Author Topic: Day 2  (Read 7262 times)

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Offline Zak3188

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #84 on: December 05, 2013, 06:50:00 AM »
Quote from: dabean22
Quote from: Zak3188
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Winter

Day 3
Thats a step in the right direction
Thank u for quitting the bitching ad showing some support even though u might not trust him this is what I've been trying to make others realize this is what Wintergreen needs!
Zac, I'm so fucking glad that you know what he needs. Teach us all you all knowing master of cave, I mean master of quit. You have brought help to hundreds of quitters over the years, oh wait, you didn't. Lets all listen to the cave whisperer "Zac". He knows how it's done.
Winter hasn't shown the ability to grow a pair and you can't quit for the long haul if you can't even own up to your own faults and properly answer the 3 questions.
Ya know bean everyone is different and everyone responds differently to different things bashing someone and ripping them down works for some people like myself! Others it makes things worse then what it was before the problem started! But again u r only here for yourself and tue. Your back and everyone u don't thinkis good enough for U and your little group! But keep raging "brother" I can take it

Offline dabean22

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  • Interests: I was addicted to nicotine for about 19 years before I actually realized that I was an addict to a drug. Allen Carr helped open my eyes with LionHeartedGirl (my sister). I am currently on day 2 and because of the frame of mind and different point of view that "The Easy Way" has given me, I don't doubt for one moment that I have ingested the last bit of that weed for the rest of my life. I am 35 now and am setting a goal of living long enough to have saved $100,000 because of my quit. At the same time, I am setting the goal of not smoking TODAY! One step at a time, while keeping my eyes on the horizon.
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Re: Day 2
« Reply #83 on: December 04, 2013, 10:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Zak3188
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Winter

Day 3
Thats a step in the right direction
Thank u for quitting the bitching ad showing some support even though u might not trust him this is what I've been trying to make others realize this is what Wintergreen needs!
Zac, I'm so fucking glad that you know what he needs. Teach us all you all knowing master of cave, I mean master of quit. You have brought help to hundreds of quitters over the years, oh wait, you didn't. Lets all listen to the cave whisperer "Zac". He knows how it's done.
Winter hasn't shown the ability to grow a pair and you can't quit for the long haul if you can't even own up to your own faults and properly answer the 3 questions.
Quit 8/04/13
HOF 11/11/13
Thanks mostly to LHG. That girl rocks the world. I love you Sis.
Someone, somewhere out there is suffering through a more intense crave than me and that person is staying quit. As will I. -JoeMellow
SkyDiver - The first step is a bitch but that's when the fun starts.

Offline Zak3188

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #82 on: December 04, 2013, 09:36:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Winter

Day 3
Thats a step in the right direction
Thank u for quitting the bitching ad showing some support even though u might not trust him this is what I've been trying to make others realize this is what Wintergreen needs!

Offline RAZD611

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #81 on: December 04, 2013, 08:16:00 PM »
Quote from: Winter

Day 3
Thats a step in the right direction
Never Again For Any Reason

Hurt Feelings Report

Offline Winter Green

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #80 on: December 04, 2013, 04:01:00 PM »
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: Kubiak
Quote from: Zak3188
Quote from: Kubiak
Quote from: Zak3188
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: duathman
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Winter Green
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Winter Green
Quote from: Winter Green
Quote from: AppleJack
You DO know this shit will kill you right!? Why are you screwing around? Grow up... Sac up... Step up...

Be bigger than the weed you "think" you need.

You have my number. I expect you to use it more than you did the last time.
Got it. And understood. I want this hit gone. I'm going at it, at a different angle this time and I think it is a better approach
Oh man. I remember the fog now. Thick What a shitty feeling
Am I missing something here, or have you yet to answer the following:

What happened?
Why did it happen?
What are you going to do differently this time?

All I saw was a quick dig at DaBean and then a "I caved" note in November.
I already put it somewhere
Well add it here so you don't forget it this time! Don't be lipping off to someone who is trying to help you. So I see you are back again...hmmm your phone broke? did you lose my number....or did you just say fuck ole Trauma what the fuck does he know I don't need to respond to him that dick head. Well seems weird to me WE are givin a shit more about your quit than you. This aint a place where you get praise for trying and we give out participant ribbons we keep our heads to the grind stone everyday. I suggest you really drink the fuckin Kool-Aid this time and bout all I can tell you is time will tell. You prolly should look up the ScoDaddy Theorem: its super easy hell its so easy I will just list it for you

Quote from: Winter
I went 78 days,
I lost focus
My addiction got the best of me and Instead of reaching out to my text support group ( Rob , Zak, and Mike) I caved.

I broke my Promise to myself, family and fellow quitters.

I ain't got a good excuse or reason why I caved, except I have a bigger problem than I what I had  thought.
I want to quit and I'm starting over now.
Doesn't cut it. Try again and give some thought to it. Answering truthfully is for your benefit and if it saves someone that is struggling when they read it, it's a bonus.
Man this sucks! This just sucks. You missed the moment. There is a moment when you want to cave so bad you convince yourself you need to.

In that moment, had you just used your tools. Call friends, run as far from the weed as you can, get on your knees and pray....You would have felt the victory and reward for the price you paid.

Now your paying a price and got nothing to show.

I hope you quit this time and never reminisce and look back as nicotine being any thing but a setback and disease in your life. I hope you are blessed to hate and want to crush the skull of nicotine. She did nothing for you except make you appear to have a lower I.Q, She took you hard earned money, she came before other needs and wants in you life. What a shitty companion she is and always will be.

Cut the love strings and stop being a puppet. Quitting is not a game. Its work and its daily! How in the hell can you lose focus in a war? Your life is on the line, you quit is going to be challenged.

How in the hell does one lose focus? I suggest you think about that comment. "I lost focus?" That might be what you are missing in your desire and willpower.
I told some peeps that I would not post support for you and I won't. Not until you reach three digits. I didn't believe you in round two but gave you the benefit of the doubt. I was not the only one who texted you support when you went MIA. But everyone seems to have short term memory loss. I don't buy your reasoning. You, are a serial caver. You'll be alright until you hit 60+ then you'll find a reason to do this again. I personally think you are getting off pretty light just like your day one start for November 2013.

Unfortunately I'm putting my money on any newb that posts a day one today for the first time. Don't get me wrong, I hope you can stay quit but my time and support will be with the peeps that want to quit and have been quit. I'll watch and wait for YOU to prove me wrong. Good luck!
I wouldn't waist my time either. Go post somewhere else. I'll be alright
Please tell all the newbies what great "different angle this time and I think it is a better approach" of quitting you are going to do so they can do the opposite. Spare them the misery of being like you and posting another day 1 AGAIN.
Well first off ill get your mom off my dick so I can concentrate. Now how do you like to be talked down to?
Keyboard cowboys get calle to their horses again! Yes u caved but B you know it's not my problem ill support ya and help ya but in the long run te problem is yours keep textin me bud you will stay quit this time 3rd times the charm!!! Let the key board cow boys keep going I think thier dicks get hard over this shit and bring people down that's what this place has tinted into so! Good luck
This shitty attitude that Zac seems to be professing everywhere, that caving is OK and we'll all just hug it out, is for losers! Caving is not OK... Zac doesn't seem to get it, but please try and understand the tough love here is because... let me say it again by getting out my big ass megaphone, ahem... CAVING IS NOT OKAY!!!

As soon as caving becomes OK, this whole fucking show goes to the toilet and there's no point in making a promise in the morning. Oh yeah, that's another one that Zac seems to give two shits about, he thinks you can make a promise at the END of the day...

By the way, when you caved, did you make a promise that morning, and did you break it? Megaphone time again, "THAT IS THE ESSENCE TO THIS QUIT SITE".
Actually when I work nights my promise comes in at night which is my morning and when I work days it comes in a soon as I wake up! And Lately I've been posting as soon as the page rolls over so get your facts straight before you go and talk shit. And aome of us have a job that is worth a shit! But thanks for your concern about my quit which I could careless that u called me out and I could give a fuck what u or anyone else says. B needs to focus on his quit not on this bullshit he knows he fucked up he is back over and done leave it be let him focus don't believe in him he doesn't care trust me! He is fucking ur mom and ur wife while u are sitting on the computer all day thinking u r a bad ass Because u can talk shit over the Internet! Cool beans "brother" good for you no one cares!
I'm calling you out Zak, you immature brat, because you think caving is OK. Third time's the charm is a loser's attitude. When will you understand that these cowboys you keep talking about are here to help people quit? When will you realize that caving is never okay, that the next dip may be the one that turns skin cells cancerous? This is life or death, not who can make the biggest insults. Grow the fuck up and learn something for a change. You're a fucking hypocrite anyway, hopefully cavers don't take your shitty advice, because then they'll just cave again because Zak thinks it's ok while he's fucking PussyMac up the ass and sucking his cock afterward.

"It's ok, Zak forgives you..."
Just to add to Kubiak and others, we aren't talking about a single "mistake" with most of the guys the drama has been revolving around lately. We are talking about serial cavers who don't take this shit serious and their supporters who want participation ribbons.

They need to shut up, sit down in the back of the quit bus and take some notes on how to stay quit before they keep flapping their gums.

Quit on!
Day 3
Quit~December - 2 - 2013
1st Floor~March - 11 - 2014

Offline Jlud007

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #79 on: December 04, 2013, 11:38:00 AM »
Quote from: Kubiak
Quote from: Zak3188
Quote from: Kubiak
Quote from: Zak3188
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: duathman
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Winter Green
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Winter Green
Quote from: Winter Green
Quote from: AppleJack
You DO know this shit will kill you right!? Why are you screwing around? Grow up... Sac up... Step up...

Be bigger than the weed you "think" you need.

You have my number. I expect you to use it more than you did the last time.
Got it. And understood. I want this hit gone. I'm going at it, at a different angle this time and I think it is a better approach
Oh man. I remember the fog now. Thick What a shitty feeling
Am I missing something here, or have you yet to answer the following:

What happened?
Why did it happen?
What are you going to do differently this time?

All I saw was a quick dig at DaBean and then a "I caved" note in November.
I already put it somewhere
Well add it here so you don't forget it this time! Don't be lipping off to someone who is trying to help you. So I see you are back again...hmmm your phone broke? did you lose my number....or did you just say fuck ole Trauma what the fuck does he know I don't need to respond to him that dick head. Well seems weird to me WE are givin a shit more about your quit than you. This aint a place where you get praise for trying and we give out participant ribbons we keep our heads to the grind stone everyday. I suggest you really drink the fuckin Kool-Aid this time and bout all I can tell you is time will tell. You prolly should look up the ScoDaddy Theorem: its super easy hell its so easy I will just list it for you

Quote from: Winter
I went 78 days,
I lost focus
My addiction got the best of me and Instead of reaching out to my text support group ( Rob , Zak, and Mike) I caved.

I broke my Promise to myself, family and fellow quitters.

I ain't got a good excuse or reason why I caved, except I have a bigger problem than I what I had  thought.
I want to quit and I'm starting over now.
Doesn't cut it. Try again and give some thought to it. Answering truthfully is for your benefit and if it saves someone that is struggling when they read it, it's a bonus.
Man this sucks! This just sucks. You missed the moment. There is a moment when you want to cave so bad you convince yourself you need to.

In that moment, had you just used your tools. Call friends, run as far from the weed as you can, get on your knees and pray....You would have felt the victory and reward for the price you paid.

Now your paying a price and got nothing to show.

I hope you quit this time and never reminisce and look back as nicotine being any thing but a setback and disease in your life. I hope you are blessed to hate and want to crush the skull of nicotine. She did nothing for you except make you appear to have a lower I.Q, She took you hard earned money, she came before other needs and wants in you life. What a shitty companion she is and always will be.

Cut the love strings and stop being a puppet. Quitting is not a game. Its work and its daily! How in the hell can you lose focus in a war? Your life is on the line, you quit is going to be challenged.

How in the hell does one lose focus? I suggest you think about that comment. "I lost focus?" That might be what you are missing in your desire and willpower.
I told some peeps that I would not post support for you and I won't. Not until you reach three digits. I didn't believe you in round two but gave you the benefit of the doubt. I was not the only one who texted you support when you went MIA. But everyone seems to have short term memory loss. I don't buy your reasoning. You, are a serial caver. You'll be alright until you hit 60+ then you'll find a reason to do this again. I personally think you are getting off pretty light just like your day one start for November 2013.

Unfortunately I'm putting my money on any newb that posts a day one today for the first time. Don't get me wrong, I hope you can stay quit but my time and support will be with the peeps that want to quit and have been quit. I'll watch and wait for YOU to prove me wrong. Good luck!
I wouldn't waist my time either. Go post somewhere else. I'll be alright
Please tell all the newbies what great "different angle this time and I think it is a better approach" of quitting you are going to do so they can do the opposite. Spare them the misery of being like you and posting another day 1 AGAIN.
Well first off ill get your mom off my dick so I can concentrate. Now how do you like to be talked down to?
Keyboard cowboys get calle to their horses again! Yes u caved but B you know it's not my problem ill support ya and help ya but in the long run te problem is yours keep textin me bud you will stay quit this time 3rd times the charm!!! Let the key board cow boys keep going I think thier dicks get hard over this shit and bring people down that's what this place has tinted into so! Good luck
This shitty attitude that Zac seems to be professing everywhere, that caving is OK and we'll all just hug it out, is for losers! Caving is not OK... Zac doesn't seem to get it, but please try and understand the tough love here is because... let me say it again by getting out my big ass megaphone, ahem... CAVING IS NOT OKAY!!!

As soon as caving becomes OK, this whole fucking show goes to the toilet and there's no point in making a promise in the morning. Oh yeah, that's another one that Zac seems to give two shits about, he thinks you can make a promise at the END of the day...

By the way, when you caved, did you make a promise that morning, and did you break it? Megaphone time again, "THAT IS THE ESSENCE TO THIS QUIT SITE".
Actually when I work nights my promise comes in at night which is my morning and when I work days it comes in a soon as I wake up! And Lately I've been posting as soon as the page rolls over so get your facts straight before you go and talk shit. And aome of us have a job that is worth a shit! But thanks for your concern about my quit which I could careless that u called me out and I could give a fuck what u or anyone else says. B needs to focus on his quit not on this bullshit he knows he fucked up he is back over and done leave it be let him focus don't believe in him he doesn't care trust me! He is fucking ur mom and ur wife while u are sitting on the computer all day thinking u r a bad ass Because u can talk shit over the Internet! Cool beans "brother" good for you no one cares!
I'm calling you out Zak, you immature brat, because you think caving is OK. Third time's the charm is a loser's attitude. When will you understand that these cowboys you keep talking about are here to help people quit? When will you realize that caving is never okay, that the next dip may be the one that turns skin cells cancerous? This is life or death, not who can make the biggest insults. Grow the fuck up and learn something for a change. You're a fucking hypocrite anyway, hopefully cavers don't take your shitty advice, because then they'll just cave again because Zak thinks it's ok while he's fucking PussyMac up the ass and sucking his cock afterward.

"It's ok, Zak forgives you..."
Just to add to Kubiak and others, we aren't talking about a single "mistake" with most of the guys the drama has been revolving around lately. We are talking about serial cavers who don't take this shit serious and their supporters who want participation ribbons.

They need to shut up, sit down in the back of the quit bus and take some notes on how to stay quit before they keep flapping their gums.

Quit on!

Offline Kubiak

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #78 on: December 04, 2013, 11:23:00 AM »
Quote from: Zak3188
Quote from: Kubiak
Quote from: Zak3188
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: duathman
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Winter Green
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Winter Green
Quote from: Winter Green
Quote from: AppleJack
You DO know this shit will kill you right!? Why are you screwing around? Grow up... Sac up... Step up...

Be bigger than the weed you "think" you need.

You have my number. I expect you to use it more than you did the last time.
Got it. And understood. I want this hit gone. I'm going at it, at a different angle this time and I think it is a better approach
Oh man. I remember the fog now. Thick What a shitty feeling
Am I missing something here, or have you yet to answer the following:

What happened?
Why did it happen?
What are you going to do differently this time?

All I saw was a quick dig at DaBean and then a "I caved" note in November.
I already put it somewhere
Well add it here so you don't forget it this time! Don't be lipping off to someone who is trying to help you. So I see you are back again...hmmm your phone broke? did you lose my number....or did you just say fuck ole Trauma what the fuck does he know I don't need to respond to him that dick head. Well seems weird to me WE are givin a shit more about your quit than you. This aint a place where you get praise for trying and we give out participant ribbons we keep our heads to the grind stone everyday. I suggest you really drink the fuckin Kool-Aid this time and bout all I can tell you is time will tell. You prolly should look up the ScoDaddy Theorem: its super easy hell its so easy I will just list it for you

Quote from: Winter
I went 78 days,
I lost focus
My addiction got the best of me and Instead of reaching out to my text support group ( Rob , Zak, and Mike) I caved.

I broke my Promise to myself, family and fellow quitters.

I ain't got a good excuse or reason why I caved, except I have a bigger problem than I what I had  thought.
I want to quit and I'm starting over now.
Doesn't cut it. Try again and give some thought to it. Answering truthfully is for your benefit and if it saves someone that is struggling when they read it, it's a bonus.
Man this sucks! This just sucks. You missed the moment. There is a moment when you want to cave so bad you convince yourself you need to.

In that moment, had you just used your tools. Call friends, run as far from the weed as you can, get on your knees and pray....You would have felt the victory and reward for the price you paid.

Now your paying a price and got nothing to show.

I hope you quit this time and never reminisce and look back as nicotine being any thing but a setback and disease in your life. I hope you are blessed to hate and want to crush the skull of nicotine. She did nothing for you except make you appear to have a lower I.Q, She took you hard earned money, she came before other needs and wants in you life. What a shitty companion she is and always will be.

Cut the love strings and stop being a puppet. Quitting is not a game. Its work and its daily! How in the hell can you lose focus in a war? Your life is on the line, you quit is going to be challenged.

How in the hell does one lose focus? I suggest you think about that comment. "I lost focus?" That might be what you are missing in your desire and willpower.
I told some peeps that I would not post support for you and I won't. Not until you reach three digits. I didn't believe you in round two but gave you the benefit of the doubt. I was not the only one who texted you support when you went MIA. But everyone seems to have short term memory loss. I don't buy your reasoning. You, are a serial caver. You'll be alright until you hit 60+ then you'll find a reason to do this again. I personally think you are getting off pretty light just like your day one start for November 2013.

Unfortunately I'm putting my money on any newb that posts a day one today for the first time. Don't get me wrong, I hope you can stay quit but my time and support will be with the peeps that want to quit and have been quit. I'll watch and wait for YOU to prove me wrong. Good luck!
I wouldn't waist my time either. Go post somewhere else. I'll be alright
Please tell all the newbies what great "different angle this time and I think it is a better approach" of quitting you are going to do so they can do the opposite. Spare them the misery of being like you and posting another day 1 AGAIN.
Well first off ill get your mom off my dick so I can concentrate. Now how do you like to be talked down to?
Keyboard cowboys get calle to their horses again! Yes u caved but B you know it's not my problem ill support ya and help ya but in the long run te problem is yours keep textin me bud you will stay quit this time 3rd times the charm!!! Let the key board cow boys keep going I think thier dicks get hard over this shit and bring people down that's what this place has tinted into so! Good luck
This shitty attitude that Zac seems to be professing everywhere, that caving is OK and we'll all just hug it out, is for losers! Caving is not OK... Zac doesn't seem to get it, but please try and understand the tough love here is because... let me say it again by getting out my big ass megaphone, ahem... CAVING IS NOT OKAY!!!

As soon as caving becomes OK, this whole fucking show goes to the toilet and there's no point in making a promise in the morning. Oh yeah, that's another one that Zac seems to give two shits about, he thinks you can make a promise at the END of the day...

By the way, when you caved, did you make a promise that morning, and did you break it? Megaphone time again, "THAT IS THE ESSENCE TO THIS QUIT SITE".
Actually when I work nights my promise comes in at night which is my morning and when I work days it comes in a soon as I wake up! And Lately I've been posting as soon as the page rolls over so get your facts straight before you go and talk shit. And aome of us have a job that is worth a shit! But thanks for your concern about my quit which I could careless that u called me out and I could give a fuck what u or anyone else says. B needs to focus on his quit not on this bullshit he knows he fucked up he is back over and done leave it be let him focus don't believe in him he doesn't care trust me! He is fucking ur mom and ur wife while u are sitting on the computer all day thinking u r a bad ass Because u can talk shit over the Internet! Cool beans "brother" good for you no one cares!
I'm calling you out Zak, you immature brat, because you think caving is OK. Third time's the charm is a loser's attitude. When will you understand that these cowboys you keep talking about are here to help people quit? When will you realize that caving is never okay, that the next dip may be the one that turns skin cells cancerous? This is life or death, not who can make the biggest insults. Grow the fuck up and learn something for a change. You're a fucking hypocrite anyway, hopefully cavers don't take your shitty advice, because then they'll just cave again because Zak thinks it's ok while he's fucking PussyMac up the ass and sucking his cock afterward.

"It's ok, Zak forgives you..."

Offline Texas22

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #77 on: December 04, 2013, 10:43:00 AM »
Quote from: Winter
Wow, I feel like I am back in 8th grade with all the "your mama" jokes! Grow up!
Quote from: Zak3188
Quote from: Kubiak
Quote from: Zak3188
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: duathman
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Winter Green
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Winter Green
Quote from: Winter Green
Quote from: AppleJack
You DO know this shit will kill you right!? Why are you screwing around? Grow up... Sac up... Step up...

Be bigger than the weed you "think" you need.

You have my number. I expect you to use it more than you did the last time.
Got it. And understood. I want this hit gone. I'm going at it, at a different angle this time and I think it is a better approach
Oh man. I remember the fog now. Thick What a shitty feeling
Am I missing something here, or have you yet to answer the following:

What happened?
Why did it happen?
What are you going to do differently this time?

All I saw was a quick dig at DaBean and then a "I caved" note in November.
I already put it somewhere
Well add it here so you don't forget it this time! Don't be lipping off to someone who is trying to help you. So I see you are back again...hmmm your phone broke? did you lose my number....or did you just say fuck ole Trauma what the fuck does he know I don't need to respond to him that dick head. Well seems weird to me WE are givin a shit more about your quit than you. This aint a place where you get praise for trying and we give out participant ribbons we keep our heads to the grind stone everyday. I suggest you really drink the fuckin Kool-Aid this time and bout all I can tell you is time will tell. You prolly should look up the ScoDaddy Theorem: its super easy hell its so easy I will just list it for you

Quote from: Winter
I went 78 days,
I lost focus
My addiction got the best of me and Instead of reaching out to my text support group ( Rob , Zak, and Mike) I caved.

I broke my Promise to myself, family and fellow quitters.

I ain't got a good excuse or reason why I caved, except I have a bigger problem than I what I had  thought.
I want to quit and I'm starting over now.
Doesn't cut it. Try again and give some thought to it. Answering truthfully is for your benefit and if it saves someone that is struggling when they read it, it's a bonus.
Man this sucks! This just sucks. You missed the moment. There is a moment when you want to cave so bad you convince yourself you need to.

In that moment, had you just used your tools. Call friends, run as far from the weed as you can, get on your knees and pray....You would have felt the victory and reward for the price you paid.

Now your paying a price and got nothing to show.

I hope you quit this time and never reminisce and look back as nicotine being any thing but a setback and disease in your life. I hope you are blessed to hate and want to crush the skull of nicotine. She did nothing for you except make you appear to have a lower I.Q, She took you hard earned money, she came before other needs and wants in you life. What a shitty companion she is and always will be.

Cut the love strings and stop being a puppet. Quitting is not a game. Its work and its daily! How in the hell can you lose focus in a war? Your life is on the line, you quit is going to be challenged.

How in the hell does one lose focus? I suggest you think about that comment. "I lost focus?" That might be what you are missing in your desire and willpower.
I told some peeps that I would not post support for you and I won't. Not until you reach three digits. I didn't believe you in round two but gave you the benefit of the doubt. I was not the only one who texted you support when you went MIA. But everyone seems to have short term memory loss. I don't buy your reasoning. You, are a serial caver. You'll be alright until you hit 60+ then you'll find a reason to do this again. I personally think you are getting off pretty light just like your day one start for November 2013.

Unfortunately I'm putting my money on any newb that posts a day one today for the first time. Don't get me wrong, I hope you can stay quit but my time and support will be with the peeps that want to quit and have been quit. I'll watch and wait for YOU to prove me wrong. Good luck!
I wouldn't waist my time either. Go post somewhere else. I'll be alright
Please tell all the newbies what great "different angle this time and I think it is a better approach" of quitting you are going to do so they can do the opposite. Spare them the misery of being like you and posting another day 1 AGAIN.
Well first off ill get your mom off my dick so I can concentrate. Now how do you like to be talked down to?
Keyboard cowboys get calle to their horses again! Yes u caved but B you know it's not my problem ill support ya and help ya but in the long run te problem is yours keep textin me bud you will stay quit this time 3rd times the charm!!! Let the key board cow boys keep going I think thier dicks get hard over this shit and bring people down that's what this place has tinted into so! Good luck
This shitty attitude that Zac seems to be professing everywhere, that caving is OK and we'll all just hug it out, is for losers! Caving is not OK... Zac doesn't seem to get it, but please try and understand the tough love here is because... let me say it again by getting out my big ass megaphone, ahem... CAVING IS NOT OKAY!!!

As soon as caving becomes OK, this whole fucking show goes to the toilet and there's no point in making a promise in the morning. Oh yeah, that's another one that Zac seems to give two shits about, he thinks you can make a promise at the END of the day...

By the way, when you caved, did you make a promise that morning, and did you break it? Megaphone time again, "THAT IS THE ESSENCE TO THIS QUIT SITE".
Actually when I work nights my promise comes in at night which is my morning and when I work days it comes in a soon as I wake up! And Lately I've been posting as soon as the page rolls over so get your facts straight before you go and talk shit. And aome of us have a job that is worth a shit! But thanks for your concern about my quit which I could careless that u called me out and I could give a fuck what u or anyone else says. B needs to focus on his quit not on this bullshit he knows he fucked up he is back over and done leave it be let him focus don't believe in him he doesn't care trust me! He is fucking ur mom and ur wife while u are sitting on the computer all day thinking u r a bad ass Because u can talk shit over the Internet! Cool beans "brother" good for you no one cares!
Laugh Out Loud 'na na'
The only easy day was yesterday. -BUD/S slogan

Offline Winter Green

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #76 on: December 04, 2013, 10:35:00 AM »
Quote from: Zak3188
Quote from: Kubiak
Quote from: Zak3188
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: duathman
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Winter Green
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Winter Green
Quote from: Winter Green
Quote from: AppleJack
You DO know this shit will kill you right!? Why are you screwing around? Grow up... Sac up... Step up...

Be bigger than the weed you "think" you need.

You have my number. I expect you to use it more than you did the last time.
Got it. And understood. I want this hit gone. I'm going at it, at a different angle this time and I think it is a better approach
Oh man. I remember the fog now. Thick What a shitty feeling
Am I missing something here, or have you yet to answer the following:

What happened?
Why did it happen?
What are you going to do differently this time?

All I saw was a quick dig at DaBean and then a "I caved" note in November.
I already put it somewhere
Well add it here so you don't forget it this time! Don't be lipping off to someone who is trying to help you. So I see you are back again...hmmm your phone broke? did you lose my number....or did you just say fuck ole Trauma what the fuck does he know I don't need to respond to him that dick head. Well seems weird to me WE are givin a shit more about your quit than you. This aint a place where you get praise for trying and we give out participant ribbons we keep our heads to the grind stone everyday. I suggest you really drink the fuckin Kool-Aid this time and bout all I can tell you is time will tell. You prolly should look up the ScoDaddy Theorem: its super easy hell its so easy I will just list it for you

Quote from: Winter
I went 78 days,
I lost focus
My addiction got the best of me and Instead of reaching out to my text support group ( Rob , Zak, and Mike) I caved.

I broke my Promise to myself, family and fellow quitters.

I ain't got a good excuse or reason why I caved, except I have a bigger problem than I what I had  thought.
I want to quit and I'm starting over now.
Doesn't cut it. Try again and give some thought to it. Answering truthfully is for your benefit and if it saves someone that is struggling when they read it, it's a bonus.
Man this sucks! This just sucks. You missed the moment. There is a moment when you want to cave so bad you convince yourself you need to.

In that moment, had you just used your tools. Call friends, run as far from the weed as you can, get on your knees and pray....You would have felt the victory and reward for the price you paid.

Now your paying a price and got nothing to show.

I hope you quit this time and never reminisce and look back as nicotine being any thing but a setback and disease in your life. I hope you are blessed to hate and want to crush the skull of nicotine. She did nothing for you except make you appear to have a lower I.Q, She took you hard earned money, she came before other needs and wants in you life. What a shitty companion she is and always will be.

Cut the love strings and stop being a puppet. Quitting is not a game. Its work and its daily! How in the hell can you lose focus in a war? Your life is on the line, you quit is going to be challenged.

How in the hell does one lose focus? I suggest you think about that comment. "I lost focus?" That might be what you are missing in your desire and willpower.
I told some peeps that I would not post support for you and I won't. Not until you reach three digits. I didn't believe you in round two but gave you the benefit of the doubt. I was not the only one who texted you support when you went MIA. But everyone seems to have short term memory loss. I don't buy your reasoning. You, are a serial caver. You'll be alright until you hit 60+ then you'll find a reason to do this again. I personally think you are getting off pretty light just like your day one start for November 2013.

Unfortunately I'm putting my money on any newb that posts a day one today for the first time. Don't get me wrong, I hope you can stay quit but my time and support will be with the peeps that want to quit and have been quit. I'll watch and wait for YOU to prove me wrong. Good luck!
I wouldn't waist my time either. Go post somewhere else. I'll be alright
Please tell all the newbies what great "different angle this time and I think it is a better approach" of quitting you are going to do so they can do the opposite. Spare them the misery of being like you and posting another day 1 AGAIN.
Well first off ill get your mom off my dick so I can concentrate. Now how do you like to be talked down to?
Keyboard cowboys get calle to their horses again! Yes u caved but B you know it's not my problem ill support ya and help ya but in the long run te problem is yours keep textin me bud you will stay quit this time 3rd times the charm!!! Let the key board cow boys keep going I think thier dicks get hard over this shit and bring people down that's what this place has tinted into so! Good luck
This shitty attitude that Zac seems to be professing everywhere, that caving is OK and we'll all just hug it out, is for losers! Caving is not OK... Zac doesn't seem to get it, but please try and understand the tough love here is because... let me say it again by getting out my big ass megaphone, ahem... CAVING IS NOT OKAY!!!

As soon as caving becomes OK, this whole fucking show goes to the toilet and there's no point in making a promise in the morning. Oh yeah, that's another one that Zac seems to give two shits about, he thinks you can make a promise at the END of the day...

By the way, when you caved, did you make a promise that morning, and did you break it? Megaphone time again, "THAT IS THE ESSENCE TO THIS QUIT SITE".
Actually when I work nights my promise comes in at night which is my morning and when I work days it comes in a soon as I wake up! And Lately I've been posting as soon as the page rolls over so get your facts straight before you go and talk shit. And aome of us have a job that is worth a shit! But thanks for your concern about my quit which I could careless that u called me out and I could give a fuck what u or anyone else says. B needs to focus on his quit not on this bullshit he knows he fucked up he is back over and done leave it be let him focus don't believe in him he doesn't care trust me! He is fucking ur mom and ur wife while u are sitting on the computer all day thinking u r a bad ass Because u can talk shit over the Internet! Cool beans "brother" good for you no one cares!
Laugh Out Loud 'na na'
Quit~December - 2 - 2013
1st Floor~March - 11 - 2014

Offline Zak3188

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #75 on: December 04, 2013, 10:30:00 AM »
Quote from: Kubiak
Quote from: Zak3188
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: duathman
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Winter Green
Quote from: Winter Green
Quote from: AppleJack
You DO know this shit will kill you right!? Why are you screwing around? Grow up... Sac up... Step up...

Be bigger than the weed you "think" you need.

You have my number. I expect you to use it more than you did the last time.
Got it. And understood. I want this hit gone. I'm going at it, at a different angle this time and I think it is a better approach
Oh man. I remember the fog now. Thick What a shitty feeling
Am I missing something here, or have you yet to answer the following:

What happened?
Why did it happen?
What are you going to do differently this time?

All I saw was a quick dig at DaBean and then a "I caved" note in November.
I already put it somewhere
Well add it here so you don't forget it this time! Don't be lipping off to someone who is trying to help you. So I see you are back again...hmmm your phone broke? did you lose my number....or did you just say fuck ole Trauma what the fuck does he know I don't need to respond to him that dick head. Well seems weird to me WE are givin a shit more about your quit than you. This aint a place where you get praise for trying and we give out participant ribbons we keep our heads to the grind stone everyday. I suggest you really drink the fuckin Kool-Aid this time and bout all I can tell you is time will tell. You prolly should look up the ScoDaddy Theorem: its super easy hell its so easy I will just list it for you

Quote from: Winter
I went 78 days,
I lost focus
My addiction got the best of me and Instead of reaching out to my text support group ( Rob , Zak, and Mike) I caved.

I broke my Promise to myself, family and fellow quitters.

I ain't got a good excuse or reason why I caved, except I have a bigger problem than I what I had  thought.
I want to quit and I'm starting over now.
Doesn't cut it. Try again and give some thought to it. Answering truthfully is for your benefit and if it saves someone that is struggling when they read it, it's a bonus.
Man this sucks! This just sucks. You missed the moment. There is a moment when you want to cave so bad you convince yourself you need to.

In that moment, had you just used your tools. Call friends, run as far from the weed as you can, get on your knees and pray....You would have felt the victory and reward for the price you paid.

Now your paying a price and got nothing to show.

I hope you quit this time and never reminisce and look back as nicotine being any thing but a setback and disease in your life. I hope you are blessed to hate and want to crush the skull of nicotine. She did nothing for you except make you appear to have a lower I.Q, She took you hard earned money, she came before other needs and wants in you life. What a shitty companion she is and always will be.

Cut the love strings and stop being a puppet. Quitting is not a game. Its work and its daily! How in the hell can you lose focus in a war? Your life is on the line, you quit is going to be challenged.

How in the hell does one lose focus? I suggest you think about that comment. "I lost focus?" That might be what you are missing in your desire and willpower.
I told some peeps that I would not post support for you and I won't. Not until you reach three digits. I didn't believe you in round two but gave you the benefit of the doubt. I was not the only one who texted you support when you went MIA. But everyone seems to have short term memory loss. I don't buy your reasoning. You, are a serial caver. You'll be alright until you hit 60+ then you'll find a reason to do this again. I personally think you are getting off pretty light just like your day one start for November 2013.

Unfortunately I'm putting my money on any newb that posts a day one today for the first time. Don't get me wrong, I hope you can stay quit but my time and support will be with the peeps that want to quit and have been quit. I'll watch and wait for YOU to prove me wrong. Good luck!
I wouldn't waist my time either. Go post somewhere else. I'll be alright
Please tell all the newbies what great "different angle this time and I think it is a better approach" of quitting you are going to do so they can do the opposite. Spare them the misery of being like you and posting another day 1 AGAIN.
Well first off ill get your mom off my dick so I can concentrate. Now how do you like to be talked down to?
Keyboard cowboys get calle to their horses again! Yes u caved but B you know it's not my problem ill support ya and help ya but in the long run te problem is yours keep textin me bud you will stay quit this time 3rd times the charm!!! Let the key board cow boys keep going I think thier dicks get hard over this shit and bring people down that's what this place has tinted into so! Good luck
This shitty attitude that Zac seems to be professing everywhere, that caving is OK and we'll all just hug it out, is for losers! Caving is not OK... Zac doesn't seem to get it, but please try and understand the tough love here is because... let me say it again by getting out my big ass megaphone, ahem... CAVING IS NOT OKAY!!!

As soon as caving becomes OK, this whole fucking show goes to the toilet and there's no point in making a promise in the morning. Oh yeah, that's another one that Zac seems to give two shits about, he thinks you can make a promise at the END of the day...

By the way, when you caved, did you make a promise that morning, and did you break it? Megaphone time again, "THAT IS THE ESSENCE TO THIS QUIT SITE".
Actually when I work nights my promise comes in at night which is my morning and when I work days it comes in a soon as I wake up! And Lately I've been posting as soon as the page rolls over so get your facts straight before you go and talk shit. And aome of us have a job that is worth a shit! But thanks for your concern about my quit which I could careless that u called me out and I could give a fuck what u or anyone else says. B needs to focus on his quit not on this bullshit he knows he fucked up he is back over and done leave it be let him focus don't believe in him he doesn't care trust me! He is fucking ur mom and ur wife while u are sitting on the computer all day thinking u r a bad ass Because u can talk shit over the Internet! Cool beans "brother" good for you no one cares!

Offline Kubiak

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #74 on: December 04, 2013, 10:18:00 AM »
Quote from: Zak3188
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: duathman
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Winter Green
Quote from: Winter Green
Quote from: AppleJack
You DO know this shit will kill you right!? Why are you screwing around? Grow up... Sac up... Step up...

Be bigger than the weed you "think" you need.

You have my number. I expect you to use it more than you did the last time.
Got it. And understood. I want this hit gone. I'm going at it, at a different angle this time and I think it is a better approach
Oh man. I remember the fog now. Thick What a shitty feeling
Am I missing something here, or have you yet to answer the following:

What happened?
Why did it happen?
What are you going to do differently this time?

All I saw was a quick dig at DaBean and then a "I caved" note in November.
I already put it somewhere
Well add it here so you don't forget it this time! Don't be lipping off to someone who is trying to help you. So I see you are back again...hmmm your phone broke? did you lose my number....or did you just say fuck ole Trauma what the fuck does he know I don't need to respond to him that dick head. Well seems weird to me WE are givin a shit more about your quit than you. This aint a place where you get praise for trying and we give out participant ribbons we keep our heads to the grind stone everyday. I suggest you really drink the fuckin Kool-Aid this time and bout all I can tell you is time will tell. You prolly should look up the ScoDaddy Theorem: its super easy hell its so easy I will just list it for you

Quote from: Winter
I went 78 days,
I lost focus
My addiction got the best of me and Instead of reaching out to my text support group ( Rob , Zak, and Mike) I caved.

I broke my Promise to myself, family and fellow quitters.

I ain't got a good excuse or reason why I caved, except I have a bigger problem than I what I had  thought.
I want to quit and I'm starting over now.
Doesn't cut it. Try again and give some thought to it. Answering truthfully is for your benefit and if it saves someone that is struggling when they read it, it's a bonus.
Man this sucks! This just sucks. You missed the moment. There is a moment when you want to cave so bad you convince yourself you need to.

In that moment, had you just used your tools. Call friends, run as far from the weed as you can, get on your knees and pray....You would have felt the victory and reward for the price you paid.

Now your paying a price and got nothing to show.

I hope you quit this time and never reminisce and look back as nicotine being any thing but a setback and disease in your life. I hope you are blessed to hate and want to crush the skull of nicotine. She did nothing for you except make you appear to have a lower I.Q, She took you hard earned money, she came before other needs and wants in you life. What a shitty companion she is and always will be.

Cut the love strings and stop being a puppet. Quitting is not a game. Its work and its daily! How in the hell can you lose focus in a war? Your life is on the line, you quit is going to be challenged.

How in the hell does one lose focus? I suggest you think about that comment. "I lost focus?" That might be what you are missing in your desire and willpower.
I told some peeps that I would not post support for you and I won't. Not until you reach three digits. I didn't believe you in round two but gave you the benefit of the doubt. I was not the only one who texted you support when you went MIA. But everyone seems to have short term memory loss. I don't buy your reasoning. You, are a serial caver. You'll be alright until you hit 60+ then you'll find a reason to do this again. I personally think you are getting off pretty light just like your day one start for November 2013.

Unfortunately I'm putting my money on any newb that posts a day one today for the first time. Don't get me wrong, I hope you can stay quit but my time and support will be with the peeps that want to quit and have been quit. I'll watch and wait for YOU to prove me wrong. Good luck!
I wouldn't waist my time either. Go post somewhere else. I'll be alright
Please tell all the newbies what great "different angle this time and I think it is a better approach" of quitting you are going to do so they can do the opposite. Spare them the misery of being like you and posting another day 1 AGAIN.
Well first off ill get your mom off my dick so I can concentrate. Now how do you like to be talked down to?
Keyboard cowboys get calle to their horses again! Yes u caved but B you know it's not my problem ill support ya and help ya but in the long run te problem is yours keep textin me bud you will stay quit this time 3rd times the charm!!! Let the key board cow boys keep going I think thier dicks get hard over this shit and bring people down that's what this place has tinted into so! Good luck
This shitty attitude that Zac seems to be professing everywhere, that caving is OK and we'll all just hug it out, is for losers! Caving is not OK... Zac doesn't seem to get it, but please try and understand the tough love here is because... let me say it again by getting out my big ass megaphone, ahem... CAVING IS NOT OKAY!!!

As soon as caving becomes OK, this whole fucking show goes to the toilet and there's no point in making a promise in the morning. Oh yeah, that's another one that Zac seems to give two shits about, he thinks you can make a promise at the END of the day...

By the way, when you caved, did you make a promise that morning, and did you break it? Megaphone time again, "THAT IS THE ESSENCE TO THIS QUIT SITE".

Offline Zak3188

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #73 on: December 04, 2013, 10:06:00 AM »
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: duathman
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Winter Green
Quote from: AppleJack
You DO know this shit will kill you right!? Why are you screwing around? Grow up... Sac up... Step up...

Be bigger than the weed you "think" you need.

You have my number. I expect you to use it more than you did the last time.
Got it. And understood. I want this hit gone. I'm going at it, at a different angle this time and I think it is a better approach
Oh man. I remember the fog now. Thick What a shitty feeling
Am I missing something here, or have you yet to answer the following:

What happened?
Why did it happen?
What are you going to do differently this time?

All I saw was a quick dig at DaBean and then a "I caved" note in November.
I already put it somewhere
Well add it here so you don't forget it this time! Don't be lipping off to someone who is trying to help you. So I see you are back again...hmmm your phone broke? did you lose my number....or did you just say fuck ole Trauma what the fuck does he know I don't need to respond to him that dick head. Well seems weird to me WE are givin a shit more about your quit than you. This aint a place where you get praise for trying and we give out participant ribbons we keep our heads to the grind stone everyday. I suggest you really drink the fuckin Kool-Aid this time and bout all I can tell you is time will tell. You prolly should look up the ScoDaddy Theorem: its super easy hell its so easy I will just list it for you

Quote from: Winter
I went 78 days,
I lost focus
My addiction got the best of me and Instead of reaching out to my text support group ( Rob , Zak, and Mike) I caved.

I broke my Promise to myself, family and fellow quitters.

I ain't got a good excuse or reason why I caved, except I have a bigger problem than I what I had  thought.
I want to quit and I'm starting over now.
Doesn't cut it. Try again and give some thought to it. Answering truthfully is for your benefit and if it saves someone that is struggling when they read it, it's a bonus.
Man this sucks! This just sucks. You missed the moment. There is a moment when you want to cave so bad you convince yourself you need to.

In that moment, had you just used your tools. Call friends, run as far from the weed as you can, get on your knees and pray....You would have felt the victory and reward for the price you paid.

Now your paying a price and got nothing to show.

I hope you quit this time and never reminisce and look back as nicotine being any thing but a setback and disease in your life. I hope you are blessed to hate and want to crush the skull of nicotine. She did nothing for you except make you appear to have a lower I.Q, She took you hard earned money, she came before other needs and wants in you life. What a shitty companion she is and always will be.

Cut the love strings and stop being a puppet. Quitting is not a game. Its work and its daily! How in the hell can you lose focus in a war? Your life is on the line, you quit is going to be challenged.

How in the hell does one lose focus? I suggest you think about that comment. "I lost focus?" That might be what you are missing in your desire and willpower.
I told some peeps that I would not post support for you and I won't. Not until you reach three digits. I didn't believe you in round two but gave you the benefit of the doubt. I was not the only one who texted you support when you went MIA. But everyone seems to have short term memory loss. I don't buy your reasoning. You, are a serial caver. You'll be alright until you hit 60+ then you'll find a reason to do this again. I personally think you are getting off pretty light just like your day one start for November 2013.

Unfortunately I'm putting my money on any newb that posts a day one today for the first time. Don't get me wrong, I hope you can stay quit but my time and support will be with the peeps that want to quit and have been quit. I'll watch and wait for YOU to prove me wrong. Good luck!
I wouldn't waist my time either. Go post somewhere else. I'll be alright
Please tell all the newbies what great "different angle this time and I think it is a better approach" of quitting you are going to do so they can do the opposite. Spare them the misery of being like you and posting another day 1 AGAIN.
Well first off ill get your mom off my dick so I can concentrate. Now how do you like to be talked down to?

Keyboard cowboys get calle to their horses again! Yes u caved but B you know it's not my problem ill support ya and help ya but in the long run te problem is yours keep textin me bud you will stay quit this time 3rd times the charm!!! Let the key board cow boys keep going I think thier dicks get hard over this shit and bring people down that's what this place has turned into so! Dont people hav lives or spending every second of their lives on here it? this is a good tool but spending every waking moment in here come on now i think yall need to start a new place to go to cure the addiction of the internet in ur lives! Good luck

Offline Winter Green

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #72 on: December 04, 2013, 09:13:00 AM »
Quote from: duathman
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: AppleJack
You DO know this shit will kill you right!? Why are you screwing around? Grow up... Sac up... Step up...

Be bigger than the weed you "think" you need.

You have my number. I expect you to use it more than you did the last time.
Got it. And understood. I want this hit gone. I'm going at it, at a different angle this time and I think it is a better approach
Oh man. I remember the fog now. Thick What a shitty feeling
Am I missing something here, or have you yet to answer the following:

What happened?
Why did it happen?
What are you going to do differently this time?

All I saw was a quick dig at DaBean and then a "I caved" note in November.
I already put it somewhere
Well add it here so you don't forget it this time! Don't be lipping off to someone who is trying to help you. So I see you are back again...hmmm your phone broke? did you lose my number....or did you just say fuck ole Trauma what the fuck does he know I don't need to respond to him that dick head. Well seems weird to me WE are givin a shit more about your quit than you. This aint a place where you get praise for trying and we give out participant ribbons we keep our heads to the grind stone everyday. I suggest you really drink the fuckin Kool-Aid this time and bout all I can tell you is time will tell. You prolly should look up the ScoDaddy Theorem: its super easy hell its so easy I will just list it for you

Quote from: Winter
I went 78 days,
I lost focus
My addiction got the best of me and Instead of reaching out to my text support group ( Rob , Zak, and Mike) I caved.

I broke my Promise to myself, family and fellow quitters.

I ain't got a good excuse or reason why I caved, except I have a bigger problem than I what I had  thought.
I want to quit and I'm starting over now.
Doesn't cut it. Try again and give some thought to it. Answering truthfully is for your benefit and if it saves someone that is struggling when they read it, it's a bonus.
Man this sucks! This just sucks. You missed the moment. There is a moment when you want to cave so bad you convince yourself you need to.

In that moment, had you just used your tools. Call friends, run as far from the weed as you can, get on your knees and pray....You would have felt the victory and reward for the price you paid.

Now your paying a price and got nothing to show.

I hope you quit this time and never reminisce and look back as nicotine being any thing but a setback and disease in your life. I hope you are blessed to hate and want to crush the skull of nicotine. She did nothing for you except make you appear to have a lower I.Q, She took you hard earned money, she came before other needs and wants in you life. What a shitty companion she is and always will be.

Cut the love strings and stop being a puppet. Quitting is not a game. Its work and its daily! How in the hell can you lose focus in a war? Your life is on the line, you quit is going to be challenged.

How in the hell does one lose focus? I suggest you think about that comment. "I lost focus?" That might be what you are missing in your desire and willpower.
I told some peeps that I would not post support for you and I won't. Not until you reach three digits. I didn't believe you in round two but gave you the benefit of the doubt. I was not the only one who texted you support when you went MIA. But everyone seems to have short term memory loss. I don't buy your reasoning. You, are a serial caver. You'll be alright until you hit 60+ then you'll find a reason to do this again. I personally think you are getting off pretty light just like your day one start for November 2013.

Unfortunately I'm putting my money on any newb that posts a day one today for the first time. Don't get me wrong, I hope you can stay quit but my time and support will be with the peeps that want to quit and have been quit. I'll watch and wait for YOU to prove me wrong. Good luck!
I wouldn't waist my time either. Go post somewhere else. I'll be alright
Please tell all the newbies what great "different angle this time and I think it is a better approach" of quitting you are going to do so they can do the opposite. Spare them the misery of being like you and posting another day 1 AGAIN.
Well first off ill get your mom off my dick so I can concentrate. Now how do you like to be talked down to?
Quit~December - 2 - 2013
1st Floor~March - 11 - 2014

Offline duathman

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #71 on: December 04, 2013, 09:05:00 AM »
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: AppleJack
You DO know this shit will kill you right!? Why are you screwing around? Grow up... Sac up... Step up...

Be bigger than the weed you "think" you need.

You have my number. I expect you to use it more than you did the last time.
Got it. And understood. I want this hit gone. I'm going at it, at a different angle this time and I think it is a better approach
Oh man. I remember the fog now. Thick What a shitty feeling
Am I missing something here, or have you yet to answer the following:

What happened?
Why did it happen?
What are you going to do differently this time?

All I saw was a quick dig at DaBean and then a "I caved" note in November.
I already put it somewhere
Well add it here so you don't forget it this time! Don't be lipping off to someone who is trying to help you. So I see you are back again...hmmm your phone broke? did you lose my number....or did you just say fuck ole Trauma what the fuck does he know I don't need to respond to him that dick head. Well seems weird to me WE are givin a shit more about your quit than you. This aint a place where you get praise for trying and we give out participant ribbons we keep our heads to the grind stone everyday. I suggest you really drink the fuckin Kool-Aid this time and bout all I can tell you is time will tell. You prolly should look up the ScoDaddy Theorem: its super easy hell its so easy I will just list it for you

Quote from: Winter
I went 78 days,
I lost focus
My addiction got the best of me and Instead of reaching out to my text support group ( Rob , Zak, and Mike) I caved.

I broke my Promise to myself, family and fellow quitters.

I ain't got a good excuse or reason why I caved, except I have a bigger problem than I what I had  thought.
I want to quit and I'm starting over now.
Doesn't cut it. Try again and give some thought to it. Answering truthfully is for your benefit and if it saves someone that is struggling when they read it, it's a bonus.
Man this sucks! This just sucks. You missed the moment. There is a moment when you want to cave so bad you convince yourself you need to.

In that moment, had you just used your tools. Call friends, run as far from the weed as you can, get on your knees and pray....You would have felt the victory and reward for the price you paid.

Now your paying a price and got nothing to show.

I hope you quit this time and never reminisce and look back as nicotine being any thing but a setback and disease in your life. I hope you are blessed to hate and want to crush the skull of nicotine. She did nothing for you except make you appear to have a lower I.Q, She took you hard earned money, she came before other needs and wants in you life. What a shitty companion she is and always will be.

Cut the love strings and stop being a puppet. Quitting is not a game. Its work and its daily! How in the hell can you lose focus in a war? Your life is on the line, you quit is going to be challenged.

How in the hell does one lose focus? I suggest you think about that comment. "I lost focus?" That might be what you are missing in your desire and willpower.
I told some peeps that I would not post support for you and I won't. Not until you reach three digits. I didn't believe you in round two but gave you the benefit of the doubt. I was not the only one who texted you support when you went MIA. But everyone seems to have short term memory loss. I don't buy your reasoning. You, are a serial caver. You'll be alright until you hit 60+ then you'll find a reason to do this again. I personally think you are getting off pretty light just like your day one start for November 2013.

Unfortunately I'm putting my money on any newb that posts a day one today for the first time. Don't get me wrong, I hope you can stay quit but my time and support will be with the peeps that want to quit and have been quit. I'll watch and wait for YOU to prove me wrong. Good luck!
I wouldn't waist my time either. Go post somewhere else. I'll be alright
Please tell all the newbies what great "different angle this time and I think it is a better approach" of quitting you are going to do so they can do the opposite. Spare them the misery of being like you and posting another day 1 AGAIN.

Offline Winter Green

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #70 on: December 03, 2013, 05:32:00 PM »
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: AppleJack
You DO know this shit will kill you right!? Why are you screwing around? Grow up... Sac up... Step up...

Be bigger than the weed you "think" you need.

You have my number. I expect you to use it more than you did the last time.
Got it. And understood. I want this hit gone. I'm going at it, at a different angle this time and I think it is a better approach
Oh man. I remember the fog now. Thick What a shitty feeling
Am I missing something here, or have you yet to answer the following:

What happened?
Why did it happen?
What are you going to do differently this time?

All I saw was a quick dig at DaBean and then a "I caved" note in November.
I already put it somewhere
Well add it here so you don't forget it this time! Don't be lipping off to someone who is trying to help you. So I see you are back again...hmmm your phone broke? did you lose my number....or did you just say fuck ole Trauma what the fuck does he know I don't need to respond to him that dick head. Well seems weird to me WE are givin a shit more about your quit than you. This aint a place where you get praise for trying and we give out participant ribbons we keep our heads to the grind stone everyday. I suggest you really drink the fuckin Kool-Aid this time and bout all I can tell you is time will tell. You prolly should look up the ScoDaddy Theorem: its super easy hell its so easy I will just list it for you

Quote from: Winter
I went 78 days,
I lost focus
My addiction got the best of me and Instead of reaching out to my text support group ( Rob , Zak, and Mike) I caved.

I broke my Promise to myself, family and fellow quitters.

I ain't got a good excuse or reason why I caved, except I have a bigger problem than I what I had  thought.
I want to quit and I'm starting over now.
Doesn't cut it. Try again and give some thought to it. Answering truthfully is for your benefit and if it saves someone that is struggling when they read it, it's a bonus.
Man this sucks! This just sucks. You missed the moment. There is a moment when you want to cave so bad you convince yourself you need to.

In that moment, had you just used your tools. Call friends, run as far from the weed as you can, get on your knees and pray....You would have felt the victory and reward for the price you paid.

Now your paying a price and got nothing to show.

I hope you quit this time and never reminisce and look back as nicotine being any thing but a setback and disease in your life. I hope you are blessed to hate and want to crush the skull of nicotine. She did nothing for you except make you appear to have a lower I.Q, She took you hard earned money, she came before other needs and wants in you life. What a shitty companion she is and always will be.

Cut the love strings and stop being a puppet. Quitting is not a game. Its work and its daily! How in the hell can you lose focus in a war? Your life is on the line, you quit is going to be challenged.

How in the hell does one lose focus? I suggest you think about that comment. "I lost focus?" That might be what you are missing in your desire and willpower.
I told some peeps that I would not post support for you and I won't. Not until you reach three digits. I didn't believe you in round two but gave you the benefit of the doubt. I was not the only one who texted you support when you went MIA. But everyone seems to have short term memory loss. I don't buy your reasoning. You, are a serial caver. You'll be alright until you hit 60+ then you'll find a reason to do this again. I personally think you are getting off pretty light just like your day one start for November 2013.

Unfortunately I'm putting my money on any newb that posts a day one today for the first time. Don't get me wrong, I hope you can stay quit but my time and support will be with the peeps that want to quit and have been quit. I'll watch and wait for YOU to prove me wrong. Good luck!
I wouldn't waist my time either. Go post somewhere else. I'll be alright
Quit~December - 2 - 2013
1st Floor~March - 11 - 2014