NO, No, No, No NO!!!!!!
If another caver calls themselves weak and that is why they caved, just know it pisses me off.
I am a weak addict and never caved to Nicotine since joining KTC. Please correct your thinking and mindset.
Cavers don't cave because of weakness. They cave because they are dumb enough to listen to the nic bitch!
Caving is Stupid
Caving is full of pride - Won't make a call for support (in the weakest moment)
Caving is about not being honest
Caving is about thinking about being quit past today
Caving is a mindfucking scam on self
Weak? That describes me and I haven't caved!!!!!!
If you are weak and want to quit.
You will admit you are addicted and need help
You will be humbled and follow the plan with exactness. Post roll? Every danm day because I know I am weak. Keep my word? Hell yes, addiction can not thrive as a parasite when the host is honest. Think about my quit tomorrow or for the long term? Hell no. I am weak and an addicted mind can't imagine never having it again. Your mind can handle only today. Anyone who forgets that you only quit today still is prideful and doesn't get it yet.
When I am weak, I bust out call, texts, get into chat and scream that I'm in danger. Why do I do that. Because I am weak. I am not afraid to ask or give support.
Any dumb ass planning a cave...Its just too much and you don't want to be talked out of it....Make the call first! If you can not be talked out of it, you'll still cave but reach out first. I promise you, your quit will go to a new level if you call someone you respect.
All addicts are weak. The weak don't cave. The dumb, independent, prideful addict caves.
Rant over.
This is my view of a caver = 'puking' Hey Dog; You like licking up your own vomit?
Caving isn't a result of weakness, your just an addicted dog like quitter. Lick it up but weak doesn't define caving. IMO. Come back if you are weak and want to quit. If you just want to feel better about surrendering....I have no advice for you but you won't feel comfortable here.