Day 300
I just returned from vacation for Thanksgiving. I took the wife and 8 month old daughter to Cabo San Lucas for the week. It was 85 degrees and perfect, we all had a great time. Looking back I realize that this was the first dip free vacation since I was 15 years old. I can remember being 15 and on a family vacation in Lake Havasu hiding from my parents with a face full of Skoal Straight. Fucking worthless, I still cant believe that I wasted so much of my life and so many relationships with people over that shit.
Anyway, this vacation was awesome, no more hiding and staying up late after everyone is sleeping so I can be with my tobacco mistress. I'll be perfectly honest, I still thought about dipping, but in a different way. I was not craving a dip, I was just reflecting how I would have been doing things differently had I been dipping. I remembered how I would make shit up (read lying) so I could get away for 20 minutes and pack my fucking lip as full as I could. I bet I looked like a white Bubba from Forest Gump.... Idiotic. Instead this time I got to spent the entire vacation, every single minute with my beautiful wife and daughter... It was paradise.
Another cool side note. I have been putting $30.00 in a jar every Friday since I quit, that is about what I would spend weekly on 7 cans of poison. After 41 weeks this was $1230.00. I spent that on fun shit all week, I went fishing, went to dinner a few times, bought a bunch of fun crap, a bottle of REALLY nice tequila, gave my wife a spa day at the resort. Damn it was a good time.
So here I am at 300 days, for me it is quite an accomplishment considering I never missed a day dipping for 22 years. I still have dip dreams a few times a month, some are subtle and some are really nasty and emotional. I still persevere and I POST ROLL EVERY DAY. I don't miss that shit if my life depended on it, because it does.
"King Leonidas: This is where we hold them! This is where we fight! This is where they die!"