I want to revisit my cave.cave v.intr.
1. To fall in; collapse.
2. To give up all opposition; yield.
My Cave continues:
In the beginning on March 28, , as an answer to prayer I found and joined a foreign group, KTC. I resisted the pressure from the group to become a full-fledged quitter. I had a plan, my plan was good, I had put a lot of thought and planning into it. For the next 2 nights I couldnÂ’t sleep I paced the floor and then would read more. I didnÂ’t go into chat, I didnÂ’t post any questions I just read. I saw addicts get told that the only way was to throw it away and quit and do it now! So at 1:30 am April 1, I secretively flushed everything and after I quit crying I posted my first promise:
[ Posted: Apr 1, 2012, 2:27 am]
Wt57 day 1 no April fool joke I've paced the floor al night I quit!!!
38 yr of slavery I'm here for the long haul.
That was my 1st cave and it was a big one. And now I’m still here for the “Long Haul” one day at a time!
My next cave was the experience of witnessing what happens when a fellow addict whines about how hard it is to post roll or do what everyone else is doing. I was less than 1 week into my quit and I caved
I didn't like seeing someone that was trying to stop get harassed and I told Bruce to back-off his harassment and quit being prickish. “Opps” I learned my 1st really valuable lesson that day, If we don’t make the promise early and take the promise that we make that day serious we just as well pack our bag and go home. Thank you Bruce!
There have been a lot of newbies come and go over the past 3 months. It is exciting to see the enthusiasm of new quitters, and it is sad to see the Bitch pull them back into their addiction. A fellow July Junkie that quit just a few days after me became a friend, we talked late at night we sent pms and shared the struggles that we were going through. One day he missed roll, I tried to call, no answer. The next day he posted roll but still no contact. The following day he missed roll again,and again and again. It was obvious that he caved. That was my next cave experience; I was really hurt, I took his cave personal. I've learned that we can't quit for anyone but ourself. If someone isn't ready to make the committment to quit they won't stay quit, it is as simple as that. (update: I texted my friend a few weeks ago to check on him and he responded and he is now returned and pushing strong with October) Welcome back Bryan!
IÂ’ve had only one day that I really feared Caving. I faced the Bitch head on and she hit me with all she had, even put some little prick next to me that kept spitting at my feet. The smell of the cope he was dribbling even turned my stomach. This experience turned out to be one of my best days and strengthened my resolve. So "up yours Bitch" that backfired.
The first few weeks of my quit were dominated by thoughts of "woe is me" I'm the old bastard that is slow to learn and that these younger guys are not going to miss out on all the things that I did because I chose the bitch over life. Then I went into several phases of feeling sorry for myself because changing my entire way of living was hard. I kept wanting to bring up the past. Then I'd jump to feeling like there was no reason to stay quit ( I would fail down the road 1 yr., 2yrs. or sometime) so screw it lets just skip the pain. Several of my new friends had to shake me, call me out on my bitching and whining and tell me to MAN UP! It has taken some time but I'm making progress and life is really improving. I'm enjoying life. I'm smelling the roses instead of spitting on them.
I remember on day 50 I again thought that 100 days was nothing in the long term of life. I said "100 days-----not even a drop in the bucket" I again at that time resolved to only quit 1 day at a time. Now that the 100 days is arriving it is monumental, I will cherish the day and every day that has lead me here. I also cherish and embrace everyday of suck along the way that I may never have to repeat them.