs before she gets further away but it's one step at a time.

I beat that bitch again today, on her turf and I'm gong to beat her again tomorrow.

Nicely done. Fireballs are a nice alternative as well, and I think smoky mountain still sends free sample to first time orders.

Way to rock it. Bad ass
Agreed! Bad Ass indeed. Another victory. Scoreboard, NicBitch!

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #71 on: July 14, 2014, 08:55:00 PM »
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 8: Started the morning off great- slept well, no headache and I marched my happy nic free ass into my office to post. After that it was pure crave hell damn near all day.

A little after I started working the nic bitch started working on me. Just a little crave, no big deal, ignore it and it'll go away. It didn't go away though instead it grew into a full on rage of a crave. Motherfucker. That bitch was putting up a fight. Fuck her.

At this point I really wished I had some Hooch or other fake stuff. So I got on KTC and looked up the fake shit, talked to some vets on chat about it and then found where they sold it in my area. Awesome, the closet place that had it: CIGARETTES FOR LESS. A nicotine haven. A fucking NICOTINE SUPERSTORE. Every nicotine product you could think of was in there but they also had Hooch and I needed some Hooch and I figured if I was going to cave now then I didn't have the resolve to get through this for very long.

So I walked in there, bought 5 cans of Hooch and had a lipper in before I even started the car. Not only that but I walked right into the bitches house and told her to fuck off. It feels so good to no longer be a slave to that bitch. I know she hanging around, just waiting and every continually tempting and I know it will take a thousand more crave beat downs before she gets further away but it's one step at a time.

I beat that bitch again today, on her turf and I'm gong to beat her again tomorrow.

Nicely done. Fireballs are a nice alternative as well, and I think smoky mountain still sends free sample to first time orders.

Way to rock it. Bad ass
Gooooo stuff.

Offline J2b

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #70 on: July 14, 2014, 08:52:00 PM »
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 8: Started the morning off great- slept well, no headache and I marched my happy nic free ass into my office to post. After that it was pure crave hell damn near all day.

A little after I started working the nic bitch started working on me. Just a little crave, no big deal, ignore it and it'll go away. It didn't go away though instead it grew into a full on rage of a crave. Motherfucker. That bitch was putting up a fight. Fuck her.

At this point I really wished I had some Hooch or other fake stuff. So I got on KTC and looked up the fake shit, talked to some vets on chat about it and then found where they sold it in my area. Awesome, the closet place that had it: CIGARETTES FOR LESS. A nicotine haven. A fucking NICOTINE SUPERSTORE. Every nicotine product you could think of was in there but they also had Hooch and I needed some Hooch and I figured if I was going to cave now then I didn't have the resolve to get through this for very long.

So I walked in there, bought 5 cans of Hooch and had a lipper in before I even started the car. Not only that but I walked right into the bitches house and told her to fuck off. It feels so good to no longer be a slave to that bitch. I know she hanging around, just waiting and every continually tempting and I know it will take a thousand more crave beat downs before she gets further away but it's one step at a time.

I beat that bitch again today, on her turf and I'm gong to beat her again tomorrow.

Nicely done. Fireballs are a nice alternative as well, and I think smoky mountain still sends free sample to first time orders.

Way to rock it. Bad ass
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #69 on: July 14, 2014, 07:02:00 PM »
Day 8: Started the morning off great- slept well, no headache and I marched my happy nic free ass into my office to post. After that it was pure crave hell damn near all day.

A little after I started working the nic bitch started working on me. Just a little crave, no big deal, ignore it and it'll go away. It didn't go away though instead it grew into a full on rage of a crave. Motherfucker. That bitch was putting up a fight. Fuck her.

At this point I really wished I had some Hooch or other fake stuff. So I got on KTC and looked up the fake shit, talked to some vets on chat about it and then found where they sold it in my area. Awesome, the closet place that had it: CIGARETTES FOR LESS. A nicotine haven. A fucking NICOTINE SUPERSTORE. Every nicotine product you could think of was in there but they also had Hooch and I needed some Hooch and I figured if I was going to cave now then I didn't have the resolve to get through this for very long.

So I walked in there, bought 5 cans of Hooch and had a lipper in before I even started the car. Not only that but I walked right into the bitches house and told her to fuck off. It feels so good to no longer be a slave to that bitch. I know she hanging around, just waiting and every continually tempting and I know it will take a thousand more crave beat downs before she gets further away but it's one step at a time.

I beat that bitch again today, on her turf and I'm gong to beat her again tomorrow.


Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #68 on: July 14, 2014, 09:35:00 AM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: FMBM707
DAY 6  DAY 7: my first cat turd lip free weekend in a long time.

I thought the weekend would be a breeze compared to the work week. Less stress and a lot more relaxing. It was the first weekend in months that we didn't have something. And because we didn't have much going on it was going to be a nice and relaxing weekend. I was thinking how fortunate I was that I had a real chill weekend on my first quit weekend. Man was I ever WRONG- all the idle time made me have some serious craves. I had to keep busy in order to keep my mind off of the poison.

I still woke up at around 0500 but I had no headache and I was actually able to fall back asleep for 4 hours. I clocked about 9 hours of rack time. That's the most sleep I've had in one night since the start of the QUIT and it was AWESOME.

For the most part today I kept busy which kept my mind off of the rat poison but earlier I was out running errands before having to pick my kids up from their cousins. I finished the errands with quite of bit of time to kill before I had to pick my kids up- that idle time is a killer but I was prepared in that I had a bag of seeds and a fresh pack of gum with me.

I still found myself going to a store but I stared that nic bitch down and got some hot tamales and mike  ikes- been a long time since I had either of those!

Keep moving bro . The nic bitch loves a sitting target.

Over time it will get easier, I.promise you that.

This morning I got up at 6AM, played 18 holes, had a few beers on the 19th, grabbed a king sized sando from the local deli on my way home, and mowed it down by myself watching the tigers lose and some boring ass soccer for 5 hours as my wife and kids were at the in-laws.

I.couldn't have done that early in my quit. Not without going bat-shit crazy, think somehow dip would make all.of it better.

Today I did it without a thought of dip. Hell, my buddy who I shared a cart with smoked an entire pack. Another guy in our foursome was dipping and offered everyone a pinch. I didn't even bat an eye. Even after my asshole buddy said, "He quit two years ago. He knows he wants some though. You know you miss that shit, num num.num". (My buddy is a bit odd).

I just laughed and said "shut up dick. Thanks man, but I'm good".

I know I'll always be a nic fiend and I'll never be "cured" but I actually feel "normal" now.

Keep grinding days out like you did today, and you will too.

Quit on...
Yep! Stay busy, Stay quit! Thank God REAL football is around the corner cuz Soccer is BORING!
Congrats on your first weekend as a free man!
Appreciate it fellas. It was great to wake up on a Monday morning feeling good and knowing I didn't suck on poison all weekend. Two night in a row of solid sleep- feeling great today!

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #67 on: July 14, 2014, 08:54:00 AM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: FMBM707
DAY 6  DAY 7: my first cat turd lip free weekend in a long time.

I thought the weekend would be a breeze compared to the work week. Less stress and a lot more relaxing. It was the first weekend in months that we didn't have something. And because we didn't have much going on it was going to be a nice and relaxing weekend. I was thinking how fortunate I was that I had a real chill weekend on my first quit weekend. Man was I ever WRONG- all the idle time made me have some serious craves. I had to keep busy in order to keep my mind off of the poison.

I still woke up at around 0500 but I had no headache and I was actually able to fall back asleep for 4 hours. I clocked about 9 hours of rack time. That's the most sleep I've had in one night since the start of the QUIT and it was AWESOME.

For the most part today I kept busy which kept my mind off of the rat poison but earlier I was out running errands before having to pick my kids up from their cousins. I finished the errands with quite of bit of time to kill before I had to pick my kids up- that idle time is a killer but I was prepared in that I had a bag of seeds and a fresh pack of gum with me.

I still found myself going to a store but I stared that nic bitch down and got some hot tamales and mike  ikes- been a long time since I had either of those!

Keep moving bro . The nic bitch loves a sitting target.

Over time it will get easier, I.promise you that.

This morning I got up at 6AM, played 18 holes, had a few beers on the 19th, grabbed a king sized sando from the local deli on my way home, and mowed it down by myself watching the tigers lose and some boring ass soccer for 5 hours as my wife and kids were at the in-laws.

I.couldn't have done that early in my quit. Not without going bat-shit crazy, think somehow dip would make all.of it better.

Today I did it without a thought of dip. Hell, my buddy who I shared a cart with smoked an entire pack. Another guy in our foursome was dipping and offered everyone a pinch. I didn't even bat an eye. Even after my asshole buddy said, "He quit two years ago. He knows he wants some though. You know you miss that shit, num num.num". (My buddy is a bit odd).

I just laughed and said "shut up dick. Thanks man, but I'm good".

I know I'll always be a nic fiend and I'll never be "cured" but I actually feel "normal" now.

Keep grinding days out like you did today, and you will too.

Quit on...
Yep! Stay busy, Stay quit! Thank God REAL football is around the corner cuz Soccer is BORING!
Congrats on your first weekend as a free man!
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #66 on: July 13, 2014, 08:26:00 PM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: FMBM707
DAY 6  DAY 7: my first cat turd lip free weekend in a long time.

I thought the weekend would be a breeze compared to the work week. Less stress and a lot more relaxing. It was the first weekend in months that we didn't have something. And because we didn't have much going on it was going to be a nice and relaxing weekend. I was thinking how fortunate I was that I had a real chill weekend on my first quit weekend. Man was I ever WRONG- all the idle time made me have some serious craves. I had to keep busy in order to keep my mind off of the poison.

I still woke up at around 0500 but I had no headache and I was actually able to fall back asleep for 4 hours. I clocked about 9 hours of rack time. That's the most sleep I've had in one night since the start of the QUIT and it was AWESOME.

For the most part today I kept busy which kept my mind off of the rat poison but earlier I was out running errands before having to pick my kids up from their cousins. I finished the errands with quite of bit of time to kill before I had to pick my kids up- that idle time is a killer but I was prepared in that I had a bag of seeds and a fresh pack of gum with me.

I still found myself going to a store but I stared that nic bitch down and got some hot tamales and mike  ikes- been a long time since I had either of those!

Keep moving bro . The nic bitch loves a sitting target.

Over time it will get easier, I.promise you that.

This morning I got up at 6AM, played 18 holes, had a few beers on the 19th, grabbed a king sized sando from the local deli on my way home, and mowed it down by myself watching the tigers lose and some boring ass soccer for 5 hours as my wife and kids were at the in-laws.

I.couldn't have done that early in my quit. Not without going bat-shit crazy, think somehow dip would make all.of it better.

Today I did it without a thought of dip. Hell, my buddy who I shared a cart with smoked an entire pack. Another guy in our foursome was dipping and offered everyone a pinch. I didn't even bat an eye. Even after my asshole buddy said, "He quit two years ago. He knows he wants some though. You know you miss that shit, num num.num". (My buddy is a bit odd).

I just laughed and said "shut up dick. Thanks man, but I'm good".

I know I'll always be a nic fiend and I'll never be "cured" but I actually feel "normal" now.

Keep grinding days out like you did today, and you will too.

Quit on...
Yep! Stay busy, Stay quit! Thank God REAL football is around the corner cuz Soccer is BORING!

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #65 on: July 13, 2014, 07:38:00 PM »
Quote from: FMBM707
DAY 6  DAY 7: my first cat turd lip free weekend in a long time.

I thought the weekend would be a breeze compared to the work week. Less stress and a lot more relaxing. It was the first weekend in months that we didn't have something. And because we didn't have much going on it was going to be a nice and relaxing weekend. I was thinking how fortunate I was that I had a real chill weekend on my first quit weekend. Man was I ever WRONG- all the idle time made me have some serious craves. I had to keep busy in order to keep my mind off of the poison.

I still woke up at around 0500 but I had no headache and I was actually able to fall back asleep for 4 hours. I clocked about 9 hours of rack time. That's the most sleep I've had in one night since the start of the QUIT and it was AWESOME.

For the most part today I kept busy which kept my mind off of the rat poison but earlier I was out running errands before having to pick my kids up from their cousins. I finished the errands with quite of bit of time to kill before I had to pick my kids up- that idle time is a killer but I was prepared in that I had a bag of seeds and a fresh pack of gum with me.

I still found myself going to a store but I stared that nic bitch down and got some hot tamales and mike  ikes- been a long time since I had either of those!

Keep moving bro . The nic bitch loves a sitting target.

Over time it will get easier, I.promise you that.

This morning I got up at 6AM, played 18 holes, had a few beers on the 19th, grabbed a king sized sando from the local deli on my way home, and mowed it down by myself watching the tigers lose and some boring ass soccer for 5 hours as my wife and kids were at the in-laws.

I.couldn't have done that early in my quit. Not without going bat-shit crazy, think somehow dip would make all.of it better.

Today I did it without a thought of dip. Hell, my buddy who I shared a cart with smoked an entire pack. Another guy in our foursome was dipping and offered everyone a pinch. I didn't even bat an eye. Even after my asshole buddy said, "He quit two years ago. He knows he wants some though. You know you miss that shit, num num.num". (My buddy is a bit odd).

I just laughed and said "shut up dick. Thanks man, but I'm good".

I know I'll always be a nic fiend and I'll never be "cured" but I actually feel "normal" now.

Keep grinding days out like you did today, and you will too.

Quit on...
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #64 on: July 13, 2014, 06:29:00 PM »
DAY 6  DAY 7: my first cat turd lip free weekend in a long time.

I thought the weekend would be a breeze compared to the work week. Less stress and a lot more relaxing. It was the first weekend in months that we didn't have something. And because we didn't have much going on it was going to be a nice and relaxing weekend. I was thinking how fortunate I was that I had a real chill weekend on my first quit weekend. Man was I ever WRONG- all the idle time made me have some serious craves. I had to keep busy in order to keep my mind off of the poison.

I still woke up at around 0500 but I had no headache and I was actually able to fall back asleep for 4 hours. I clocked about 9 hours of rack time. That's the most sleep I've had in one night since the start of the QUIT and it was AWESOME.

For the most part today I kept busy which kept my mind off of the rat poison but earlier I was out running errands before having to pick my kids up from their cousins. I finished the errands with quite of bit of time to kill before I had to pick my kids up- that idle time is a killer but I was prepared in that I had a bag of seeds and a fresh pack of gum with me.

I still found myself going to a store but I stared that nic bitch down and got some hot tamales and mike  ikes- been a long time since I had either of those!


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Re: Quitting
« Reply #63 on: July 12, 2014, 05:00:00 PM »
Quote from: FMBM707
Quite a few vets told me to use this as a journal of how you felt each day.

Yesterday (DAY 3): toughest of the 3 days so far. Woke up a little before 5 for no reason that I can think of. Had a headache right on the top part of my head. Felt tired and sluggish and impatient most of the day. My stomach is not loving this change either- and I thought that would be an immediate improvement- not the case so far but I'll give it some time to right itself.

Headache came and went all day and the fog lifted for a pretty good stretch for the first time in 2 days so I was able to concentrate long enough to complete more than one task at work.

The first two days I was really jacked up on QUIT adrenaline- kinda ran out of steam around 4:00- typical time of day when I would throw a poisonous turd into my lip on top of the one I was already killing myself with. Thanks to KTC live chat I got some solid advice and put a nice big pinch of coffee grinds in to get over the hump and hammer through the last hour or so of work. Felt a little ashamed at first- had a lipper of coffee grinds and was spitting into a bottle- it was like I was cheating or something. I guess I'm really battling two things: nicotine addiction and oral fixation. Need to KILL THE NICOTINE first and foremost. But damn I'd like to get rid of both.

I read a great post by Bulldog0311 yesterday about the fake stuff and trying to get off that and I think he is around 200 days QUIT. A lot of guys with triple digit plus QUITS going on chimed in on it. I recommend it to all the newbies. It taught me three things:

1.) it's alright to use that stuff as long as you stay QUIT from nicotine

2.) the fake stuff can be QUIT in their own time when they have served their purpose of the more important QUIT.

3.) everyone's journey is different but there is one true constant: we are all addicted to nicotine and will be forever.

I've had a real hard time accepting #3- a real hard time but I know it's true. And I know I need to embrace that fact. It's not that I don't want to believe it so I can use nicotine again. I don't want to believe because at some point whether that was a year or 10 years down this path I wanted to believe that I wouldn't think about it.

I'm really hoping some of those guys with the commas to their QUIT can shed some light on #3. Is it always constant? Are there days or even weeks where it really doesn't cross your mind?
Hey FM. I'm glad you got something out of my intro. Of all the pieces of advice I've received by some really amazing people the journal is the second best. All of its good but the journal is different. It allows you the chance to look back and see yourself in a new light. The very best advice is one you'll see a lot. Don't look too far down the road. Especially in the beginning. Try to just worry about one day. It's hard. I kept thinking about the hall. Try to just worry about one day. The days wil eventually add up man. One day at time.
I wouldn't recommend reading your own intro until you're past 100 days. It gives you some perspective. I waited to read mine and man, I didn't recognize myself. I did recognize addict behavior though. It was sad but in a good way. I knew I had left that guy behind me.
Stay strong man. The days get better. There are some bad ones still hiding in there but just wait for that first day you actually forget about chewing. It's amazing to realize you just spent a whole day, the way you were meant to, without thinking about poison. It's really pretty awesome.

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #62 on: July 12, 2014, 04:03:00 PM »
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 6 today! I have slept like shit. Every morning I've been awake by 0500- which isn't normal and every morning I've had a headache. I can deal with all of that knowing that just means I'M QUIT.

KTC site has really helped. The other QUITTERS in pre-HOF Oct 2014 have helped by sharing their trials, their past, their stories. Learning from guys that are QUIT for triple digits or with commas has been a big help. RDAD- YOU ARE THE MAN- REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR INSIGHT AND SUGGESTIONS. DIG YOUR TRAIN OF THOUGHT. Reading intros, HOF speeches or whatever these proven QUITTERS are currently posting. Live Chat is a great way to take the mind off a crave. Reading and reading more on here helps. Spongebob's post that someone shared- that was truly heartfelt. You could just feel the emotion in that. By sharing his experience, opening up about his wife and her struggle, and his thought process- I hope he knows by doing that he is helping QUITTERS stay QUIT every day. I hope he knows it touched a cord with this QUITTER.


THE PROCESS: focus on the process and the results will come.

Idaho-Miner who had about a week under his belt decided to deviate from the process: DO NOT drink alcohol for 50 days. He decided to go to a bar and have a beer. If he read HOW TO QUIT he would know not to drink alcohol, so by gong into that bar and having a drink he was setting himself up to fail. He wanted to fail and have an excuse. IF HE DIDN'T KNOW that was part of the process then he wasn't really into his QUIT. You can't just post your name and then expect that you'll be magically given the gift of QUIT. You have to earn it. He didn't want it enough, he didn't follow the process and he caved. He wanted an excuse to cave. Don't tell me you had a tough day or a hard week. Wah. We all have tough days and tough weeks. IT'S FUCKING LIFE YOU ARE GOING TO FACE DIFFICULT DECISIONS AND TIMES IN YOUR LIFE. Tell me one fucking person that hasn't had to face their own difficulties. Exactly. You can't name one fucking person. So don't tell me about your hard week. I don't give a shit.

Before you can really QUIT you have to QUIT making excuses. The no alcohol for 50 days is worst than the damn withdrawal symptoms! I love to booze but I've chosen that QUITTING nicotine is MORE important than having a beer. Until you are ready to make that commitment as well as other commitments you are kidding yourself and wasting people's time.
SIDE NOTE: I'm really looking forward to enjoying an ice cold beer in 44 days.

This is a proven process and right now the only sub 100 cavers I have seen are guys who deviated from a proven process.

The PROCESS will yield results but that is not enough:

Kubiak who had 700+ days caved after what I read was a booze ladened day with his buddies. I love all day boozefests! And I thought after 50 days I should be able to jump back into shit like that but Kubiak taught me the process isn't exact science. 50 days of not boozing may work for 90% of the QUITTERS but for some that number may be lower or higher. When you are sitting at 6 days 700+ seems like a lot of days but it's around 2 years. I believe in facing this shit head on but you have to be realistic and have your mind right. If you can pick your battles that's great but you also have to be prepared mentally for the battles that you can't pick- we are all going to face those times.

QUIT hard every fucking day. Make the right decision. It's your choice- it's that easy.
great post, you are seeing though all the lies.

you are finding that the information here in the intros and the info and diversions in chat are a part of the process to educate everyone that it is they, themselves that control that weed, that poison that held us as slaves for so long (over 23 years here).

you are seeing that there can be strength in everyone's story, even those who fail, and that you can gain from others experiences even when they make the stupidest ones out there.

well done and keep up the great work

Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #61 on: July 12, 2014, 12:49:00 PM »
Day 6 today! I have slept like shit. Every morning I've been awake by 0500- which isn't normal and every morning I've had a headache. I can deal with all of that knowing that just means I'M QUIT.

KTC site has really helped. The other QUITTERS in pre-HOF Oct 2014 have helped by sharing their trials, their past, their stories. Learning from guys that are QUIT for triple digits or with commas has been a big help. RDAD- YOU ARE THE MAN- REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR INSIGHT AND SUGGESTIONS. DIG YOUR TRAIN OF THOUGHT. Reading intros, HOF speeches or whatever these proven QUITTERS are currently posting. Live Chat is a great way to take the mind off a crave. Reading and reading more on here helps. Spongebob's post that someone shared- that was truly heartfelt. You could just feel the emotion in that. By sharing his experience, opening up about his wife and her struggle, and his thought process- I hope he knows by doing that he is helping QUITTERS stay QUIT every day. I hope he knows it touched a cord with this QUITTER.


THE PROCESS: focus on the process and the results will come.

Idaho-Miner who had about a week under his belt decided to deviate from the process: DO NOT drink alcohol for 50 days. He decided to go to a bar and have a beer. If he read HOW TO QUIT he would know not to drink alcohol, so by gong into that bar and having a drink he was setting himself up to fail. He wanted to fail and have an excuse. IF HE DIDN'T KNOW that was part of the process then he wasn't really into his QUIT. You can't just post your name and then expect that you'll be magically given the gift of QUIT. You have to earn it. He didn't want it enough, he didn't follow the process and he caved. He wanted an excuse to cave. Don't tell me you had a tough day or a hard week. Wah. We all have tough days and tough weeks. IT'S FUCKING LIFE YOU ARE GOING TO FACE DIFFICULT DECISIONS AND TIMES IN YOUR LIFE. Tell me one fucking person that hasn't had to face their own difficulties. Exactly. You can't name one fucking person. So don't tell me about your hard week. I don't give a shit.

Before you can really QUIT you have to QUIT making excuses. The no alcohol for 50 days is worst than the damn withdrawal symptoms! I love to booze but I've chosen that QUITTING nicotine is MORE important than having a beer. Until you are ready to make that commitment as well as other commitments you are kidding yourself and wasting people's time.
SIDE NOTE: I'm really looking forward to enjoying an ice cold beer in 44 days.

This is a proven process and right now the only sub 100 cavers I have seen are guys who deviated from a proven process.

The PROCESS will yield results but that is not enough:

Kubiak who had 700+ days caved after what I read was a booze ladened day with his buddies. I love all day boozefests! And I thought after 50 days I should be able to jump back into shit like that but Kubiak taught me the process isn't exact science. 50 days of not boozing may work for 90% of the QUITTERS but for some that number may be lower or higher. When you are sitting at 6 days 700+ seems like a lot of days but it's around 2 years. I believe in facing this shit head on but you have to be realistic and have your mind right. If you can pick your battles that's great but you also have to be prepared mentally for the battles that you can't pick- we are all going to face those times.

QUIT hard every fucking day. Make the right decision. It's your choice- it's that easy.