Author Topic: General Discussion - 2017  (Read 65688 times)

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Offline Backwoods901

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #163 on: March 14, 2017, 11:03:00 PM »
Quote from: chewie
Quote from: JB65
Quote from: chewie
As if this shit wasn't bad enough already...

U.S Smokeless Tobacco Company recalls products after sharp metal objects discovered. ... discovered
Jeez.. ... I remembered sometimes when I help the can and the light hit it just right i could see sparkles... but nothing like this. My mouth loves my again after hating me for almost 30 years
Here's the recall letter in case you'd like to read something dripping with irony. ... al-recall/
I received another recall notice in the mail today

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #162 on: March 14, 2017, 03:08:00 PM »
Quote from: JB65
Quote from: chewie
As if this shit wasn't bad enough already...

U.S Smokeless Tobacco Company recalls products after sharp metal objects discovered. ... discovered
Jeez.. ... I remembered sometimes when I help the can and the light hit it just right i could see sparkles... but nothing like this. My mouth loves my again after hating me for almost 30 years
Here's the recall letter in case you'd like to read something dripping with irony. ... al-recall/
"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

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Offline Briggs

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #161 on: March 11, 2017, 01:12:00 PM »
Quote from: Mav06
Quote from: bunyuck
Quote from: Briggs
So I stopped dipping copenhagen after about 17 years in July of 2015. Since then I have become somewhat of an oral cancer hypochondriac. I have been to the dentist and oral surgeon a couple times they seem to think things look ok. My lips and gums healed up alot,but I still have some scaring or slight wrinkles on both sides where I held my dip. These areas still seem to slough off a little skin mostly in the mornings. Question is do you guys that dipped for a lot of years have permanent pockets or scaring where you held your dip?
Everyone is going to be different, there is no catch all when it comes to oral health.

I've been lucky to have good teeth/gums - two cavities my whole life. Dipped for 15 years.

Both my parents have a ton of cavities and different teeth issues - neither of them used tobacco.

Each one of us will have scarring/gum loss where we dipped. Gum tissue doesn't really ever fully regenerate, but it can heal up. The best thing to do is what you are doing - use your dentist to screen/look at areas you think are of concern. You can always get a second opinion if you don't fully believe them.

Stay off the internet to self diagnose (this goes for anything health related, doctors are there for a reason).

Thanks for your reply.
Hey man congrats on quitting I'm back at it again after many struggles. But I wanted to comment on your oral cancer hypocondriacism, which by the way all dippers and former dippers suffer from but just like the thread under yours mentioned you don't have to chew or have even tried chew to end up with oral cancer. I'm sure my mouth has been far more destroyed than yours to the point my gums were just a bloody infected mess which forced me to go to the hospital and have them prescribe me special mouth wash and ointments and after they healed my dumb ass still chewed everyday for the next 6 years. But I have to agree with everyone to not try to diagnose yourself via the Internet because that shit will drive you literally insane. But what I found helped me to lose some anxiety and fear of contracting cancer was to research how to kill it and keep it away and a huge part of that is your diet and making sure you're giving yourself every advantage of keeping cancer at bay, cancer is an epidemic in this country it's not only the smokers and dippers that need to worry about it. So my advice and I'm only speaking from what's helped me mentally and a bonus I've become a lot healthier, is to do a little research make sure your throwing a lot of fruits and vegetables into your diet, drink a lot of water, and get a shit ton of anti-oxidants into your system they'll help to keep the free-radicals(cell mutators) down in your system. Hopefully this helps a bit with your worries and can benefit from some of it.
Thanks, I guess what is most concerning to me is the tissue sloughing and wonder if anyone else has it. I hope your able to stop, it has got a lot easier for me as time goes on. That said if I was told I only had six months to live,I go into the store and get a can.

Offline Mav06

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #160 on: March 11, 2017, 02:46:00 AM »
Quote from: bunyuck
Quote from: Briggs
So I stopped dipping copenhagen after about 17 years in July of 2015. Since then I have become somewhat of an oral cancer hypochondriac. I have been to the dentist and oral surgeon a couple times they seem to think things look ok. My lips and gums healed up alot,but I still have some scaring or slight wrinkles on both sides where I held my dip. These areas still seem to slough off a little skin mostly in the mornings. Question is do you guys that dipped for a lot of years have permanent pockets or scaring where you held your dip?
Everyone is going to be different, there is no catch all when it comes to oral health.

I've been lucky to have good teeth/gums - two cavities my whole life. Dipped for 15 years.

Both my parents have a ton of cavities and different teeth issues - neither of them used tobacco.

Each one of us will have scarring/gum loss where we dipped. Gum tissue doesn't really ever fully regenerate, but it can heal up. The best thing to do is what you are doing - use your dentist to screen/look at areas you think are of concern. You can always get a second opinion if you don't fully believe them.

Stay off the internet to self diagnose (this goes for anything health related, doctors are there for a reason).

Thanks for your reply.
Hey man congrats on quitting I'm back at it again after many struggles. But I wanted to comment on your oral cancer hypocondriacism, which by the way all dippers and former dippers suffer from but just like the thread under yours mentioned you don't have to chew or have even tried chew to end up with oral cancer. I'm sure my mouth has been far more destroyed than yours to the point my gums were just a bloody infected mess which forced me to go to the hospital and have them prescribe me special mouth wash and ointments and after they healed my dumb ass still chewed everyday for the next 6 years. But I have to agree with everyone to not try to diagnose yourself via the Internet because that shit will drive you literally insane. But what I found helped me to lose some anxiety and fear of contracting cancer was to research how to kill it and keep it away and a huge part of that is your diet and making sure you're giving yourself every advantage of keeping cancer at bay, cancer is an epidemic in this country it's not only the smokers and dippers that need to worry about it. So my advice and I'm only speaking from what's helped me mentally and a bonus I've become a lot healthier, is to do a little research make sure your throwing a lot of fruits and vegetables into your diet, drink a lot of water, and get a shit ton of anti-oxidants into your system they'll help to keep the free-radicals(cell mutators) down in your system. Hopefully this helps a bit with your worries and can benefit from some of it.

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #159 on: March 10, 2017, 04:49:00 PM »
Quote from: Idaho
Quote from: BjohnSkoalStraight
I appreciate what you are doing here...wanted to thank you for your support. A work buddy of mine who is in his early sixties was just diagnosed with mouth cancer...apparently he did not chew or smoke, but now has to get part of his upper jaw removed. Watching him go through this process...waiting for an updates from the doctors...wondering if the cancer had metastasized to other parts of his body... was enough of a kick-start for me to put the can down. After talking with him...Im pretty sure he called me a horses ass and then explained to me why it is important that I live a long and healthy be a great father and even better grandfather. I have quit in the past once or twice for a few months at a I kind of knew what to expect. I am 11 days tobacco free and it's tough...but I've made it this far without it...I ain't putting that shit back in my mouth. Keep fighting the good fight!
I am glad you are quit and scared straight... I quit for six months one time without KTC then I was back to full time chewer.
But now I am 936 days without chew thanks to KTC after 17+years chewing. Join us and post roll, and never look back.
Welcome!! Your group would be The June 17 - here's a link June 17

KTC keeps quitters in groups, help everyone because we all go through the same steps at the same (or close)

All you need to do is post your promise to not use nicotine first thing in the morning, then keep your word, then repeat. Super easy
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Offline Idaho Spuds

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #158 on: March 10, 2017, 03:55:00 PM »
Quote from: BjohnSkoalStraight
I appreciate what you are doing here...wanted to thank you for your support. A work buddy of mine who is in his early sixties was just diagnosed with mouth cancer...apparently he did not chew or smoke, but now has to get part of his upper jaw removed. Watching him go through this process...waiting for an updates from the doctors...wondering if the cancer had metastasized to other parts of his body... was enough of a kick-start for me to put the can down. After talking with him...Im pretty sure he called me a horses ass and then explained to me why it is important that I live a long and healthy be a great father and even better grandfather. I have quit in the past once or twice for a few months at a I kind of knew what to expect. I am 11 days tobacco free and it's tough...but I've made it this far without it...I ain't putting that shit back in my mouth. Keep fighting the good fight!
I am glad you are quit and scared straight... I quit for six months one time without KTC then I was back to full time chewer.
But now I am 936 days without chew thanks to KTC after 17+years chewing. Join us and post roll, and never look back.

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #157 on: March 10, 2017, 03:36:00 PM »
I appreciate what you are doing here...wanted to thank you for your support. A work buddy of mine who is in his early sixties was just diagnosed with mouth cancer...apparently he did not chew or smoke, but now has to get part of his upper jaw removed. Watching him go through this process...waiting for an updates from the doctors...wondering if the cancer had metastasized to other parts of his body... was enough of a kick-start for me to put the can down. After talking with him...Im pretty sure he called me a horses ass and then explained to me why it is important that I live a long and healthy be a great father and even better grandfather. I have quit in the past once or twice for a few months at a I kind of knew what to expect. I am 11 days tobacco free and it's tough...but I've made it this far without it...I ain't putting that shit back in my mouth. Keep fighting the good fight!

Offline Briggs

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #156 on: March 10, 2017, 12:15:00 PM »
Quote from: bunyuck
Quote from: Briggs
So I stopped dipping copenhagen after about 17 years in July of 2015. Since then I have become somewhat of an oral cancer hypochondriac. I have been to the dentist and oral surgeon a couple times they seem to think things look ok. My lips and gums healed up alot,but I still have some scaring or slight wrinkles on both sides where I held my dip. These areas still seem to slough off a little skin mostly in the mornings. Question is do you guys that dipped for a lot of years have permanent pockets or scaring where you held your dip?
Everyone is going to be different, there is no catch all when it comes to oral health.

I've been lucky to have good teeth/gums - two cavities my whole life. Dipped for 15 years.

Both my parents have a ton of cavities and different teeth issues - neither of them used tobacco.

Each one of us will have scarring/gum loss where we dipped. Gum tissue doesn't really ever fully regenerate, but it can heal up. The best thing to do is what you are doing - use your dentist to screen/look at areas you think are of concern. You can always get a second opinion if you don't fully believe them.

Stay off the internet to self diagnose (this goes for anything health related, doctors are there for a reason).

Thanks for your reply.

Offline bunyuck

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #155 on: March 10, 2017, 12:08:00 PM »
Quote from: Briggs
So I stopped dipping copenhagen after about 17 years in July of 2015. Since then I have become somewhat of an oral cancer hypochondriac. I have been to the dentist and oral surgeon a couple times they seem to think things look ok. My lips and gums healed up alot,but I still have some scaring or slight wrinkles on both sides where I held my dip. These areas still seem to slough off a little skin mostly in the mornings. Question is do you guys that dipped for a lot of years have permanent pockets or scaring where you held your dip?
Everyone is going to be different, there is no catch all when it comes to oral health.

I've been lucky to have good teeth/gums - two cavities my whole life. Dipped for 15 years.

Both my parents have a ton of cavities and different teeth issues - neither of them used tobacco.

Each one of us will have scarring/gum loss where we dipped. Gum tissue doesn't really ever fully regenerate, but it can heal up. The best thing to do is what you are doing - use your dentist to screen/look at areas you think are of concern. You can always get a second opinion if you don't fully believe them.

Stay off the internet to self diagnose (this goes for anything health related, doctors are there for a reason).

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #154 on: March 10, 2017, 11:35:00 AM »
So I stopped dipping copenhagen after about 17 years in July of 2015. Since then I have become somewhat of an oral cancer hypochondriac. I have been to the dentist and oral surgeon a couple times they seem to think things look ok. My lips and gums healed up alot,but I still have some scaring or slight wrinkles on both sides where I held my dip. These areas still seem to slough off a little skin mostly in the mornings. Question is do you guys that dipped for a lot of years have permanent pockets or scaring where you held your dip?

Offline Johnny Enright

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #153 on: March 08, 2017, 08:04:00 AM »
I'm in thanks guys hello everyone Day 8 and doing alright hope everyone else's is holding up

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #152 on: March 06, 2017, 10:36:00 PM »
Quote from: JB65
Quote from: Lookinup
Quote from: Titeloops
Not sure where to post this, so someone let me know if this is the wrong forum. I'm on day 7 and feeling pretty confident. Day 6 sucked so much, I figure no day can be worse than that. I have a few questions from those of you who've been around for a while. I appreciate any feedback.
1. Is there a most common time to cave? Ie,,, I don't want to get overconfident. If day 21 is the most common cave day I wanna be aware.
2. Will I ever get a good night's sleep again? If so, about when.
3. Same as number 2, but concerning bowel movements.
4. About which day will I be able to think about other things. Right now I pretty much just think about not dipping. Can't focus.
5. I'm feeling very ashamed today. That I let this addiction go on so long. It has defined me for a long time. Almost all my memories include dip. Will this embarrassment go away?

Thanks for any input
Post this up in the June group. We've had really good support from people in there. Welcome, glad to have you, let's quit this.........
Welcome Tite! Nice going on your quit. Let me give you some possible answers

1: Cave? Day 2 for sure, uhm,, i mean day 5, uhmm day 45, umm day 300 You can cave anytime brother. But thats why you post roll early, post your promise to NOT use tobacco that day. you will be alot less likely to cave. Just get through one day at a time. Dont look ahead
2: Yes
3: Yes - both for me anyway was about 14 days
4: Different with everyone. the mind sticks, fuck them. They are the key to kicking dip to the curb. You have to beat them.
5: Me too man, still embarrassed - day 567. Let that shame help build the walls of your own personal quit higher and higher.... then the cravings, excuses to dip and mind tricks eventually cant climb that high

Do it one day at a time, keep showing up, keep posting. Get active in your group, Live Chat.. be a leader. Post as support in some of the veteran groups. Youll be amazed of the support you will receive back.

Im with you today,only. And tomorrow when we both post, I'll be with you all day too.
This ^^^ is great advice. There is no cure brother, and someday you'll come to accept that. For right now, just worry about staying quit for the next 24 hours. It gets better, I promise you that. The flip side is you have to be ready for whatever comes your way. The ticket to that is posting roll every single day and being a man of your word. If you can do that, you can quit nicotine. It won't always be easy but it will always be possible.
"Fuck nicotine dude. You don't need it. And you don't want it. It didn't do a thing for you and you know it." - worktowin
"today you dissided that shit wont control your life. and it wont. unless you let it." - drome
"Not thinking about nicotine is for people who've never used nicotine. We threw that option away with the first dip or drag on a cigarette. We are addicts, and cannot become un-addicted." - wildirish317
"You need to decide how much you really want to be quit." - pky1520
We are always at risk. And probably always will be. That is why I will never get "too quit" to post my +1. Every. Damn. Day. - geis2597

Freedom Tastes So Good

Quit: 7/10/15, HOF: 10/17/15, 2nd Floor: 1/25/16, 3rd Floor: 5/4/16, 1 year: 7/10/16 4th Floor: 8/12/16, 5th Floor: 11/20/16, 6th Floor: 2/28/17, 7th Floor: 6/8/17, 2 years: 7/10/17, 8th Floor: 9/16/17, 9th Floor: 12/25/17, Comma: 4/4/18, 3 years: 7/10/18, 11th Floor: 7/13/18

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #151 on: March 06, 2017, 08:41:00 AM »
Quote from: Lookinup
Quote from: Titeloops
Not sure where to post this, so someone let me know if this is the wrong forum. I'm on day 7 and feeling pretty confident. Day 6 sucked so much, I figure no day can be worse than that. I have a few questions from those of you who've been around for a while. I appreciate any feedback.
1. Is there a most common time to cave? Ie,,, I don't want to get overconfident. If day 21 is the most common cave day I wanna be aware.
2. Will I ever get a good night's sleep again? If so, about when.
3. Same as number 2, but concerning bowel movements.
4. About which day will I be able to think about other things. Right now I pretty much just think about not dipping. Can't focus.
5. I'm feeling very ashamed today. That I let this addiction go on so long. It has defined me for a long time. Almost all my memories include dip. Will this embarrassment go away?

Thanks for any input
Post this up in the June group. We've had really good support from people in there. Welcome, glad to have you, let's quit this.........
Welcome Tite! Nice going on your quit. Let me give you some possible answers

1: Cave? Day 2 for sure, uhm,, i mean day 5, uhmm day 45, umm day 300 You can cave anytime brother. But thats why you post roll early, post your promise to NOT use tobacco that day. you will be alot less likely to cave. Just get through one day at a time. Dont look ahead
2: Yes
3: Yes - both for me anyway was about 14 days
4: Different with everyone. the mind sticks, fuck them. They are the key to kicking dip to the curb. You have to beat them.
5: Me too man, still embarrassed - day 567. Let that shame help build the walls of your own personal quit higher and higher.... then the cravings, excuses to dip and mind tricks eventually cant climb that high

Do it one day at a time, keep showing up, keep posting. Get active in your group, Live Chat.. be a leader. Post as support in some of the veteran groups. Youll be amazed of the support you will receive back.

Im with you today,only. And tomorrow when we both post, I'll be with you all day too.

Offline Lookinup

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #150 on: March 06, 2017, 05:29:00 AM »
Quote from: Titeloops
Not sure where to post this, so someone let me know if this is the wrong forum. I'm on day 7 and feeling pretty confident. Day 6 sucked so much, I figure no day can be worse than that. I have a few questions from those of you who've been around for a while. I appreciate any feedback.
1. Is there a most common time to cave? Ie,,, I don't want to get overconfident. If day 21 is the most common cave day I wanna be aware.
2. Will I ever get a good night's sleep again? If so, about when.
3. Same as number 2, but concerning bowel movements.
4. About which day will I be able to think about other things. Right now I pretty much just think about not dipping. Can't focus.
5. I'm feeling very ashamed today. That I let this addiction go on so long. It has defined me for a long time. Almost all my memories include dip. Will this embarrassment go away?

Thanks for any input
Post this up in the June group. We've had really good support from people in there. Welcome, glad to have you, let's quit this.........

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #149 on: March 06, 2017, 05:16:00 AM »
Not sure where to post this, so someone let me know if this is the wrong forum. I'm on day 7 and feeling pretty confident. Day 6 sucked so much, I figure no day can be worse than that. I have a few questions from those of you who've been around for a while. I appreciate any feedback.
1. Is there a most common time to cave? Ie,,, I don't want to get overconfident. If day 21 is the most common cave day I wanna be aware.
2. Will I ever get a good night's sleep again? If so, about when.
3. Same as number 2, but concerning bowel movements.
4. About which day will I be able to think about other things. Right now I pretty much just think about not dipping. Can't focus.
5. I'm feeling very ashamed today. That I let this addiction go on so long. It has defined me for a long time. Almost all my memories include dip. Will this embarrassment go away?

Thanks for any input
I let my nutz drape over the push pole on the strbd side as I grip the side console. I stare off into the horizon looking for nervous water as nature runs her course... Oh mighty silverking, do not gulp that brown trout..--Flats Poetry: by Fishflorida