Author Topic: Day 2  (Read 7228 times)

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Offline Winter Green

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #54 on: August 18, 2013, 08:12:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Winter
Day 5 log, went to bed around 9pm, woke up at 11:44 pm, it's 1:32am now. I feel real tired but restless.  'zombie'
All in all it will be a great day to be free
Good day winter green. I know those first 5 days feel like a month. Hell I swear time slowed down the first 30 for 40 really. I think that 6 months passed and I was in the twilight zone.

5 days is big. Why exactly? Well let me tell you! If you made it 5 you can make it today,,, that's why!

You have now proven to yourself that's it's possible to live without the poison. That's 5 days you haven't went down to the corner store and spent your hard earned money on something that is stealing your freedom and causing you to question your dignity. You have treated this poison more important than anything for years and gave up valuable family time, precious health and freedom.

Now look at you friend. Your in charge!! Your taking back your life. Lets make it one more day brother. I'm quitting with you and I've got nothing better to do.

Hell ya man, I find it so interesting at the same time amazing to see how much nicotine plays a roll in a persons life. Lack of sleep and these fucking dreams ( had first one this morning on a nap ) are wierd as they get, fish biting my legs and pulling me into the water, then how about this, pulling a cup of warm milk out the fridge and drinking it to the bottom and there laid a big ol wod of Copenhagen wintergreen in the bottom of the cup. Gross. So I will continue to post and log in my intro of some of these righteous dreams and feelings / sleep pattern so the next newbie might get a feeling of what to expect. So I feel great this morning day 5 and I quit with everyone today.

Brandon aka Winter Green
Day 5
Quit~December - 2 - 2013
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Offline srans

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #53 on: August 18, 2013, 07:52:00 AM »
Quote from: Winter
Day 5 log, went to bed around 9pm, woke up at 11:44 pm, it's 1:32am now. I feel real tired but restless.  'zombie'
All in all it will be a great day to be free
Good day winter green. I know those first 5 days feel like a month. Hell I swear time slowed down the first 30 for 40 really. I think that 6 months passed and I was in the twilight zone.

5 days is big. Why exactly? Well let me tell you! If you made it 5 you can make it today,,, that's why!

You have now proven to yourself that's it's possible to live without the poison. That's 5 days you haven't went down to the corner store and spent your hard earned money on something that is stealing your freedom and causing you to question your dignity. You have treated this poison more important than anything for years and gave up valuable family time, precious health and freedom.

Now look at you friend. Your in charge!! Your taking back your life. Lets make it one more day brother. I'm quitting with you and I've got nothing better to do.

Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Winter Green

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #52 on: August 18, 2013, 02:34:00 AM »
Day 5 log, went to bed around 9pm, woke up at 11:44 pm, it's 1:32am now. I feel real tired but restless. 'zombie'
All in all it will be a great day to be free
Quit~December - 2 - 2013
1st Floor~March - 11 - 2014

Offline Quit

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #51 on: August 17, 2013, 08:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Quit
Quote from: Winter
I understand the side effects of coming down off of the nicotine high and am here to do so. But I'd like to just vent out that I am frickin completely drained, with the waking up throughout the night and then up for the day from anytime between 12am and 3am. I couldn't even make it home last night, So I'm posting from a hotel. Anyways I want to ensure my brothers out here that I'm keepin on quittn on.  Today's Day 4 and I'm proud of it. Laaaaaater

Brandon ( Winter Green )
Way to embrace it WG, it does get better!
Embrace it. For your Benifit, i hope the first couple weeks of this quit are the most memorable screwed up days of your life.

They were mine and i will never forget them. I never will go through that for a disgusting, despicable, good for nothing can of poison again.

Screw the poison. I quit with you today.
You just need to keep fighting and it will get easier. First part is hellish but you are winning. Remember these days and never go back.
Way to post roll early!! The fact that you are drained tells me one thing... you are "all in" brother! If you weren't you would be sleeping like a baby and have caved by now. Not you! You are quit and you are battling WG! That is what you have to do! These early days are not easy at all. If they were everyone would be quit. You can power thru this. We have been in your shoes and we did it. If we did it, you can do it! Quit with you all day today!
keep on keeping on you have been down this road before its not a mystery to you remember to log in your brain how fucking awful you feel and that you NEVER want it again. We know it sucks keep us close IDK if you involved your wife in this quit but I suggest you do.

NAFAR is what I had on a constant loop in my head in the beginning it helped me get through each and every day. Point is bro you keep on fighting.

WE are all just a text or call away
Hey thanks fellas. Ya I'm in it to win it. Quit with all you today
Well don't look now bro but your winning. Every day you don't put that crud in your pie hole is a win. I get a little upset when people say they aren't having Any issues the first couple Weeks. If I'm being honest my first 3 weeks sucked. It got a little better for a second and then they sucked again. I don't know,, maybe i am more addicted then some.

I feel great now but I'm at 184 and i had to use posting roll, the information on this site and My friends i made on this site. I haven't been alone since day one.

I tried on my own and failed miserably. One day at a time and you can have back a lot of what the poison has stolen. Never again for Any reason and you can keep it. Quit with you winter green free. Freedom brother,, Smell it, taste it and feel it. Take it,, its yours!!!

You are four badass days into undoing what took years to accomplish (trying to kill yourself, wiring your brain to be dependent on nicotine, forming habits dependent on dip-time etc.). This fixing and healing process is slow and painfull, especially for the first 30 days in my case. Makes no sense to stop now. Go read a vets intro starting at the last page. I bet you'll be some similarities. Keep fighting. It gets better.
You guys are all right. I tell you one thing, it is helping me when I check this site and have encouraging post in here. Even though I'm not a baby and don't need my hand held, it is important to me during this divorce from the poisony nic bitch. So I appreciate it and y'all got my word that I'm headed out to the deer woods to set and check my cams with my Dad and I won't be letting nic tag along

So thanks again fellars
Day -4
Keep it going Wintergreen, on day at a time!
I have been Quit for several years and I still wake up every morning and quit one day at a time.  I figure if it worked yesterday, it will work today.  Never ever get complacent in your quit!

Offline Winter Green

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #50 on: August 17, 2013, 02:11:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Quit
Quote from: Winter
I understand the side effects of coming down off of the nicotine high and am here to do so. But I'd like to just vent out that I am frickin completely drained, with the waking up throughout the night and then up for the day from anytime between 12am and 3am. I couldn't even make it home last night, So I'm posting from a hotel. Anyways I want to ensure my brothers out here that I'm keepin on quittn on.  Today's Day 4 and I'm proud of it. Laaaaaater

Brandon ( Winter Green )
Way to embrace it WG, it does get better!
Embrace it. For your Benifit, i hope the first couple weeks of this quit are the most memorable screwed up days of your life.

They were mine and i will never forget them. I never will go through that for a disgusting, despicable, good for nothing can of poison again.

Screw the poison. I quit with you today.
You just need to keep fighting and it will get easier. First part is hellish but you are winning. Remember these days and never go back.
Way to post roll early!! The fact that you are drained tells me one thing... you are "all in" brother! If you weren't you would be sleeping like a baby and have caved by now. Not you! You are quit and you are battling WG! That is what you have to do! These early days are not easy at all. If they were everyone would be quit. You can power thru this. We have been in your shoes and we did it. If we did it, you can do it! Quit with you all day today!
keep on keeping on you have been down this road before its not a mystery to you remember to log in your brain how fucking awful you feel and that you NEVER want it again. We know it sucks keep us close IDK if you involved your wife in this quit but I suggest you do.

NAFAR is what I had on a constant loop in my head in the beginning it helped me get through each and every day. Point is bro you keep on fighting.

WE are all just a text or call away
Hey thanks fellas. Ya I'm in it to win it. Quit with all you today
Well don't look now bro but your winning. Every day you don't put that crud in your pie hole is a win. I get a little upset when people say they aren't having Any issues the first couple Weeks. If I'm being honest my first 3 weeks sucked. It got a little better for a second and then they sucked again. I don't know,, maybe i am more addicted then some.

I feel great now but I'm at 184 and i had to use posting roll, the information on this site and My friends i made on this site. I haven't been alone since day one.

I tried on my own and failed miserably. One day at a time and you can have back a lot of what the poison has stolen. Never again for Any reason and you can keep it. Quit with you winter green free. Freedom brother,, Smell it, taste it and feel it. Take it,, its yours!!!

You are four badass days into undoing what took years to accomplish (trying to kill yourself, wiring your brain to be dependent on nicotine, forming habits dependent on dip-time etc.). This fixing and healing process is slow and painfull, especially for the first 30 days in my case. Makes no sense to stop now. Go read a vets intro starting at the last page. I bet you'll be some similarities. Keep fighting. It gets better.
You guys are all right. I tell you one thing, it is helping me when I check this site and have encouraging post in here. Even though I'm not a baby and don't need my hand held, it is important to me during this divorce from the poisony nic bitch. So I appreciate it and y'all got my word that I'm headed out to the deer woods to set and check my cams with my Dad and I won't be letting nic tag along

So thanks again fellars
Day -4
Quit~December - 2 - 2013
1st Floor~March - 11 - 2014

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #49 on: August 17, 2013, 12:37:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Quit
Quote from: Winter
I understand the side effects of coming down off of the nicotine high and am here to do so. But I'd like to just vent out that I am frickin completely drained, with the waking up throughout the night and then up for the day from anytime between 12am and 3am. I couldn't even make it home last night, So I'm posting from a hotel. Anyways I want to ensure my brothers out here that I'm keepin on quittn on.  Today's Day 4 and I'm proud of it. Laaaaaater

Brandon ( Winter Green )
Way to embrace it WG, it does get better!
Embrace it. For your Benifit, i hope the first couple weeks of this quit are the most memorable screwed up days of your life.

They were mine and i will never forget them. I never will go through that for a disgusting, despicable, good for nothing can of poison again.

Screw the poison. I quit with you today.
You just need to keep fighting and it will get easier. First part is hellish but you are winning. Remember these days and never go back.
Way to post roll early!! The fact that you are drained tells me one thing... you are "all in" brother! If you weren't you would be sleeping like a baby and have caved by now. Not you! You are quit and you are battling WG! That is what you have to do! These early days are not easy at all. If they were everyone would be quit. You can power thru this. We have been in your shoes and we did it. If we did it, you can do it! Quit with you all day today!
keep on keeping on you have been down this road before its not a mystery to you remember to log in your brain how fucking awful you feel and that you NEVER want it again. We know it sucks keep us close IDK if you involved your wife in this quit but I suggest you do.

NAFAR is what I had on a constant loop in my head in the beginning it helped me get through each and every day. Point is bro you keep on fighting.

WE are all just a text or call away
Hey thanks fellas. Ya I'm in it to win it. Quit with all you today
Well don't look now bro but your winning. Every day you don't put that crud in your pie hole is a win. I get a little upset when people say they aren't having Any issues the first couple Weeks. If I'm being honest my first 3 weeks sucked. It got a little better for a second and then they sucked again. I don't know,, maybe i am more addicted then some.

I feel great now but I'm at 184 and i had to use posting roll, the information on this site and My friends i made on this site. I haven't been alone since day one.

I tried on my own and failed miserably. One day at a time and you can have back a lot of what the poison has stolen. Never again for Any reason and you can keep it. Quit with you winter green free. Freedom brother,, Smell it, taste it and feel it. Take it,, its yours!!!

You are four badass days into undoing what took years to accomplish (trying to kill yourself, wiring your brain to be dependent on nicotine, forming habits dependent on dip-time etc.). This fixing and healing process is slow and painfull, especially for the first 30 days in my case. Makes no sense to stop now. Go read a vets intro starting at the last page. I bet you'll be some similarities. Keep fighting. It gets better.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline srans

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #48 on: August 17, 2013, 12:30:00 PM »
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Quit
Quote from: Winter
I understand the side effects of coming down off of the nicotine high and am here to do so. But I'd like to just vent out that I am frickin completely drained, with the waking up throughout the night and then up for the day from anytime between 12am and 3am. I couldn't even make it home last night, So I'm posting from a hotel. Anyways I want to ensure my brothers out here that I'm keepin on quittn on.  Today's Day 4 and I'm proud of it. Laaaaaater

Brandon ( Winter Green )
Way to embrace it WG, it does get better!
Embrace it. For your Benifit, i hope the first couple weeks of this quit are the most memorable screwed up days of your life.

They were mine and i will never forget them. I never will go through that for a disgusting, despicable, good for nothing can of poison again.

Screw the poison. I quit with you today.
You just need to keep fighting and it will get easier. First part is hellish but you are winning. Remember these days and never go back.
Way to post roll early!! The fact that you are drained tells me one thing... you are "all in" brother! If you weren't you would be sleeping like a baby and have caved by now. Not you! You are quit and you are battling WG! That is what you have to do! These early days are not easy at all. If they were everyone would be quit. You can power thru this. We have been in your shoes and we did it. If we did it, you can do it! Quit with you all day today!
keep on keeping on you have been down this road before its not a mystery to you remember to log in your brain how fucking awful you feel and that you NEVER want it again. We know it sucks keep us close IDK if you involved your wife in this quit but I suggest you do.

NAFAR is what I had on a constant loop in my head in the beginning it helped me get through each and every day. Point is bro you keep on fighting.

WE are all just a text or call away
Hey thanks fellas. Ya I'm in it to win it. Quit with all you today
Well don't look now bro but your winning. Every day you don't put that crud in your pie hole is a win. I get a little upset when people say they aren't having Any issues the first couple Weeks. If I'm being honest my first 3 weeks sucked. It got a little better for a second and then they sucked again. I don't know,, maybe i am more addicted then some.

I feel great now but I'm at 184 and i had to use posting roll, the information on this site and My friends i made on this site. I haven't been alone since day one.

I tried on my own and failed miserably. One day at a time and you can have back a lot of what the poison has stolen. Never again for Any reason and you can keep it. Quit with you winter green free. Freedom brother,, Smell it, taste it and feel it. Take it,, its yours!!!
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Winter Green

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #47 on: August 17, 2013, 11:15:00 AM »
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Quit
Quote from: Winter
I understand the side effects of coming down off of the nicotine high and am here to do so. But I'd like to just vent out that I am frickin completely drained, with the waking up throughout the night and then up for the day from anytime between 12am and 3am. I couldn't even make it home last night, So I'm posting from a hotel. Anyways I want to ensure my brothers out here that I'm keepin on quittn on.  Today's Day 4 and I'm proud of it. Laaaaaater

Brandon ( Winter Green )
Way to embrace it WG, it does get better!
Embrace it. For your Benifit, i hope the first couple weeks of this quit are the most memorable screwed up days of your life.

They were mine and i will never forget them. I never will go through that for a disgusting, despicable, good for nothing can of poison again.

Screw the poison. I quit with you today.
You just need to keep fighting and it will get easier. First part is hellish but you are winning. Remember these days and never go back.
Way to post roll early!! The fact that you are drained tells me one thing... you are "all in" brother! If you weren't you would be sleeping like a baby and have caved by now. Not you! You are quit and you are battling WG! That is what you have to do! These early days are not easy at all. If they were everyone would be quit. You can power thru this. We have been in your shoes and we did it. If we did it, you can do it! Quit with you all day today!
keep on keeping on you have been down this road before its not a mystery to you remember to log in your brain how fucking awful you feel and that you NEVER want it again. We know it sucks keep us close IDK if you involved your wife in this quit but I suggest you do.

NAFAR is what I had on a constant loop in my head in the beginning it helped me get through each and every day. Point is bro you keep on fighting.

WE are all just a text or call away
Hey thanks fellas. Ya I'm in it to win it. Quit with all you today
Quit~December - 2 - 2013
1st Floor~March - 11 - 2014

Offline traumagnet

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #46 on: August 17, 2013, 11:03:00 AM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Quit
Quote from: Winter
I understand the side effects of coming down off of the nicotine high and am here to do so. But I'd like to just vent out that I am frickin completely drained, with the waking up throughout the night and then up for the day from anytime between 12am and 3am. I couldn't even make it home last night, So I'm posting from a hotel. Anyways I want to ensure my brothers out here that I'm keepin on quittn on.  Today's Day 4 and I'm proud of it. Laaaaaater

Brandon ( Winter Green )
Way to embrace it WG, it does get better!
Embrace it. For your Benifit, i hope the first couple weeks of this quit are the most memorable screwed up days of your life.

They were mine and i will never forget them. I never will go through that for a disgusting, despicable, good for nothing can of poison again.

Screw the poison. I quit with you today.
You just need to keep fighting and it will get easier. First part is hellish but you are winning. Remember these days and never go back.
Way to post roll early!! The fact that you are drained tells me one thing... you are "all in" brother! If you weren't you would be sleeping like a baby and have caved by now. Not you! You are quit and you are battling WG! That is what you have to do! These early days are not easy at all. If they were everyone would be quit. You can power thru this. We have been in your shoes and we did it. If we did it, you can do it! Quit with you all day today!
keep on keeping on you have been down this road before its not a mystery to you remember to log in your brain how fucking awful you feel and that you NEVER want it again. We know it sucks keep us close IDK if you involved your wife in this quit but I suggest you do.

NAFAR is what I had on a constant loop in my head in the beginning it helped me get through each and every day. Point is bro you keep on fighting.

WE are all just a text or call away
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline Derk40

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #45 on: August 17, 2013, 10:39:00 AM »
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Quit
Quote from: Winter
I understand the side effects of coming down off of the nicotine high and am here to do so. But I'd like to just vent out that I am frickin completely drained, with the waking up throughout the night and then up for the day from anytime between 12am and 3am. I couldn't even make it home last night, So I'm posting from a hotel. Anyways I want to ensure my brothers out here that I'm keepin on quittn on.  Today's Day 4 and I'm proud of it. Laaaaaater

Brandon ( Winter Green )
Way to embrace it WG, it does get better!
Embrace it. For your Benifit, i hope the first couple weeks of this quit are the most memorable screwed up days of your life.

They were mine and i will never forget them. I never will go through that for a disgusting, despicable, good for nothing can of poison again.

Screw the poison. I quit with you today.
You just need to keep fighting and it will get easier. First part is hellish but you are winning. Remember these days and never go back.
Way to post roll early!! The fact that you are drained tells me one thing... you are "all in" brother! If you weren't you would be sleeping like a baby and have caved by now. Not you! You are quit and you are battling WG! That is what you have to do! These early days are not easy at all. If they were everyone would be quit. You can power thru this. We have been in your shoes and we did it. If we did it, you can do it! Quit with you all day today!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

HOF Speech

Offline B-loMatt

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #44 on: August 17, 2013, 10:28:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Quit
Quote from: Winter
I understand the side effects of coming down off of the nicotine high and am here to do so. But I'd like to just vent out that I am frickin completely drained, with the waking up throughout the night and then up for the day from anytime between 12am and 3am. I couldn't even make it home last night, So I'm posting from a hotel. Anyways I want to ensure my brothers out here that I'm keepin on quittn on.  Today's Day 4 and I'm proud of it. Laaaaaater

Brandon ( Winter Green )
Way to embrace it WG, it does get better!
Embrace it. For your Benifit, i hope the first couple weeks of this quit are the most memorable screwed up days of your life.

They were mine and i will never forget them. I never will go through that for a disgusting, despicable, good for nothing can of poison again.

Screw the poison. I quit with you today.
You just need to keep fighting and it will get easier. First part is hellish but you are winning. Remember these days and never go back.

Offline srans

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #43 on: August 17, 2013, 09:50:00 AM »
Quote from: Quit
Quote from: Winter
I understand the side effects of coming down off of the nicotine high and am here to do so. But I'd like to just vent out that I am frickin completely drained, with the waking up throughout the night and then up for the day from anytime between 12am and 3am. I couldn't even make it home last night, So I'm posting from a hotel. Anyways I want to ensure my brothers out here that I'm keepin on quittn on.  Today's Day 4 and I'm proud of it. Laaaaaater

Brandon ( Winter Green )
Way to embrace it WG, it does get better!
Embrace it. For your Benifit, i hope the first couple weeks of this quit are the most memorable screwed up days of your life.

They were mine and i will never forget them. I never will go through that for a disgusting, despicable, good for nothing can of poison again.

Screw the poison. I quit with you today.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Quit

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #42 on: August 17, 2013, 09:28:00 AM »
Quote from: Winter
I understand the side effects of coming down off of the nicotine high and am here to do so. But I'd like to just vent out that I am frickin completely drained, with the waking up throughout the night and then up for the day from anytime between 12am and 3am. I couldn't even make it home last night, So I'm posting from a hotel. Anyways I want to ensure my brothers out here that I'm keepin on quittn on. Today's Day 4 and I'm proud of it. Laaaaaater

Brandon ( Winter Green )
Way to embrace it WG, it does get better!
I have been Quit for several years and I still wake up every morning and quit one day at a time.  I figure if it worked yesterday, it will work today.  Never ever get complacent in your quit!

Offline Winter Green

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Re: Day 2
« Reply #41 on: August 17, 2013, 04:29:00 AM »
I understand the side effects of coming down off of the nicotine high and am here to do so. But I'd like to just vent out that I am frickin completely drained, with the waking up throughout the night and then up for the day from anytime between 12am and 3am. I couldn't even make it home last night, So I'm posting from a hotel. Anyways I want to ensure my brothers out here that I'm keepin on quittn on. Today's Day 4 and I'm proud of it. Laaaaaater

Brandon ( Winter Green )
Quit~December - 2 - 2013
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  • Howdy, I'm Miles and I'm Quit
  • Quit Date: 3/7/2011
  • Interests: My kids, Quitting, Hunting, fishing, motorcycles, MTB, football, racing, baseball, guitar, family, running, Clint Eastwood, Cold Beer, Floating down the river, camping. Atlanta Braves, Atlanta Falcons, Houston Oilers (RIP - Love Ya Blue!)"]["{{}}{{}}][_
  • Likes Given: 3
Re: Day 2
« Reply #40 on: August 15, 2013, 12:10:00 PM »
Quote from: Winter
Alright my action plan

I will quit with the support of my friends and family, by reaching out to the lifelines on this site. I will stay out of situations where dipping might come easy. I will stay away from triggers. I quit for myself and my family. Ain't kiddn

My quit plan for this weekend is start on a new garden spot at the house. And go put some cams up in the woods because bow season bouta month away
I like that!
I quit with with you all!