Author Topic: I am quitting  (Read 16314 times)

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Offline D2maine

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Re: I am quitting
« Reply #222 on: February 25, 2014, 05:42:00 AM »
Quote from: ppolcyn
Nic bitch talk. Fuck her. I just kicked her in the cunt. Dirty whore.
there is a man who is starting to understand the enemy!

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Re: I am quitting
« Reply #221 on: February 24, 2014, 07:04:00 AM »
Nic bitch talk. Fuck her. I just kicked her in the cunt. Dirty whore.
You may not necessarily need the support, but others most definitely do. Be a shining beacon for others. Blaze the path for them to follow!!!

Offline T-Cell

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Re: I am quitting
« Reply #220 on: February 23, 2014, 12:26:00 PM »
Quote from: D2maine
Quote from: ppolcyn
I am now to the point that whenever anyone on here caves, I get pissed. Is that good or bad?
its natural to be angry when someone betrays what you hold so dear. Use that anger for good...add it to your quit fuel!
After all my days quit it still pisses me off when someone caves. Newbies generally are still wired to be slaves, so that is more of a case of getting their attention and then a little education on KTC quitting. But I get angry and sad when someone who knows how to quit fails. Because they choose to fail. They chose to be a slave. They chose to go back to lying to themselves and everyone else.
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
quit date 2/10/12
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Offline D2maine

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Re: I am quitting
« Reply #219 on: February 22, 2014, 10:26:00 PM »
Quote from: ppolcyn
I am now to the point that whenever anyone on here caves, I get pissed. Is that good or bad?
its natural to be angry when someone betrays what you hold so dear. Use that anger for good...add it to your quit fuel!

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Re: I am quitting
« Reply #218 on: February 22, 2014, 08:55:00 PM »
I am now to the point that whenever anyone on here caves, I get pissed. Is that good or bad?
You may not necessarily need the support, but others most definitely do. Be a shining beacon for others. Blaze the path for them to follow!!!

Offline rtpope

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Re: I am quitting
« Reply #217 on: February 21, 2014, 12:18:00 PM »
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: ppolcyn
Every day here recently, I have been getting the urge to stop at the gas station and get a can on the way to work. Thoughts keep racing through my head. "Nobody on KTC will know if you just get one." I keep hearing that over and over.

BUT, I would know!!!!
Good job owning your quit!
Time to start examining WHY you want to make that stop. Break it down.
Will the dip taste wonderful? No, it will taste like shit especially after 39 days of quit.
Will it help you relax? No, it never did
Will it help you concentrate? No, it never did
Will it make you feel better? No, it will fill you with shame and self-loathing for having failed.
Will it give you anything positive at all? You know the answer.
Will it give me anything negative? again you know the anser.
Run those questions through your head when the nic bitch whispers in your ear. Bottom line she has nothing for you. Easy to move on...
I love those questions. 16days ago I would have said yes, but it would have been the addict in me talking. Being 15 days quit I now am starting to understand that dip only filled the need it created and did nothing more.....

Offline ppolcyn

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Re: I am quitting
« Reply #216 on: February 21, 2014, 11:58:00 AM »
Being a science teacher, I see my accountability like the layers of the earth:

1. The Crust - all of the people on the KTC website are my crust. I may not know everyone here but I am accountable to them. Because any failings on my part would hurt them.

2. The Mantle - these people are my fellow quit brothers and sisters of May 2011, April 2012, May 2012 and April 2014. I post roll with these guys/gals and promise to them that I will not use

3. The Core - These guys are my inner circle. these are the personal contacts that I have made. These are the guys I text with and who have helped to keep me in line. These guys have kept me from jumping off the ledge.
You may not necessarily need the support, but others most definitely do. Be a shining beacon for others. Blaze the path for them to follow!!!

Offline srans

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Re: I am quitting
« Reply #215 on: February 21, 2014, 11:52:00 AM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: ppolcyn
I will not buy chew; I promise not to.

As to answer why I am having those urges...

My guess is that has been my routine for so long that it is ingrained into my skull to drive to work, stop and get a can and chew for an hour before school starts.

I have been not leaving for school so early, that way I can spend a little bit of time with my kids before I leave. Can you believe how horrible of a fucking person I was? I spent time dipping snuff instead of seeing my kids before school. What the fuck was wrong with me?
Nothing is wrong with you. Post roll every today, be a man of your word. Don't expect how you feel today to be how you will feel tomorrow. In fact tomorrow is a non issue.

You had the thoughts but didn't act on them. That is a victory.
You made a promise and are being accountable. That is a victory.
As you rewire, the day will come that you rarely think about buying a can. The gas station....maybe you might think you need to fill up your car but thats the only thoughts that really cross my mind now.

Breath and celebrate your victory. What's wrong? You're not used to winning. Keep worring and focussing on today's quit. You'll grow to love the Wins.

Proud to be quit with you. Just remember this...."No nic, just dick" shocker
Good stuff ^^^ right there. Start thinking of yourself as the victor. Hold your head high with dignity. No more is the poison making the decisions. The more you drive right by that store the easier it will get. I walk into them stores now and smile. Now i hear someone say i need a can of Grizzly i think,, what a helpless chump. Quit with you all damn day.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: I am quitting
« Reply #214 on: February 21, 2014, 11:11:00 AM »
Quote from: ppolcyn
I will not buy chew; I promise not to.

As to answer why I am having those urges...

My guess is that has been my routine for so long that it is ingrained into my skull to drive to work, stop and get a can and chew for an hour before school starts.

I have been not leaving for school so early, that way I can spend a little bit of time with my kids before I leave. Can you believe how horrible of a fucking person I was? I spent time dipping snuff instead of seeing my kids before school. What the fuck was wrong with me?
Nothing is wrong with you. Post roll every today, be a man of your word. Don't expect how you feel today to be how you will feel tomorrow. In fact tomorrow is a non issue.

You had the thoughts but didn't act on them. That is a victory.
You made a promise and are being accountable. That is a victory.
As you rewire, the day will come that you rarely think about buying a can. The gas station....maybe you might think you need to fill up your car but thats the only thoughts that really cross my mind now.

Breath and celebrate your victory. What's wrong? You're not used to winning. Keep worring and focussing on today's quit. You'll grow to love the Wins.

Proud to be quit with you. Just remember this...."No nic, just dick" shocker
Quit And Be Free

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Offline ppolcyn

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Re: I am quitting
« Reply #213 on: February 21, 2014, 10:45:00 AM »
I will not buy chew; I promise not to.

As to answer why I am having those urges...

My guess is that has been my routine for so long that it is ingrained into my skull to drive to work, stop and get a can and chew for an hour before school starts.

I have been not leaving for school so early, that way I can spend a little bit of time with my kids before I leave. Can you believe how horrible of a fucking person I was? I spent time dipping snuff instead of seeing my kids before school. What the fuck was wrong with me?
You may not necessarily need the support, but others most definitely do. Be a shining beacon for others. Blaze the path for them to follow!!!

Offline srans

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Re: I am quitting
« Reply #212 on: February 21, 2014, 10:35:00 AM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: ppolcyn
Every day here recently, I have been getting the urge to stop at the gas station and get a can on the way to work. Thoughts keep racing through my head. "Nobody on KTC will know if you just get one." I keep hearing that over and over.

BUT, I would know!!!!
Good job owning your quit!
Time to start examining WHY you want to make that stop. Break it down.
Will the dip taste wonderful? No, it will taste like shit especially after 39 days of quit.
Will it help you relax? No, it never did
Will it help you concentrate? No, it never did
Will it make you feel better? No, it will fill you with shame and self-loathing for having failed.
Will it give you anything positive at all? You know the answer.
Will it give me anything negative? again you know the anser.
Run those questions through your head when the nic bitch whispers in your ear. Bottom line she has nothing for you. Easy to move on...
I've been there many times. Never forget, you are an addict. Those thought are the addict inside trying to justify and get you to forget your honor.

When I was at that point, I did exactly what you did. I told my support about it. I even called. One time those thoughts hit me and I decided not to call...All be damned it I didn't get a text from a brother asking me if I was all right.

You have protection because of honesty. Addiction must lie to live. 100% honesty chokes and starves the addict in you.

Get pissed! Fuck the nic bitch. NO means NO. I know little nicky will poke around. from time to time but my impulse now is NO or Pause. Never a knee jerk to surrender everything I put into this separation.

Finally, It may be true that we may never know. More than likely, we will know, but what is will know, you will be a liar and your addiction will have the bigest boner and screw you! You feed your addiction and are back to being what you were sick and tired of.

So using is a greater burden on you than working to keep your word today. I hate that sneaky bitch nicotine. She is a sham, she is a killer of your mind, body and spirit. She decieves you and robs you and has control of you.

Never ever ever forget that the burden of fighting a craving and staying quit is so much more valuable and rewarding the the bruden of using and feeling like shit.

Stay strong and tell your addicted mind to please leave your head. You have your life to go live now....
ppocyn have a question. Have you started reading all the facts about nicotine/addiction. If you haven't start filling that head with the truths. Begin looking up anything you can and reading it?

Secondly, remember those urges go away after minutes. Time one of those craves/urges. I bet they don't last more than 5 minutes. You have come to far now brother. You have no idea whats around the corner. It is so worth it.

You have my number. You call me if you ever pull into that store. If i'm not available you call someone else. If that someone else is not available you call someone else. You call until somebody answers! Two voices are better than one.

Lastly,, you keep your word Dammit!!!!! The store is not an option. Remove it. Slam the door. If you have something prying that door open you remove it. Caving is not an option. Quit with you today.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: I am quitting
« Reply #211 on: February 21, 2014, 10:15:00 AM »
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: ppolcyn
Every day here recently, I have been getting the urge to stop at the gas station and get a can on the way to work. Thoughts keep racing through my head. "Nobody on KTC will know if you just get one." I keep hearing that over and over.

BUT, I would know!!!!
Good job owning your quit!
Time to start examining WHY you want to make that stop. Break it down.
Will the dip taste wonderful? No, it will taste like shit especially after 39 days of quit.
Will it help you relax? No, it never did
Will it help you concentrate? No, it never did
Will it make you feel better? No, it will fill you with shame and self-loathing for having failed.
Will it give you anything positive at all? You know the answer.
Will it give me anything negative? again you know the anser.
Run those questions through your head when the nic bitch whispers in your ear. Bottom line she has nothing for you. Easy to move on...
I've been there many times. Never forget, you are an addict. Those thought are the addict inside trying to justify and get you to forget your honor.

When I was at that point, I did exactly what you did. I told my support about it. I even called. One time those thoughts hit me and I decided not to call...All be damned it I didn't get a text from a brother asking me if I was all right.

You have protection because of honesty. Addiction must lie to live. 100% honesty chokes and starves the addict in you.

Get pissed! Fuck the nic bitch. NO means NO. I know little nicky will poke around. from time to time but my impulse now is NO or Pause. Never a knee jerk to surrender everything I put into this separation.

Finally, It may be true that we may never know. More than likely, we will know, but what is will know, you will be a liar and your addiction will have the bigest boner and screw you! You feed your addiction and are back to being what you were sick and tired of.

So using is a greater burden on you than working to keep your word today.  I hate that sneaky bitch nicotine. She is a sham, she is a killer of your mind, body and spirit. She decieves you and robs you and has control of you.

Never ever ever forget that the burden of fighting a craving and staying quit is so much more valuable and rewarding the the bruden of using and feeling like shit.

Stay strong and tell your addicted mind to please leave your head. You have your life to go live now....
Quit And Be Free

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Offline T-Cell

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Re: I am quitting
« Reply #210 on: February 21, 2014, 10:00:00 AM »
Quote from: ppolcyn
Every day here recently, I have been getting the urge to stop at the gas station and get a can on the way to work. Thoughts keep racing through my head. "Nobody on KTC will know if you just get one." I keep hearing that over and over.

BUT, I would know!!!!
Good job owning your quit!
Time to start examining WHY you want to make that stop. Break it down.
Will the dip taste wonderful? No, it will taste like shit especially after 39 days of quit.
Will it help you relax? No, it never did
Will it help you concentrate? No, it never did
Will it make you feel better? No, it will fill you with shame and self-loathing for having failed.
Will it give you anything positive at all? You know the answer.
Will it give me anything negative? again you know the anser.
Run those questions through your head when the nic bitch whispers in your ear. Bottom line she has nothing for you. Easy to move on...
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
quit date 2/10/12
HOF date 5/19/12
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2 Years 2/10/14
8th Floor 4/19/14

Offline srans

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Re: I am quitting
« Reply #209 on: February 21, 2014, 09:39:00 AM »
Quote from: ppolcyn
PP - 39
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: I am quitting
« Reply #208 on: February 21, 2014, 09:33:00 AM »
PP - 39
You may not necessarily need the support, but others most definitely do. Be a shining beacon for others. Blaze the path for them to follow!!!