Author Topic: Long time coming...  (Read 29959 times)

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Offline LionHeartedGirl

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #246 on: October 16, 2013, 06:21:00 PM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: rickddd
Wow, I'm really happy to see you're back here Dave, and that you are still quit!
You're even posting support in new quitter intros!  Really proud of your efforts and turn-around, Dave!!! You have my full support. Quit with you today! Just shoot me a PM if you need another number.

If NoDippinDave or now "Keyboard Cowboy" hadn't shared his number with me himself I would have almost sworn that someone hacked his shit and is now quitting for him.

Dude, you are an inspirational story. Came back quit and is not only drinking the KTC Kool-Aide but is dishing it out as well.

I am damn glad to see you back with a vengeance brother, keep up the good quit!

P.S. you and dabean... 'getaroom'

Quit Date: 5/23/13
HOF: 8/30/13

Offline Pinched

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #245 on: October 16, 2013, 11:37:00 AM »
Quote from: rickddd
Wow, I'm really happy to see you're back here Dave, and that you are still quit!
You're even posting support in new quitter intros! Really proud of your efforts and turn-around, Dave!!! You have my full support. Quit with you today! Just shoot me a PM if you need another number.

If NoDippinDave or now "Keyboard Cowboy" hadn't shared his number with me himself I would have almost sworn that someone hacked his shit and is now quitting for him.

Dude, you are an inspirational story. Came back quit and is not only drinking the KTC Kool-Aide but is dishing it out as well.

I am damn glad to see you back with a vengeance brother, keep up the good quit!

P.S. you and dabean... 'getaroom'
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #244 on: October 16, 2013, 10:56:00 AM »
Wow, I'm really happy to see you're back here Dave, and that you are still quit!
You're even posting support in new quitter intros! Really proud of your efforts and turn-around, Dave!!! You have my full support. Quit with you today! Just shoot me a PM if you need another number.

Quit Date: 1/6/2013
Hall of Fame: 4/15/2013
COMMA! 10/2/2015
42nd floor: 7/6/2024

Offline jbradley

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #243 on: October 13, 2013, 06:13:00 PM »
Glad to hear you are on-board. You have my number, call anytime.

Offline DippinDave911

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #242 on: October 13, 2013, 01:04:00 PM »
Quote from: dabean22
Dave, we have spoken privately but I want to make sure to state this publicly on your intro.  I am complete impressed with you and your willingness to set your pride aside, look at your own actions, recognize what you need to do to get the support you need and take action to get that support.  I am proud to know you, proud to be quit with you and proud to have you with me in the November 13 Sky Divers.  You know that you can lean on me for any support I can give and vice-verse.  From here on out, we QLF together.

Uh-oh. Cats outta the bag now Dean. Ya thats right people, Dean and Dave working together. Didnt see that one coming now did ya?

Seriously though, we are now stronger for it, and that is something that will help us both, as well as everyone on here to be better quitters.

Proud to be your brother


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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #241 on: October 13, 2013, 12:52:00 PM »
Quote from: DippinDave911
Hey guys, apologies for the past month. Had kind of a mental meltdown and I am sorry that I let that affect all of you as much as it did.
Dave, we have spoken privately but I want to make sure to state this publicly on your intro. I am complete impressed with you and your willingness to set your pride aside, look at your own actions, recognize what you need to do to get the support you need and take action to get that support. I am proud to know you, proud to be quit with you and proud to have you with me in the November 13 Sky Divers. You know that you can lean on me for any support I can give and vice-verse. From here on out, we QLF together.

Quit 8/04/13
HOF 11/11/13
Thanks mostly to LHG. That girl rocks the world. I love you Sis.
Someone, somewhere out there is suffering through a more intense crave than me and that person is staying quit. As will I. -JoeMellow
SkyDiver - The first step is a bitch but that's when the fun starts.

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #240 on: October 13, 2013, 10:33:00 AM »
Quote from: MJSCHWARTZ
Quote from: Mike
Quote from: DippinDave911
Hi Guys,

I have a special request from a close friend of mine. A local radio station is hosting a contest called "Dental Mouth Makeover." I think the name aptly explains itself.

If you could spare five minutes of your time to show some support and vote for him, it would be greatly appreciated and could very well extend his life by a whole lot. He is extremely hard working and has always put his family above himself.

1. Click this link: Gerber Dental Mouth Makeover

2. Make sure you are viewing #113. Click the right most selection bubble (horrible). If you do not wish to use your personal email address, Click Here! to use 10-Minute Mail.
  • Copy and paste the provided email address and click vote. You will receive a message saying you need to register to vote.
  • Make sure you use legitimate information, but use your 10 minute email as your email address.
  • Submit this form then wait a couple of minutes for the verification email to come through.
  • Verify your 10 minute email, then resubmit your vote, making sure you are still on #113.
  • After 10 minutes your "email" will self-destruct and you will not need to worry about your account again.

Thank you to everyone that shows support for this husband, father of five and friend to many. You have my everlasting gratitude.

If anyone knows of a better spot to post this that could get more views, please repost it there. If you are feeling really compassionate, please share this in your own intro.

Thank you again, and I am proud to be quit with all of you.


Done. I'm guessing the contest is to get some dental work done?


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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #239 on: October 13, 2013, 09:45:00 AM »
Quote from: Mike
Quote from: DippinDave911
Hi Guys,

I have a special request from a close friend of mine. A local radio station is hosting a contest called "Dental Mouth Makeover." I think the name aptly explains itself.

If you could spare five minutes of your time to show some support and vote for him, it would be greatly appreciated and could very well extend his life by a whole lot. He is extremely hard working and has always put his family above himself.

1. Click this link: Gerber Dental Mouth Makeover

2. Make sure you are viewing #113. Click the right most selection bubble (horrible). If you do not wish to use your personal email address, Click Here! to use 10-Minute Mail.
  • Copy and paste the provided email address and click vote. You will receive a message saying you need to register to vote.
  • Make sure you use legitimate information, but use your 10 minute email as your email address.
  • Submit this form then wait a couple of minutes for the verification email to come through.
  • Verify your 10 minute email, then resubmit your vote, making sure you are still on #113.
  • After 10 minutes your "email" will self-destruct and you will not need to worry about your account again.
Thank you to everyone that shows support for this husband, father of five and friend to many. You have my everlasting gratitude.

If anyone knows of a better spot to post this that could get more views, please repost it there. If you are feeling really compassionate, please share this in your own intro.

Thank you again, and I am proud to be quit with all of you.


Done. I'm guessing the contest is to get some dental work done?

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #238 on: October 13, 2013, 09:16:00 AM »
Quote from: DippinDave911
Hi Guys,

I have a special request from a close friend of mine. A local radio station is hosting a contest called "Dental Mouth Makeover." I think the name aptly explains itself.

If you could spare five minutes of your time to show some support and vote for him, it would be greatly appreciated and could very well extend his life by a whole lot. He is extremely hard working and has always put his family above himself.

1. Click this link: Gerber Dental Mouth Makeover

2. Make sure you are viewing #113. Click the right most selection bubble (horrible). If you do not wish to use your personal email address, Click Here! to use 10-Minute Mail.
  • Copy and paste the provided email address and click vote. You will receive a message saying you need to register to vote.
  • Make sure you use legitimate information, but use your 10 minute email as your email address.
  • Submit this form then wait a couple of minutes for the verification email to come through.
  • Verify your 10 minute email, then resubmit your vote, making sure you are still on #113.
  • After 10 minutes your "email" will self-destruct and you will not need to worry about your account again.
Thank you to everyone that shows support for this husband, father of five and friend to many. You have my everlasting gratitude.

If anyone knows of a better spot to post this that could get more views, please repost it there. If you are feeling really compassionate, please share this in your own intro.

Thank you again, and I am proud to be quit with all of you.


Done. I'm guessing the contest is to get some dental work done?

Offline DippinDave911

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #237 on: October 13, 2013, 08:14:00 AM »
Hi Guys,

I have a special request from a close friend of mine. A local radio station is hosting a contest called "Dental Mouth Makeover." I think the name aptly explains itself.

If you could spare five minutes of your time to show some support and vote for him, it would be greatly appreciated and could very well extend his life by a whole lot. He is extremely hard working and has always put his family above himself.

1. Click this link: Gerber Dental Mouth Makeover

2. Make sure you are viewing #113. Click the right most selection bubble (horrible). If you do not wish to use your personal email address, Click Here! to use 10-Minute Mail.
  • Copy and paste the provided email address and click vote. You will receive a message saying you need to register to vote.
  • Make sure you use legitimate information, but use your 10 minute email as your email address.
  • Submit this form then wait a couple of minutes for the verification email to come through.
  • Verify your 10 minute email, then resubmit your vote, making sure you are still on #113.
  • After 10 minutes your "email" will self-destruct and you will not need to worry about your account again.
Thank you to everyone that shows support for this husband, father of five and friend to many. You have my everlasting gratitude.

If anyone knows of a better spot to post this that could get more views, please repost it there. If you are feeling really compassionate, please share this in your own intro.

Thank you again, and I am proud to be quit with all of you.



Offline DippinDave911

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #236 on: October 13, 2013, 08:13:00 AM »
Quote from: Quit
Welcome back Dave!
Thanks for the support Rob! Glad to be quit with you!

Offline Quit

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #235 on: October 13, 2013, 08:10:00 AM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: DippinDave911
Yes, I am still quit. Its been hell though, which helped reel me back in.
Stick with it, remember the phone connections let me know if you need another quitter to text or talk to. I will be happy to help.

Welcome back Dave!
I have been Quit for several years and I still wake up every morning and quit one day at a time.  I figure if it worked yesterday, it will work today.  Never ever get complacent in your quit!

Offline DippinDave911

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #234 on: October 12, 2013, 11:58:00 PM »
Hi Guys,

I have a special request from a close friend of mine. A local radio station is hosting a contest called "Dental Mouth Makeover." I think the name aptly explains itself.

If you could spare five minutes of your time to show some support and vote for him, it would be greatly appreciated and could very well extend his life by a whole lot. He is extremely hard working and has always put his family above himself.

1. Click this link: Gerber Dental Mouth Makeover

2. Make sure you are viewing #113. Click the right most selection bubble (horrible). If you do not wish to use your personal email address, Click Here! to use 10-Minute Mail.
  • Copy and paste the provided email address and click vote. You will receive a message saying you need to register to vote.
  • Make sure you use legitimate information, but use your 10 minute email as your email address.
  • Submit this form then wait a couple of minutes for the verification email to come through.
  • Verify your 10 minute email, then resubmit your vote, making sure you are still on #113.
  • After 10 minutes your "email" will self-destruct and you will not need to worry about your account again.
Thank you to everyone that shows support for this husband, father of five and friend to many. You have my everlasting gratitude.

If anyone knows of a better spot to post this that could get more views, please repost it there. If you are feeling really compassionate, please share this in your own intro.

Thank you again, and I am proud to be quit with all of you.


Offline traumagnet

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #233 on: October 12, 2013, 12:02:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Good to see you back and it sounds like you held that quit by a shoestring! Way to hold that quit!!! Nonetheless... Your quit and it sounds like your ready to be an asset to the site! I'm glad to see that Dave!! I don't see you getting a lot of backlash here. You are moving in the right direction.

One note for you to think about.... We have an obligation to confront anyone that strays from the principles of the site. Yes, it may drive them away. But in some cases that is necessary. If you aren't ready to drink the kool laid and be quit KTC style.... Then maybe you are not ready to be here. That is an unfortunate reality. The principles of this site are sacred and you need to play ball. Accepting anything less than that hurts everyone.

Anyhow, I see you are ready. I will quit with you today and wake up tomorrow and do it again.
That is a 100% it a few may be scared away but the greater good is that the herd stays strong not magic just the evolution and the truth
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline Derk40

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #232 on: October 11, 2013, 09:56:00 PM »
Good to see you back and it sounds like you held that quit by a shoestring! Way to hold that quit!!! Nonetheless... Your quit and it sounds like your ready to be an asset to the site! I'm glad to see that Dave!! I don't see you getting a lot of backlash here. You are moving in the right direction.

One note for you to think about.... We have an obligation to confront anyone that strays from the principles of the site. Yes, it may drive them away. But in some cases that is necessary. If you aren't ready to drink the kool laid and be quit KTC style.... Then maybe you are not ready to be here. That is an unfortunate reality. The principles of this site are sacred and you need to play ball. Accepting anything less than that hurts everyone.

Anyhow, I see you are ready. I will quit with you today and wake up tomorrow and do it again.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

HOF Speech