Well, I had my last dip May 12 after 25 years of a slave to Kodiak. Guess that puts me in the September group. But to be in a quit group I have to "post roll" every day and follow all these rules? Sounds like a PITA. I don't even know exactly what day I am on and I think that might be a good thing.
Not that this has been easy. It might be the hardest thing I have ever done.
You would actually be in August because your 100th day would be August 19th. I'd urge you to read the following materials and then tell me if you think "posting roll everyday is a PITA." I don't think you're trying to be a wise-guy, but there is a method to the madness. If you don't post roll, you're welcome to peruse the site, you just won't be getting the benefits that flow from Accountability + Brotherhood = Success.
Welcome Center
Traumagnet Introduction
Randy's Story
Tom Kern
Let me know if you need some more. This place is full of reasons to post roll.
I'm in August and we'd love to make room for you. We've got a rock solid group of people who are going through the same things you are.
You quit for 65 days on your own (badass btw), yet something brought you here. I'm guessing that you thought this thing would be long gone in the rear-view at this point and for a while it seems like it's heading that way. Then one night you have a dip dream, wake up foggy, anxious and have a crave that rivals your first week shakes. Or maybe, you've just been feeling a dull, persistent emptiness or sense of loss. Trust me man, that shit is going around right now and we get it.
Come on over to August and you'll have 30 other dudes to commiserate with, or at least bitch to.
But yeah, if you want to lean on us, ask us to care about your quit and help hold you accountable, the expectation is that you're there every day and early.