Author Topic: Long time coming...  (Read 29989 times)

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #96 on: August 03, 2013, 06:50:00 AM »
Quote from: CleanFuel
Quote from: Roamcountry
Quote from: DippinDave911
What happened? Whos going to care? Its just an excuse for my own shortcoming. I had a moment of weakness. I was craving and just wanted something in my lip. I drove to two different walmarts and couldnt find smokey mountain anywhere. ready for the irony? if i could have waited just one more day i would have been fine. next morning bright and early my order of bacc off came in. one friggen day. moment of weakness. craving. its just an excuse.

Why? oh it was totally just for attention. i wasnt getting enough already so i came up with this big elaborate plan to fool everyone into liking me more. and it worked for a little while till people started figuring me out. you better keep reading cause i love the attention im getting right now.

Next time? Fuck, im just gonna deal with shit myself. Half the people on here want to help. the other half are just condescending dick holes that run their mouths for no apparent reason other than to hear themselves. I mean, do you seriously think that I find that intimidating? fuck you.

Im done. Ill quit by myself. Anyone who is my contact ill post roll to you through text. If you want me to stop i will. idk how i could fuck all this up in two short days but i guess im just good at that.

Oh and for those of you who havent caught on, the reason for this post is just for more attention and i success. wooo.  'Finger'
Seriously???? You self centered prick.
i have nothing to say here except this entire thread was incredibly predictable from Day 1.

Please don't be offended by this message...

#predictable #boring #seenthismoviebefore #plannedcave #youarenotaspecialbutterfly

You have been called out, challenged, and supported by numerous people. The onus is now on you to come back and prove people right that you can do this the right way and prove people wrong that you quit at quitting.

I hope, for your sake, that you make the right decision.

Offline CleanFuel

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #95 on: August 02, 2013, 11:58:00 PM »
Quote from: Roamcountry
Quote from: DippinDave911
What happened? Whos going to care? Its just an excuse for my own shortcoming. I had a moment of weakness. I was craving and just wanted something in my lip. I drove to two different walmarts and couldnt find smokey mountain anywhere. ready for the irony? if i could have waited just one more day i would have been fine. next morning bright and early my order of bacc off came in. one friggen day. moment of weakness. craving. its just an excuse.

Why? oh it was totally just for attention. i wasnt getting enough already so i came up with this big elaborate plan to fool everyone into liking me more. and it worked for a little while till people started figuring me out. you better keep reading cause i love the attention im getting right now.

Next time? Fuck, im just gonna deal with shit myself. Half the people on here want to help. the other half are just condescending dick holes that run their mouths for no apparent reason other than to hear themselves. I mean, do you seriously think that I find that intimidating? fuck you.

Im done. Ill quit by myself. Anyone who is my contact ill post roll to you through text. If you want me to stop i will. idk how i could fuck all this up in two short days but i guess im just good at that.

Oh and for those of you who havent caught on, the reason for this post is just for more attention and i success. wooo.  'Finger'
Seriously???? You self centered prick.
i have nothing to say here except this entire thread was incredibly predictable from Day 1.

Please don't be offended by this message...

#predictable #boring #seenthismoviebefore #plannedcave #youarenotaspecialbutterfly
Quit 04.02.2012 --- HOF 07.11.2012 --- 5 Years 04.02.2017

Now I am the Voice. I will LEAD, not follow. I will BELIEVE, not doubt. I will CREATE, not destroy. I am a Force for God. I am a Leader.

Defy the odds. Set a new standard. STEP UP!

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Offline CleanFuel

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #94 on: August 02, 2013, 11:42:00 PM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: DippinDave911
Moving on...

Thought I'd add some Words of Wisdom but guess I cant post in that section so ill just throw in here. wooo.

You Wont Cave If You Dont Crave.

When I lost control and caved, I was in the midst of a serious craving. It got to the point where I couldnt control it. After the dust settled I did some research (mostly just sat down and seriously pondered on it) to prevent myself from letting this happen again. I found some pretty straightforward ideas to help beat back your cravings. Maybe it can also help you.

1.  Take a nap. It seems so simple because it is. I know sleep seems to evade us but think of it like this. You cant dip when your asleep. And if you want to scare that craving away, think of it like THIS

2.  Click here and scroll all the way to the bottom. Use the tracking calculator to find out how much money you've already saved. Then think about how much more you're going to save by staying quit.

3.  Take your ol lady (or man) out for dinner. Should be able to afford it with all the money you've saved since you quit. Yes, even I have the decency not to throw a dip in when im out for dinner.

4.  Learn to play an instrument. I might suggest harmonica, flute, trombone, trumpet. Good luck packing a lip and playing these.

5.  Go back to the KTC Homepage and educate yourself through the Facts  Figures links. If you only research one of the links make sure its THIS ONE!

Theres tons of other ways im sure, but this should provide a good starter.

(apologies if there is already a post of this nature. Im not searching the thousands of posts on this site to find it if there is one)

One Day At A Time....
You can't put words into the Words of Wisdom page because you don't have any words of wisdom.

Why should I listen to somebody who can't make it through the first week without failing? Sorry, but I'm going to give props to the thousands of others on this site that are winning this battle each day. Not somebody who chooses to be a failure.


Listen, man...quitting can be as easy and as hard as you want it to be. Shut the door on that stuff. You can't cave if you are willing to do anything to stay quit. There is one thing and one thing alone that you are in charge of in this world: your actions. That's it.

Let's stop the pity party and get on to some quitting. You are not a special butterfly that is unable to quit. You are not a bigger addict than the rest of us. You are not the first to fail, and you won't be the first to fade away or become successful after it.

You can do this, but you need to want it. You need to want it, and you need to be willing to follow through with it.

You are on my radar. I expect to see you back here with a different mentality.

dude....on wastepanel's that
Quit 04.02.2012 --- HOF 07.11.2012 --- 5 Years 04.02.2017

Now I am the Voice. I will LEAD, not follow. I will BELIEVE, not doubt. I will CREATE, not destroy. I am a Force for God. I am a Leader.

Defy the odds. Set a new standard. STEP UP!

My HOF Speech

My Intro

Offline Wedge

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #93 on: August 02, 2013, 07:13:00 PM »
From your quit you don't miss it....

Quote from: DippinDave911
Dave, you don't just get to go back to day 1. You have to tell us what happened, why, what you will do different this time. We need to believe you when you tell us that you are quit. It's what this entire website is built around

(1) What happened?

(2) Why did it happen?

(3) What are you doing differently this time?

Answers please.  You owe it to October and November

What happened? Whos going to care? Its just an excuse for my own shortcoming. I had a moment of weakness. I was craving and just wanted something in my lip. I drove to two different walmarts and couldnt find smokey mountain anywhere. ready for the irony? if i could have waited just one more day i would have been fine. next morning bright and early my order of bacc off came in. one friggen day. moment of weakness. craving. its just an excuse.

Why? oh it was totally just for attention. i wasnt getting enough already so i came up with this big elaborate plan to fool everyone into liking me more. and it worked for a little while till people started figuring me out. you better keep reading cause i love the attention im getting right now.

Next time? Fuck, im just gonna deal with shit myself. Half the people on here want to help. the other half are just condescending dick holes that run their mouths for no apparent reason other than to hear themselves. I mean, do you seriously think that I find that intimidating? fuck you.

Im done. Ill quit by myself. Anyone who is my contact ill post roll to you through text. If you want me to stop i will. idk how i could fuck all this up in two short days but i guess im just good at that.

goodluck all of november and  'Finger'

We don't coddle here. We don't rub your back and tell you that it will all be ok, to try again, and "you can do it champ!"

Doing the above only enables you and anyone else to cave and fall back into your addiction. It feeds your addict mind by saying "Hey, it's ok if I go back and put that stuff in my mouth. They'll be nice to me and let me start over". Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. We need to make sure that YOU know (as well as any other quitter who happens to read this) that caving is unacceptable. There IS NO EXCUSE for going back to the can. Why? Let me point it out....

If you read up on this website, you'll see that you are supposed to post roll every day. And by posting roll, you are promising not only me, but your quit group, the rest of the website, and yourself that you won't use nicotine for the day. You aren't promising forever, you are just promising for 1 single day.

So here's the equation:

You post roll = you promise = you quit.

Ta Da!

It's not a magic trick. It's not complicated. It's not easy as we can all attest to, but it is simple. So here's the rub. You know this site works. You know that the above equation will give you success.

1. You didn't post roll, therefore didn't make a promise to stay clean, therefore you are a dumbass.
2. You did post roll, and did promise, therefore you are a liar and I can't trust you at your word.

I don't know which one you did, 1 or 2. Either way, you don't deserve to be hand held and ball-stroked. But here's the good news. You get a 2nd chance. You get to start over. But there is a price: you get to endure the wrath from all of us that keep our promise day in and day out. Sure, you lost our trust as of now. But that doesn't mean you can't get it back. For some of us, that means you post for 3 days in a row. For some of us, you have to post for 3 months in a row. And for some of us, you might have to post for 300 days in a row.

Right now, the little tantrum that you threw and are throwing is nothing but your addicted brain giving you an excuse to go back to the can. You arrived at this site because you NEED the accountability. So let us hold you accountable for your actions. Stand up, admit you f'ed up, and get back to quitting. Plain and simple.

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #92 on: August 02, 2013, 06:46:00 PM »
Quote from: Roamcountry
Quote from: DippinDave911
  Whos going to care?
You really do not get this site do you.

Take a look again on what is stood for here.





if you don't think people care about their brothers when they join, well then maybe you are not in the right place. There is a set pattern here that works. If you want a part I would suggest:

1 - read through the stuff on the site again before you do anything else

2 - take a good long look in the mirror at yourself.

then make the decision of what you want to do. If you want to be here then I will stand beside you when you prove it.

If not then well......

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #91 on: August 02, 2013, 06:17:00 PM »
Quote from: DippinDave911
What happened? Whos going to care? Its just an excuse for my own shortcoming. I had a moment of weakness. I was craving and just wanted something in my lip. I drove to two different walmarts and couldnt find smokey mountain anywhere. ready for the irony? if i could have waited just one more day i would have been fine. next morning bright and early my order of bacc off came in. one friggen day. moment of weakness. craving. its just an excuse.

Why? oh it was totally just for attention. i wasnt getting enough already so i came up with this big elaborate plan to fool everyone into liking me more. and it worked for a little while till people started figuring me out. you better keep reading cause i love the attention im getting right now.

Next time? Fuck, im just gonna deal with shit myself. Half the people on here want to help. the other half are just condescending dick holes that run their mouths for no apparent reason other than to hear themselves. I mean, do you seriously think that I find that intimidating? fuck you.

Im done. Ill quit by myself. Anyone who is my contact ill post roll to you through text. If you want me to stop i will. idk how i could fuck all this up in two short days but i guess im just good at that.

Oh and for those of you who havent caught on, the reason for this post is just for more attention and i success. wooo. 'Finger'
Seriously???? You self centered prick.

Offline jhaenel23

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #90 on: August 02, 2013, 04:00:00 PM »
WOW is all I can say.

This guy has been on the site for all of a Week and he has got it all figured out. Priceless!!

You are selfish and undeserving the amount of attention you have gotten. 6 fucking pages of posts from a HOST of Bad ASS QUITTERS and all you can say is 'Finger' ??

Most of the people that took the time to post on this thread have more quit in their pinky fingers than you have thought about putting into your's!

I am sorry if you grew up in the participation medal era but we dont hand those out here!

I hope that you find your niche to quit. It may even be here. I have seen wierder things happen. But you are in need of a severe attitude change.

Stay around, Make some friends and save your Face!

Stay in the Q.U.I.T*********Fuck the NIC!!" Jhaenel23
"Freedom is like your Soul going Commando!" Scowick
"Losers always whine about their best, Winners go home and fuck the prom queen!!" John Mason
"If its too much trouble to post roll, You can always Fuck Off!!" J2B
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HOF 1-29-13
Post with Da Jackwagins!!


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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #89 on: August 02, 2013, 03:40:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: cdaniels
Quote from: DippinDave911
What happened? Whos going to care? Its just an excuse for my own shortcoming. I had a moment of weakness. I was craving and just wanted something in my lip. I drove to two different walmarts and couldnt find smokey mountain anywhere. ready for the irony? if i could have waited just one more day i would have been fine. next morning bright and early my order of bacc off came in. one friggen day. moment of weakness. craving. its just an excuse.

Why? oh it was totally just for attention. i wasnt getting enough already so i came up with this big elaborate plan to fool everyone into liking me more. and it worked for a little while till people started figuring me out. you better keep reading cause i love the attention im getting right now.

Next time? Fuck, im just gonna deal with shit myself. Half the people on here want to help. the other half are just condescending dick holes that run their mouths for no apparent reason other than to hear themselves. I mean, do you seriously think that I find that intimidating? fuck you.

Im done. Ill quit by myself. Anyone who is my contact ill post roll to you through text. If you want me to stop i will. idk how i could fuck all this up in two short days but i guess im just good at that.

Oh and for those of you who havent caught on, the reason for this post is just for more attention and i success. wooo.  'Finger'
yep, you have had so much succes in quiting by yourself that you dont need us any ways. Best wishes butt hurt
I appreciate the parting shot, but if you can't answer those won't be able to quit with any program.


We don't make you answer those for our benefit. We make you answer them for your benefit. Humans make mistakes. We fail. But it's how we handle ourselves after these mistakes that can make us grow.

So, on your own. Call us assholes.

Deep down you know that we can help you. You just need to be humble about it. Trust me. I was a thousand days stopped, failed, and had to come back to those questions. It hurts because it feels like weakness. Like I've said thousands of times....The KTC can be the biggest, baddest tool in your arsenal of quit.

BUT it's up to you to pull the trigger.

Stick around, and post roll. Keep your word. Repeat these steps. Trust me. It will keep you quit. If you need help, ask.

If you think that failure is an option that we will condone...don't let the door hit you where the good lord split ya. We are here to quit. You can quit with us too.

You can do this.
Addicts must take an inventory of themselfes. Why? Because they lived in lies all along to feed the addiction. I sure as hell did. How about the rest of you?

Taking inventory is not for attention. It is to straighten our asses out. If this were easy or if we could have done it alone and we would have doen this a long long time ago.

Until you are ready to what ever it takes and be honest this quit will be difficult. You have the free will.

Choose wisely
Wow Dave... you sound quite fragile. Typical addict talk. You F'ed Up and you blame the others around you. EXTERNALIZE, EXTERNALIZE, EXTERNALIZE.. If you wish to leave then feel free. Some people have the codependent tendency to fight with addicts to make them or coerce them into wanting to stop or received help. Well, piss on that. You talk like you are a special butterfly, your plan is like your a special butterfly and your action show you are remaining an addict like every other person I have ever met that was an addict and thought their addiction was special. Since your special way has worked so well already and continues to do so... keep doing the same thing and expect different results. Isn't that the definition of insanity? Wait... not for you cause your special... sure you are Dave. Hope to speak with you again. Uh oh, you may not be able to speak without a tongue.. Sorry.. Have a great time.
Quit Date 6/26/2013
'KICKIN THE CAN' All Day Long!
Complancency sucks,one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

Someone, somewhere out there is suffering through a more intense crave than me and that person is staying quit. As will I. -JoeMellow

The connection of a common problem is strong, but the connection of a common solution is even stronger.-gorilla1

When we think we can't quit... We can... Cause ducks fly together... When the craves are to much to handle... Us ducks fly together.... When you want to cave... You won't... Because ducks fly together. Per our Jpete328
Freedom Started 06/26/2013....Freedom continues because of my choice and accountability from MY FELLOW DUCKS! QUACK ! QUACK! Thank You!

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #88 on: August 02, 2013, 02:44:00 PM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: cdaniels
Quote from: DippinDave911
What happened? Whos going to care? Its just an excuse for my own shortcoming. I had a moment of weakness. I was craving and just wanted something in my lip. I drove to two different walmarts and couldnt find smokey mountain anywhere. ready for the irony? if i could have waited just one more day i would have been fine. next morning bright and early my order of bacc off came in. one friggen day. moment of weakness. craving. its just an excuse.

Why? oh it was totally just for attention. i wasnt getting enough already so i came up with this big elaborate plan to fool everyone into liking me more. and it worked for a little while till people started figuring me out. you better keep reading cause i love the attention im getting right now.

Next time? Fuck, im just gonna deal with shit myself. Half the people on here want to help. the other half are just condescending dick holes that run their mouths for no apparent reason other than to hear themselves. I mean, do you seriously think that I find that intimidating? fuck you.

Im done. Ill quit by myself. Anyone who is my contact ill post roll to you through text. If you want me to stop i will. idk how i could fuck all this up in two short days but i guess im just good at that.

Oh and for those of you who havent caught on, the reason for this post is just for more attention and i success. wooo.  'Finger'
yep, you have had so much succes in quiting by yourself that you dont need us any ways. Best wishes butt hurt
I appreciate the parting shot, but if you can't answer those won't be able to quit with any program.


We don't make you answer those for our benefit. We make you answer them for your benefit. Humans make mistakes. We fail. But it's how we handle ourselves after these mistakes that can make us grow.

So, on your own. Call us assholes.

Deep down you know that we can help you. You just need to be humble about it. Trust me. I was a thousand days stopped, failed, and had to come back to those questions. It hurts because it feels like weakness. Like I've said thousands of times....The KTC can be the biggest, baddest tool in your arsenal of quit.

BUT it's up to you to pull the trigger.

Stick around, and post roll. Keep your word. Repeat these steps. Trust me. It will keep you quit. If you need help, ask.

If you think that failure is an option that we will condone...don't let the door hit you where the good lord split ya. We are here to quit. You can quit with us too.

You can do this.
Addicts must take an inventory of themselfes. Why? Because they lived in lies all along to feed the addiction. I sure as hell did. How about the rest of you?

Taking inventory is not for attention. It is to straighten our asses out. If this were easy or if we could have done it alone and we would have doen this a long long time ago.

Until you are ready to what ever it takes and be honest this quit will be difficult. You have the free will.

Choose wisely

Offline wastepanel

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #87 on: August 02, 2013, 01:56:00 PM »
Quote from: cdaniels
Quote from: DippinDave911
What happened? Whos going to care? Its just an excuse for my own shortcoming. I had a moment of weakness. I was craving and just wanted something in my lip. I drove to two different walmarts and couldnt find smokey mountain anywhere. ready for the irony? if i could have waited just one more day i would have been fine. next morning bright and early my order of bacc off came in. one friggen day. moment of weakness. craving. its just an excuse.

Why? oh it was totally just for attention. i wasnt getting enough already so i came up with this big elaborate plan to fool everyone into liking me more. and it worked for a little while till people started figuring me out. you better keep reading cause i love the attention im getting right now.

Next time? Fuck, im just gonna deal with shit myself. Half the people on here want to help. the other half are just condescending dick holes that run their mouths for no apparent reason other than to hear themselves. I mean, do you seriously think that I find that intimidating? fuck you.

Im done. Ill quit by myself. Anyone who is my contact ill post roll to you through text. If you want me to stop i will. idk how i could fuck all this up in two short days but i guess im just good at that.

Oh and for those of you who havent caught on, the reason for this post is just for more attention and i success. wooo.  'Finger'
yep, you have had so much succes in quiting by yourself that you dont need us any ways. Best wishes butt hurt
I appreciate the parting shot, but if you can't answer those won't be able to quit with any program.


We don't make you answer those for our benefit. We make you answer them for your benefit. Humans make mistakes. We fail. But it's how we handle ourselves after these mistakes that can make us grow.

So, on your own. Call us assholes.

Deep down you know that we can help you. You just need to be humble about it. Trust me. I was a thousand days stopped, failed, and had to come back to those questions. It hurts because it feels like weakness. Like I've said thousands of times....The KTC can be the biggest, baddest tool in your arsenal of quit.

BUT it's up to you to pull the trigger.

Stick around, and post roll. Keep your word. Repeat these steps. Trust me. It will keep you quit. If you need help, ask.

If you think that failure is an option that we will condone...don't let the door hit you where the good lord split ya. We are here to quit. You can quit with us too.

You can do this.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #86 on: August 02, 2013, 01:45:00 PM »
Quote from: DippinDave911
What happened? Whos going to care? Its just an excuse for my own shortcoming. I had a moment of weakness. I was craving and just wanted something in my lip. I drove to two different walmarts and couldnt find smokey mountain anywhere. ready for the irony? if i could have waited just one more day i would have been fine. next morning bright and early my order of bacc off came in. one friggen day. moment of weakness. craving. its just an excuse.

Why? oh it was totally just for attention. i wasnt getting enough already so i came up with this big elaborate plan to fool everyone into liking me more. and it worked for a little while till people started figuring me out. you better keep reading cause i love the attention im getting right now.

Next time? Fuck, im just gonna deal with shit myself. Half the people on here want to help. the other half are just condescending dick holes that run their mouths for no apparent reason other than to hear themselves. I mean, do you seriously think that I find that intimidating? fuck you.

Im done. Ill quit by myself. Anyone who is my contact ill post roll to you through text. If you want me to stop i will. idk how i could fuck all this up in two short days but i guess im just good at that.

Oh and for those of you who havent caught on, the reason for this post is just for more attention and i success. wooo.  'Finger'
yep, you have had so much succes in quiting by yourself that you dont need us any ways. Best wishes butt hurt
Quit date 11-20-12
Never again for any reason. I quit for today. Today I live.

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #85 on: August 02, 2013, 01:40:00 PM »
What happened? Whos going to care? Its just an excuse for my own shortcoming. I had a moment of weakness. I was craving and just wanted something in my lip. I drove to two different walmarts and couldnt find smokey mountain anywhere. ready for the irony? if i could have waited just one more day i would have been fine. next morning bright and early my order of bacc off came in. one friggen day. moment of weakness. craving. its just an excuse.

Why? oh it was totally just for attention. i wasnt getting enough already so i came up with this big elaborate plan to fool everyone into liking me more. and it worked for a little while till people started figuring me out. you better keep reading cause i love the attention im getting right now.

Next time? Fuck, im just gonna deal with shit myself. Half the people on here want to help. the other half are just condescending dick holes that run their mouths for no apparent reason other than to hear themselves. I mean, do you seriously think that I find that intimidating? fuck you.

Im done. Ill quit by myself. Anyone who is my contact ill post roll to you through text. If you want me to stop i will. idk how i could fuck all this up in two short days but i guess im just good at that.

Oh and for those of you who havent caught on, the reason for this post is just for more attention and i success. wooo. 'Finger'

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #84 on: August 02, 2013, 10:26:00 AM »
Lack of resolve, 7 years chewing the shit, that's a long time. You are crying and moaning about how hard this is to vets man. Lots of people on this site have quit, who were twenty plus year chewers.

Moral of the story, it takes balls to quit....

SACK UP, and do it, or split, that easy....

Offline ParadigmDawg

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #83 on: August 02, 2013, 10:23:00 AM »
Well, crap....we were on the same day quit.

Pull 'em back up and post roll call and let's get this thing done...

Oh little are so scary...F' OFF...!!!

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #82 on: August 02, 2013, 09:37:00 AM »
Quote from: DippinDave911
Moving on...

Thought I'd add some Words of Wisdom but guess I cant post in that section so ill just throw in here. wooo.

You Wont Cave If You Dont Crave.

When I lost control and caved, I was in the midst of a serious craving. It got to the point where I couldnt control it. After the dust settled I did some research (mostly just sat down and seriously pondered on it) to prevent myself from letting this happen again. I found some pretty straightforward ideas to help beat back your cravings. Maybe it can also help you.

1. Take a nap. It seems so simple because it is. I know sleep seems to evade us but think of it like this. You cant dip when your asleep. And if you want to scare that craving away, think of it like THIS

2. Click here and scroll all the way to the bottom. Use the tracking calculator to find out how much money you've already saved. Then think about how much more you're going to save by staying quit.

3. Take your ol lady (or man) out for dinner. Should be able to afford it with all the money you've saved since you quit. Yes, even I have the decency not to throw a dip in when im out for dinner.

4. Learn to play an instrument. I might suggest harmonica, flute, trombone, trumpet. Good luck packing a lip and playing these.

5. Go back to the KTC Homepage and educate yourself through the Facts  Figures links. If you only research one of the links make sure its THIS ONE!

Theres tons of other ways im sure, but this should provide a good starter.

(apologies if there is already a post of this nature. Im not searching the thousands of posts on this site to find it if there is one)

One Day At A Time....
You can't put words into the Words of Wisdom page because you don't have any words of wisdom.

Why should I listen to somebody who can't make it through the first week without failing? Sorry, but I'm going to give props to the thousands of others on this site that are winning this battle each day. Not somebody who chooses to be a failure.


Listen, man...quitting can be as easy and as hard as you want it to be. Shut the door on that stuff. You can't cave if you are willing to do anything to stay quit. There is one thing and one thing alone that you are in charge of in this world: your actions. That's it.

Let's stop the pity party and get on to some quitting. You are not a special butterfly that is unable to quit. You are not a bigger addict than the rest of us. You are not the first to fail, and you won't be the first to fade away or become successful after it.

You can do this, but you need to want it. You need to want it, and you need to be willing to follow through with it.

You are on my radar. I expect to see you back here with a different mentality.

In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021