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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #34 on: August 15, 2012, 01:14:00 PM »
Quote from: kana
I've been thinking for a couples days on what I wanted to say today. Today I'm 11 days quit, and 8 years sober. I want to share my story so younger quitters won't have to experience a bottom. Maybe some of you don't know what a bottom is? I unfortunately have experienced 2. Here's the first one.
In 2004 we lost our first child, and I lost my career. It's a year I'll never forget as I spiraled out of control. I had 2 surgeries, wasn't working for a year. bored. depressed about our son. Marriage was on the rocks, I had backed myself in a corner with beer, drinking  smoking everyday. My father (with dementia) was my best friend, and my main support. My mother wasn't even talking to me.
One night I drank myself to oblivion yelling at my wife, throwing things. shameful really. The next morning someone kept ringing the doorbell, over,  over,  over. I got up in a hung over rage to answer the door. It was my father.
I said to him what the fuck are you doing? I'm sleeping!!! He couldn't get a word out of his mouth, as I was still cursing at him. I slammed the door!! I could see his face through the window and he looked like I had just stabbed him. You see today was his birthday, I was supposed to help him move some things and then take him to lunch... I had made these plans myself and I forgot..
After I woke up I looked at myself in the mirror and I just realized it was his Bday, I started balling like a baby. I had never felt so low in my life. From that point on I never drank or smoked again. Our relationship is a fucking rock now. Mom too. Thats when I started copenhagen, (another story)
I share this with you because it's my ammo for my quit. It gives me strength. Some of the younger guys don't have this kind of ammo. That's why we share so you won't have to go through the pain that we have. The bottoms. You don't want to go there.
Please read as much as you can, the stories will stick in your head and give you ammo  strength. I'm proud to quit with all of you!!!
Good Stuff Kana, proud to be quit with you today.....
Buddy Mac

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #33 on: August 15, 2012, 12:45:00 PM »
Quote from: kana
I've been thinking for a couples days on what I wanted to say today. Today I'm 11 days quit, and 8 years sober. I want to share my story so younger quitters won't have to experience a bottom. Maybe some of you don't know what a bottom is? I unfortunately have experienced 2. Here's the first one.
In 2004 we lost our first child, and I lost my career. It's a year I'll never forget as I spiraled out of control. I had 2 surgeries, wasn't working for a year. bored. depressed about our son. Marriage was on the rocks, I had backed myself in a corner with beer, drinking  smoking everyday. My father (with dementia) was my best friend, and my main support. My mother wasn't even talking to me.
One night I drank myself to oblivion yelling at my wife, throwing things. shameful really. The next morning someone kept ringing the doorbell, over,  over,  over. I got up in a hung over rage to answer the door. It was my father.
I said to him what the fuck are you doing? I'm sleeping!!! He couldn't get a word out of his mouth, as I was still cursing at him. I slammed the door!! I could see his face through the window and he looked like I had just stabbed him. You see today was his birthday, I was supposed to help him move some things and then take him to lunch... I had made these plans myself and I forgot..
After I woke up I looked at myself in the mirror and I just realized it was his Bday, I started balling like a baby. I had never felt so low in my life. From that point on I never drank or smoked again. Our relationship is a fucking rock now. Mom too. Thats when I started copenhagen, (another story)
I share this with you because it's my ammo for my quit. It gives me strength. Some of the younger guys don't have this kind of ammo. That's why we share so you won't have to go through the pain that we have. The bottoms. You don't want to go there.
Please read as much as you can, the stories will stick in your head and give you ammo  strength. I'm proud to quit with all of you!!!

First of all, congrats on 8 freakin' years of quit man!!!

That's a sad story, a powerful story, and great inspiration to stay quit. Fight the good fight, 8 years of being sober is an awesome accomplishment, but like nic, all it takes is one bad decision, one weak moment. It doesn't matter if you're a youngster or an old fart, if you don't know how to react during a weak moment you'll have to drag your sorry ass back to day 1. A struggle with an addiction is what brought us here and as you well know it's a lifetime struggle. No matter what your ammo is, make sure you're always fully loaded!

Glad you're here and glad you shared that story! I'll quit with you today

Quit date: 11/21/11
HOF date: 2/28/12
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-"Now I can walk through walls and my quit can talk to god. That's right. Crazy voodoo magic quit" Souliman

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Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #32 on: August 15, 2012, 10:29:00 AM »
I've been thinking for a couples days on what I wanted to say today. Today I'm 11 days quit, and 8 years sober. I want to share my story so younger quitters won't have to experience a bottom. Maybe some of you don't know what a bottom is? I unfortunately have experienced 2. Here's the first one.
In 2004 we lost our first child, and I lost my career. It's a year I'll never forget as I spiraled out of control. I had 2 surgeries, wasn't working for a year. bored. depressed about our son. Marriage was on the rocks, I had backed myself in a corner with beer, drinking  smoking everyday. My father (with dementia) was my best friend, and my main support. My mother wasn't even talking to me.
One night I drank myself to oblivion yelling at my wife, throwing things. shameful really. The next morning someone kept ringing the doorbell, over,  over,  over. I got up in a hung over rage to answer the door. It was my father.
I said to him what the fuck are you doing? I'm sleeping!!! He couldn't get a word out of his mouth, as I was still cursing at him. I slammed the door!! I could see his face through the window and he looked like I had just stabbed him. You see today was his birthday, I was supposed to help him move some things and then take him to lunch... I had made these plans myself and I forgot..
After I woke up I looked at myself in the mirror and I just realized it was his Bday, I started balling like a baby. I had never felt so low in my life. From that point on I never drank or smoked again. Our relationship is a fucking rock now. Mom too. Thats when I started copenhagen, (another story)
I share this with you because it's my ammo for my quit. It gives me strength. Some of the younger guys don't have this kind of ammo. That's why we share so you won't have to go through the pain that we have. The bottoms. You don't want to go there.
Please read as much as you can, the stories will stick in your head and give you ammo  strength. I'm proud to quit with all of you!!!
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #31 on: August 13, 2012, 05:27:00 PM »
Quote from: dr_jones_25
Quote from: kstampfly
Quote from: kana
this is going to be a tough week for me. many emotions are coming out.
All my life I have been a slave to some form of shit. I was blessed to marry my wife 18 yrs. ago, but boy was I lost. She's from a completely different culture which has added communication challenges from time to time, but we're strong.
We wanted to have children, and tried for 6 yrs. Nothing. Then my Dr. told me my drinking, and smoking wasn't helping. I quit drinking, and 2 months later she was pregnant. I remember sitting in the yard (she was 4 mo along) I was 6 mo. sober, and I thought hey she's pregnant, I did my job, time to start drinking again! I went into a haze of hangovers until one night I got the call from the Dr. Our child (son) had a rare disease and wouldn't survive the birth. We lost him.....
I went into a spiral of depression, drinking, smoking...We almost split a couple times. I felt like the lord was punishing me for being an ass. I felt like it was my fault. I finally decided one day that it was time to take back control. I quit drinking and smoking cold turkey, but picked up the cope (an old friend) to help me through it.
We continued to try and have children. In vitro 3 times, nothing. We tried everything. My sobriety was very strong at this point, and we decided to be baptized. The next month we found out she was pregnant. Holy crap, the Dr. was surprised as well. It was like torture going through the pregnancy hoping and praying this time all would be fine. I made a promise to the lord I would quit chewing the day he was born in hopes that everything would be ok.
The happiest day of my life came and went. Tanner was born.(He's almost 6 now)  i was Still chewing, crap. I knew the lord wasn't happy with me, and I told my wife each year I would quit. Her reply -whatever, I've heard that before. Do what makes you happy. She didn't care if I chewed or not. My son was starting to look at me funny when I'd talk. spit drooling out the corner of my mouth. (What a fucking idiot I was)
I kept saying to myself I'd quit for them. That's why it never worked. I had to quit for myself. I had to show my wife, and son that I'M A MAN and I would take care of them.
I told myself I'd finally quit On my 8 year sobriety (Aug 15th) Last week I was looking in the mirror I started crying like a baby, saying to myself always a fucking excuse to chew a little longer. excuses, excuses. I said fuck this I'm quitting right now and dumped the cans. Instead of day 1 on the 15th, It'll be day 11!
I feel so much better now, I feel like a MAN.
I'm no Dr. Phil but hopefully my posts will help the younger boys learn that Killing The Can now will save you a lot of time, money, and heartache. It will help define who you are early, building your foundation.
Thanks to all the strong mother fuckers on here who helped me find my balls, Man up and take care of my family. I'm so proud to quit with you guys!!!!

Reading your post tugged at a few of my heart strings. I can't imagine what it must have felt like to lose a child. I have a boy who is almost three and another child on the way. I don't know what I would do if I lost either of them. Like yourself I had so many excuses for using chewing tobacco but in reality they were all bullshit. I have tried to quit many times before and failed miserably. I would always walk into the convenience store with my head up my ass, and walk out with another can of lip shit. I finally had enough of this and threw out all my cans of chew. I came to this site with a hard on for quitting and thanks to all the supporters I am still going strong three weeks later. All I can say man is don't ever give up, not for even a single second. Think about your family and what they really mean to you. Ask yourself do you really want to lose all of that for a fucking can of DIP? Your answer should be no. Post roll every morning(do not miss a day) and get some phone numbers from your quit brothers. Use them when you are ever thinking about caving. Stay strong and stay quit brother!!

Very inspirational story. Stay quit, it will be the best thing you have done, or will do. I have a 6 year old daughter, and I know exactly how you feel when you talk about our children looking at us weird. I am glad you shared your story, and I quit with you today bro!!!
Thanks Doc, I quit with you!
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline dr_jones_25

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #30 on: August 12, 2012, 03:19:00 PM »
Quote from: kstampfly
Quote from: kana
this is going to be a tough week for me. many emotions are coming out.
All my life I have been a slave to some form of shit. I was blessed to marry my wife 18 yrs. ago, but boy was I lost. She's from a completely different culture which has added communication challenges from time to time, but we're strong.
We wanted to have children, and tried for 6 yrs. Nothing. Then my Dr. told me my drinking, and smoking wasn't helping. I quit drinking, and 2 months later she was pregnant. I remember sitting in the yard (she was 4 mo along) I was 6 mo. sober, and I thought hey she's pregnant, I did my job, time to start drinking again! I went into a haze of hangovers until one night I got the call from the Dr. Our child (son) had a rare disease and wouldn't survive the birth. We lost him.....
I went into a spiral of depression, drinking, smoking...We almost split a couple times. I felt like the lord was punishing me for being an ass. I felt like it was my fault. I finally decided one day that it was time to take back control. I quit drinking and smoking cold turkey, but picked up the cope (an old friend) to help me through it.
We continued to try and have children. In vitro 3 times, nothing. We tried everything. My sobriety was very strong at this point, and we decided to be baptized. The next month we found out she was pregnant. Holy crap, the Dr. was surprised as well. It was like torture going through the pregnancy hoping and praying this time all would be fine. I made a promise to the lord I would quit chewing the day he was born in hopes that everything would be ok.
The happiest day of my life came and went. Tanner was born.(He's almost 6 now)  i was Still chewing, crap. I knew the lord wasn't happy with me, and I told my wife each year I would quit. Her reply -whatever, I've heard that before. Do what makes you happy. She didn't care if I chewed or not. My son was starting to look at me funny when I'd talk. spit drooling out the corner of my mouth. (What a fucking idiot I was)
I kept saying to myself I'd quit for them. That's why it never worked. I had to quit for myself. I had to show my wife, and son that I'M A MAN and I would take care of them.
I told myself I'd finally quit On my 8 year sobriety (Aug 15th) Last week I was looking in the mirror I started crying like a baby, saying to myself always a fucking excuse to chew a little longer. excuses, excuses. I said fuck this I'm quitting right now and dumped the cans. Instead of day 1 on the 15th, It'll be day 11!
I feel so much better now, I feel like a MAN.
I'm no Dr. Phil but hopefully my posts will help the younger boys learn that Killing The Can now will save you a lot of time, money, and heartache. It will help define who you are early, building your foundation.
Thanks to all the strong mother fuckers on here who helped me find my balls, Man up and take care of my family. I'm so proud to quit with you guys!!!!

Reading your post tugged at a few of my heart strings. I can't imagine what it must have felt like to lose a child. I have a boy who is almost three and another child on the way. I don't know what I would do if I lost either of them. Like yourself I had so many excuses for using chewing tobacco but in reality they were all bullshit. I have tried to quit many times before and failed miserably. I would always walk into the convenience store with my head up my ass, and walk out with another can of lip shit. I finally had enough of this and threw out all my cans of chew. I came to this site with a hard on for quitting and thanks to all the supporters I am still going strong three weeks later. All I can say man is don't ever give up, not for even a single second. Think about your family and what they really mean to you. Ask yourself do you really want to lose all of that for a fucking can of DIP? Your answer should be no. Post roll every morning(do not miss a day) and get some phone numbers from your quit brothers. Use them when you are ever thinking about caving. Stay strong and stay quit brother!!

Very inspirational story. Stay quit, it will be the best thing you have done, or will do. I have a 6 year old daughter, and I know exactly how you feel when you talk about our children looking at us weird. I am glad you shared your story, and I quit with you today bro!!!

Offline kstampfly

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #29 on: August 12, 2012, 11:30:00 AM »
Quote from: kana
this is going to be a tough week for me. many emotions are coming out.
All my life I have been a slave to some form of shit. I was blessed to marry my wife 18 yrs. ago, but boy was I lost. She's from a completely different culture which has added communication challenges from time to time, but we're strong.
We wanted to have children, and tried for 6 yrs. Nothing. Then my Dr. told me my drinking, and smoking wasn't helping. I quit drinking, and 2 months later she was pregnant. I remember sitting in the yard (she was 4 mo along) I was 6 mo. sober, and I thought hey she's pregnant, I did my job, time to start drinking again! I went into a haze of hangovers until one night I got the call from the Dr. Our child (son) had a rare disease and wouldn't survive the birth. We lost him.....
I went into a spiral of depression, drinking, smoking...We almost split a couple times. I felt like the lord was punishing me for being an ass. I felt like it was my fault. I finally decided one day that it was time to take back control. I quit drinking and smoking cold turkey, but picked up the cope (an old friend) to help me through it.
We continued to try and have children. In vitro 3 times, nothing. We tried everything. My sobriety was very strong at this point, and we decided to be baptized. The next month we found out she was pregnant. Holy crap, the Dr. was surprised as well. It was like torture going through the pregnancy hoping and praying this time all would be fine. I made a promise to the lord I would quit chewing the day he was born in hopes that everything would be ok.
The happiest day of my life came and went. Tanner was born.(He's almost 6 now) i was Still chewing, crap. I knew the lord wasn't happy with me, and I told my wife each year I would quit. Her reply -whatever, I've heard that before. Do what makes you happy. She didn't care if I chewed or not. My son was starting to look at me funny when I'd talk. spit drooling out the corner of my mouth. (What a fucking idiot I was)
I kept saying to myself I'd quit for them. That's why it never worked. I had to quit for myself. I had to show my wife, and son that I'M A MAN and I would take care of them.
I told myself I'd finally quit On my 8 year sobriety (Aug 15th) Last week I was looking in the mirror I started crying like a baby, saying to myself always a fucking excuse to chew a little longer. excuses, excuses. I said fuck this I'm quitting right now and dumped the cans. Instead of day 1 on the 15th, It'll be day 11!
I feel so much better now, I feel like a MAN.
I'm no Dr. Phil but hopefully my posts will help the younger boys learn that Killing The Can now will save you a lot of time, money, and heartache. It will help define who you are early, building your foundation.
Thanks to all the strong mother fuckers on here who helped me find my balls, Man up and take care of my family. I'm so proud to quit with you guys!!!!

Reading your post tugged at a few of my heart strings. I can't imagine what it must have felt like to lose a child. I have a boy who is almost three and another child on the way. I don't know what I would do if I lost either of them. Like yourself I had so many excuses for using chewing tobacco but in reality they were all bullshit. I have tried to quit many times before and failed miserably. I would always walk into the convenience store with my head up my ass, and walk out with another can of lip shit. I finally had enough of this and threw out all my cans of chew. I came to this site with a hard on for quitting and thanks to all the supporters I am still going strong three weeks later. All I can say man is don't ever give up, not for even a single second. Think about your family and what they really mean to you. Ask yourself do you really want to lose all of that for a fucking can of DIP? Your answer should be no. Post roll every morning(do not miss a day) and get some phone numbers from your quit brothers. Use them when you are ever thinking about caving. Stay strong and stay quit brother!!

Quit Group:
June 2022 No Lip Turd Herd

Quit Date:  13 March 2022
HOF Date:  20 June 2022

Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #28 on: August 12, 2012, 10:57:00 AM »
this is going to be a tough week for me. many emotions are coming out.
All my life I have been a slave to some form of shit. I was blessed to marry my wife 18 yrs. ago, but boy was I lost. She's from a completely different culture which has added communication challenges from time to time, but we're strong.
We wanted to have children, and tried for 6 yrs. Nothing. Then my Dr. told me my drinking, and smoking wasn't helping. I quit drinking, and 2 months later she was pregnant. I remember sitting in the yard (she was 4 mo along) I was 6 mo. sober, and I thought hey she's pregnant, I did my job, time to start drinking again! I went into a haze of hangovers until one night I got the call from the Dr. Our child (son) had a rare disease and wouldn't survive the birth. We lost him.....
I went into a spiral of depression, drinking, smoking...We almost split a couple times. I felt like the lord was punishing me for being an ass. I felt like it was my fault. I finally decided one day that it was time to take back control. I quit drinking and smoking cold turkey, but picked up the cope (an old friend) to help me through it.
We continued to try and have children. In vitro 3 times, nothing. We tried everything. My sobriety was very strong at this point, and we decided to be baptized. The next month we found out she was pregnant. Holy crap, the Dr. was surprised as well. It was like torture going through the pregnancy hoping and praying this time all would be fine. I made a promise to the lord I would quit chewing the day he was born in hopes that everything would be ok.
The happiest day of my life came and went. Tanner was born.(He's almost 6 now) i was Still chewing, crap. I knew the lord wasn't happy with me, and I told my wife each year I would quit. Her reply -whatever, I've heard that before. Do what makes you happy. She didn't care if I chewed or not. My son was starting to look at me funny when I'd talk. spit drooling out the corner of my mouth. (What a fucking idiot I was)
I kept saying to myself I'd quit for them. That's why it never worked. I had to quit for myself. I had to show my wife, and son that I'M A MAN and I would take care of them.
I told myself I'd finally quit On my 8 year sobriety (Aug 15th) Last week I was looking in the mirror I started crying like a baby, saying to myself always a fucking excuse to chew a little longer. excuses, excuses. I said fuck this I'm quitting right now and dumped the cans. Instead of day 1 on the 15th, It'll be day 11!
I feel so much better now, I feel like a MAN.
I'm no Dr. Phil but hopefully my posts will help the younger boys learn that Killing The Can now will save you a lot of time, money, and heartache. It will help define who you are early, building your foundation.
Thanks to all the strong mother fuckers on here who helped me find my balls, Man up and take care of my family. I'm so proud to quit with you guys!!!!
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline kstampfly

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #27 on: August 12, 2012, 10:48:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: kana
Ya no cans around. I found the last empty one when I took out the garbage few days ago. Was nice seeing that thing go out.
I will have to take it one day at a time, it's the only way I know this, but I have to say never again. Each day I wake up, tell myself never again, post roll go for walk, bla bla bla. I'm re-programming.
Yes you're right NEVER can be daunting, or endless but my point is that once the time has past, and I do mean time, you won't even think about it anymore.
thats when part of your body with have balance, then just need to balance the rest.
I can truly say I 'm close to complete balance in my life, this is my last dark path, and I'm glad to walk down it with all of you!
Thanks again for reaching out.
Kana no one is trying to berate you or your quit! We truely have concern for one another and we are all going through or have gone through the same things. You need to realize the power of nicotine on your brain. You seek balance, well we don't want you to be surprised at the grip nicotine can have on you for the long haul. I can speak for 3 1/2 yrs. that is how long my longest pause was for. I was in my early 20's quit for good reasons. The bitch set waiting and the day came that she pounced! I proved I could take one dip and only one dip, I was cured!!!! Well here I am and that didn't work out very well. Now I'm on day 134 over 30 yrs older hopefully a little wiser and still very much afraid of becoming over confident. Be prepared the day you never think about dip may never come. On my day 132, that's right 2 days ago I was hit by a crave that was the most intense since April 1 my quit day! It lasted over 8 hrs never letting up, I had the tools to deal with it but 100 days ago it would have been much more difficult to deal with.
Take the advise you receive here very serious! There is a unbelievable amount of knowledge and wisdom available to you if you will take it!

Keep kicking ass one day at a time. post roll everyday and reach out to us if you need help. Quitting is not just a job its a way of life!!
Quit Group:
June 2022 No Lip Turd Herd

Quit Date:  13 March 2022
HOF Date:  20 June 2022

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #26 on: August 12, 2012, 10:23:00 AM »
Quote from: kana
Ya no cans around. I found the last empty one when I took out the garbage few days ago. Was nice seeing that thing go out.
I will have to take it one day at a time, it's the only way I know this, but I have to say never again. Each day I wake up, tell myself never again, post roll go for walk, bla bla bla. I'm re-programming.
Yes you're right NEVER can be daunting, or endless but my point is that once the time has past, and I do mean time, you won't even think about it anymore.
thats when part of your body with have balance, then just need to balance the rest.
I can truly say I 'm close to complete balance in my life, this is my last dark path, and I'm glad to walk down it with all of you!
Thanks again for reaching out.
Kana no one is trying to berate you or your quit! We truely have concern for one another and we are all going through or have gone through the same things. You need to realize the power of nicotine on your brain. You seek balance, well we don't want you to be surprised at the grip nicotine can have on you for the long haul. I can speak for 3 1/2 yrs. that is how long my longest pause was for. I was in my early 20's quit for good reasons. The bitch set waiting and the day came that she pounced! I proved I could take one dip and only one dip, I was cured!!!! Well here I am and that didn't work out very well. Now I'm on day 134 over 30 yrs older hopefully a little wiser and still very much afraid of becoming over confident. Be prepared the day you never think about dip may never come. On my day 132, that's right 2 days ago I was hit by a crave that was the most intense since April 1 my quit day! It lasted over 8 hrs never letting up, I had the tools to deal with it but 100 days ago it would have been much more difficult to deal with.
Take the advise you receive here very serious! There is a unbelievable amount of knowledge and wisdom available to you if you will take it!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #25 on: August 11, 2012, 08:26:00 PM »
Quote from: Morgan1
Quote from: kana
Ok thanks, so If I need to post something new I just reply to this thread like so?
Yup. Just hit "add reply" to stay on the same thread. Hit "Quote" to stay on the same text within the same thread. You don't need to create a new intro everytime. Check your inbox.
Ok thanks!
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #24 on: August 11, 2012, 08:21:00 PM »
Quote from: kana
Ok thanks, so If I need to post something new I just reply to this thread like so?
Yup. Just hit "add reply" to stay on the same thread. Hit "Quote" to stay on the same text within the same thread. You don't need to create a new intro everytime. Check your inbox.
I have control over my quit. There's no luck involved. - Diesel2112


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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2012, 08:18:00 PM »
Ok thanks, so If I need to post something new I just reply to this thread like so?
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2012, 05:05:00 PM »
Quote from: kana
Day 7, I'm doing good. Had a bout with myself last night. Probably stayed up too late and needed to fill the void. I'm glad to say I made it to home plate.
On a side note, KTC has me hooked. I've burnt my sons toast the last 3 days haha. I start reading and can't pull away until I smell something burning. making some friends, staying strong.... i'm quit
Better to burn toast then cancer burning a hole in your lip.

Nice work on a week bro. Try to keep it to one intro thread bud so folks can read your story in one place. Mine reads like a steamy novel of lust and quit.

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2012, 11:06:00 AM »
Day 7, I'm doing good. Had a bout with myself last night. Probably stayed up too late and needed to fill the void. I'm glad to say I made it to home plate.
On a side note, KTC has me hooked. I've burnt my sons toast the last 3 days haha. I start reading and can't pull away until I smell something burning. making some friends, staying strong.... i'm quit
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2012, 10:34:00 AM »
Ya no cans around. I found the last empty one when I took out the garbage few days ago. Was nice seeing that thing go out.
I will have to take it one day at a time, it's the only way I know this, but I have to say never again. Each day I wake up, tell myself never again, post roll go for walk, bla bla bla. I'm re-programming.
Yes you're right NEVER can be daunting, or endless but my point is that once the time has past, and I do mean time, you won't even think about it anymore.
thats when part of your body with have balance, then just need to balance the rest.
I can truly say I 'm close to complete balance in my life, this is my last dark path, and I'm glad to walk down it with all of you!
Thanks again for reaching out.
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield