Author Topic: Quit or Die  (Read 10333 times)

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Offline SirDerek

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #101 on: April 12, 2013, 02:01:00 PM »
Quote from: jbradley
Quote from: Evil_Won
Day 185 - Last night after work Lady Evil pointed out I was in a foul mood. Asked if I had a bad day I replied with “of course”, or “why would today be any different?”, or “no, why?” I don’t remember which I said but that is part of the problem; I didn’t know I was in a mood until it was pointed out.  Downton Evil was not a happy place last night, and I, Lord Evil, made many a life miserable.

In Chat last night SirDerek offered his diagnosisÂ…a funk. SirD is exactly 100 days more quit than me. Far enough ahead that I trust his wisdom and close enough that he remembers details. He suggested asking a fellow JackwaginÂ’ how they were at this time.

So this morning I remembered that Jbradley, not long ago, was in a bit of a funk. I shot out a text asking what day that was. Sure enough it was in the 180s. What kind of magical drug is nicotine that it holds on to us not only so deeply, but also comes back to make our lives pure hell, again and again, with such timely precision? He gave me some tips, some encouragement, and a few threats. I posted roll today and my word is GOLD for today. Tomorrow?  I’ll worry about that tomorrow.

So, it is confirmed, I’m in the midst of a “fuck it”, a glorious varietal of a funk.
Here for you anytime bro. You did the right thing and reached out, this is just one of the tools you were given 185 days ago. Never be afraid to ask for help, nobody will judge you, nobody will call you names (maybe they will but that is how we show we care), anybody that you talk to will be there to fight with you. How do I know? I was there, you are there now. I will stand and fight with you today. The good news is that it will not last as long as the others, and when you are through this one you will feel a great sense of accomplishment for not bowing to the bitch.

Call me anytime bro, I am here for you.
Hey, I am usually the last to know, and it was only because it was pointed out to me for hitting that low point, being in that funk.

I've started to open my mouth (busying my fingers) when doing the roll when I hit those times as just the words of support from others helps me fight through it.

And as Jbrad says and I have heard from others, it does subside rather quickly and the longer we keep putting up those +1 , the less and less low these funks become and the further apart they get.

On the flip side look how good things are when we are in between them, feels like I would shout "I'm on top of the world"

Proud to be a brother there Evil, and lets keep kicking this thing.

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #100 on: April 12, 2013, 12:56:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Day 185 - Last night after work Lady Evil pointed out I was in a foul mood. Asked if I had a bad day I replied with “of course”, or “why would today be any different?”, or “no, why?” I don’t remember which I said but that is part of the problem; I didn’t know I was in a mood until it was pointed out. Downton Evil was not a happy place last night, and I, Lord Evil, made many a life miserable.

In Chat last night SirDerek offered his diagnosisÂ…a funk. SirD is exactly 100 days more quit than me. Far enough ahead that I trust his wisdom and close enough that he remembers details. He suggested asking a fellow JackwaginÂ’ how they were at this time.

So this morning I remembered that Jbradley, not long ago, was in a bit of a funk. I shot out a text asking what day that was. Sure enough it was in the 180s. What kind of magical drug is nicotine that it holds on to us not only so deeply, but also comes back to make our lives pure hell, again and again, with such timely precision? He gave me some tips, some encouragement, and a few threats. I posted roll today and my word is GOLD for today. Tomorrow? IÂ’ll worry about that tomorrow.

So, it is confirmed, I’m in the midst of a “fuck it”, a glorious varietal of a funk.
Here for you anytime bro. You did the right thing and reached out, this is just one of the tools you were given 185 days ago. Never be afraid to ask for help, nobody will judge you, nobody will call you names (maybe they will but that is how we show we care), anybody that you talk to will be there to fight with you. How do I know? I was there, you are there now. I will stand and fight with you today. The good news is that it will not last as long as the others, and when you are through this one you will feel a great sense of accomplishment for not bowing to the bitch.

Call me anytime bro, I am here for you.

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #99 on: April 12, 2013, 12:50:00 PM »
Day 185 - Last night after work Lady Evil pointed out I was in a foul mood. Asked if I had a bad day I replied with “of course”, or “why would today be any different?”, or “no, why?” I don’t remember which I said but that is part of the problem; I didn’t know I was in a mood until it was pointed out. Downton Evil was not a happy place last night, and I, Lord Evil, made many a life miserable.

In Chat last night SirDerek offered his diagnosisÂ…a funk. SirD is exactly 100 days more quit than me. Far enough ahead that I trust his wisdom and close enough that he remembers details. He suggested asking a fellow JackwaginÂ’ how they were at this time.

So this morning I remembered that Jbradley, not long ago, was in a bit of a funk. I shot out a text asking what day that was. Sure enough it was in the 180s. What kind of magical drug is nicotine that it holds on to us not only so deeply, but also comes back to make our lives pure hell, again and again, with such timely precision? He gave me some tips, some encouragement, and a few threats. I posted roll today and my word is GOLD for today. Tomorrow? IÂ’ll worry about that tomorrow.

So, it is confirmed, I’m in the midst of a “fuck it”, a glorious varietal of a funk.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline Phil16

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #98 on: April 06, 2013, 07:42:00 AM »
Quote from: tsmith17
Quote from: jaynellie
Quote from: tazbutane
Quote from: Evil_Won
You have to quit for you. You have to be willing to fight every day for you. We can help, but once again, your quit has to be  for you. If you don’t care enough about it, why should I? If you post roll that is your promise to not use nicotine in any way shape or form for the next 24 hours. That promise is made to your group, everyone here at KTC, but first and foremost  for you.

Is your word good enough to keep that promise?  If you are unsure if you will be able to keep that promise, use the tools here. Build up that confidence it your quitting ability and then ask yourself if you are ready to post roll. If not yet, then read the site - just about everything in the Intros, HOF speeches, and user groups is solid ammunition in this fight. If you have numbers to other quitters use them. Call or text them to say what‘s going on, or what you are facing at that moment, and get help. All of the tools to succeed are here for you, and for free.

IÂ’ve given my number out pretty freely. If you have my number and think that your pride will prevent you from using it, or if you think youÂ’ll be too embarrassed to use in a moment of weakness, please delete it. Caving pisses me off. Cavers that have my number but didnÂ’t use it piss me off more.
You sir are an inspiration, this belongs in the words of wisdom.
x2 What he said ^^^^^^^^^^^^
x 3
It's just like with anything in life. Nothing will change unless you truly want it to and work hard enough to make that change happen.
X4. Evil, you are one of the most dynamic and articulate nicotine haters on this site. Keep up the great hate!
"That's really tough man, but it doesn't sound like a very compelling reason to stick cancer in your face." j2b

Copenhagen, you have chosen the wrong home. Your death will be slow and painful.

Quit: 12/26/2012
HOF: 4/4/2013

Offline Tsmith17

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #97 on: April 06, 2013, 04:56:00 AM »
Quote from: jaynellie
Quote from: tazbutane
Quote from: Evil_Won
You have to quit for you. You have to be willing to fight every day for you. We can help, but once again, your quit has to be  for you. If you don’t care enough about it, why should I? If you post roll that is your promise to not use nicotine in any way shape or form for the next 24 hours. That promise is made to your group, everyone here at KTC, but first and foremost  for you.

Is your word good enough to keep that promise?  If you are unsure if you will be able to keep that promise, use the tools here. Build up that confidence it your quitting ability and then ask yourself if you are ready to post roll. If not yet, then read the site - just about everything in the Intros, HOF speeches, and user groups is solid ammunition in this fight. If you have numbers to other quitters use them. Call or text them to say what‘s going on, or what you are facing at that moment, and get help. All of the tools to succeed are here for you, and for free.

IÂ’ve given my number out pretty freely. If you have my number and think that your pride will prevent you from using it, or if you think youÂ’ll be too embarrassed to use in a moment of weakness, please delete it. Caving pisses me off. Cavers that have my number but didnÂ’t use it piss me off more.
You sir are an inspiration, this belongs in the words of wisdom.
x2 What he said ^^^^^^^^^^^^
x 3
It's just like with anything in life. Nothing will change unless you truly want it to and work hard enough to make that change happen.

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #96 on: April 05, 2013, 08:40:00 PM »
Quote from: tazbutane
Quote from: Evil_Won
You have to quit for you. You have to be willing to fight every day for you. We can help, but once again, your quit has to be  for you. If you don’t care enough about it, why should I? If you post roll that is your promise to not use nicotine in any way shape or form for the next 24 hours. That promise is made to your group, everyone here at KTC, but first and foremost  for you.

Is your word good enough to keep that promise?  If you are unsure if you will be able to keep that promise, use the tools here. Build up that confidence it your quitting ability and then ask yourself if you are ready to post roll. If not yet, then read the site - just about everything in the Intros, HOF speeches, and user groups is solid ammunition in this fight. If you have numbers to other quitters use them. Call or text them to say what‘s going on, or what you are facing at that moment, and get help. All of the tools to succeed are here for you, and for free.

IÂ’ve given my number out pretty freely. If you have my number and think that your pride will prevent you from using it, or if you think youÂ’ll be too embarrassed to use in a moment of weakness, please delete it. Caving pisses me off. Cavers that have my number but didnÂ’t use it piss me off more.
You sir are an inspiration, this belongs in the words of wisdom.
x2 What he said ^^^^^^^^^^^^
"You never have to remember what you said, if you always tell the truth"

"Post roll everyday and your chances of staying quit goes up 100%" --mememe

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #95 on: April 05, 2013, 06:24:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
You have to quit for you. You have to be willing to fight every day for you. We can help, but once again, your quit has to be for you. If you donÂ’t care enough about it, why should I? If you post roll that is your promise to not use nicotine in any way shape or form for the next 24 hours. That promise is made to your group, everyone here at KTC, but first and foremost for you.

Is your word good enough to keep that promise? If you are unsure if you will be able to keep that promise, use the tools here. Build up that confidence it your quitting ability and then ask yourself if you are ready to post roll. If not yet, then read the site - just about everything in the Intros, HOF speeches, and user groups is solid ammunition in this fight. If you have numbers to other quitters use them. Call or text them to say what‘s going on, or what you are facing at that moment, and get help. All of the tools to succeed are here for you, and for free.

IÂ’ve given my number out pretty freely. If you have my number and think that your pride will prevent you from using it, or if you think youÂ’ll be too embarrassed to use in a moment of weakness, please delete it. Caving pisses me off. Cavers that have my number but didnÂ’t use it piss me off more.
You sir are an inspiration, this belongs in the words of wisdom.
March 2013 - Mad Men of Quit        
Quit date: 11/22/12          
Sobriety Date: 4/10/2006         
HOF Date 03/02/2013         
Semper Fidelis

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #94 on: April 05, 2013, 04:40:00 PM »
You have to quit for you. You have to be willing to fight every day for you. We can help, but once again, your quit has to be for you. If you donÂ’t care enough about it, why should I? If you post roll that is your promise to not use nicotine in any way shape or form for the next 24 hours. That promise is made to your group, everyone here at KTC, but first and foremost for you.

Is your word good enough to keep that promise? If you are unsure if you will be able to keep that promise, use the tools here. Build up that confidence it your quitting ability and then ask yourself if you are ready to post roll. If not yet, then read the site - just about everything in the Intros, HOF speeches, and user groups is solid ammunition in this fight. If you have numbers to other quitters use them. Call or text them to say what‘s going on, or what you are facing at that moment, and get help. All of the tools to succeed are here for you, and for free.

IÂ’ve given my number out pretty freely. If you have my number and think that your pride will prevent you from using it, or if you think youÂ’ll be too embarrassed to use in a moment of weakness, please delete it. Caving pisses me off. Cavers that have my number but didnÂ’t use it piss me off more.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline kkljinc

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #93 on: April 03, 2013, 10:23:00 AM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Planned Quits and Caving.

There is too much of this shit lately. Why is that? Dudes from one week to one year are posting up day ones. Dick bags are coming here posting intros of how they are going to quit tomorrow, or Friday, or after they trim their patch down to nothing. What the fuck? I have come to realize that the phrases “planned quit” and “cave” are the same. They both mean weak, conceited, inconsiderate, and douchey.

“Weaning works for me”. Bullshit. If it worked you’d be quit. You’re just feeding your brain the drug it craves by an alternate delivery vehicle. And I’ll bet that “weaners” are still dipping and/or smoking because the nic that the patch and/or gum delivers is not enough for their addicted brain. In the end, by weaning, they use more nic than before they started their so called quitting process. Yeah, good luck with that. But whatever you do don’t tell them that. Apparently the first step to weaning is to thoroughly rub a handful of sand into your vagina.

And all of the cavers that I’ve seen here in my 176 days of quit fall into two “blame categories”. Why did you fail? Because I stopped posting roll and got complacent. Ok. That sounds about right. We all know that posting roll is a serious pledge. If you don’t do it there is a chance you will fail. Period. Posting roll is your promise to yourself and us that you will not dip today. It’s sacred! If you post roll you have removed the cave option today. The KISS method (keep it simple, stupid) at its finest.

The other category is that the nic bitch got her gnarled claw into the door of your quit that was left ajar. She was able to sneak in and start doing what she does best: whisper her sweet, sweet lies like a retro porn actress in an anal gaping scene. She says you can handle one. You enjoy it, why deprive yourself of one of life’s pleasures? Life, work, and family have been tough, dip will help you relax. You’re with the guys this weekend and they dip, don’t be a douche and wreck the trip. Well, how was the romance with the nic bitch this time around? Had she changed since you last “stopped” using? After years of her lies is she now talking common sense or are you stuck on stupid?
^^^^^^ you must be one hell of chef, if you decide to do something else, write. Quit with you today

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #92 on: April 03, 2013, 07:10:00 AM »
bout sums it up right here and applies to those who want to bitch and moan about being called out for screwing up roll too.

This should be a must for all new arrivals and retreads.

Enough w the BS and get to quitting or just stay home.
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Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #91 on: April 03, 2013, 02:01:00 AM »
Planned Quits and Caving.

There is too much of this shit lately. Why is that? Dudes from one week to one year are posting up day ones. Dick bags are coming here posting intros of how they are going to quit tomorrow, or Friday, or after they trim their patch down to nothing. What the fuck? I have come to realize that the phrases “planned quit” and “cave” are the same. They both mean weak, conceited, inconsiderate, and douchey.

“Weaning works for me”. Bullshit. If it worked you’d be quit. You’re just feeding your brain the drug it craves by an alternate delivery vehicle. And I’ll bet that “weaners” are still dipping and/or smoking because the nic that the patch and/or gum delivers is not enough for their addicted brain. In the end, by weaning, they use more nic than before they started their so called quitting process. Yeah, good luck with that. But whatever you do don’t tell them that. Apparently the first step to weaning is to thoroughly rub a handful of sand into your vagina.

And all of the cavers that I’ve seen here in my 176 days of quit fall into two “blame categories”. Why did you fail? Because I stopped posting roll and got complacent. Ok. That sounds about right. We all know that posting roll is a serious pledge. If you don’t do it there is a chance you will fail. Period. Posting roll is your promise to yourself and us that you will not dip today. It’s sacred! If you post roll you have removed the cave option today. The KISS method (keep it simple, stupid) at its finest.

The other category is that the nic bitch got her gnarled claw into the door of your quit that was left ajar. She was able to sneak in and start doing what she does best: whisper her sweet, sweet lies like a retro porn actress in an anal gaping scene. She says you can handle one. You enjoy it, why deprive yourself of one of life’s pleasures? Life, work, and family have been tough, dip will help you relax. You’re with the guys this weekend and they dip, don’t be a douche and wreck the trip. Well, how was the romance with the nic bitch this time around? Had she changed since you last “stopped” using? After years of her lies is she now talking common sense or are you stuck on stupid?
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #90 on: April 02, 2013, 01:40:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: ERDVM
I can even identify where their can is stashed.
Looking for their stash? I don't buy it. I think you are always staring at dudes' asses or looking for a bulge in the front. Knock it off, especially if it's family...that's just messed up.

BTW, had two testees of Beelzebub for breakfast this morning. Delicious with a light sprinkle of sea salt.
^ that's funny
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Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #89 on: April 02, 2013, 01:30:00 PM »
Quote from: ERDVM
I can even identify where their can is stashed.
Looking for their stash? I don't buy it. I think you are always staring at dudes' asses or looking for a bulge in the front. Knock it off, especially if it's family...that's just messed up.

BTW, had two testees of Beelzebub for breakfast this morning. Delicious with a light sprinkle of sea salt.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #88 on: April 02, 2013, 01:04:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Rob1985
Quote from: Evil_Won
I went to my cousin’s place for Easter, way out in the middle of Nowhere, Illinois. This was my first Easter in 16 years that I was quit. I knew that at least one of my in-laws would be dipping, and I was correct. One younger cousin’s husband had a dip in the entire time unless he was eating. He is a super nice guy and great dad to my cousin’s two or three kids. When the wind blew just right I caught a whiff and it smelled “pleasantly interesting”. I was not ready to bum a pinch and was not even thinking about what it would be like. Instead I felt bad for that whole family. I felt bad for my cousin for having to live with that gross habit. I felt bad for him knowing that he knew that he was a slave to the Bitch. But what I really felt bad for were the kids. Their father was a loser and bailed right after the second was born. That has to be tough on a kid. Now, this awesome new guy is in their lives and treats the kids as his own, but he won’t be there too long either. He won’t leave them all because of another woman; he’ll leave because he’ll be dead.
I had a similar occurrence the other night.... night of Day 36. Go read about it under my Introduction.
Begining to think differently now aren't you?

It is amazing the things we used to rationalize as being ok, that now we see as totally frickin unacceptable now.
Lucifer's Testicles might be "pleasantly interesting". Having to share Easter with a horseshoe of cancer is ...disgusting...pathetic....and sad. I can smell that shit from across the room now. I'm like Blade. I can even identify where their can is stashed. How we EVER thought it was even remotely not gross is beyond me. Great job evil. Proud to quit with you.

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #87 on: April 02, 2013, 12:35:00 PM »
Quote from: Rob1985
Quote from: Evil_Won
I went to my cousin’s place for Easter, way out in the middle of Nowhere, Illinois. This was my first Easter in 16 years that I was quit. I knew that at least one of my in-laws would be dipping, and I was correct. One younger cousin’s husband had a dip in the entire time unless he was eating. He is a super nice guy and great dad to my cousin’s two or three kids. When the wind blew just right I caught a whiff and it smelled “pleasantly interesting”. I was not ready to bum a pinch and was not even thinking about what it would be like. Instead I felt bad for that whole family. I felt bad for my cousin for having to live with that gross habit. I felt bad for him knowing that he knew that he was a slave to the Bitch. But what I really felt bad for were the kids. Their father was a loser and bailed right after the second was born. That has to be tough on a kid. Now, this awesome new guy is in their lives and treats the kids as his own, but he won’t be there too long either. He won’t leave them all because of another woman; he’ll leave because he’ll be dead.
I had a similar occurrence the other night.... night of Day 36. Go read about it under my Introduction.
Begining to think differently now aren't you?

It is amazing the things we used to rationalize as being ok, that now we see as totally frickin unacceptable now.
Never Again For Any Reason

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