Day 20... Head on a swivel today! Back home after a 4 day work trip away from home w/o dip. A little bit of a good wave, so I am paying close attention to this quit today. I got to. The last 20 have been a battle won, but this a lifetime war. Need to remain vigilant. Learned a couple things over the last 4 days.
(1) Don't really enjoy spitting in a cup. Had some fake chew for the road and noticed that when I used it I was not getting what I used to get from Copenhagen. I used to get a relief from a nic withdrawal as I was keeping my poison levels up. Without that poison injection, sitting around with black crap in my lip and spitting into a cup was not all that great. In fact, almost zero pleasure gained. I don't want that poison in me ever again damnit.
(2) On day 2 away, Mrs. Derk asked me how my quit was going. Sort of shocked me, I shot back I was at Day 18 and she was pumped about that. She has quit using Diet Coke for her addiction and we were comparing days. She was on day 8 and I congratulated her. Another person to be accountable to in this quit along with KTC. Feeling a different vibe from her. A good vibe and I think my quit has much to do with it. Still a lot of trust to earn back there, but with todays +1 it will be better. Thanks for ya'll pushing me to tell her asap. Early here, but for me that was an absolute necessity for this quit. Need to lay it all on the table and move forward with the quit. No more lies or BS.
(3) Last night was stuck in an airport and noticed that the addicted folks really stand out to me now. I noticed a guy in the Nascar Cafe sitting at his table with a fatty in and spitting into a styrofoam cup, another guy walking by and lobbing a tobacco enhanced spit bomb into the trash can as he passed by, and another guy entering the plane with a 1/2 full coke bottle he was using to conceal his spitting. Those are just a few, but I'm pretty fucking glad that is not me anymore. I am quit today.
(4) Still have urges daily and I am thinking about the quit constantly, but the plan is holding tight. I need to keep thinking about this quit everyday in order stay quit. One day focus is key to this quit. Still roll into a store and my first look is to the tobacco section to see if they have copenhagen snuff. That is fine, but my focus remains on my quit.
(5) Feel like I built up some credibility the past 20 days. This credibility is mainly with myself. I am beating out some demons and I know I'm heading down the right path.
So, I am quit and I will stay quit today. Head on swivel since I know I am in her sights. She is waiting to pounce on me, but will be ready today. Quit on!