Author Topic: I"m in- just found my way  (Read 41052 times)

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Offline rdad

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #195 on: June 10, 2014, 06:32:00 PM »
Quote from: brettlees
Just a little thing i wanted to post. No need for support or anything, just want to share something nice.

I have a cold or allergies. Pretty bad post-nasal, making my throat raw and sore, coughing a bit. It's SO DAMNED NICE that I know that this is not finally cancer hitting me, it is not because i have been dipping and swallowing too much and i've made my throat sore. I just have a little cold or allergies. I can just relax, take care of myself and it will go away. I don't have to plan to go the doctor if it doesn't go away in x days. I don't have to fear biopsies and probes and tracheotomies and the rest. I can just relax and get better, consider changing up my diet and/or pop some allergy meds. WHAT A RELIEF that i NEVER EXPECTED!

FUCK! LIFE IS GREAT WHEN YOU DON"T CHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FUCK! LIFE IS GREAT WHEN YOU DON"T CHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
True, True, True. I love seeing you celebrate being free. I'm with you, I'm terrified of "probes"

Offline brettlees

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #194 on: June 10, 2014, 06:09:00 PM »
Just a little thing i wanted to post. No need for support or anything, just want to share something nice.

I have a cold or allergies. Pretty bad post-nasal, making my throat raw and sore, coughing a bit. It's SO DAMNED NICE that I know that this is not finally cancer hitting me, it is not because i have been dipping and swallowing too much and i've made my throat sore. I just have a little cold or allergies. I can just relax, take care of myself and it will go away. I don't have to plan to go the doctor if it doesn't go away in x days. I don't have to fear biopsies and probes and tracheotomies and the rest. I can just relax and get better, consider changing up my diet and/or pop some allergy meds. WHAT A RELIEF that i NEVER EXPECTED!

FUCK! LIFE IS GREAT WHEN YOU DON"T CHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline brettlees

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #193 on: June 10, 2014, 06:09:00 PM »
Quote from: Bulldog0311
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: ihatecope,Dec
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws,Dec
Quote from: brettlees,Dec
Quote from: Scowick65,Dec
Quote from: CBird65,Dec
Quote from: brettlees,Dec
This week I've been travelling for work, from Tuesday through Friday, in DC. Getting a real quit workout, too!  I knew it'd be a challenge.

Used to be: DC was an especially tricky dipping destination when I came here. You usually don't get a car, so transportation is tough. And, it's hard to find supply if you run out or low-- so, I learned the hard way to stock up before coming in. Then, you dress well and stay out of the hotel for a long term, on public transportaiton, going through security to get into buildings-- talk about a ninja challenge! and you have to pack it on your person somewhere, becuase it's not likley to be at a corner store just outside where you are-- there aren't such stores, reliably anyway. And where do you put it- in your suit pocket? What about the metal detectors- can't let others see it by taking it out of the pocket to get through there.... it's a real obstacle course. And, then, how and where do you spit? Nope, gotta maintain a delicate balance of size of dip so that you can swallow, or risk having to spit discretely on a marble floor somewhere or make an emergency run to a bathroom - how about in the Senate office building for example- just so you can spit. And hope there's not a quick spit buildup, so you dont' have to either swallow it and get sick or have to gurgle out a question about where the bathroom is.   Ridiculous, but real.  Now, I'm' free of that and it feels like a city dog that got off its leash and is running though the neighborhood just because it feels good to be free!

Also, though, the triggers are pretty deep and that means I've been running a gauntlet of craves. That means I"m winning a lot though, because i'm smacking the bitch back whenever she raisees her ugly head. I"m thinking the triggers are strong because they had to be, in order to overcome the terrible inconvenience dipping is here. The addiction had to make sure I knew damned well i'd better keep the supply coming, even though it was very hard and complicated to do that.

The travelling part is interesting. You are essentially alone when travelling. That means lots of alone time with the nicbitch keeping you company. She loves travelling, despite the inconvenience, and she just ramps up the triggers to accomodate the inconveniences, like i desribed earlier. However, recall that the addiction means that she takes over the brain circuitry that makes you want to make friends. It does feel very different with that circuitry in myself coming into a state of being nicotine free. I actually enjoy and find myself having more, pleasurable, interactions all along my travels. I still have habits of keeping to myself, but i'm finding that it's more fun to not keep to myself, to reach out to fellow travelers and other people I meet and actually engage with them. What the $*^#*, i've always aspired to that but felt shy in some ways and that held be back. And I battled it but never felt free. No damned wonder, I find now, since my brain chemistry has been hijacked all this time and I was incabable of healthy free relating with people .

So glad to be free from the shit. So glad to be growing up again after the shit worked its way into my brain. So f-ing thankful that I have this opportunity to live. And it's just starting.
keep bringing it every damn day. it's amazing all the freedoms we willingly sacrificed to kneel at her feet. a word to the wise, keep your head on a swivel, as the nic bitch likes to change up the point of attack and her disguise
Yes, see how easy life can be when you do not have to worry how to feed an addiction? Well done!


I got stuck in DC once without my can. I was miserable till I got my fix.
I hope that at some point in the rewiring process, my neurons rewire themselves so I do a little better job at noticing errors in my typing! hahahaha! Seriously, sometimes when I see what I wrote, like the above, and see all the typos I cringe! oh well, you all take me as I come here, and for some reason it's really as bad typist sometimes! Can't blame autocorrect either, when I'm not on my phone. But I really don't see all the errors the first time! So be it, I know what I'm saying and it does have value when I look back at where I've been. I noticed the typing was bad early on too- attributed it to fog.

Another good point about DC --- ihatecope told me grizzclaws lives over that way, so I got in touch with grizzclaws and we'll do a get together next time I get out. Looking forward to that, as long as he doesn't want to go fishing!

If any newer quitters aren't aware of the meetup topic forums, CBird explained to me that you can track the topics of a meetup in a particular area, and then if someone comes to that area and posts you'll get a notice that someone posted- and perhaps meet face to face. Thanks Cbird!
Brett, the Potomac is full of snakeheads. I'll get my brother in law's boat. We're goin fishing. I'll buy the sunflower seeds.
Reason to quit number 102: You will make more friends. The nic bitch is selfish she would have us believe that she is our only friend while stabbing us in the back.

LMFAO on the fishing pic. Anyone care to see mike fishing in DC should request a copy of that pic.
I could really relate to your travels. I was on the road this week as well.

The one thing to think about is that you are NO LONGER traveling with the nic B. We used to and she used to dictate our entire trip... Tell us what to do the entire time. No more my friend. You are no longer owned.

Every day you post roll and quit is a day the nic B is not controlling your life. You are dictating your actions and are back in control. She is still trying to nudge her way back... But not today!

This road trip for you was your first solo work trip in a while... Well done!

Proud to be quit with you today brother!
I'm totally ghey for you and your quitsanity!!!!! Keep inspiring by doing the work it takes.
Quitrageous! thanks!
Grats on the second floor Brett!

you're up next buddy! Time's flying!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline Bulldog0311

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #192 on: June 10, 2014, 05:38:00 PM »
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: ihatecope,Dec
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws,Dec
Quote from: brettlees,Dec
Quote from: Scowick65,Dec
Quote from: CBird65,Dec
Quote from: brettlees,Dec
This week I've been travelling for work, from Tuesday through Friday, in DC. Getting a real quit workout, too!  I knew it'd be a challenge.

Used to be: DC was an especially tricky dipping destination when I came here. You usually don't get a car, so transportation is tough. And, it's hard to find supply if you run out or low-- so, I learned the hard way to stock up before coming in. Then, you dress well and stay out of the hotel for a long term, on public transportaiton, going through security to get into buildings-- talk about a ninja challenge! and you have to pack it on your person somewhere, becuase it's not likley to be at a corner store just outside where you are-- there aren't such stores, reliably anyway. And where do you put it- in your suit pocket? What about the metal detectors- can't let others see it by taking it out of the pocket to get through there.... it's a real obstacle course. And, then, how and where do you spit? Nope, gotta maintain a delicate balance of size of dip so that you can swallow, or risk having to spit discretely on a marble floor somewhere or make an emergency run to a bathroom - how about in the Senate office building for example- just so you can spit. And hope there's not a quick spit buildup, so you dont' have to either swallow it and get sick or have to gurgle out a question about where the bathroom is.   Ridiculous, but real.  Now, I'm' free of that and it feels like a city dog that got off its leash and is running though the neighborhood just because it feels good to be free!

Also, though, the triggers are pretty deep and that means I've been running a gauntlet of craves. That means I"m winning a lot though, because i'm smacking the bitch back whenever she raisees her ugly head. I"m thinking the triggers are strong because they had to be, in order to overcome the terrible inconvenience dipping is here. The addiction had to make sure I knew damned well i'd better keep the supply coming, even though it was very hard and complicated to do that.

The travelling part is interesting. You are essentially alone when travelling. That means lots of alone time with the nicbitch keeping you company. She loves travelling, despite the inconvenience, and she just ramps up the triggers to accomodate the inconveniences, like i desribed earlier. However, recall that the addiction means that she takes over the brain circuitry that makes you want to make friends. It does feel very different with that circuitry in myself coming into a state of being nicotine free. I actually enjoy and find myself having more, pleasurable, interactions all along my travels. I still have habits of keeping to myself, but i'm finding that it's more fun to not keep to myself, to reach out to fellow travelers and other people I meet and actually engage with them. What the $*^#*, i've always aspired to that but felt shy in some ways and that held be back. And I battled it but never felt free. No damned wonder, I find now, since my brain chemistry has been hijacked all this time and I was incabable of healthy free relating with people .

So glad to be free from the shit. So glad to be growing up again after the shit worked its way into my brain. So f-ing thankful that I have this opportunity to live. And it's just starting.
keep bringing it every damn day. it's amazing all the freedoms we willingly sacrificed to kneel at her feet. a word to the wise, keep your head on a swivel, as the nic bitch likes to change up the point of attack and her disguise
Yes, see how easy life can be when you do not have to worry how to feed an addiction? Well done!


I got stuck in DC once without my can. I was miserable till I got my fix.
I hope that at some point in the rewiring process, my neurons rewire themselves so I do a little better job at noticing errors in my typing! hahahaha! Seriously, sometimes when I see what I wrote, like the above, and see all the typos I cringe! oh well, you all take me as I come here, and for some reason it's really as bad typist sometimes! Can't blame autocorrect either, when I'm not on my phone. But I really don't see all the errors the first time! So be it, I know what I'm saying and it does have value when I look back at where I've been. I noticed the typing was bad early on too- attributed it to fog.

Another good point about DC --- ihatecope told me grizzclaws lives over that way, so I got in touch with grizzclaws and we'll do a get together next time I get out. Looking forward to that, as long as he doesn't want to go fishing!

If any newer quitters aren't aware of the meetup topic forums, CBird explained to me that you can track the topics of a meetup in a particular area, and then if someone comes to that area and posts you'll get a notice that someone posted- and perhaps meet face to face. Thanks Cbird!
Brett, the Potomac is full of snakeheads. I'll get my brother in law's boat. We're goin fishing. I'll buy the sunflower seeds.
Reason to quit number 102: You will make more friends. The nic bitch is selfish she would have us believe that she is our only friend while stabbing us in the back.

LMFAO on the fishing pic. Anyone care to see mike fishing in DC should request a copy of that pic.
I could really relate to your travels. I was on the road this week as well.

The one thing to think about is that you are NO LONGER traveling with the nic B. We used to and she used to dictate our entire trip... Tell us what to do the entire time. No more my friend. You are no longer owned.

Every day you post roll and quit is a day the nic B is not controlling your life. You are dictating your actions and are back in control. She is still trying to nudge her way back... But not today!

This road trip for you was your first solo work trip in a while... Well done!

Proud to be quit with you today brother!
I'm totally ghey for you and your quitsanity!!!!! Keep inspiring by doing the work it takes.
Quitrageous! thanks!
Grats on the second floor Brett!

Offline brettlees

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #191 on: June 10, 2014, 05:24:00 PM »
Just a little thing i wanted to post. No need for support or anything, just want to share something nice.

I have a cold or allergies. Pretty bad post-nasal, making my throat raw and sore, coughing a bit. It's SO DAMNED NICE that I know that this is not finally cancer hitting me, it is not because i have been dipping and swallowing too much and i've made my throat sore. I just have a little cold or allergies. I can just relax, take care of myself and it will go away. I don't have to plan to go the doctor if it doesn't go away in x days. I don't have to fear biopsies and probes and tracheotomies and the rest. I can just relax and get better, consider changing up my diet and/or pop some allergy meds. WHAT A RELIEF that i NEVER EXPECTED!

FUCK! LIFE IS GREAT WHEN YOU DON"T CHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline brettlees

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #190 on: May 27, 2014, 05:31:00 PM »
Quote from: brettlees
In case somebody got overlooked -- and also because some people aren't used to seeing they have a PM in the new system.....

Theres a Denver area quitter get-together in the works for Thursday evening!! come on over!

For newer quitters, here's a link to the thread where you can reply if you're going---

Denver Area Quitters

This is a fun and outstanding way to enhance the strength of your quit beyond what you can imagine!
Bringing this back to the bottom.

let's see some more of the classes of 2014 represented too! go to the link above and let us know whether you can make it
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline brettlees

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #189 on: May 27, 2014, 05:29:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: ihatecope,Dec
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws,Dec
Quote from: brettlees,Dec
Quote from: Scowick65,Dec
Quote from: CBird65,Dec
Quote from: brettlees,Dec
This week I've been travelling for work, from Tuesday through Friday, in DC. Getting a real quit workout, too!  I knew it'd be a challenge.

Used to be: DC was an especially tricky dipping destination when I came here. You usually don't get a car, so transportation is tough. And, it's hard to find supply if you run out or low-- so, I learned the hard way to stock up before coming in. Then, you dress well and stay out of the hotel for a long term, on public transportaiton, going through security to get into buildings-- talk about a ninja challenge! and you have to pack it on your person somewhere, becuase it's not likley to be at a corner store just outside where you are-- there aren't such stores, reliably anyway. And where do you put it- in your suit pocket? What about the metal detectors- can't let others see it by taking it out of the pocket to get through there.... it's a real obstacle course. And, then, how and where do you spit? Nope, gotta maintain a delicate balance of size of dip so that you can swallow, or risk having to spit discretely on a marble floor somewhere or make an emergency run to a bathroom - how about in the Senate office building for example- just so you can spit. And hope there's not a quick spit buildup, so you dont' have to either swallow it and get sick or have to gurgle out a question about where the bathroom is.   Ridiculous, but real.  Now, I'm' free of that and it feels like a city dog that got off its leash and is running though the neighborhood just because it feels good to be free!

Also, though, the triggers are pretty deep and that means I've been running a gauntlet of craves. That means I"m winning a lot though, because i'm smacking the bitch back whenever she raisees her ugly head. I"m thinking the triggers are strong because they had to be, in order to overcome the terrible inconvenience dipping is here. The addiction had to make sure I knew damned well i'd better keep the supply coming, even though it was very hard and complicated to do that.

The travelling part is interesting. You are essentially alone when travelling. That means lots of alone time with the nicbitch keeping you company. She loves travelling, despite the inconvenience, and she just ramps up the triggers to accomodate the inconveniences, like i desribed earlier. However, recall that the addiction means that she takes over the brain circuitry that makes you want to make friends. It does feel very different with that circuitry in myself coming into a state of being nicotine free. I actually enjoy and find myself having more, pleasurable, interactions all along my travels. I still have habits of keeping to myself, but i'm finding that it's more fun to not keep to myself, to reach out to fellow travelers and other people I meet and actually engage with them. What the $*^#*, i've always aspired to that but felt shy in some ways and that held be back. And I battled it but never felt free. No damned wonder, I find now, since my brain chemistry has been hijacked all this time and I was incabable of healthy free relating with people .

So glad to be free from the shit. So glad to be growing up again after the shit worked its way into my brain. So f-ing thankful that I have this opportunity to live. And it's just starting.
keep bringing it every damn day. it's amazing all the freedoms we willingly sacrificed to kneel at her feet. a word to the wise, keep your head on a swivel, as the nic bitch likes to change up the point of attack and her disguise
Yes, see how easy life can be when you do not have to worry how to feed an addiction? Well done!


I got stuck in DC once without my can. I was miserable till I got my fix.
I hope that at some point in the rewiring process, my neurons rewire themselves so I do a little better job at noticing errors in my typing! hahahaha! Seriously, sometimes when I see what I wrote, like the above, and see all the typos I cringe! oh well, you all take me as I come here, and for some reason it's really as bad typist sometimes! Can't blame autocorrect either, when I'm not on my phone. But I really don't see all the errors the first time! So be it, I know what I'm saying and it does have value when I look back at where I've been. I noticed the typing was bad early on too- attributed it to fog.

Another good point about DC --- ihatecope told me grizzclaws lives over that way, so I got in touch with grizzclaws and we'll do a get together next time I get out. Looking forward to that, as long as he doesn't want to go fishing!

If any newer quitters aren't aware of the meetup topic forums, CBird explained to me that you can track the topics of a meetup in a particular area, and then if someone comes to that area and posts you'll get a notice that someone posted- and perhaps meet face to face. Thanks Cbird!
Brett, the Potomac is full of snakeheads. I'll get my brother in law's boat. We're goin fishing. I'll buy the sunflower seeds.
Reason to quit number 102: You will make more friends. The nic bitch is selfish she would have us believe that she is our only friend while stabbing us in the back.

LMFAO on the fishing pic. Anyone care to see mike fishing in DC should request a copy of that pic.
I could really relate to your travels. I was on the road this week as well.

The one thing to think about is that you are NO LONGER traveling with the nic B. We used to and she used to dictate our entire trip... Tell us what to do the entire time. No more my friend. You are no longer owned.

Every day you post roll and quit is a day the nic B is not controlling your life. You are dictating your actions and are back in control. She is still trying to nudge her way back... But not today!

This road trip for you was your first solo work trip in a while... Well done!

Proud to be quit with you today brother!
I'm totally ghey for you and your quitsanity!!!!! Keep inspiring by doing the work it takes.
Quitrageous! thanks!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #188 on: May 27, 2014, 03:17:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: ihatecope,Dec
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws,Dec
Quote from: brettlees,Dec
Quote from: Scowick65,Dec
Quote from: CBird65,Dec
Quote from: brettlees,Dec
This week I've been travelling for work, from Tuesday through Friday, in DC. Getting a real quit workout, too!  I knew it'd be a challenge.

Used to be: DC was an especially tricky dipping destination when I came here. You usually don't get a car, so transportation is tough. And, it's hard to find supply if you run out or low-- so, I learned the hard way to stock up before coming in. Then, you dress well and stay out of the hotel for a long term, on public transportaiton, going through security to get into buildings-- talk about a ninja challenge! and you have to pack it on your person somewhere, becuase it's not likley to be at a corner store just outside where you are-- there aren't such stores, reliably anyway. And where do you put it- in your suit pocket? What about the metal detectors- can't let others see it by taking it out of the pocket to get through there.... it's a real obstacle course. And, then, how and where do you spit? Nope, gotta maintain a delicate balance of size of dip so that you can swallow, or risk having to spit discretely on a marble floor somewhere or make an emergency run to a bathroom - how about in the Senate office building for example- just so you can spit. And hope there's not a quick spit buildup, so you dont' have to either swallow it and get sick or have to gurgle out a question about where the bathroom is.   Ridiculous, but real.  Now, I'm' free of that and it feels like a city dog that got off its leash and is running though the neighborhood just because it feels good to be free!

Also, though, the triggers are pretty deep and that means I've been running a gauntlet of craves. That means I"m winning a lot though, because i'm smacking the bitch back whenever she raisees her ugly head. I"m thinking the triggers are strong because they had to be, in order to overcome the terrible inconvenience dipping is here. The addiction had to make sure I knew damned well i'd better keep the supply coming, even though it was very hard and complicated to do that.

The travelling part is interesting. You are essentially alone when travelling. That means lots of alone time with the nicbitch keeping you company. She loves travelling, despite the inconvenience, and she just ramps up the triggers to accomodate the inconveniences, like i desribed earlier. However, recall that the addiction means that she takes over the brain circuitry that makes you want to make friends. It does feel very different with that circuitry in myself coming into a state of being nicotine free. I actually enjoy and find myself having more, pleasurable, interactions all along my travels. I still have habits of keeping to myself, but i'm finding that it's more fun to not keep to myself, to reach out to fellow travelers and other people I meet and actually engage with them. What the $*^#*, i've always aspired to that but felt shy in some ways and that held be back. And I battled it but never felt free. No damned wonder, I find now, since my brain chemistry has been hijacked all this time and I was incabable of healthy free relating with people .

So glad to be free from the shit. So glad to be growing up again after the shit worked its way into my brain. So f-ing thankful that I have this opportunity to live. And it's just starting.
keep bringing it every damn day. it's amazing all the freedoms we willingly sacrificed to kneel at her feet. a word to the wise, keep your head on a swivel, as the nic bitch likes to change up the point of attack and her disguise
Yes, see how easy life can be when you do not have to worry how to feed an addiction? Well done!


I got stuck in DC once without my can. I was miserable till I got my fix.
I hope that at some point in the rewiring process, my neurons rewire themselves so I do a little better job at noticing errors in my typing! hahahaha! Seriously, sometimes when I see what I wrote, like the above, and see all the typos I cringe! oh well, you all take me as I come here, and for some reason it's really as bad typist sometimes! Can't blame autocorrect either, when I'm not on my phone. But I really don't see all the errors the first time! So be it, I know what I'm saying and it does have value when I look back at where I've been. I noticed the typing was bad early on too- attributed it to fog.

Another good point about DC --- ihatecope told me grizzclaws lives over that way, so I got in touch with grizzclaws and we'll do a get together next time I get out. Looking forward to that, as long as he doesn't want to go fishing!

If any newer quitters aren't aware of the meetup topic forums, CBird explained to me that you can track the topics of a meetup in a particular area, and then if someone comes to that area and posts you'll get a notice that someone posted- and perhaps meet face to face. Thanks Cbird!
Brett, the Potomac is full of snakeheads. I'll get my brother in law's boat. We're goin fishing. I'll buy the sunflower seeds.
Reason to quit number 102: You will make more friends. The nic bitch is selfish she would have us believe that she is our only friend while stabbing us in the back.

LMFAO on the fishing pic. Anyone care to see mike fishing in DC should request a copy of that pic.
I could really relate to your travels. I was on the road this week as well.

The one thing to think about is that you are NO LONGER traveling with the nic B. We used to and she used to dictate our entire trip... Tell us what to do the entire time. No more my friend. You are no longer owned.

Every day you post roll and quit is a day the nic B is not controlling your life. You are dictating your actions and are back in control. She is still trying to nudge her way back... But not today!

This road trip for you was your first solo work trip in a while... Well done!

Proud to be quit with you today brother!
I'm totally ghey for you and your quitsanity!!!!! Keep inspiring by doing the work it takes.
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

Offline brettlees

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #187 on: May 27, 2014, 02:19:00 PM »
In case somebody got overlooked -- and also because some people aren't used to seeing they have a PM in the new system.....

Theres a Denver area quitter get-together in the works for Thursday evening!! come on over!

For newer quitters, here's a link to the thread where you can reply if you're going---

Denver Area Quitters

This is a fun and outstanding way to enhance the strength of your quit beyond what you can imagine!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline bronc

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #186 on: May 11, 2014, 08:48:00 PM »
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: B-loMatt
Welcome to the second floor Bad Ass! Well done sir.
Thanks for the congrats!
I wanted to log a few thoughts.....
At 200 days, i'm struck by two things, both of which relate to intensity. First, i am surprised at how intense the cravings and triggers still can be at times. Some of that may be the situation I've been in recently- will explain below. Second, I am also struck by how intensely WONDERFUL it feels to be quit and free. I never imagined it could feel this good.

This is surely the longest i've ever been without nicotine in decades. I never knew that I could not have "just one" before I really learned about the addiction from this site, and I never had the support before. Those are the keys to my being and staying quit. I'm so greatful!

Today i'm travelling back to home in Colo from my old hometown in S. Dak. It was my first trip back there since I quit. There were triggers-a-plenty, and they were strong as heck! Everywhere! That was where I first chewed, first shared with my grandfather, had/have many cousins and other relatives where I fit in so well as a chewer. This trip, i spent a lot of time with a cousin who kept chewing like a fiend. He knows I quit and it's a big deal to me to be quit. He says that he quits for months at a time, all the time, then can chew for months too, between stops. Maybe he can, i don't know. I do doubt it. I just tell him i sure can't, i'm an addict and I learned I can't even have one. He respects that and doesn't push.

What kept me strong this time was the knowledge i have that I can't have just one, and just knowing I have a strong support and accounabilty network. The thoughts of those of you in the little text group with me, and several others of you (yes, even those of you "behind" me in quit days) who give shouts out to each other, were what gave me strength. In other words, it helped to know I wasn't alone.

In short, I'm loving being free even though it ain't easy, and i'm so greatful for KTC and all of you quitters!
Triggers are nothing, I have had your word for 200 days, fuck triggers. You have been a rock for many a quitter here, I am damn proud to see you hit 200, damn glad to have met you and even more proud to call you a friend and brother.
200 days of badassery! Welcome to the second floor my friend. Proud to quit with you all day long!
Congrats Brett, well done! Keep up that bad ass quit and support!
'ninja' 'drool'
Way to be Brett. Thanks for everything. I love you man!
Atta Boy....
Brett you are the man. Keep kicking ass right here with us brother. Congrats on a lovely deuce!
200 is sweet. One day at a time. More greatness is ahead. Proud as hell to quit with you today, Brett!
Way to go Brett! 200 is awesome! Enjoy the freedom.
'help' yaaa Brett nice second floor keep up to he strong work
Congrats Brett! Proud to be quit with you and thanks for paving the way.

Offline traumagnet

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #185 on: May 10, 2014, 11:56:00 PM »
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: B-loMatt
Welcome to the second floor Bad Ass! Well done sir.
Thanks for the congrats!
I wanted to log a few thoughts.....
At 200 days, i'm struck by two things, both of which relate to intensity. First, i am surprised at how intense the cravings and triggers still can be at times. Some of that may be the situation I've been in recently- will explain below. Second, I am also struck by how intensely WONDERFUL it feels to be quit and free. I never imagined it could feel this good.

This is surely the longest i've ever been without nicotine in decades. I never knew that I could not have "just one" before I really learned about the addiction from this site, and I never had the support before. Those are the keys to my being and staying quit. I'm so greatful!

Today i'm travelling back to home in Colo from my old hometown in S. Dak. It was my first trip back there since I quit. There were triggers-a-plenty, and they were strong as heck! Everywhere! That was where I first chewed, first shared with my grandfather, had/have many cousins and other relatives where I fit in so well as a chewer. This trip, i spent a lot of time with a cousin who kept chewing like a fiend. He knows I quit and it's a big deal to me to be quit. He says that he quits for months at a time, all the time, then can chew for months too, between stops. Maybe he can, i don't know. I do doubt it. I just tell him i sure can't, i'm an addict and I learned I can't even have one. He respects that and doesn't push.

What kept me strong this time was the knowledge i have that I can't have just one, and just knowing I have a strong support and accounabilty network. The thoughts of those of you in the little text group with me, and several others of you (yes, even those of you "behind" me in quit days) who give shouts out to each other, were what gave me strength. In other words, it helped to know I wasn't alone.

In short, I'm loving being free even though it ain't easy, and i'm so greatful for KTC and all of you quitters!
Triggers are nothing, I have had your word for 200 days, fuck triggers. You have been a rock for many a quitter here, I am damn proud to see you hit 200, damn glad to have met you and even more proud to call you a friend and brother.
200 days of badassery! Welcome to the second floor my friend. Proud to quit with you all day long!
Congrats Brett, well done! Keep up that bad ass quit and support!
'ninja' 'drool'
Way to be Brett. Thanks for everything. I love you man!
Atta Boy....
Brett you are the man. Keep kicking ass right here with us brother. Congrats on a lovely deuce!
200 is sweet. One day at a time. More greatness is ahead. Proud as hell to quit with you today, Brett!
Way to go Brett! 200 is awesome! Enjoy the freedom.
'help' yaaa Brett nice second floor keep up to he strong work
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline Doc Chewfree

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #184 on: May 10, 2014, 11:49:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: B-loMatt
Welcome to the second floor Bad Ass! Well done sir.
Thanks for the congrats!
I wanted to log a few thoughts.....
At 200 days, i'm struck by two things, both of which relate to intensity. First, i am surprised at how intense the cravings and triggers still can be at times. Some of that may be the situation I've been in recently- will explain below. Second, I am also struck by how intensely WONDERFUL it feels to be quit and free. I never imagined it could feel this good.

This is surely the longest i've ever been without nicotine in decades. I never knew that I could not have "just one" before I really learned about the addiction from this site, and I never had the support before. Those are the keys to my being and staying quit. I'm so greatful!

Today i'm travelling back to home in Colo from my old hometown in S. Dak. It was my first trip back there since I quit. There were triggers-a-plenty, and they were strong as heck! Everywhere! That was where I first chewed, first shared with my grandfather, had/have many cousins and other relatives where I fit in so well as a chewer. This trip, i spent a lot of time with a cousin who kept chewing like a fiend. He knows I quit and it's a big deal to me to be quit. He says that he quits for months at a time, all the time, then can chew for months too, between stops. Maybe he can, i don't know. I do doubt it. I just tell him i sure can't, i'm an addict and I learned I can't even have one. He respects that and doesn't push.

What kept me strong this time was the knowledge i have that I can't have just one, and just knowing I have a strong support and accounabilty network. The thoughts of those of you in the little text group with me, and several others of you (yes, even those of you "behind" me in quit days) who give shouts out to each other, were what gave me strength. In other words, it helped to know I wasn't alone.

In short, I'm loving being free even though it ain't easy, and i'm so greatful for KTC and all of you quitters!
Triggers are nothing, I have had your word for 200 days, fuck triggers. You have been a rock for many a quitter here, I am damn proud to see you hit 200, damn glad to have met you and even more proud to call you a friend and brother.
200 days of badassery! Welcome to the second floor my friend. Proud to quit with you all day long!
Congrats Brett, well done! Keep up that bad ass quit and support!
'ninja' 'drool'
Way to be Brett. Thanks for everything. I love you man!
Atta Boy....
Brett you are the man. Keep kicking ass right here with us brother. Congrats on a lovely deuce!
200 is sweet. One day at a time. More greatness is ahead. Proud as hell to quit with you today, Brett!
Way to go Brett! 200 is awesome! Enjoy the freedom.
Brave men are honored, rich men are envied, powerful men are feared, but only a man with character is trusted
Quit on Feb. 6, 2014

Offline worktowin

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #183 on: May 10, 2014, 09:16:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: B-loMatt
Welcome to the second floor Bad Ass! Well done sir.
Thanks for the congrats!
I wanted to log a few thoughts.....
At 200 days, i'm struck by two things, both of which relate to intensity. First, i am surprised at how intense the cravings and triggers still can be at times. Some of that may be the situation I've been in recently- will explain below. Second, I am also struck by how intensely WONDERFUL it feels to be quit and free. I never imagined it could feel this good.

This is surely the longest i've ever been without nicotine in decades. I never knew that I could not have "just one" before I really learned about the addiction from this site, and I never had the support before. Those are the keys to my being and staying quit. I'm so greatful!

Today i'm travelling back to home in Colo from my old hometown in S. Dak. It was my first trip back there since I quit. There were triggers-a-plenty, and they were strong as heck! Everywhere! That was where I first chewed, first shared with my grandfather, had/have many cousins and other relatives where I fit in so well as a chewer. This trip, i spent a lot of time with a cousin who kept chewing like a fiend. He knows I quit and it's a big deal to me to be quit. He says that he quits for months at a time, all the time, then can chew for months too, between stops. Maybe he can, i don't know. I do doubt it. I just tell him i sure can't, i'm an addict and I learned I can't even have one. He respects that and doesn't push.

What kept me strong this time was the knowledge i have that I can't have just one, and just knowing I have a strong support and accounabilty network. The thoughts of those of you in the little text group with me, and several others of you (yes, even those of you "behind" me in quit days) who give shouts out to each other, were what gave me strength. In other words, it helped to know I wasn't alone.

In short, I'm loving being free even though it ain't easy, and i'm so greatful for KTC and all of you quitters!
Triggers are nothing, I have had your word for 200 days, fuck triggers. You have been a rock for many a quitter here, I am damn proud to see you hit 200, damn glad to have met you and even more proud to call you a friend and brother.
200 days of badassery! Welcome to the second floor my friend. Proud to quit with you all day long!
Congrats Brett, well done! Keep up that bad ass quit and support!
'ninja' 'drool'
Way to be Brett. Thanks for everything. I love you man!
Atta Boy....
Brett you are the man. Keep kicking ass right here with us brother. Congrats on a lovely deuce!
200 is sweet. One day at a time. More greatness is ahead. Proud as hell to quit with you today, Brett!

Offline Done4Me

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #182 on: May 10, 2014, 07:44:00 PM »
Noticed your milestone on Aug roll call today, 200 days quit is awesome. Congrats for that. 193 to go for me, ODAAT.

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #181 on: May 10, 2014, 01:05:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: B-loMatt
Welcome to the second floor Bad Ass! Well done sir.
Thanks for the congrats!
I wanted to log a few thoughts.....
At 200 days, i'm struck by two things, both of which relate to intensity. First, i am surprised at how intense the cravings and triggers still can be at times. Some of that may be the situation I've been in recently- will explain below. Second, I am also struck by how intensely WONDERFUL it feels to be quit and free. I never imagined it could feel this good.

This is surely the longest i've ever been without nicotine in decades. I never knew that I could not have "just one" before I really learned about the addiction from this site, and I never had the support before. Those are the keys to my being and staying quit. I'm so greatful!

Today i'm travelling back to home in Colo from my old hometown in S. Dak. It was my first trip back there since I quit. There were triggers-a-plenty, and they were strong as heck! Everywhere! That was where I first chewed, first shared with my grandfather, had/have many cousins and other relatives where I fit in so well as a chewer. This trip, i spent a lot of time with a cousin who kept chewing like a fiend. He knows I quit and it's a big deal to me to be quit. He says that he quits for months at a time, all the time, then can chew for months too, between stops. Maybe he can, i don't know. I do doubt it. I just tell him i sure can't, i'm an addict and I learned I can't even have one. He respects that and doesn't push.

What kept me strong this time was the knowledge i have that I can't have just one, and just knowing I have a strong support and accounabilty network. The thoughts of those of you in the little text group with me, and several others of you (yes, even those of you "behind" me in quit days) who give shouts out to each other, were what gave me strength. In other words, it helped to know I wasn't alone.

In short, I'm loving being free even though it ain't easy, and i'm so greatful for KTC and all of you quitters!
Triggers are nothing, I have had your word for 200 days, fuck triggers. You have been a rock for many a quitter here, I am damn proud to see you hit 200, damn glad to have met you and even more proud to call you a friend and brother.
200 days of badassery! Welcome to the second floor my friend. Proud to quit with you all day long!
Congrats Brett, well done! Keep up that bad ass quit and support!
'ninja' 'drool'
Way to be Brett. Thanks for everything. I love you man!
Atta Boy....
Brett you are the man. Keep kicking ass right here with us brother. Congrats on a lovely deuce!
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018