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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #56 on: February 25, 2014, 10:10:00 AM »
My brothers and sisters being quit, makes me quit. Brothers caving makes me want to cave. Please, no more caving. My point::: if you read the words of recent cavers one thing stands out, THEY ALL THOUGHT THIS BROTHERHOOD HERE AT KTC WAS NOT NECESSARY AND THEY COULD DO IT ALONE. Make no mistake, posting roll is your way to being quit. You don't have to post on everybody's intro or support every quitter out there. Just post roll and keep your word. Amen

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #55 on: February 24, 2014, 06:05:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
NO, No, No, No NO!!!!!!

If another caver calls themselves weak and that is why they caved, just know it pisses me off.

I am a weak addict and never caved to Nicotine since joining KTC. Please correct your thinking and mindset.

Cavers don't cave because of weakness. They cave because they are dumb enough to listen to the nic bitch!

Caving is Stupid
Caving is full of pride - Won't make a call for support (in the weakest moment)
Caving is about not being honest
Caving is about thinking about being quit past today
Caving is a mindfucking scam on self

Weak? That describes me and I haven't caved!!!!!!

If you are weak and want to quit.
You will admit you are addicted and need help
You will be humbled and follow the plan with exactness. Post roll? Every danm day because I know I am weak. Keep my word? Hell yes, addiction can not thrive as a parasite when the host is honest. Think about my quit tomorrow or for the long term? Hell no. I am weak and an addicted mind can't imagine never having it again. Your mind can handle only today. Anyone who forgets that you only quit today still is prideful and doesn't get it yet.

When I am weak, I bust out call, texts, get into chat and scream that I'm in danger. Why do I do that. Because I am weak. I am not afraid to ask or give support.

Any dumb ass planning a cave...Its just too much and you don't want to be talked out of it....Make the call first! If you can not be talked out of it, you'll still cave but reach out first. I promise you, your quit will go to a new level if you call someone you respect.

All addicts are weak. The weak don't cave. The dumb, independent, prideful addict caves.

Rant over.

This is my view of a caver = 'puking' Hey Dog; You like licking up your own vomit?

You're not weak, your just an addicted dog like quitter. Lick it up but weak doesn't define a quitter IMO. Come back if you are weak and want to quit. If you just want to feel better about surrendering....I have no advice for you but you won't feel comfortable here.
Don't think past today really strikes a chord with me.....don't mindfuck yourself that way....Worry about today, because that is the only place you will ever live
Quitting every damn day since October 21, 2013

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #54 on: February 24, 2014, 05:55:00 PM »
NO, No, No, No NO!!!!!!

If another caver calls themselves weak and that is why they caved, just know it pisses me off.

I am a weak addict and never caved to Nicotine since joining KTC. Please correct your thinking and mindset.

Cavers don't cave because of weakness. They cave because they are dumb enough to listen to the nic bitch!

Caving is Stupid
Caving is full of pride - Won't make a call for support (in the weakest moment)
Caving is about not being honest
Caving is about thinking about being quit past today
Caving is a mindfucking scam on self

Weak? That describes me and I haven't caved!!!!!!

If you are weak and want to quit.
You will admit you are addicted and need help
You will be humbled and follow the plan with exactness. Post roll? Every danm day because I know I am weak. Keep my word? Hell yes, addiction can not thrive as a parasite when the host is honest. Think about my quit tomorrow or for the long term? Hell no. I am weak and an addicted mind can't imagine never having it again. Your mind can handle only today. Anyone who forgets that you only quit today still is prideful and doesn't get it yet.

When I am weak, I bust out call, texts, get into chat and scream that I'm in danger. Why do I do that. Because I am weak. I am not afraid to ask or give support.

Any dumb ass planning a cave...Its just too much and you don't want to be talked out of it....Make the call first! If you can not be talked out of it, you'll still cave but reach out first. I promise you, your quit will go to a new level if you call someone you respect.

All addicts are weak. The weak don't cave. The dumb, independent, prideful addict caves.

Rant over.

This is my view of a caver = 'puking' Hey Dog; You like licking up your own vomit?

Caving isn't a result of weakness, your just an addicted dog like quitter. Lick it up but weak doesn't define caving. IMO. Come back if you are weak and want to quit. If you just want to feel better about surrendering....I have no advice for you but you won't feel comfortable here.
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #53 on: February 24, 2014, 05:23:00 PM »

Glad you came back and admitted your downfalls. However being in your Feb quit group I take it a bit personal as well. If you have time go back and read JDubthe2nd's intro. That dude went through some shitty shit just like you are. He stayed strong.

The difference is he would text us in his group that he was struggling and didn't know what to do. He reached out in his intro. He had a dozen or more people reach out to him when he was having a hard time. I suspect this is why he is days away from the hall and not posting up in June.

Also go read TxTornado's intro. She is dealing with unimaginable medical issues right now and she has hit the HOF.

It looks like you have answered questions 1 and 2, I still haven't seen an answer to 3. I see what Griz put together for you as a plan. What are YOU going to do different this time?

Being a guy myself that caved after 4 years I had to answer what I was going to do different. I am executing on that plan and feel my 99 day quit is stronger than my original 4 year quit. In my 4 year quit I didn't have anyone to reach out to as I had walked away from the site. Now I can't go a damned day missing a post without hearing from Griz and Dave. If it hits 5-6PM I'm getting texts, and I am grateful that these guys look out for me!

Accountability, accountability, accountability. You can't have it simply by posting on a website with a bunch of strangers. You need to get to know these strangers. That way it means something when you post that +1

On a side note my best friends mom has had lupus for years. It's a bit inconvenient but she makes it work. You have my sympathy as does your wife. I hope the best for her, and know you can be her rock without stuffing shit in your face!

My 2 cents. PM me if you want another set of digits to track ya down.
QD 11/18/13

"Yes you can stay quit. Forever. But make your practice 1 day at a time.."-wise words I read from TCOPE

"Nicotine fills no voids in your life. It creates them."...Diesel2112

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #52 on: February 24, 2014, 05:06:00 PM »
Quote from: USMCray
Sorry fellas, just got a chance to respond but ok
I really didn't my wife's situation out there but she gave me permission too.
What happened-I caved with health scares with evryone in my family eceythung is good except my wife got diagnosed with lupus last week. My wife has more balls and takes it head on I take it head on in front of her and my kids but truth is only 28 years old and she's my world.i put my self in a dark place where just a pinch n a can were my only light in my I let the nic bitch ass rape me and convince me just one pinch to continue to cope.
So of course evey day stresses thatvevryone has but just the wife situation was the straw.
So the nic bitch took my manhood at my weakest point.
And this time I must stay more involved with my group because I was strongest WHEn I was involved with my freedom fighter brothers.then drifted away thinking I could do it by myself. And life kicked me in the nuts and for abandoning my Ktc brothers the nic bitch convinced me she was all I had and needed to stay strong for my wife.
And brothers I didn't come to sneak In and post roll on same account.i just thought the process would require a couple of weeks at least before I got any communication.and brothers give it to me I spent so much time reading and reading from November to December and I seen the tough love so feel free to call me a pussy a cum bubble,dick head etc.. I caved like a vagina and dared showed my face back to the brothers I gave my word to I wouldn't without asking permission or calling it rain.
Damn, another one bites the dust. Oh well. Hey wait a minute, didn't I hear something before like:

1 Problem + nicotine = 2 Problems

Maybe it went like this for you USM. Your wife got cured of lupus because you dipped! Did that happen? Oh maybe you actually felt better about the fact that your wife now has lupus since you dipped the cancer dirt again. Maybe you actually saw the light at the end of the tunnel because you took a dip.

Yeah,, none of this probably happened. You are going to have to get to a place in your mind that can tell you that you don't dip anymore when things like this come up again. Sorry I'm a little behind here, but it has kept me out of trouble many times. I just don't dip anymore. Think about it.....

There isn't Any raping going on, there isn't anybody slapping you around out there to make you dip. You just have to stay quit dude and that is it!!!!!!!!

Now when you said I've got to stay more involved with my group, and I drifted away, those things rang true and you need to remember those things. This drug is serious shit. It isn't something you can fool around with and quit when you want and dip when you want. I'm at 160 today and still think about it. I'm not going to dip it, but I know I don't have it in me to quit by myself.... Have a nice day!!!

Real Quit Day 9/18/2013 8th Floor 11/26/15
HOF day: 12/26/2013. 9th Floor 3/5/16
2nd Floor: 4/5/14 Comma Day 6/13/16!!!
3rd Floor 7/14/2014. 3 Years 9/18/6!!!
1 Year 9/17/2014. 11th Floor 9/21/16
4th Floor 10/22/14. 12th Floor 12/30/16
Half Comma 1/30/15. 13th Floor 4/8/17
6th Floor 5/10/15 4 Years 9/18/17!!!
7th Floor 8/18/15. 15th Floor 10/26/17
2 Years 9/17/15 16th Floor 2/3/18
5 Years 9/18/18  17th Floor 5/14/18
18th Floor 08/22/2018  19th Floor 11/30/18

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #51 on: February 24, 2014, 03:36:00 PM »
Quote from: USMCray
Sorry fellas, just got a chance to respond but ok
I really didn't my wife's situation out there but she gave me permission too.
What happened-I caved with health scares with evryone in my family eceythung is good except my wife got diagnosed with lupus last week. My wife has more balls and takes it head on I take it head on in front of her and my kids but truth is only 28 years old and she's my world.i put my self in a dark place where just a pinch n a can were my only light in my I let the nic bitch ass rape me and convince me just one pinch to continue to cope.
So of course evey day stresses thatvevryone has but just the wife situation was the straw.
So the nic bitch took my manhood at my weakest point.
And this time I must stay more involved with my group because I was strongest WHEn I was involved with my freedom fighter brothers.then drifted away thinking I could do it by myself. And life kicked me in the nuts and for abandoning my Ktc brothers the nic bitch convinced me she was all I had and needed to stay strong for my wife.
And brothers I didn't come to sneak In and post roll on same account.i just thought the process would require a couple of weeks at least before I got any communication.and brothers give it to me I spent so much time reading and reading from November to December and I seen the tough love so feel free to call me a pussy a cum bubble,dick head etc.. I caved like a vagina and dared showed my face back to the brothers I gave my word to I wouldn't without asking permission or calling it rain.
You and I had struck the deal that you had to get my permission to cave. And I had to to do the Same if I was going to cave. I'm glad you remember that and I hope you feel like shit.

Here is how it works (and don't fuck it up this time):

You post roll every morning with your new June group
You post roll every afternoon with your old FEB Group
You send PMs to at least 30 people in your new group and give them your number and ask for theirs
You text them and make the deal we struck
You don't miss a day of roll call, be a leader. Show them how someone quits every day.

Now remember when you post roll that is your promise to not use nicotine. So you have to honor your word.

Now please answer this question:
How do you predict you will fuck up this time?

My suggestion:i
List off all the ways you can think of that will make you fuck up your quit. Refer to that list whenever you think you're going to cave.

Don't go this alone this time. Be man enough to be completely honest with yourself. You are addicted to something that will kill you. Quit.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #50 on: February 24, 2014, 01:19:00 PM »
Sorry fellas, just got a chance to respond but ok
I really didn't my wife's situation out there but she gave me permission too.
What happened-I caved with health scares with evryone in my family eceythung is good except my wife got diagnosed with lupus last week. My wife has more balls and takes it head on I take it head on in front of her and my kids but truth is only 28 years old and she's my world.i put my self in a dark place where just a pinch n a can were my only light in my I let the nic bitch ass rape me and convince me just one pinch to continue to cope.
So of course evey day stresses thatvevryone has but just the wife situation was the straw.
So the nic bitch took my manhood at my weakest point.
And this time I must stay more involved with my group because I was strongest WHEn I was involved with my freedom fighter brothers.then drifted away thinking I could do it by myself. And life kicked me in the nuts and for abandoning my Ktc brothers the nic bitch convinced me she was all I had and needed to stay strong for my wife.
And brothers I didn't come to sneak In and post roll on same account.i just thought the process would require a couple of weeks at least before I got any communication.and brothers give it to me I spent so much time reading and reading from November to December and I seen the tough love so feel free to call me a pussy a cum bubble,dick head etc.. I caved like a vagina and dared showed my face back to the brothers I gave my word to I wouldn't without asking permission or calling it rain.

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #49 on: February 24, 2014, 01:13:00 PM »
Quote from: USMCray
Bud I didn't even do the math, haven't had a dip in 12 hours caved last week and the suck with drawback period is kicking my ass.cant sleep or think just want to get back to that happy place I made it to fir a little while.i kidded my self and thought I could do it without posting, but truth is my beautiful wife family and all can't connect and bond in the daily tobacco war as all y'all accomplished brothers. And the only formula is setting the foundation daily with posting roll. And for it to not happen again I can't miss roll call and let myself and y'all down again. Everyone's got a family job and life to live and it speaks volumes of a man I seem like by wasteung y'all's time and wisdom on some one who is a ADDICT!! That's one word I never used on any post on here or with my family but truth is Iam a addict and not the man I thought I was by caving.anyways I apologize I really done know if Ian majoring any sense and luckily for my phone it's spell checking to some degree but i put my self back in the SUCK days and I will get back out of here and take it one day at a time be
Was just checking who's hitting milestones this week and saw "USMCRay hits the hall", and realized this is the same USMCRay that I called out in support in the June roll this morning. I'm not predicating my support based on the posting of the responses to the 3 questions, but I would like to know I'm backing someone who's serious about his quit. Your post earlier today was understandably rambling and convoluted from the suck setting in again, but it looked like there were some elements of coherent responses to the questions. So, at the risk of beating a dead horse:

1. What happened?

2. Why did it happen?

3. What are you going to do differently?

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #48 on: February 24, 2014, 12:29:00 PM »
Come on Devil Dawg...take your life back, own up confess and let's move on. You have many KTC Veterans, some fellow Marines and many others ready to support you but the questions need to be answered. None of us need to hear the answers to the questions but you yourself need to be honest with the answers because they help you much more than the do anyone else.

1 - What Happened?

2 - Why did it happen?

3 - What are you going to do differently?
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #47 on: February 24, 2014, 11:42:00 AM »
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Winter
Welcome back USMCRAY.  Dont think for a minute that you can just sneak back in and start posting in June, without any explination.  I know you joined nov 29th and have 51 posts from that day to now. That tells me that you just came here to stop for a bit. You are amongst the wrong people for a fly by stoppage.  So awnser these 3 questions, dig deep and awnser them truthfully.   Post them in here and your old group, which i beleieve was March or Febuary.  We will be waiting.

What Happened ?

Why did it happen ?

What are you going to do differently ? ;Ironman:
Let's get with the program here. I'm holding you to a higher standard here brother. You of all peeps here knows what accountability is so answer the questions that my good friends Winter Green and wastepanel have asked of you.

Answering those questions are you ticket back to the fold. Look, most of us have caved at some points in our quits. You fell of the horse, now, get back on answer the questions here, your old group, and your new group.

Here are the questions again that you need to answer:

What happened?
Why did it happen?
What are you doing differently this time?

Check your PM too!
Back on topic.
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1st Floor~March - 11 - 2014

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #46 on: February 24, 2014, 09:54:00 AM »
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Winter
Welcome back USMCRAY.  Dont think for a minute that you can just sneak back in and start posting in June, without any explination.  I know you joined nov 29th and have 51 posts from that day to now. That tells me that you just came here to stop for a bit. You are amongst the wrong people for a fly by stoppage.  So awnser these 3 questions, dig deep and awnser them truthfully.   Post them in here and your old group, which i beleieve was March or Febuary.  We will be waiting.

What Happened ?

Why did it happen ?

What are you going to do differently ? ;Ironman:
Let's get with the program here. I'm holding you to a higher standard here brother. You of all peeps here knows what accountability is so answer the questions that my good friends Winter Green and wastepanel have asked of you.

Answering those questions are you ticket back to the fold. Look, most of us have caved at some points in our quits. You fell of the horse, now, get back on answer the questions here, your old group, and your new group.

Here are the questions again that you need to answer:

What happened?
Why did it happen?
What are you doing differently this time?

Check your PM too!
Back on topic.
Quit since 1/23/14

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #45 on: February 24, 2014, 09:50:00 AM »
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: ppolcyn
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
We have a major problem here USMCray. You say you caved on day 77. But you posted roll with us in Feb 2014 on days 78, 79, 81,  82. Please explain yourself.
If this is true, this is the worst fucking offense out there. Caving is one thing but posting roll while under the influence of nicotine is inexcusable.

That tears at the spirit of this brotherhood. This is all built on trust. If you don't want to be quit, then don't quit. Do not say you are quit when you have a chew in. That is a kick in the nuts to everyone who has balls enough to quit.
Usmcray, I wish you would clarify the date of your cave.
Hey USMCray, I apologize to you. I am very sorry. I read the wrong line on the spreadsheet. Your last post in our group was on your day 71, 1/29/2014.

Again, I sincerely apologize for calling you out on that. I made a mistake in reading the spreadsheet, and read the line below yours. And a big thanks to Dave1903 for calling me and letting me know.

That being said, it would be very good for you thoughtfully answer the three questions and fully commit yourself to the this program.

I quit with you today. Don't miss roll call.
BAD GRIZZLY, NO NO!!! * Swats him with a news paper *
I deserve that. I feel horrible.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #44 on: February 24, 2014, 09:00:00 AM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: ppolcyn
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
We have a major problem here USMCray. You say you caved on day 77. But you posted roll with us in Feb 2014 on days 78, 79, 81,  82. Please explain yourself.
If this is true, this is the worst fucking offense out there. Caving is one thing but posting roll while under the influence of nicotine is inexcusable.

That tears at the spirit of this brotherhood. This is all built on trust. If you don't want to be quit, then don't quit. Do not say you are quit when you have a chew in. That is a kick in the nuts to everyone who has balls enough to quit.
Usmcray, I wish you would clarify the date of your cave.
Hey USMCray, I apologize to you. I am very sorry. I read the wrong line on the spreadsheet. Your last post in our group was on your day 71, 1/29/2014.

Again, I sincerely apologize for calling you out on that. I made a mistake in reading the spreadsheet, and read the line below yours. And a big thanks to Dave1903 for calling me and letting me know.

That being said, it would be very good for you thoughtfully answer the three questions and fully commit yourself to the this program.

I quit with you today. Don't miss roll call.
BAD GRIZZLY, NO NO!!! * Swats him with a news paper *
Quit~December - 2 - 2013
1st Floor~March - 11 - 2014

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #43 on: February 24, 2014, 08:51:00 AM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: ppolcyn
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
We have a major problem here USMCray. You say you caved on day 77. But you posted roll with us in Feb 2014 on days 78, 79, 81,  82. Please explain yourself.
If this is true, this is the worst fucking offense out there. Caving is one thing but posting roll while under the influence of nicotine is inexcusable.

That tears at the spirit of this brotherhood. This is all built on trust. If you don't want to be quit, then don't quit. Do not say you are quit when you have a chew in. That is a kick in the nuts to everyone who has balls enough to quit.
Usmcray, I wish you would clarify the date of your cave.
Hey USMCray, I apologize to you. I am very sorry. I read the wrong line on the spreadsheet. Your last post in our group was on your day 71, 1/29/2014.

Again, I sincerely apologize for calling you out on that. I made a mistake in reading the spreadsheet, and read the line below yours. And a big thanks to Dave1903 for calling me and letting me know.

That being said, it would be very good for you thoughtfully answer the three questions and fully commit yourself to the this program.

I quit with you today. Don't miss roll call.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #42 on: February 24, 2014, 08:20:00 AM »
Quote from: Winter
Welcome back USMCRAY.  Dont think for a minute that you can just sneak back in and start posting in June, without any explination.  I know you joined nov 29th and have 51 posts from that day to now. That tells me that you just came here to stop for a bit. You are amongst the wrong people for a fly by stoppage.  So awnser these 3 questions, dig deep and awnser them truthfully.  Post them in here and your old group, which i beleieve was March or Febuary.  We will be waiting.

What Happened ?

Why did it happen ?

What are you going to do differently ? ;Ironman:
Let's get with the program here. I'm holding you to a higher standard here brother. You of all peeps here knows what accountability is so answer the questions that my good friends Winter Green and wastepanel have asked of you.

Answering those questions are you ticket back to the fold. Look, most of us have caved at some points in our quits. You fell of the horse, now, get back on answer the questions here, your old group, and your new group.

Here are the questions again that you need to answer:

What happened?
Why did it happen?
What are you doing differently this time?

Check your PM too!