I started having Craves again and just couldn't get it, So soon after my last funk. I decided to search myself and see if there was a trigger that I was missing. There just didn't seem to be any real trigger in my work or family that was causing me to crave and get so depressed, My quit is solid, I love the new found freedom, I've got a lot of new friends here on KTC that have pulled me through some really miserable shit. Basically Life is good IÂ’m happy, So why the strong craves, I understand the day to day short-lived craves and the trigger driven craves. But what is making me crave?
My entire adult life I have used tobacco! When I wanted to stay awake for long periods of time I dipped, when I wanted the special moment alone I dipped, ah hell I dipped all the time even if I didn't have a reason or didn't recognize the reason. So in searching for a reason or trigger for my craving I realized one of my major times to dip was when there was conflict in my life, it was my escape. It was my refuge from life and the drama around me.
So why am I craving now when life is good, IÂ’m so happy with myself and my new whole new life?? I think I found the answer right here on KTC. It is my way of handling conflict; I always just avoided it by dipping and now that the dip isn't an option what do I do? I havenÂ’t figured that out yet so I revert back to the only thing I know and that is to withdraw with a dip: Thus the trigger and the crave. Each of these intense craves that I have experienced for no apparent reason have come to me as drama unfolds online (rather it is brought on by caves or other personality differences). I've tried to insert myself into the drama, tried to help smooth issues over. I have gotten involved in giving people shit. Still I hate conflict, I want to hide from it, I want to avoid it! The solution for me, it shouldn't be a problem anymore now that I know what the trigger is and recognize it. I need to learn how to deal with conflict without dip. Just part of the rewiring and training myself to live dip free. IÂ’m not saying that the conflict and giving people hell for caving is bad. Just the opposite I detest a cave. Caving makes me sick; it shows weakness and is one of the worse forms of conflict for me. I need to separate the CAVE from the CAVER!
We've seen some really weak excuses for caving lately and the cavers need to man up and decide rather they are serious about quitting! I will continue to be there to help them if they want help, but I will also be there to give them shit for being weak pussies. I will not withdraw and allow the nic bitch to try regaining any control of my thoughts. JUST MORE SUCK TO EMBRACE!!
I guess my point is that over the many years of addiction and living life with nicotine recognizing everyday activities that we have relied on nicotine as a crutch for are sometimes difficult see. I believe that every crave is triggered by something rather it is physical or psychological.