Author Topic: Quit or Die  (Read 10433 times)

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Offline jhaenel23

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #131 on: May 20, 2013, 10:25:00 AM »
Quote from: Sage
Quote from: Evil_Won

After the youngins and Mrs. Evil were in bed I went to the local watering hole, a fairly regular occurrence for Evil these days.  Right away I realize something is off. Instead of the handful of ne’er do well regulars, the place is half full and a live band is playing. Not bad music actually. The proprietor, Carole, says she is hosting a “fundraiser” for Scott and I can make a donation or not. No pressure.

It turns out that Scott is unemployed after a career in who knows what. On top of unemployment he is battling throat cancer. Now, I previously confessed to Carole that I used to dip and coming there was an insurance policy against me sitting at home, after the family was sleep, and dipping for hours ninja fashion.  I asked if he was a smoker and of course the answer was yes. Additionally Carole told me that he dipped for as long as she knew him, gesturing with her hand since he was little. She then gave me an odd look, a half smirk, and dropped a pint in front of me “on the house”.

Now, I am as anti-social as they make them. I found a spot at the end of the bar, between two TVs and did what I do bestÂ…observe. Nice turn out for Scott. Lots of family and friends. Scott was dancing with the ladies as best as a cancer patient can, decked out in jeans and a white button-up shirt that looked like it was covering bones, but he mostly likely filled out last year. A blue bandana with white stars was upon his head and he tapped his foot to the beat of the country music that band played. ItÂ’s difficult to tell if the wear and tear on his body was from working in the trades for years or his chemo treatment.

An older woman that everyone approached, coming in and going out, sat by herself sipping a coke. I think this was ScottÂ’s mother. What was going through her mind? I can hardly think of something worse that the death of your child, but perhaps watching a slow and painful death may be. There was a very attractive young girl there that I learned was ScottÂ’s daughter. She was sixteen but looked much older. Many other young girls, her friends, were there to support her, and I couldnÂ’t help but notice that she was sneaking sips of alcohol, any alcohol, whenever she could from unattended drinks. Was she enjoying the party or self-medicating the feelings she has been having for months.

At midnight the band stopped and the juke box took over. I heard “Friends in Low Places” far too many fucking times after that.  One by one, the guests made their way over to Scott to say goodnight and Lord knows what else. While talking to Scott these friends and family put on acts worthy of Academy awards. Lots of laugher and smiles.  Plenty of hugs, handshakes, bro fists, and love. However, the moment they turned and couldn’t see Scott’s eyes they changed.

There was no more laughter. There was no more joy in their eyes. Their eyes were holding back tears and I could see, from the other end of the bar, the giant exhale, the huge sigh signaling “Jesus, I love that guy”. Or maybe it was “Poor fuck”. Maybe it was “I feel terrible for his mother and daughter”. I really can't begin to comprehend the vast range of emotions that flowed through that dive bar tonight. I even saw Scott's expression change when he tuned. The look of terror and dispair overtook the facade of bravery. "I'm great. Everything is looking good" was all bull shit.

Whatever the reason, these friends showed anguish, and I felt better knowing that I am no longer using dip. Yep, I did it for many fucking years, but hopefully I will never put my daughters, wife, and mother thought what this family is going through.

ItÂ’s good to be quit today.
Wow, have a way with words and I felt like I was actually in that bar with you. I am so glad to be quit with you.
Well put E1. It is amazing how much we allowed tabacco and the nic bitch to become our number one priority. Some of it is the whole, "It wont happen to me" mentality. Some of it is just the fact that our addiction pushes us to the point where we are worried that someone will try and separate us from our "Precious."

Now being Quit, I see how selfish I was. Why in the hell would I put a can of poison ahead of my Family and Friends place in my life. All of whom would experience a tremendous amout of pain if I were to get sick from using tobacco. We all have lost people close to us so we should all know the feelings of loss and pain associated with it. Now add in the fact that in this guys case, it is self inflicted!! I am sure some of his family is pissed because he was being selfish for not thinking of anyone else while he fed his addiction. Others may be feeling guilty because they did not step up and say something to him about his addiction and allowed him to kill himself slowly. Either way, he is causing a lot of pain for everyone and essentially commiting suicide in front of everyone that cares about him.

211 days quit brings a whole new level of awareness and wisedom when it comes to these things. It also gives us perspective because any one of us could have been Scott.

Thanks for making my quit stronger today!

Stay in the Q.U.I.T*********Fuck the NIC!!" Jhaenel23
"Freedom is like your Soul going Commando!" Scowick
"Losers always whine about their best, Winners go home and fuck the prom queen!!" John Mason
"If its too much trouble to post roll, You can always Fuck Off!!" J2B
HOF Speech
Sounds Of Madness
QUIT 10-22-12
HOF 1-29-13
Post with Da Jackwagins!!

Offline Sage

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #130 on: May 19, 2013, 02:45:00 AM »
Quote from: Evil_Won

After the youngins and Mrs. Evil were in bed I went to the local watering hole, a fairly regular occurrence for Evil these days. Right away I realize something is off. Instead of the handful of ne’er do well regulars, the place is half full and a live band is playing. Not bad music actually. The proprietor, Carole, says she is hosting a “fundraiser” for Scott and I can make a donation or not. No pressure.

It turns out that Scott is unemployed after a career in who knows what. On top of unemployment he is battling throat cancer. Now, I previously confessed to Carole that I used to dip and coming there was an insurance policy against me sitting at home, after the family was sleep, and dipping for hours ninja fashion. I asked if he was a smoker and of course the answer was yes. Additionally Carole told me that he dipped for as long as she knew him, gesturing with her hand since he was little. She then gave me an odd look, a half smirk, and dropped a pint in front of me “on the house”.

Now, I am as anti-social as they make them. I found a spot at the end of the bar, between two TVs and did what I do bestÂ…observe. Nice turn out for Scott. Lots of family and friends. Scott was dancing with the ladies as best as a cancer patient can, decked out in jeans and a white button-up shirt that looked like it was covering bones, but he mostly likely filled out last year. A blue bandana with white stars was upon his head and he tapped his foot to the beat of the country music that band played. ItÂ’s difficult to tell if the wear and tear on his body was from working in the trades for years or his chemo treatment.

An older woman that everyone approached, coming in and going out, sat by herself sipping a coke. I think this was ScottÂ’s mother. What was going through her mind? I can hardly think of something worse that the death of your child, but perhaps watching a slow and painful death may be. There was a very attractive young girl there that I learned was ScottÂ’s daughter. She was sixteen but looked much older. Many other young girls, her friends, were there to support her, and I couldnÂ’t help but notice that she was sneaking sips of alcohol, any alcohol, whenever she could from unattended drinks. Was she enjoying the party or self-medicating the feelings she has been having for months.

At midnight the band stopped and the juke box took over. I heard “Friends in Low Places” far too many fucking times after that. One by one, the guests made their way over to Scott to say goodnight and Lord knows what else. While talking to Scott these friends and family put on acts worthy of Academy awards. Lots of laugher and smiles. Plenty of hugs, handshakes, bro fists, and love. However, the moment they turned and couldn’t see Scott’s eyes they changed.

There was no more laughter. There was no more joy in their eyes. Their eyes were holding back tears and I could see, from the other end of the bar, the giant exhale, the huge sigh signaling “Jesus, I love that guy”. Or maybe it was “Poor fuck”. Maybe it was “I feel terrible for his mother and daughter”. I really can't begin to comprehend the vast range of emotions that flowed through that dive bar tonight. I even saw Scott's expression change when he tuned. The look of terror and dispair overtook the facade of bravery. "I'm great. Everything is looking good" was all bull shit.

Whatever the reason, these friends showed anguish, and I felt better knowing that I am no longer using dip. Yep, I did it for many fucking years, but hopefully I will never put my daughters, wife, and mother thought what this family is going through.

ItÂ’s good to be quit today.
Wow, have a way with words and I felt like I was actually in that bar with you. I am so glad to be quit with you.

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #129 on: May 19, 2013, 02:38:00 AM »

After the youngins and Mrs. Evil were in bed I went to the local watering hole, a fairly regular occurrence for Evil these days. Right away I realize something is off. Instead of the handful of ne’er do well regulars, the place is half full and a live band is playing. Not bad music actually. The proprietor, Carole, says she is hosting a “fundraiser” for Scott and I can make a donation or not. No pressure.

It turns out that Scott is unemployed after a career in who knows what. On top of unemployment he is battling throat cancer. Now, I previously confessed to Carole that I used to dip and coming there was an insurance policy against me sitting at home, after the family was sleep, and dipping for hours ninja fashion. I asked if he was a smoker and of course the answer was yes. Additionally Carole told me that he dipped for as long as she knew him, gesturing with her hand since he was little. She then gave me an odd look, a half smirk, and dropped a pint in front of me “on the house”.

Now, I am as anti-social as they make them. I found a spot at the end of the bar, between two TVs and did what I do bestÂ…observe. Nice turn out for Scott. Lots of family and friends. Scott was dancing with the ladies as best as a cancer patient can, decked out in jeans and a white button-up shirt that looked like it was covering bones, but he mostly likely filled out last year. A blue bandana with white stars was upon his head and he tapped his foot to the beat of the country music that band played. ItÂ’s difficult to tell if the wear and tear on his body was from working in the trades for years or his chemo treatment.

An older woman that everyone approached, coming in and going out, sat by herself sipping a coke. I think this was ScottÂ’s mother. What was going through her mind? I can hardly think of something worse that the death of your child, but perhaps watching a slow and painful death may be. There was a very attractive young girl there that I learned was ScottÂ’s daughter. She was sixteen but looked much older. Many other young girls, her friends, were there to support her, and I couldnÂ’t help but notice that she was sneaking sips of alcohol, any alcohol, whenever she could from unattended drinks. Was she enjoying the party or self-medicating the feelings she has been having for months.

At midnight the band stopped and the juke box took over. I heard “Friends in Low Places” far too many fucking times after that. One by one, the guests made their way over to Scott to say goodnight and Lord knows what else. While talking to Scott these friends and family put on acts worthy of Academy awards. Lots of laugher and smiles. Plenty of hugs, handshakes, bro fists, and love. However, the moment they turned and couldn’t see Scott’s eyes they changed.

There was no more laughter. There was no more joy in their eyes. Their eyes were holding back tears and I could see, from the other end of the bar, the giant exhale, the huge sigh signaling “Jesus, I love that guy”. Or maybe it was “Poor fuck”. Maybe it was “I feel terrible for his mother and daughter”. I really can't begin to comprehend the vast range of emotions that flowed through that dive bar tonight. I even saw Scott's expression change when he tuned. The look of terror and dispair overtook the facade of bravery. "I'm great. Everything is looking good" was all bull shit.

Whatever the reason, these friends showed anguish, and I felt better knowing that I am no longer using dip. Yep, I did it for many fucking years, but hopefully I will never put my daughters, wife, and mother thought what this family is going through.

ItÂ’s good to be quit today.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline Bruce

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #128 on: May 16, 2013, 11:46:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jhaenel23
Quote from: Evil_Won
Post early and keep your word all day

The above words have been spewed many times throughout these boards. For years, I spent hours each day in my car driving from store to store for work. Every second in the car was spent with a dip. When I quit I knew that driving would be my biggest challenge so I completely changed my work situation and hid in my office all day. I would post when I got to work (a five minute drive from home) and did keep my word all day long.

This week, today in particular, I had to be out the door early and spent more time in the car than usual. The thought of having a dip sounded appealing, as it still does most every day, even 218 days later. Usually I tell myself, “Sorry, you posted roll. That is not an option today. I am a man of my word.”

Today I repeated my daily mantra, however, half way through I realized I hadnÂ’t posted yet. I left early. Having a dip sounded good and my word hadnÂ’t been given. I had an out and my word would still be golden.

Panic. Was this the planned cave that I heard of? Was it the BitchÂ’s handy work?

Thankfully I looked around my car and found all of my tools that I learned to keep within arm’s reach. A box of toothpicks.  An unopened can of fake (Oregon Mint Stuff pouches) bought around day 30 and stashed in my car for such an occasion. Gum. A bag of Atomic Fireballs. And my phone with the numbers for 56 different badass quitters.

All is well, but there is a lot of wisdom in “posting early”. Lesson learned.
Wise words you sexy bitch!! This relates to the story I told of the first time on the road for sales meetings after I had quit. (Refer to my Intro). Newbies, LISTEN UP!!!! Day 2, 20 or 200!!! You are still an addict!!! Be prepared!

I am proud to be one of those 56 bad ass quitters in your phone!!

Quit with you everyday!

I love this story. This is how you protect a quit. Well done.

Post your promise.
Stay vigilant.
Protect your quit.
Refuse to cave.
And stay ghey
Quit date: 11/21/11
HOF date: 2/28/12
Comma date: 8/16/14
It's a freedom thing

Caving is NOT an option

-"Now I can walk through walls and my quit can talk to god. That's right. Crazy voodoo magic quit" Souliman

-'Stop being a pussy and quit' Tarpon17

-"this is the gheyest place on earth, if you say it in here it might become someones signature" Bigwhitebeast

- "We Quit Like Fuck" - Coach Steve

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #127 on: May 16, 2013, 01:44:00 PM »
Quote from: jhaenel23
Quote from: Evil_Won
Post early and keep your word all day

The above words have been spewed many times throughout these boards. For years, I spent hours each day in my car driving from store to store for work. Every second in the car was spent with a dip. When I quit I knew that driving would be my biggest challenge so I completely changed my work situation and hid in my office all day. I would post when I got to work (a five minute drive from home) and did keep my word all day long.

This week, today in particular, I had to be out the door early and spent more time in the car than usual. The thought of having a dip sounded appealing, as it still does most every day, even 218 days later. Usually I tell myself, “Sorry, you posted roll. That is not an option today. I am a man of my word.”

Today I repeated my daily mantra, however, half way through I realized I hadnÂ’t posted yet. I left early. Having a dip sounded good and my word hadnÂ’t been given. I had an out and my word would still be golden.

Panic. Was this the planned cave that I heard of? Was it the BitchÂ’s handy work?

Thankfully I looked around my car and found all of my tools that I learned to keep within arm’s reach. A box of toothpicks.  An unopened can of fake (Oregon Mint Stuff pouches) bought around day 30 and stashed in my car for such an occasion. Gum. A bag of Atomic Fireballs. And my phone with the numbers for 56 different badass quitters.

All is well, but there is a lot of wisdom in “posting early”. Lesson learned.
Wise words you sexy bitch!! This relates to the story I told of the first time on the road for sales meetings after I had quit. (Refer to my Intro). Newbies, LISTEN UP!!!! Day 2, 20 or 200!!! You are still an addict!!! Be prepared!

I am proud to be one of those 56 bad ass quitters in your phone!!

Quit with you everyday!

I love this story. This is how you protect a quit. Well done.

Post your promise.
Stay vigilant.
Protect your quit.
Refuse to cave.

Offline jhaenel23

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #126 on: May 16, 2013, 10:00:00 AM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Post early and keep your word all day

The above words have been spewed many times throughout these boards. For years, I spent hours each day in my car driving from store to store for work. Every second in the car was spent with a dip. When I quit I knew that driving would be my biggest challenge so I completely changed my work situation and hid in my office all day. I would post when I got to work (a five minute drive from home) and did keep my word all day long.

This week, today in particular, I had to be out the door early and spent more time in the car than usual. The thought of having a dip sounded appealing, as it still does most every day, even 218 days later. Usually I tell myself, “Sorry, you posted roll. That is not an option today. I am a man of my word.”

Today I repeated my daily mantra, however, half way through I realized I hadnÂ’t posted yet. I left early. Having a dip sounded good and my word hadnÂ’t been given. I had an out and my word would still be golden.

Panic. Was this the planned cave that I heard of? Was it the BitchÂ’s handy work?

Thankfully I looked around my car and found all of my tools that I learned to keep within armÂ’s reach. A box of toothpicks. An unopened can of fake (Oregon Mint Stuff pouches) bought around day 30 and stashed in my car for such an occasion. Gum. A bag of Atomic Fireballs. And my phone with the numbers for 56 different badass quitters.

All is well, but there is a lot of wisdom in “posting early”. Lesson learned.
Wise words you sexy bitch!! This relates to the story I told of the first time on the road for sales meetings after I had quit. (Refer to my Intro). Newbies, LISTEN UP!!!! Day 2, 20 or 200!!! You are still an addict!!! Be prepared!

I am proud to be one of those 56 bad ass quitters in your phone!!

Quit with you everyday!

Stay in the Q.U.I.T*********Fuck the NIC!!" Jhaenel23
"Freedom is like your Soul going Commando!" Scowick
"Losers always whine about their best, Winners go home and fuck the prom queen!!" John Mason
"If its too much trouble to post roll, You can always Fuck Off!!" J2B
HOF Speech
Sounds Of Madness
QUIT 10-22-12
HOF 1-29-13
Post with Da Jackwagins!!

Offline kkljinc

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #125 on: May 16, 2013, 09:54:00 AM »
That is awesome Evil, you my friend sport quit wood. Someday I too will sport as much quit wood as you. (non Ghey)

Glad to be quit with you!!!!!!!

Offline cbird65

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #124 on: May 15, 2013, 04:42:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: Evil_Won
Post early and keep your word all day

The above words have been spewed many times throughout these boards. For years, I spent hours each day in my car driving from store to store for work. Every second in the car was spent with a dip. When I quit I knew that driving would be my biggest challenge so I completely changed my work situation and hid in my office all day. I would post when I got to work (a five minute drive from home) and did keep my word all day long.

This week, today in particular, I had to be out the door early and spent more time in the car than usual. The thought of having a dip sounded appealing, as it still does most every day, even 218 days later. Usually I tell myself, “Sorry, you posted roll. That is not an option today. I am a man of my word.”

Today I repeated my daily mantra, however, half way through I realized I hadnÂ’t posted yet. I left early. Having a dip sounded good and my word hadnÂ’t been given. I had an out and my word would still be golden.

Panic. Was this the planned cave that I heard of? Was it the BitchÂ’s handy work?

Thankfully I looked around my car and found all of my tools that I learned to keep within arm’s reach. A box of toothpicks.  An unopened can of fake (Oregon Mint Stuff pouches) bought around day 30 and stashed in my car for such an occasion. Gum. A bag of Atomic Fireballs. And my phone with the numbers for 56 different badass quitters.

All is well, but there is a lot of wisdom in “posting early”. Lesson learned.
The student (at one time) has learned and becomes the teacher (if those who recently join will read this).

Well done with the analysis and the use of the tools that have been learned here on KTC. It is this process that keeps the nic-bitch at bay, and away from those that truely want the quit to stick.

Just another example of a free man refusing to put the shackles of nicotine on himself !!!

Say it with me now E V E R Y D A M N D A Y !!
Believe Me

FLOOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ,11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19,, 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29,,, 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
 ,,,,41 42 43 44 45


Offline SirDerek

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #123 on: May 15, 2013, 01:44:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Post early and keep your word all day

The above words have been spewed many times throughout these boards. For years, I spent hours each day in my car driving from store to store for work. Every second in the car was spent with a dip. When I quit I knew that driving would be my biggest challenge so I completely changed my work situation and hid in my office all day. I would post when I got to work (a five minute drive from home) and did keep my word all day long.

This week, today in particular, I had to be out the door early and spent more time in the car than usual. The thought of having a dip sounded appealing, as it still does most every day, even 218 days later. Usually I tell myself, “Sorry, you posted roll. That is not an option today. I am a man of my word.”

Today I repeated my daily mantra, however, half way through I realized I hadnÂ’t posted yet. I left early. Having a dip sounded good and my word hadnÂ’t been given. I had an out and my word would still be golden.

Panic. Was this the planned cave that I heard of? Was it the BitchÂ’s handy work?

Thankfully I looked around my car and found all of my tools that I learned to keep within armÂ’s reach. A box of toothpicks. An unopened can of fake (Oregon Mint Stuff pouches) bought around day 30 and stashed in my car for such an occasion. Gum. A bag of Atomic Fireballs. And my phone with the numbers for 56 different badass quitters.

All is well, but there is a lot of wisdom in “posting early”. Lesson learned.
The student (at one time) has learned and becomes the teacher (if those who recently join will read this).

Well done with the analysis and the use of the tools that have been learned here on KTC. It is this process that keeps the nic-bitch at bay, and away from those that truely want the quit to stick.


Offline Erussell

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #122 on: May 15, 2013, 01:37:00 PM »
Thanks for posting that Evil. I will bare that in mind. Tks for the inside for us guys young in the quit. Glad to be quit with you.
I would rather lose to a cheater than win as a cheater.

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #121 on: May 15, 2013, 01:28:00 PM »
Post early and keep your word all day

The above words have been spewed many times throughout these boards. For years, I spent hours each day in my car driving from store to store for work. Every second in the car was spent with a dip. When I quit I knew that driving would be my biggest challenge so I completely changed my work situation and hid in my office all day. I would post when I got to work (a five minute drive from home) and did keep my word all day long.

This week, today in particular, I had to be out the door early and spent more time in the car than usual. The thought of having a dip sounded appealing, as it still does most every day, even 218 days later. Usually I tell myself, “Sorry, you posted roll. That is not an option today. I am a man of my word.”

Today I repeated my daily mantra, however, half way through I realized I hadnÂ’t posted yet. I left early. Having a dip sounded good and my word hadnÂ’t been given. I had an out and my word would still be golden.

Panic. Was this the planned cave that I heard of? Was it the BitchÂ’s handy work?

Thankfully I looked around my car and found all of my tools that I learned to keep within armÂ’s reach. A box of toothpicks. An unopened can of fake (Oregon Mint Stuff pouches) bought around day 30 and stashed in my car for such an occasion. Gum. A bag of Atomic Fireballs. And my phone with the numbers for 56 different badass quitters.

All is well, but there is a lot of wisdom in “posting early”. Lesson learned.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline kkljinc

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #120 on: April 29, 2013, 05:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Sage
Quote from: Dlee3
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: jbradley
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: Evil_Won
Second Verse Same As The First

Day 200 is similar to Day 100, but different in some ways. I’ve made lots of new friends and some of the old ones are even closer. I continue to have rough spots, but now in many forms aside from the standard “crave”. The “fuck-its” are the worst as I don’t quickly recognize it as the nic bitch’s fancy footwork.  Maybe I’m just plain crazy - that’s always a strong possibility.

I have now been to the dentist twice since Day 100 and it feels great to tell the Doctor that I am indeed still quit. It’s even better to hear that my gums look normal compared to “pre-cancerous” or maybe even full blown cancerous as they were 200 days ago.

I haven’t had a seed or toothpick  in about two weeks, but still drive with a 8# bag of Atomic Fire Balls on the passenger’s seat just in case (ask cbird to verify). I am also off all prescription pills, pain and otherwise, despite chronic pain from spinal damage. Hey, I don’t have ALS, so that’s good. They tested me for that too. I am very far from perfect.

IÂ’ve met a few quitters in person too. Some Jackwagins, some vets, and some noobs. Length of time being quit doesnÂ’t matter, only the fact that they are quit matters. I like meeting quitters. It makes me feel like IÂ’m adding a little more substance to the foundation I am balancing on.

My wife still doesn’t quite get it. I honestly don’t think she gives a fuck if I am quit or not. If I went back to ninja dipping she would never know, and she never asks if I am still quit. I don’t think she cares. I know she is of no support which makes this site and members all the more important.  She still refers to you all as my “snuff buddies”, which pisses me off. I say you are quitters or friends. When she questions how I could give our address to a stranger, without knowing his “real name”, I say it doesn’t matter. He is quit, he posted roll today, and that is good enough for me.

I know that IÂ’m still an addict and need to post every day to remind myself that I am an addict. ItÂ’s funny, giving my word never meant shit before. Now, to you all, it is good as gold and that will not change. I donÂ’t want to post some days, but I have, and will continue to do so. I will also look out for those dear to me. I will continue to text you if you donÂ’t post before I do. Sometimes I will text you even when you do post and IÂ’m too scattered to find it. Sorry in advance. I mean well.

I still live in Chat, but have cut back to 6 nights a week, and not at all during the day unless there is a quitter emergency notification via text.  I enjoy the talks in there as much for their humor as I do for its ability to strengthen my resolve to not dip today. It’s nice to see some of the older guys drop in that were regulars 200 days ago, but have since lessened their presence. It’s also nice to see fully foggy newbies in there night after night, fighting for their lives like I did.

200 days dip and nic free. ThatÂ’s all I am. Quitting dip has not made me a better person, better dad, a better husband, or a better listener. I still battle depression (some would say). I still have uncontrollable rage and zero filtering ability. Fuck all that anyway. IÂ’m quit today and thatÂ’s what matters to me.

Thank you as always to those who help me every day. You know who you are.  Congrats to Rothstiein57 (100), sirD (300) and Kubrick (400).
Great work Evil_One, Congrats on 200.

Great post here man. Very similar deal with my wife. No interest in my quit and in what this means to me. Its not her fault though, she just doesnt understand addiction And hey, I guess that is a good thing.

I think I will follow you up to the 2nd floor, see you in about 83 days.
Awesome job, now go sign up for 300! Proud to be quit with you today!
The lack of support at home makes this site all the more valuable to our quits... And our lives! You're pretty great, Evil! We are always here for you. Be proud even if those physically around you could care less and don't understand. We care. We understand.

Proud to be quit with you :wub:
you have my IOU anytime you're remotely close to Plano - oh and that's a mighty big bag for Atomics there .... true story
We quit for ourselves... and I'll stand by you any day
Royally sucks wifey isn't on board with the quit. think that name might piss her off ????? tough

Honored to be quit you and to wear that autograph on my racing t-shirt brother!!!
Even if you have all the support at home, it isn't the same as KTC. You gotta live this addiction to understand the quit. QLF.
Evil, I'm not sure I've ever seen vulnerability in you, but that was it. It was captivating. It was at the essence of a lot of our quits. We saw a 200 day reflection wrought with the many faces and facets of the Evil_Won we all know and love showing one of the major caveats of quitting: vulnerability. I appreciate that very much. I show my own vulnerability all the time and I'm very comfortable in doing so. It actually helps me stay quit. I appreciate seeing it in others, especially the guys I have come to respect who have helped me quit. Thanks for the 200 update, brother.
She may not care that you are quit, Evil, but she sure as hell would care if you lost half your face. You always make my quit stronger....proud of you and 200!
Way to go you Evil Bastard. QLF with you

Offline Sage

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #119 on: April 29, 2013, 12:59:00 AM »
Quote from: Dlee3
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: jbradley
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: Evil_Won
Second Verse Same As The First

Day 200 is similar to Day 100, but different in some ways. I’ve made lots of new friends and some of the old ones are even closer. I continue to have rough spots, but now in many forms aside from the standard “crave”. The “fuck-its” are the worst as I don’t quickly recognize it as the nic bitch’s fancy footwork.  Maybe I’m just plain crazy - that’s always a strong possibility.

I have now been to the dentist twice since Day 100 and it feels great to tell the Doctor that I am indeed still quit. It’s even better to hear that my gums look normal compared to “pre-cancerous” or maybe even full blown cancerous as they were 200 days ago.

I haven’t had a seed or toothpick  in about two weeks, but still drive with a 8# bag of Atomic Fire Balls on the passenger’s seat just in case (ask cbird to verify). I am also off all prescription pills, pain and otherwise, despite chronic pain from spinal damage. Hey, I don’t have ALS, so that’s good. They tested me for that too. I am very far from perfect.

IÂ’ve met a few quitters in person too. Some Jackwagins, some vets, and some noobs. Length of time being quit doesnÂ’t matter, only the fact that they are quit matters. I like meeting quitters. It makes me feel like IÂ’m adding a little more substance to the foundation I am balancing on.

My wife still doesn’t quite get it. I honestly don’t think she gives a fuck if I am quit or not. If I went back to ninja dipping she would never know, and she never asks if I am still quit. I don’t think she cares. I know she is of no support which makes this site and members all the more important.  She still refers to you all as my “snuff buddies”, which pisses me off. I say you are quitters or friends. When she questions how I could give our address to a stranger, without knowing his “real name”, I say it doesn’t matter. He is quit, he posted roll today, and that is good enough for me.

I know that IÂ’m still an addict and need to post every day to remind myself that I am an addict. ItÂ’s funny, giving my word never meant shit before. Now, to you all, it is good as gold and that will not change. I donÂ’t want to post some days, but I have, and will continue to do so. I will also look out for those dear to me. I will continue to text you if you donÂ’t post before I do. Sometimes I will text you even when you do post and IÂ’m too scattered to find it. Sorry in advance. I mean well.

I still live in Chat, but have cut back to 6 nights a week, and not at all during the day unless there is a quitter emergency notification via text.  I enjoy the talks in there as much for their humor as I do for its ability to strengthen my resolve to not dip today. It’s nice to see some of the older guys drop in that were regulars 200 days ago, but have since lessened their presence. It’s also nice to see fully foggy newbies in there night after night, fighting for their lives like I did.

200 days dip and nic free. ThatÂ’s all I am. Quitting dip has not made me a better person, better dad, a better husband, or a better listener. I still battle depression (some would say). I still have uncontrollable rage and zero filtering ability. Fuck all that anyway. IÂ’m quit today and thatÂ’s what matters to me.

Thank you as always to those who help me every day. You know who you are.  Congrats to Rothstiein57 (100), sirD (300) and Kubrick (400).
Great work Evil_One, Congrats on 200.

Great post here man. Very similar deal with my wife. No interest in my quit and in what this means to me. Its not her fault though, she just doesnt understand addiction And hey, I guess that is a good thing.

I think I will follow you up to the 2nd floor, see you in about 83 days.
Awesome job, now go sign up for 300! Proud to be quit with you today!
The lack of support at home makes this site all the more valuable to our quits... And our lives! You're pretty great, Evil! We are always here for you. Be proud even if those physically around you could care less and don't understand. We care. We understand.

Proud to be quit with you :wub:
you have my IOU anytime you're remotely close to Plano - oh and that's a mighty big bag for Atomics there .... true story
We quit for ourselves... and I'll stand by you any day
Royally sucks wifey isn't on board with the quit. think that name might piss her off ????? tough

Honored to be quit you and to wear that autograph on my racing t-shirt brother!!!
Even if you have all the support at home, it isn't the same as KTC. You gotta live this addiction to understand the quit. QLF.
Evil, I'm not sure I've ever seen vulnerability in you, but that was it. It was captivating. It was at the essence of a lot of our quits. We saw a 200 day reflection wrought with the many faces and facets of the Evil_Won we all know and love showing one of the major caveats of quitting: vulnerability. I appreciate that very much. I show my own vulnerability all the time and I'm very comfortable in doing so. It actually helps me stay quit. I appreciate seeing it in others, especially the guys I have come to respect who have helped me quit. Thanks for the 200 update, brother.
She may not care that you are quit, Evil, but she sure as hell would care if you lost half your face. You always make my quit stronger....proud of you and 200!

Offline Dlee3

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #118 on: April 27, 2013, 10:45:00 PM »
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: jbradley
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: Evil_Won
Second Verse Same As The First

Day 200 is similar to Day 100, but different in some ways. I’ve made lots of new friends and some of the old ones are even closer. I continue to have rough spots, but now in many forms aside from the standard “crave”. The “fuck-its” are the worst as I don’t quickly recognize it as the nic bitch’s fancy footwork.  Maybe I’m just plain crazy - that’s always a strong possibility.

I have now been to the dentist twice since Day 100 and it feels great to tell the Doctor that I am indeed still quit. It’s even better to hear that my gums look normal compared to “pre-cancerous” or maybe even full blown cancerous as they were 200 days ago.

I haven’t had a seed or toothpick  in about two weeks, but still drive with a 8# bag of Atomic Fire Balls on the passenger’s seat just in case (ask cbird to verify). I am also off all prescription pills, pain and otherwise, despite chronic pain from spinal damage. Hey, I don’t have ALS, so that’s good. They tested me for that too. I am very far from perfect.

IÂ’ve met a few quitters in person too. Some Jackwagins, some vets, and some noobs. Length of time being quit doesnÂ’t matter, only the fact that they are quit matters. I like meeting quitters. It makes me feel like IÂ’m adding a little more substance to the foundation I am balancing on.

My wife still doesn’t quite get it. I honestly don’t think she gives a fuck if I am quit or not. If I went back to ninja dipping she would never know, and she never asks if I am still quit. I don’t think she cares. I know she is of no support which makes this site and members all the more important.  She still refers to you all as my “snuff buddies”, which pisses me off. I say you are quitters or friends. When she questions how I could give our address to a stranger, without knowing his “real name”, I say it doesn’t matter. He is quit, he posted roll today, and that is good enough for me.

I know that IÂ’m still an addict and need to post every day to remind myself that I am an addict. ItÂ’s funny, giving my word never meant shit before. Now, to you all, it is good as gold and that will not change. I donÂ’t want to post some days, but I have, and will continue to do so. I will also look out for those dear to me. I will continue to text you if you donÂ’t post before I do. Sometimes I will text you even when you do post and IÂ’m too scattered to find it. Sorry in advance. I mean well.

I still live in Chat, but have cut back to 6 nights a week, and not at all during the day unless there is a quitter emergency notification via text.  I enjoy the talks in there as much for their humor as I do for its ability to strengthen my resolve to not dip today. It’s nice to see some of the older guys drop in that were regulars 200 days ago, but have since lessened their presence. It’s also nice to see fully foggy newbies in there night after night, fighting for their lives like I did.

200 days dip and nic free. ThatÂ’s all I am. Quitting dip has not made me a better person, better dad, a better husband, or a better listener. I still battle depression (some would say). I still have uncontrollable rage and zero filtering ability. Fuck all that anyway. IÂ’m quit today and thatÂ’s what matters to me.

Thank you as always to those who help me every day. You know who you are.  Congrats to Rothstiein57 (100), sirD (300) and Kubrick (400).
Great work Evil_One, Congrats on 200.

Great post here man. Very similar deal with my wife. No interest in my quit and in what this means to me. Its not her fault though, she just doesnt understand addiction And hey, I guess that is a good thing.

I think I will follow you up to the 2nd floor, see you in about 83 days.
Awesome job, now go sign up for 300! Proud to be quit with you today!
The lack of support at home makes this site all the more valuable to our quits... And our lives! You're pretty great, Evil! We are always here for you. Be proud even if those physically around you could care less and don't understand. We care. We understand.

Proud to be quit with you :wub:
you have my IOU anytime you're remotely close to Plano - oh and that's a mighty big bag for Atomics there .... true story
We quit for ourselves... and I'll stand by you any day
Royally sucks wifey isn't on board with the quit. think that name might piss her off ????? tough

Honored to be quit you and to wear that autograph on my racing t-shirt brother!!!
Even if you have all the support at home, it isn't the same as KTC. You gotta live this addiction to understand the quit. QLF.
Evil, I'm not sure I've ever seen vulnerability in you, but that was it. It was captivating. It was at the essence of a lot of our quits. We saw a 200 day reflection wrought with the many faces and facets of the Evil_Won we all know and love showing one of the major caveats of quitting: vulnerability. I appreciate that very much. I show my own vulnerability all the time and I'm very comfortable in doing so. It actually helps me stay quit. I appreciate seeing it in others, especially the guys I have come to respect who have helped me quit. Thanks for the 200 update, brother.

Offline Coach Steve

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  • Interests: Being quit. Staying quit. Pretty much just quitting like fuck.
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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #117 on: April 27, 2013, 09:12:00 PM »
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: jbradley
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: Evil_Won
Second Verse Same As The First

Day 200 is similar to Day 100, but different in some ways. I’ve made lots of new friends and some of the old ones are even closer. I continue to have rough spots, but now in many forms aside from the standard “crave”. The “fuck-its” are the worst as I don’t quickly recognize it as the nic bitch’s fancy footwork.  Maybe I’m just plain crazy - that’s always a strong possibility.

I have now been to the dentist twice since Day 100 and it feels great to tell the Doctor that I am indeed still quit. It’s even better to hear that my gums look normal compared to “pre-cancerous” or maybe even full blown cancerous as they were 200 days ago.

I haven’t had a seed or toothpick  in about two weeks, but still drive with a 8# bag of Atomic Fire Balls on the passenger’s seat just in case (ask cbird to verify). I am also off all prescription pills, pain and otherwise, despite chronic pain from spinal damage. Hey, I don’t have ALS, so that’s good. They tested me for that too. I am very far from perfect.

IÂ’ve met a few quitters in person too. Some Jackwagins, some vets, and some noobs. Length of time being quit doesnÂ’t matter, only the fact that they are quit matters. I like meeting quitters. It makes me feel like IÂ’m adding a little more substance to the foundation I am balancing on.

My wife still doesn’t quite get it. I honestly don’t think she gives a fuck if I am quit or not. If I went back to ninja dipping she would never know, and she never asks if I am still quit. I don’t think she cares. I know she is of no support which makes this site and members all the more important.  She still refers to you all as my “snuff buddies”, which pisses me off. I say you are quitters or friends. When she questions how I could give our address to a stranger, without knowing his “real name”, I say it doesn’t matter. He is quit, he posted roll today, and that is good enough for me.

I know that IÂ’m still an addict and need to post every day to remind myself that I am an addict. ItÂ’s funny, giving my word never meant shit before. Now, to you all, it is good as gold and that will not change. I donÂ’t want to post some days, but I have, and will continue to do so. I will also look out for those dear to me. I will continue to text you if you donÂ’t post before I do. Sometimes I will text you even when you do post and IÂ’m too scattered to find it. Sorry in advance. I mean well.

I still live in Chat, but have cut back to 6 nights a week, and not at all during the day unless there is a quitter emergency notification via text.  I enjoy the talks in there as much for their humor as I do for its ability to strengthen my resolve to not dip today. It’s nice to see some of the older guys drop in that were regulars 200 days ago, but have since lessened their presence. It’s also nice to see fully foggy newbies in there night after night, fighting for their lives like I did.

200 days dip and nic free. ThatÂ’s all I am. Quitting dip has not made me a better person, better dad, a better husband, or a better listener. I still battle depression (some would say). I still have uncontrollable rage and zero filtering ability. Fuck all that anyway. IÂ’m quit today and thatÂ’s what matters to me.

Thank you as always to those who help me every day. You know who you are.  Congrats to Rothstiein57 (100), sirD (300) and Kubrick (400).
Great work Evil_One, Congrats on 200.

Great post here man. Very similar deal with my wife. No interest in my quit and in what this means to me. Its not her fault though, she just doesnt understand addiction And hey, I guess that is a good thing.

I think I will follow you up to the 2nd floor, see you in about 83 days.
Awesome job, now go sign up for 300! Proud to be quit with you today!
The lack of support at home makes this site all the more valuable to our quits... And our lives! You're pretty great, Evil! We are always here for you. Be proud even if those physically around you could care less and don't understand. We care. We understand.

Proud to be quit with you :wub:
you have my IOU anytime you're remotely close to Plano - oh and that's a mighty big bag for Atomics there .... true story
We quit for ourselves... and I'll stand by you any day
Royally sucks wifey isn't on board with the quit. think that name might piss her off ????? tough

Honored to be quit you and to wear that autograph on my racing t-shirt brother!!!
Even if you have all the support at home, it isn't the same as KTC. You gotta live this addiction to understand the quit. QLF.
Make Your Decision