Day 32......not a good day! 'Finger'
I was doing great being back at work the past two days (am off now for bereavement leave) and I did not have the need for taking the Xanax for over 26 hours. But since I tried to sleep without it I got the Hypnic Jerks again (shock going through your nervous system jolting you awake right as you are about to fall asleep) It happens continuously throughout the night and you get no sleep.
This is killing me. I have no cravings for chew at all, well, except for what I call slight anxiety cravings. Like my body is in an elevated state and wants something. Anyone experience the Hypnic Jerks?
I am thinking it's withdrawal from the Xanax because this only happened the last time a took a break from taking it. Please god, let me get better with each day, allow me to heal and live a better life.... I just ask for some sleep is all.......
I have had that for years. I have noticed in my nicotine gaps that they get a lot worse. I don't know what causes it nor how to prevent it. Fortunately for me, I'm a deep sleeper and it never has caused real problems. Just the times when it does knock me out of the almost asleep state and scares the hell out of me, haha. I don't have any real advice for you, just know that you aren't alone.
As far as needing help sleeping - I've only had one real time in my life when I had trouble going to sleep. When I was going through my divorce. What helped me a lot was drinking some "sleepy -time" tea and reading a book. Knocked me out every time. I tried a few medicines, but none helped me sleep and just made me feel like crap the next day.
I hope things get better for you.
Things will get better. A lot.
Dude, get out the calculator. How many days did you feed your brain neurotoxin??? How many days have you been clean from that poison? It will happen. In the meantime, keep posting here. You will be furious reading this back in the near future.
Quit with you today sir.
10,960 days feeding it neurotoxin. 'bang head'
Day 35 without feeding the brain neurotoxin "nicotine"
Returned last night from attending my wife's grandfathers funeral. I was feeling a bit depressed and was doing my best to be there for my wife and her family. I never knew (at 93) my grandfather in law stormed Utah Beach, fought at the Battle of the Bulge and took part in liberating one of the 1st concentration camps. There was a gun salute, the revelry playing and the flag given to my grandmother.
It made me think. If he made it through all of that I know I can make it through this. He didn't smoke or use nicotine once during his life. Makes my pathetic quit seem very small compared to what he endured. Sure some of you can call me weak, I'll admit I am, I let nicotine beat me. Nicotine! I let it beat me, a plant with thousands of toxins I stuffed my face with every day.
While not as bad as being in WWII, this is my battle. A battle that's a lot tougher than quitting heroin or cocaine.
I do feel life being more exciting, food tastes incredible, I love my wife more and I have more emotions than I have ever felt.
I am feeling the Hypnic Jerks quite a bit now and hope they go away. I think it's a side affect from the Xanax or either I have a vitamin deficiency. I am looking for help online and yet there is no cure and doctors have no idea how to treat it. I am praying to god that I don't have to go through this nightly or I will lose sleep every day. I get scared it will affect my ability to work, but I got to stop worrying, it's probably making it worse!
I quit with all of you today.....stay strong and stay quit!