Day 30 - Here's a little secret - I started this quest for financial reasons. My insurance under the new law was going to go up by $2000 per year as a tobacco user. Non-tobacco user cost (which was about $400 cheaper than tobacco user in 2013) was unchanged. Add in cost of skoal-assume $4.50/can x 365 days = $1643. Add it all up, dipping was going to cost me $4000 in 2014.
I signed up for new 2014 insurance in November 2013 during open enrollment but kept dipping because, as I justified it, I was already paying for it so I might as well use it.
January 1 2014 kicks in and new insurance starts and I quit. Initially, I thought "well if I can't live without it, I can switch insurance back to tobacco user and just pay more"
Then I made it through the first day, then I made it through the second day and the third day, then I posted roll for the first time and started hanging out with you people and the next thing I know....
I am at 30 days!
Today, I am not quit for financial reasons, even though my cost of a cave grows by $5.50 per day. I am quit because I want to be quit and because I am proud to be quit.
Quitting with KTC again today!
PS - I just read back through all of my prior posts on this thread and it really struck me how great this community is! In the last 30 days I've had more supportive comments from new friends than I've gotten in my whole life from the rest of the world. Amazing stuff!