Author Topic: General Discussion - 2017  (Read 65543 times)

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #133 on: February 16, 2017, 07:30:00 AM »
Ok here's a good question and one I hadn't thought of until now.
Within 5-10min of waking up every morning I had Copenhagen in my mouth. The only time I would not have it in my mouth is if I were to be eating, I really can't think of a time I didn't have it. However I would keep a dip in for a couple of hours....way past the time of having any flavor or getting any satisfaction, it was "just there".
With that said I had it figured I could get about 2 or 2 1/2 days out of a can. I have read about some of yall going through over a can a day and I was blown away! Not only due to the money yall were spending but also how often you were taking a dip out and putting one in.
We all develop our own habits for different reasons......whatever. My question is how long doe's the actual nicotine last if that makes any sense? Like because I may keep a dip in for 2-3 hours and you only for maybe 30min and then refreshing were you getting more fresh nicotine than I was? If mine was gone was I more in a habit of having something in my lip more than anything?
I don't want to keep trying to explain and become repetitive so hopefully that makes sense to yall.

I will also say the guys and girls on this site are pretty awesome.......good people and I appreciate what you all do. Have a great day!
Hangin Out

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #132 on: February 15, 2017, 06:11:00 PM »
I threw my can out today. I've done it numerous times. I dumped what I had left in the toilet and flushed it. I'm a 32 year old female. I feel ashamed I got addicted to this but I'm serious about quitting. I hate having nasty spit bottles laying around plus I met a guy who doesn't know I chew and I really want to quit for myself and him. I run 5k's and ride bike in cycling events. Sadly I got in the habit of justifying that its ok to chew because I work out. Well now it isn't ok.
Strong Body Strong Mind

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #131 on: February 15, 2017, 02:28:00 PM »
Quote from: CavMan83
Quote from: addictedd
Friends, My English is not good. So, please excuse me for this

I am from India and I accidentally stepped into this site while searching for resources helpful in quitting tobacco/nicotine.
Friends, before asking for your help, let me introduce myself.
I am from India and at the age of 16 years I started taking tobacco and since 25 years this stuff has been my regular companion. I have got sick of this habit as I fear one day I would die of cancer. Whenever I feel some sensation in my teeth/mouth I feel i will die soon. I fear to consult a doctor, due to the aforesaid reasons.
I also had a disturbed upbringing/ alcoholic /abusive father, hence my childhood/adolescent stage was painful and due to this I also became an alcoholic. Now, I am going through divorce and my life has become a total hell. Throughout my life I have only felt pain and due to this I am unable to take a positive step.
I had tried numerous times to quit tobacco/alcohol but it would last only for 3-4 days. I always promise myself that I will not touch tobacco/nicotine but how i reach the shop to buy tobacco/ALCOHOL, I donÂ’t have any idea. This nicotine has totally overpowered me.
Please help me to quit nicotine.

Welcome Addictedd.....

You are not alone. ALL of us here are fighting the battle of addiction to nicotine. But take heart; this battle can be won, on a daily basis, by posting to our fellow quitters a daily promise to not use nicotine. Then we honor that promise for the next 24 hours, come back tomorrow and post another promise. It is a simple process. Not easy, but simple. The first several days are the toughest, but you have to understand that even though it may feel like you will die if you don't get your nicotine fix, that is not true. Do whatever you have to do to power through those cravings and stay true to your word to not use.

Your quit group can be found Here, in May 2017 I would recommend you read up on it and learn how to post (just trying to post is good enough for the first few times; don't expect to master it right away).

With you in this quit!! Welcome!!
7 Hours in to Day 1 (14 hours counting sleep). Maybe people don't post halfway through Day 1 as I know it's not a huge accomplishment yet, but for me, winning the morning and winning against those persuasive early morning voices, it's so crucial.

Was reacquainted with this site after a 14 year hiatus and glad it's still going. Think I can really do it this time. Minute to minute the first few days I know but my only goal today is to beat that voice. Currently....this sucks and I feel like I'm suffocating but I know the answers as to why I'm doing this will become more clear as the fog lifts.

Here's to winning the minute.

Cheers! Let's go!

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #130 on: February 14, 2017, 01:04:00 PM »
Quote from: addictedd
Friends, My English is not good. So, please excuse me for this

I am from India and I accidentally stepped into this site while searching for resources helpful in quitting tobacco/nicotine.
Friends, before asking for your help, let me introduce myself.
I am from India and at the age of 16 years I started taking tobacco and since 25 years this stuff has been my regular companion. I have got sick of this habit as I fear one day I would die of cancer. Whenever I feel some sensation in my teeth/mouth I feel i will die soon. I fear to consult a doctor, due to the aforesaid reasons.
I also had a disturbed upbringing/ alcoholic /abusive father, hence my childhood/adolescent stage was painful and due to this I also became an alcoholic. Now, I am going through divorce and my life has become a total hell. Throughout my life I have only felt pain and due to this I am unable to take a positive step.
I had tried numerous times to quit tobacco/alcohol but it would last only for 3-4 days. I always promise myself that I will not touch tobacco/nicotine but how i reach the shop to buy tobacco/ALCOHOL, I donÂ’t have any idea. This nicotine has totally overpowered me.
Please help me to quit nicotine.

Welcome Addictedd.....

You are not alone. ALL of us here are fighting the battle of addiction to nicotine. But take heart; this battle can be won, on a daily basis, by posting to our fellow quitters a daily promise to not use nicotine. Then we honor that promise for the next 24 hours, come back tomorrow and post another promise. It is a simple process. Not easy, but simple. The first several days are the toughest, but you have to understand that even though it may feel like you will die if you don't get your nicotine fix, that is not true. Do whatever you have to do to power through those cravings and stay true to your word to not use.

Your quit group can be found Here, in May 2017 I would recommend you read up on it and learn how to post (just trying to post is good enough for the first few times; don't expect to master it right away).

With you in this quit!! Welcome!!

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #128 on: February 14, 2017, 12:21:00 PM »
Friends, My English is not good. So, please excuse me for this

I am from India and I accidentally stepped into this site while searching for resources helpful in quitting tobacco/nicotine.
Friends, before asking for your help, let me introduce myself.
I am from India and at the age of 16 years I started taking tobacco and since 25 years this stuff has been my regular companion. I have got sick of this habit as I fear one day I would die of cancer. Whenever I feel some sensation in my teeth/mouth I feel i will die soon. I fear to consult a doctor, due to the aforesaid reasons.
I also had a disturbed upbringing/ alcoholic /abusive father, hence my childhood/adolescent stage was painful and due to this I also became an alcoholic. Now, I am going through divorce and my life has become a total hell. Throughout my life I have only felt pain and due to this I am unable to take a positive step.
I had tried numerous times to quit tobacco/alcohol but it would last only for 3-4 days. I always promise myself that I will not touch tobacco/nicotine but how i reach the shop to buy tobacco/ALCOHOL, I donÂ’t have any idea. This nicotine has totally overpowered me.
Please help me to quit nicotine.


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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #127 on: February 12, 2017, 10:48:00 PM »
I hit 4 years yesterday. I never thought it would be possible. But posting roll every day was what did it. You can do it. I know because I did.
My Hall of Fame Speech:

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Offline Frazzled

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #126 on: February 12, 2017, 09:11:00 PM »
Quote from: chewie
Quote from: Candoit
Quote from: Doc468
Quote from: Makai
Anyone keep records of the success rate of this site? 20,000 plus members over 10 years.
Just curious about that and the percentage of folks who post after 100 days.
For me the posting roll has helped a lot but reading some of the other stuff almost causes triggers for craves, I'd rather just forget about the habit then discuss it all the time.
I had a solid 4 year quit and it crashed ten years ago in a moment of stupidity.
I'm searching for the best way for me to continue in another 25 days when I hit 100.
I agree, all of this talking about not chewing feels an awful lot like a trigger to me too. You're farther along in your quit but you'll figure out what works for you. In my case, posting roll is enough... I'm doing it for me, not to impress the other asshats in my month. Find what works, take what you want, give what you can.
Making it to the next roll call, no matter the day count, is the only success that matters. Do people succeed after they stop posting roll? I would like to believe so, but unless your on roll, I dont know for sure.
This may be relevant to this discussion:

I DonÂ’t Want To Forget My Addiction ... addiction/

As for the statistics... it's a difficult question, but I know we've looked into it. Let me see what I can dig up (or point you to someone who remembers).
I can tell you this much.

For those who post roll and keep their word, the success rate is 100%.

So, all you have to do is sign you name to roll, and keep your word. Are you a man of your word? Then you can make it to 100%.

2,234 days of posting roll, keeping my word, and freedom. See you tomorrow on roll.
Quit Date 1/3/11
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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #125 on: February 11, 2017, 08:18:00 AM »
Quote from: Candoit
Quote from: Doc468
Quote from: Makai
Anyone keep records of the success rate of this site? 20,000 plus members over 10 years.
Just curious about that and the percentage of folks who post after 100 days.
For me the posting roll has helped a lot but reading some of the other stuff almost causes triggers for craves, I'd rather just forget about the habit then discuss it all the time.
I had a solid 4 year quit and it crashed ten years ago in a moment of stupidity.
I'm searching for the best way for me to continue in another 25 days when I hit 100.
I agree, all of this talking about not chewing feels an awful lot like a trigger to me too. You're farther along in your quit but you'll figure out what works for you. In my case, posting roll is enough... I'm doing it for me, not to impress the other asshats in my month. Find what works, take what you want, give what you can.
Making it to the next roll call, no matter the day count, is the only success that matters. Do people succeed after they stop posting roll? I would like to believe so, but unless your on roll, I dont know for sure.
This may be relevant to this discussion:

I DonÂ’t Want To Forget My Addiction ... addiction/

As for the statistics... it's a difficult question, but I know we've looked into it. Let me see what I can dig up (or point you to someone who remembers).
"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

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Episode III: The Final Quit | 406 Northlane |

Offline Candoit

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #124 on: February 11, 2017, 02:21:00 AM »
Quote from: Doc468
Quote from: Makai
Anyone keep records of the success rate of this site? 20,000 plus members over 10 years.
Just curious about that and the percentage of folks who post after 100 days.
For me the posting roll has helped a lot but reading some of the other stuff almost causes triggers for craves, I'd rather just forget about the habit then discuss it all the time.
I had a solid 4 year quit and it crashed ten years ago in a moment of stupidity.
I'm searching for the best way for me to continue in another 25 days when I hit 100.
I agree, all of this talking about not chewing feels an awful lot like a trigger to me too. You're farther along in your quit but you'll figure out what works for you. In my case, posting roll is enough... I'm doing it for me, not to impress the other asshats in my month. Find what works, take what you want, give what you can.
Making it to the next roll call, no matter the day count, is the only success that matters. Do people succeed after they stop posting roll? I would like to believe so, but unless your on roll, I dont know for sure.
There are no circumstances in which using nicotine will improve the outcome.

My journey. The best part it is not over yet.

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #123 on: February 10, 2017, 09:05:00 PM »
Quote from: Makai
Anyone keep records of the success rate of this site? 20,000 plus members over 10 years.
Just curious about that and the percentage of folks who post after 100 days.
For me the posting roll has helped a lot but reading some of the other stuff almost causes triggers for craves, I'd rather just forget about the habit then discuss it all the time.
I had a solid 4 year quit and it crashed ten years ago in a moment of stupidity.
I'm searching for the best way for me to continue in another 25 days when I hit 100.
I agree, all of this talking about not chewing feels an awful lot like a trigger to me too. You're farther along in your quit but you'll figure out what works for you. In my case, posting roll is enough... I'm doing it for me, not to impress the other asshats in my month. Find what works, take what you want, give what you can.

Offline Makai

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #122 on: February 10, 2017, 07:25:00 PM »
Anyone keep records of the success rate of this site? 20,000 plus members over 10 years.
Just curious about that and the percentage of folks who post after 100 days.
For me the posting roll has helped a lot but reading some of the other stuff almost causes triggers for craves, I'd rather just forget about the habit then discuss it all the time.
I had a solid 4 year quit and it crashed ten years ago in a moment of stupidity.
I'm searching for the best way for me to continue in another 25 days when I hit 100.

Offline Backwoods901

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #121 on: February 10, 2017, 11:41:00 AM »
Quote from: James.whitcher
Quote from: Tonifer
Quote from: sk8er
Ok so this is most likely going to get me a reply like "be careful" and "don't get too cocky" which I will fully understand.
I was sitting here in my office this morning and although today is day 70 for me I cannot even imagine putting Copenhagen back in my mouth again. It's almost as if it never happened at this point. We all move along at different speeds/pace but for me after the first month I've been good.
Does it cross my mind occasionally? Sure it does but it goes away as quick as it comes. After 30 years of having a dip in my mouth every waking minute I never thought I could beat this. Man does it feel good and this site is amazing with great people on it. Tough love but necessary
Be careful, don't get too cocky. I dropped Copenhagen several years ago, and for 4 years never considered going back. Then one day I decided to try just one dip. That's all it took and I was back dipping full time.

Don't ever think you have it beat. Don't ever think you are cured. Work every day to stay quit and you will. Slack up and it will sneak up on you when you least expect it, so always expect it.
Why after four years did you decide to have just one?
its always lurking and you never know what may be a trigger. today I had what must be my first dunin donuts coffee in years and when i finished it I guess i zoned out staring at the cup cause in all these years i always used it as a spitter and i blanked about what to do with empty cup. As strange as it is and can be my wife threw it a away for me because sometimes our brains remember the most random things in the world that trigger back addictive thoughts as well as the happy and sad moments in our life.

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #120 on: February 09, 2017, 10:51:00 PM »
Quote from: Tonifer
Quote from: sk8er
Ok so this is most likely going to get me a reply like "be careful" and "don't get too cocky" which I will fully understand.
I was sitting here in my office this morning and although today is day 70 for me I cannot even imagine putting Copenhagen back in my mouth again. It's almost as if it never happened at this point. We all move along at different speeds/pace but for me after the first month I've been good.
Does it cross my mind occasionally? Sure it does but it goes away as quick as it comes. After 30 years of having a dip in my mouth every waking minute I never thought I could beat this. Man does it feel good and this site is amazing with great people on it. Tough love but necessary
Be careful, don't get too cocky. I dropped Copenhagen several years ago, and for 4 years never considered going back. Then one day I decided to try just one dip. That's all it took and I was back dipping full time.

Don't ever think you have it beat. Don't ever think you are cured. Work every day to stay quit and you will. Slack up and it will sneak up on you when you least expect it, so always expect it.
Why after four years did you decide to have just one?

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #119 on: February 09, 2017, 03:45:00 PM »
Quote from: sk8er
Ok so this is most likely going to get me a reply like "be careful" and "don't get too cocky" which I will fully understand.
I was sitting here in my office this morning and although today is day 70 for me I cannot even imagine putting Copenhagen back in my mouth again. It's almost as if it never happened at this point. We all move along at different speeds/pace but for me after the first month I've been good.
Does it cross my mind occasionally? Sure it does but it goes away as quick as it comes. After 30 years of having a dip in my mouth every waking minute I never thought I could beat this. Man does it feel good and this site is amazing with great people on it. Tough love but necessary
Be careful, don't get too cocky. I dropped Copenhagen several years ago, and for 4 years never considered going back. Then one day I decided to try just one dip. That's all it took and I was back dipping full time.

Don't ever think you have it beat. Don't ever think you are cured. Work every day to stay quit and you will. Slack up and it will sneak up on you when you least expect it, so always expect it.
Quit date: September 25, 2016
HOF date: January 2, 2017
Comma date: June 21, 2019

Become as addicted to your quit as you were to nic.