Tomorrow is 40 days quit. Wow, I can't believe it but I also can't wait for another 40. It seems as though the first 10 days was very long and now they are clicking by quicker and quicker. The suck is getting less and less however everyone now and then the fog settles in just a bit. Especially when I have a big sleep deficit. My craves are down to 1 to 2 a day. I am having a hard time believing I did this shit to myself for 23 years. Stupid ass mogul, stupid, stupid, stupid.
I have had some very positive feelings lately, such as getting back in a shape other than round. It seems my outlook on life is changing for the better. Does anybody else pass the tobacco area of your grocery store or gas station and say "fuck you" out loud or slightly under your breath? I just can't help it. Personally, I think this is a positive. I wish I was indifferent to it, but being an addict doesn't make this possible.