Day 50 a road marker? Day 100 a milestone? 1 year another milestone?
These questions have been plaguing my mind this week. I have been comparing my quit to my life.
Birth-------------------Day 1-------------- a beginning
1st steps--------------Day 50-------------a good start
1st day of school-----Day 100-----------a road marker
Out on your own-----1 yr-----------------a milestone
marriage kids-----
Death------------------Death(still quit)--------------Triumph
My dilemma has been that in the whole scheme of my quit, the closer I get to HOF, I am becoming underwhelmed by it. I don't know what the life expectancy of a quit addict in my demographics is, I have longevity genes so lets say 80 yrs old. That means that I am way past 1/2 way to DEAD. I have had many side trips, detours, road markers and milestones in my life. Today I consider 50 days ago (the day I quit) as one of the milestones in my life that I will cherish with some of the bigger events in my life (such as marriage, birth of daughter, birth of grandkids etc.). If I put myself at the end, at death, I don't think day 50 or day 100 will even be listed on the event calendar, Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think so.
Looking down the road into the future has been one of the more difficult aspects to deal with in my quit! When I think long term I "CAVE". I'm strong, my quit is strong, I'm gaining something I've never had "integrity", I will not cave if I continue to quit 1 day at a time.
Another scary aspect of 50 or 100 days quit is when I compare it to the past: I've been a addict for over 14,000 days I've been alive a little over 20,000 days. Compare that to 100 days-----not even a drop in the bucket. So another lesson to be learned the past can also be overwhelming, thinking of it sows seeds of "CAVE".