Author Topic: Day 1  (Read 11577 times)

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Offline Jlud007

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #104 on: October 02, 2013, 11:54:00 AM »
Day 79 is in the books, I made my promise this morning. I will wake up and post Day 80 in the morning. Thanks to all my brothers that post in my intro or share texts on a regular basis, you guys all rock and when I go through a funk like I did for few days it is the support and accountability to all of you that keeps me going.

Every time I break through a funk I feel like my quit and my life is headed for another level.....can't wait to share the next step in this journey with you guys!


Offline srans

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #103 on: October 02, 2013, 09:05:00 AM »
Quote from: taterhater139
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: duathman
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Quote from: jlud007
Well today I have been free from the can for 77 days and it was a hell of a day so I figured it was time for an update.

So, for starters today work sucked and has been by far the worst day of cravings I have had in quite some time.  I felt like I was right back in my first week again at times.  I did take a short walk outside and text a brother at the worst point and things got better on that front, but damn that bitch had her vile poison tongue in my ear today.

I know this is some kind of funk, another bump in the road of quit, but I hate it when I feel the desire to use again.  I hate when I go watch the local stock car races and the dip is all around me, I watched some guy this Saturday shove so much in his lip he couldn't hardly hold it in and was dribbling brown spit down his chin and on his shirt....fucking digusting........but still a small part of me missed it for a minute.  There in lies the frustration, it was always easy to use, to stay blinded to the fact that I was a slave to nicotine.

Quitting is hard and when you start to think it's easy that shit will sneak into your mind and start whispering that old familiar lie again.  Trying to convince you that a..b...or c was better when you were dipping. 

One thing is for sure, today I am quit and will remain that way.

(QFQQ.....Ducks start waddling on the HOF train tomorrow!)
And that is why you have kicked ass for 77 days. One day at a time you gave your word, beat the bitch, kept your word and start all over again the next day.
A little fog in the 70s aint gonna stop you.
Quit with you today.
You'll push through this and be stronger for it. Good thing you always post early, because bo matter the temptation, you'll keep your word. Stay strong - the fight is very worth it.
Scoreboard nic bitch scoreboard. Jlud 77 nic bitch 0. One day at a time.
Jlud you are rocking this quit. One thing about the black puss and that is it screws up your brain by poisoning it. I can look in the mirror and one side of lower jaw has a receding gum line the other side does not. So the nic bitch is telling me go ahead and start back, just put it in on the other side this time. I think that is a great idea now both sides will have receding gums. The nic bitch is just that....freaking disgusting and I wake up hating her and stay that way all day.
78 days today! Stay on plan today bro. Plan is to stay quit today!

You are going to have good and bad days.... it is just life. You are dealing with life without the poison. This is the new  improved 007! You are still learning to deal with life now and staying quit. And I will say... you are doing a damn fine job with it!

Question... What do you really miss about that nasty addiction? You miss looking like a loser at the race with your face stuffed with poison brown crap? You miss drooling all over yourself as you miss your spitter  you jack up a clean shirt?

Better yet... Tell me one thing that dip did for you that warrants you missing it?
All I can see that it did was increase your chances of losing your face, half your jaw, killing you prematurely, taking all your money, taking away your dignity and for the most part OWNING you!

When you really think about it... I bet you don't miss it at all. Remember day 1 and why you are here. You were a disaster like me  now you are quit. That is pretty damn good! I am proud to be quit with you today bro!
Proud to join up with a group of supportive quitters! 77 days is great! keep quitting one day at a time!
Well looky there... That makes 79. That's how it's done!!!!! Feeling a little bad, the day is not going so well, your just out of sorts. Add a couple more days and things are different. I bet you feel better today, but if you don't, keep adding them 1's. Your about to break down that hof door bro.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline taterhater139

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #102 on: October 01, 2013, 03:54:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: duathman
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Quote from: jlud007
Well today I have been free from the can for 77 days and it was a hell of a day so I figured it was time for an update.

So, for starters today work sucked and has been by far the worst day of cravings I have had in quite some time.  I felt like I was right back in my first week again at times.  I did take a short walk outside and text a brother at the worst point and things got better on that front, but damn that bitch had her vile poison tongue in my ear today.

I know this is some kind of funk, another bump in the road of quit, but I hate it when I feel the desire to use again.  I hate when I go watch the local stock car races and the dip is all around me, I watched some guy this Saturday shove so much in his lip he couldn't hardly hold it in and was dribbling brown spit down his chin and on his shirt....fucking digusting........but still a small part of me missed it for a minute.  There in lies the frustration, it was always easy to use, to stay blinded to the fact that I was a slave to nicotine.

Quitting is hard and when you start to think it's easy that shit will sneak into your mind and start whispering that old familiar lie again.  Trying to convince you that a..b...or c was better when you were dipping. 

One thing is for sure, today I am quit and will remain that way.

(QFQQ.....Ducks start waddling on the HOF train tomorrow!)
And that is why you have kicked ass for 77 days. One day at a time you gave your word, beat the bitch, kept your word and start all over again the next day.
A little fog in the 70s aint gonna stop you.
Quit with you today.
You'll push through this and be stronger for it. Good thing you always post early, because bo matter the temptation, you'll keep your word. Stay strong - the fight is very worth it.
Scoreboard nic bitch scoreboard. Jlud 77 nic bitch 0. One day at a time.
Jlud you are rocking this quit. One thing about the black puss and that is it screws up your brain by poisoning it. I can look in the mirror and one side of lower jaw has a receding gum line the other side does not. So the nic bitch is telling me go ahead and start back, just put it in on the other side this time. I think that is a great idea now both sides will have receding gums. The nic bitch is just that....freaking disgusting and I wake up hating her and stay that way all day.
78 days today! Stay on plan today bro. Plan is to stay quit today!

You are going to have good and bad days.... it is just life. You are dealing with life without the poison. This is the new  improved 007! You are still learning to deal with life now and staying quit. And I will say... you are doing a damn fine job with it!

Question... What do you really miss about that nasty addiction? You miss looking like a loser at the race with your face stuffed with poison brown crap? You miss drooling all over yourself as you miss your spitter  you jack up a clean shirt?

Better yet... Tell me one thing that dip did for you that warrants you missing it?
All I can see that it did was increase your chances of losing your face, half your jaw, killing you prematurely, taking all your money, taking away your dignity and for the most part OWNING you!

When you really think about it... I bet you don't miss it at all. Remember day 1 and why you are here. You were a disaster like me  now you are quit. That is pretty damn good! I am proud to be quit with you today bro!
Proud to join up with a group of supportive quitters! 77 days is great! keep quitting one day at a time!
?We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking.?
#8213; Santosh Kalwar, Quote Me Everyday

Offline Derk40

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #101 on: October 01, 2013, 03:41:00 PM »
Quote from: duathman
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Quote from: jlud007
Well today I have been free from the can for 77 days and it was a hell of a day so I figured it was time for an update.

So, for starters today work sucked and has been by far the worst day of cravings I have had in quite some time.  I felt like I was right back in my first week again at times.  I did take a short walk outside and text a brother at the worst point and things got better on that front, but damn that bitch had her vile poison tongue in my ear today.

I know this is some kind of funk, another bump in the road of quit, but I hate it when I feel the desire to use again.  I hate when I go watch the local stock car races and the dip is all around me, I watched some guy this Saturday shove so much in his lip he couldn't hardly hold it in and was dribbling brown spit down his chin and on his shirt....fucking digusting........but still a small part of me missed it for a minute.  There in lies the frustration, it was always easy to use, to stay blinded to the fact that I was a slave to nicotine.

Quitting is hard and when you start to think it's easy that shit will sneak into your mind and start whispering that old familiar lie again.  Trying to convince you that a..b...or c was better when you were dipping. 

One thing is for sure, today I am quit and will remain that way.

(QFQQ.....Ducks start waddling on the HOF train tomorrow!)
And that is why you have kicked ass for 77 days. One day at a time you gave your word, beat the bitch, kept your word and start all over again the next day.
A little fog in the 70s aint gonna stop you.
Quit with you today.
You'll push through this and be stronger for it. Good thing you always post early, because bo matter the temptation, you'll keep your word. Stay strong - the fight is very worth it.
Scoreboard nic bitch scoreboard. Jlud 77 nic bitch 0. One day at a time.
Jlud you are rocking this quit. One thing about the black puss and that is it screws up your brain by poisoning it. I can look in the mirror and one side of lower jaw has a receding gum line the other side does not. So the nic bitch is telling me go ahead and start back, just put it in on the other side this time. I think that is a great idea now both sides will have receding gums. The nic bitch is just that....freaking disgusting and I wake up hating her and stay that way all day.
78 days today! Stay on plan today bro. Plan is to stay quit today!

You are going to have good and bad days.... it is just life. You are dealing with life without the poison. This is the new  improved 007! You are still learning to deal with life now and staying quit. And I will say... you are doing a damn fine job with it!

Question... What do you really miss about that nasty addiction? You miss looking like a loser at the race with your face stuffed with poison brown crap? You miss drooling all over yourself as you miss your spitter  you jack up a clean shirt?

Better yet... Tell me one thing that dip did for you that warrants you missing it?
All I can see that it did was increase your chances of losing your face, half your jaw, killing you prematurely, taking all your money, taking away your dignity and for the most part OWNING you!

When you really think about it... I bet you don't miss it at all. Remember day 1 and why you are here. You were a disaster like me  now you are quit. That is pretty damn good! I am proud to be quit with you today bro!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

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Offline duathman

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #100 on: October 01, 2013, 02:44:00 PM »
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Quote from: jlud007
Well today I have been free from the can for 77 days and it was a hell of a day so I figured it was time for an update.

So, for starters today work sucked and has been by far the worst day of cravings I have had in quite some time.  I felt like I was right back in my first week again at times.  I did take a short walk outside and text a brother at the worst point and things got better on that front, but damn that bitch had her vile poison tongue in my ear today.

I know this is some kind of funk, another bump in the road of quit, but I hate it when I feel the desire to use again.  I hate when I go watch the local stock car races and the dip is all around me, I watched some guy this Saturday shove so much in his lip he couldn't hardly hold it in and was dribbling brown spit down his chin and on his shirt....fucking digusting........but still a small part of me missed it for a minute.  There in lies the frustration, it was always easy to use, to stay blinded to the fact that I was a slave to nicotine.

Quitting is hard and when you start to think it's easy that shit will sneak into your mind and start whispering that old familiar lie again.  Trying to convince you that a..b...or c was better when you were dipping. 

One thing is for sure, today I am quit and will remain that way.

(QFQQ.....Ducks start waddling on the HOF train tomorrow!)
And that is why you have kicked ass for 77 days. One day at a time you gave your word, beat the bitch, kept your word and start all over again the next day.
A little fog in the 70s aint gonna stop you.
Quit with you today.
You'll push through this and be stronger for it. Good thing you always post early, because bo matter the temptation, you'll keep your word. Stay strong - the fight is very worth it.
Scoreboard nic bitch scoreboard. Jlud 77 nic bitch 0. One day at a time.
Jlud you are rocking this quit. One thing about the black puss and that is it screws up your brain by poisoning it. I can look in the mirror and one side of lower jaw has a receding gum line the other side does not. So the nic bitch is telling me go ahead and start back, just put it in on the other side this time. I think that is a great idea now both sides will have receding gums. The nic bitch is just that....freaking disgusting and I wake up hating her and stay that way all day.

Offline KC_Guy

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #99 on: September 30, 2013, 09:19:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Quote from: jlud007
Well today I have been free from the can for 77 days and it was a hell of a day so I figured it was time for an update.

So, for starters today work sucked and has been by far the worst day of cravings I have had in quite some time.  I felt like I was right back in my first week again at times.  I did take a short walk outside and text a brother at the worst point and things got better on that front, but damn that bitch had her vile poison tongue in my ear today.

I know this is some kind of funk, another bump in the road of quit, but I hate it when I feel the desire to use again.  I hate when I go watch the local stock car races and the dip is all around me, I watched some guy this Saturday shove so much in his lip he couldn't hardly hold it in and was dribbling brown spit down his chin and on his shirt....fucking digusting........but still a small part of me missed it for a minute.  There in lies the frustration, it was always easy to use, to stay blinded to the fact that I was a slave to nicotine.

Quitting is hard and when you start to think it's easy that shit will sneak into your mind and start whispering that old familiar lie again.  Trying to convince you that a..b...or c was better when you were dipping. 

One thing is for sure, today I am quit and will remain that way.

(QFQQ.....Ducks start waddling on the HOF train tomorrow!)
And that is why you have kicked ass for 77 days. One day at a time you gave your word, beat the bitch, kept your word and start all over again the next day.
A little fog in the 70s aint gonna stop you.
Quit with you today.
You'll push through this and be stronger for it. Good thing you always post early, because bo matter the temptation, you'll keep your word. Stay strong - the fight is very worth it.
Scoreboard nic bitch scoreboard. Jlud 77 nic bitch 0. One day at a time.
Quit Date 05/20/2013

HOF 08/27/13
2nd Floor 12/5/13
3rd Floor 3/15/14
4th Floor 6/23/14
5th Floor 10/1/14

Offline worktowin

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #98 on: September 30, 2013, 08:38:00 PM »
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Quote from: jlud007
Well today I have been free from the can for 77 days and it was a hell of a day so I figured it was time for an update.

So, for starters today work sucked and has been by far the worst day of cravings I have had in quite some time.  I felt like I was right back in my first week again at times.  I did take a short walk outside and text a brother at the worst point and things got better on that front, but damn that bitch had her vile poison tongue in my ear today.

I know this is some kind of funk, another bump in the road of quit, but I hate it when I feel the desire to use again.  I hate when I go watch the local stock car races and the dip is all around me, I watched some guy this Saturday shove so much in his lip he couldn't hardly hold it in and was dribbling brown spit down his chin and on his shirt....fucking digusting........but still a small part of me missed it for a minute.  There in lies the frustration, it was always easy to use, to stay blinded to the fact that I was a slave to nicotine.

Quitting is hard and when you start to think it's easy that shit will sneak into your mind and start whispering that old familiar lie again.  Trying to convince you that a..b...or c was better when you were dipping. 

One thing is for sure, today I am quit and will remain that way.

(QFQQ.....Ducks start waddling on the HOF train tomorrow!)
And that is why you have kicked ass for 77 days. One day at a time you gave your word, beat the bitch, kept your word and start all over again the next day.
A little fog in the 70s aint gonna stop you.
Quit with you today.
You'll push through this and be stronger for it. Good thing you always post early, because bo matter the temptation, you'll keep your word. Stay strong - the fight is very worth it.

Offline CaliforniaSlim

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #97 on: September 30, 2013, 07:35:00 PM »
Quote from: jlud007
Well today I have been free from the can for 77 days and it was a hell of a day so I figured it was time for an update.

So, for starters today work sucked and has been by far the worst day of cravings I have had in quite some time. I felt like I was right back in my first week again at times. I did take a short walk outside and text a brother at the worst point and things got better on that front, but damn that bitch had her vile poison tongue in my ear today.

I know this is some kind of funk, another bump in the road of quit, but I hate it when I feel the desire to use again. I hate when I go watch the local stock car races and the dip is all around me, I watched some guy this Saturday shove so much in his lip he couldn't hardly hold it in and was dribbling brown spit down his chin and on his shirt....fucking digusting........but still a small part of me missed it for a minute. There in lies the frustration, it was always easy to use, to stay blinded to the fact that I was a slave to nicotine.

Quitting is hard and when you start to think it's easy that shit will sneak into your mind and start whispering that old familiar lie again. Trying to convince you that a..b...or c was better when you were dipping.

One thing is for sure, today I am quit and will remain that way.

(QFQQ.....Ducks start waddling on the HOF train tomorrow!)
And that is why you have kicked ass for 77 days. One day at a time you gave your word, beat the bitch, kept your word and start all over again the next day.
A little fog in the 70s aint gonna stop you.
Quit with you today.

Offline Jlud007

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #96 on: September 30, 2013, 07:19:00 PM »
Well today I have been free from the can for 77 days and it was a hell of a day so I figured it was time for an update.

So, for starters today work sucked and has been by far the worst day of cravings I have had in quite some time. I felt like I was right back in my first week again at times. I did take a short walk outside and text a brother at the worst point and things got better on that front, but damn that bitch had her vile poison tongue in my ear today.

I know this is some kind of funk, another bump in the road of quit, but I hate it when I feel the desire to use again. I hate when I go watch the local stock car races and the dip is all around me, I watched some guy this Saturday shove so much in his lip he couldn't hardly hold it in and was dribbling brown spit down his chin and on his shirt....fucking digusting........but still a small part of me missed it for a minute. There in lies the frustration, it was always easy to use, to stay blinded to the fact that I was a slave to nicotine.

Quitting is hard and when you start to think it's easy that shit will sneak into your mind and start whispering that old familiar lie again. Trying to convince you that a..b...or c was better when you were dipping.

One thing is for sure, today I am quit and will remain that way.

(QFQQ.....Ducks start waddling on the HOF train tomorrow!)

Offline Jlud007

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #95 on: September 05, 2013, 10:14:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: jlud007
Hello to my new KTC family.  I plan on becoming an active here as it appears that the site and it's camaraderie have given you all the strength to quit and keep quitting every day.  I do feel the loss and anxiety this morning of saying goodbye to my old pal the Kodiak bear but reading the information here I think that I have lost the "fear" that has quite often ended my quits before they even started.

I have been a heavy user since high school, started around 14 yrs old here and there and by 15-16 was using several cans of Kodiak a week.  I am now 37 and shocked by how quickly time seems to pass.  I truly believed then that dip was a phase of my youth.  That phase became a 1-1.5 can dependency.  I did "quit" for about a month once, I quote quit because I was using nicotine lozenges.  I was in a store one day after about 32-33 days dip free, but I guess because I had not broken the nicotine hold it was very easy to slip right back into my norm.

Well I hope this introduction post isn't too ranty or incoherent.  I just need to break myself of my self inflicted socially awkward comfort zone so that I can embrace some new friends here to help me on this journey.

Thank you for this website.
If you have time, go back to may or July in your thread. You think you feel good now? Look at how far you've come. You got a kid that is proud of you, your dad is proud of you, your wife is proud of you, a website full of addicts shares your pride.... Man, this is a feeling I think you could get used to!

Keep your guard up. Keep your contacts handy. This site, posting roll, being accountable, staying active... These are long term activities which will keep you quit. You've come so far - I look forward to the next chapter!
What I really find interesting and I hope someone reads this and saves themselves the extra time.

If you look at my avatar.....I joined KTC in June 2012, never got around to the quit and roll call....just one more......

The post you bumped w2w....that was the day of my first roll post. A little over 11 months of....just one more

Then caved, gave in before I really even got started.....two more months of just one more......

July 16, 2013 is my quit date and I am proud of how far I have come. It is even more important to me to remember those extra 13 months I let slip away because I wanted "one" more or I would quit "tomorrow" Today I'll take "one more" sip from the KTC punch bowl and stay quit!

One of my favorite inspirational reads on the site is linked below. I can only hope that someone new may catch this thread and click that link before they go and have "just one more"

Stay quit brothers!

Words of Wisdom

Offline Derk40

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #94 on: September 05, 2013, 09:51:00 PM »
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: jlud007
What's up quitters!

Day 52 today and I figured I was due to update the old intro thread.

I am so proud after all my struggles with this crud all these years, I never believed it was possible to truly be quit like this.

Quit is starting to feel like my default state now and it feels so damn good, nothing is perfect and I still have moments and cravings but the freedom is really starting to soak in.  I was chatting with a quit group mate the other day and it has become clear that it's time to work on some other healthy changes and find some healthy addictions to fill the void now, because I don't need that constant focus to keep quit now.  I just can't express how much I appreciate all of you here, because whether we have shared a chat, text or PM or not, practically all of you that post here on a regular basis are my constant support and inspiration.

Thanks fellas!

.....oh and ladies too!

'oh yeah'
^^^^^That's one kick ass DUCK!
Nice update
Sounds like a quitter lives here. :)
Nice 007! I am glad you are believing in this quit because you are killing this quit. I know what you are saying about the "constant" focus on the quit... make sure you don't get off track  get sideways by getting lazy. Still early on  we need to keep this quit tight. Too much earned freedom to take for granted  lose sight of the prize. The prize is being quit today. QLF with you all day bro!
Hey Derk, don't worry there's no lazy in my quit today. More like I realized that I have spent the last 7 weeks or so demolishing the old me and it's time to start rebuilding this new quit me. What will that look like? I don't know but I plan on quitting again tomorrow and finding out!
Good stuff bro! Getting rid of something that did nothing but take from us has now put us in a great position. We are free men! Free to enjoy the day quit and explore new opportunities! I think I will quit with you tomorrow also!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

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Offline worktowin

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #93 on: September 05, 2013, 09:47:00 PM »
Quote from: jlud007
Hello to my new KTC family. I plan on becoming an active here as it appears that the site and it's camaraderie have given you all the strength to quit and keep quitting every day. I do feel the loss and anxiety this morning of saying goodbye to my old pal the Kodiak bear but reading the information here I think that I have lost the "fear" that has quite often ended my quits before they even started.

I have been a heavy user since high school, started around 14 yrs old here and there and by 15-16 was using several cans of Kodiak a week. I am now 37 and shocked by how quickly time seems to pass. I truly believed then that dip was a phase of my youth. That phase became a 1-1.5 can dependency. I did "quit" for about a month once, I quote quit because I was using nicotine lozenges. I was in a store one day after about 32-33 days dip free, but I guess because I had not broken the nicotine hold it was very easy to slip right back into my norm.

Well I hope this introduction post isn't too ranty or incoherent. I just need to break myself of my self inflicted socially awkward comfort zone so that I can embrace some new friends here to help me on this journey.

Thank you for this website.
If you have time, go back to may or July in your thread. You think you feel good now? Look at how far you've come. You got a kid that is proud of you, your dad is proud of you, your wife is proud of you, a website full of addicts shares your pride.... Man, this is a feeling I think you could get used to!

Keep your guard up. Keep your contacts handy. This site, posting roll, being accountable, staying active... These are long term activities which will keep you quit. You've come so far - I look forward to the next chapter!

Offline Jlud007

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #92 on: September 05, 2013, 09:45:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: jlud007
What's up quitters!

Day 52 today and I figured I was due to update the old intro thread.

I am so proud after all my struggles with this crud all these years, I never believed it was possible to truly be quit like this.

Quit is starting to feel like my default state now and it feels so damn good, nothing is perfect and I still have moments and cravings but the freedom is really starting to soak in.  I was chatting with a quit group mate the other day and it has become clear that it's time to work on some other healthy changes and find some healthy addictions to fill the void now, because I don't need that constant focus to keep quit now.  I just can't express how much I appreciate all of you here, because whether we have shared a chat, text or PM or not, practically all of you that post here on a regular basis are my constant support and inspiration.

Thanks fellas!

.....oh and ladies too!

'oh yeah'
^^^^^That's one kick ass DUCK!
Nice update
Sounds like a quitter lives here. :)
Nice 007! I am glad you are believing in this quit because you are killing this quit. I know what you are saying about the "constant" focus on the quit... make sure you don't get off track  get sideways by getting lazy. Still early on  we need to keep this quit tight. Too much earned freedom to take for granted  lose sight of the prize. The prize is being quit today. QLF with you all day bro!
Hey Derk, don't worry there's no lazy in my quit today. More like I realized that I have spent the last 7 weeks or so demolishing the old me and it's time to start rebuilding this new quit me. What will that look like? I don't know but I plan on quitting again tomorrow and finding out!

Offline Derk40

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #91 on: September 05, 2013, 09:31:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: jlud007
What's up quitters!

Day 52 today and I figured I was due to update the old intro thread.

I am so proud after all my struggles with this crud all these years, I never believed it was possible to truly be quit like this.

Quit is starting to feel like my default state now and it feels so damn good, nothing is perfect and I still have moments and cravings but the freedom is really starting to soak in.  I was chatting with a quit group mate the other day and it has become clear that it's time to work on some other healthy changes and find some healthy addictions to fill the void now, because I don't need that constant focus to keep quit now.  I just can't express how much I appreciate all of you here, because whether we have shared a chat, text or PM or not, practically all of you that post here on a regular basis are my constant support and inspiration.

Thanks fellas!

.....oh and ladies too!

'oh yeah'
^^^^^That's one kick ass DUCK!
Nice update
Sounds like a quitter lives here. :)
Nice 007! I am glad you are believing in this quit because you are killing this quit. I know what you are saying about the "constant" focus on the quit... make sure you don't get off track  get sideways by getting lazy. Still early on  we need to keep this quit tight. Too much earned freedom to take for granted  lose sight of the prize. The prize is being quit today. QLF with you all day bro!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

HOF Speech

Offline srans

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #90 on: September 05, 2013, 06:24:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: jlud007
What's up quitters!

Day 52 today and I figured I was due to update the old intro thread.

I am so proud after all my struggles with this crud all these years, I never believed it was possible to truly be quit like this.

Quit is starting to feel like my default state now and it feels so damn good, nothing is perfect and I still have moments and cravings but the freedom is really starting to soak in.  I was chatting with a quit group mate the other day and it has become clear that it's time to work on some other healthy changes and find some healthy addictions to fill the void now, because I don't need that constant focus to keep quit now.  I just can't express how much I appreciate all of you here, because whether we have shared a chat, text or PM or not, practically all of you that post here on a regular basis are my constant support and inspiration.

Thanks fellas!

.....oh and ladies too!

'oh yeah'
^^^^^That's one kick ass DUCK!
Nice update
Sounds like a quitter lives here. :)
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.