Author Topic: Live Chat  (Read 9674 times)

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Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #154 on: April 07, 2013, 10:57:00 AM »
Day 246 - I guess the fake is a 50/50 topic on here so I've learned. I never really thought about it during my quit until recently. I read that others would use it, and I didn't really care if they did or not. As long as it was helping them. I personally didn't want to try it because of the oral fixation things. I knew the taste would suck, because your mind  taste buds wouldn't be getting what they thought was coming.. I was correct... The other day I ordered some fake hooch after one of my rants. Personally I think it did more harm then good.. It arrived 2 days ago. I can remember checking the mail everyday. Then I thought it has to come today, so I left work early went home checked the mailbox  there it was... After the kid went to bed I took a pinch.. It felt as though I had caved.. I immediately got a sinking feeling in my stomach. The FAKE dip lasted 10 minutes then i spit it out.. I thought, well this isn't for me.. I threw them all in the trash. Next morning, I pulled 2 cans back out.. sound familiar? I had another FAKE dip on the way to pick up my son. looking for a spitter I found an empty bottle in the car that was the one I used the first day. Opened it up and the smell almost made me puke. This stuff tasted like shit but kept it in 10 minutes - then spit it out... I put the 2 cans in the closet.. Next day (yesterday) On way home from work thinking about getting home and having a hooch.. Kid went to bed, I had another dip.. Sitting in my chair I started noticing I would move the shit around in my mouth, I was thinking about it earlier, I was hiding it, doing the things I used to do with the real shit.. I immediately got up and said FUCK THIS NOISE... I took all the hooch and flushed it.. I'm not going back down that road..
My 2 cents on this topic - Stay away from the fake unless your using it at the very beginning to get through the hurt. Dump that shit as soon as you can, because I've seen how similar it is, and I think it's just a set-up for failure.
Addiction is not something to fuck around with.. Addiction is 90% mental,
so this morning 90% + My other 10% says FUCK YOU TOBACCO.. I'm quit
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline kkljinc

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #153 on: March 27, 2013, 11:31:00 AM »
Quote from: kana
Day 235... Wow page six... I guess it's been awhile since I shared. The last 5 weeks have been interesting and insightful for me. I was getting nervous because I knew that major triggers were coming my way. Last year I had stopped using for 8-9 months, but was chomping nic gum off and on that whole time, but what caused me to cave was the fact that my son was sleeping over at his cousins. It was my first night home alone in awhile. Sure enough I bought a can and told myself just tonight. Then the morning came had another, and so on...
This time I'm truly quit. I have tools, but I was nervous. I've always been the guy who'll never ask for help.. I post and share when I can, but ultimately I have to do this myself...I have to make the choice... My wife  son were going to Legoland  Seaworld.. but I had to stay back and work... Home alone for 5 days I knew I would be tested.. The days came and went, and I honestly didn't have any problems except I was craving some fake. Never tried it yet, and not sure if I should, but I think it would be good to have around for emergencies.
I survived 3 major triggers, and yesterday capped it all off for me.. I had a new tree installed in the front yard , and the guy climbed out of the truck with a huge fatty, and holding a can of cope in his hand.. He spit before he introduced himself, and gave me a fist bump with the said can in hand. Honestly I didn't even think twice. I ran my tongue across my gums and thought about how good they felt. (no sores) Then I thought that I hadn't even used any gum the whole day either. All day yard work with nothing in my mouth. wow..
I'll be ready for what comes my way. I'm still undefeated, and intend to stay that way... peace
Spoken like a true quitter! Proud to quit with you today!

Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #152 on: March 27, 2013, 11:08:00 AM »
Day 235... Wow page six... I guess it's been awhile since I shared. The last 5 weeks have been interesting and insightful for me. I was getting nervous because I knew that major triggers were coming my way. Last year I had stopped using for 8-9 months, but was chomping nic gum off and on that whole time, but what caused me to cave was the fact that my son was sleeping over at his cousins. It was my first night home alone in awhile. Sure enough I bought a can and told myself just tonight. Then the morning came had another, and so on...
This time I'm truly quit. I have tools, but I was nervous. I've always been the guy who'll never ask for help.. I post and share when I can, but ultimately I have to do this myself...I have to make the choice... My wife  son were going to Legoland  Seaworld.. but I had to stay back and work... Home alone for 5 days I knew I would be tested.. The days came and went, and I honestly didn't have any problems except I was craving some fake. Never tried it yet, and not sure if I should, but I think it would be good to have around for emergencies.
I survived 3 major triggers, and yesterday capped it all off for me.. I had a new tree installed in the front yard , and the guy climbed out of the truck with a huge fatty, and holding a can of cope in his hand.. He spit before he introduced himself, and gave me a fist bump with the said can in hand. Honestly I didn't even think twice. I ran my tongue across my gums and thought about how good they felt. (no sores) Then I thought that I hadn't even used any gum the whole day either. All day yard work with nothing in my mouth. wow..
I'll be ready for what comes my way. I'm still undefeated, and intend to stay that way... peace
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline jbradley

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #151 on: February 20, 2013, 11:40:00 PM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: tazbutane
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: cdaniels
Quote from: Morgan1
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jaynellie
Quote from: 916quit
Quote from: kana
Today I reflect- yesterday was one of those euphoria days. 200 days ago When I first posted on KTC I was a mess. I made a commitment to my brothers, sisters  most importantly me. For now on I would take care of myself. I took a photo of my fat ass in the mirror to remember... 200 days ago I dipped 18 hrs a day. Ate nothing but fast food, and processed crap.. Sat on the couch like a lazy ass. Had no energy to play with my son.  My wife would look at me with no respect... she could see I wasn't taking care of myself. I was a depressed mess...
What a difference 200 days makes.. I'm just a different person now..
My diet now consists of nothing that I don't prepare myself. I exercise 4 days a week for 6 months? holy crap. I've never done that before... yesterday I swam laps and felt like fucking superman when I was done. I remembered the photo I took 200 days ago. I went home and compared Holy crap again!!@  I have simply transformed.. That lazy nic addicted fat ass is gone.. I really feel like I turned a corner and proud of all the hard work I've put in. My wife asked how long has it been? I told her over 6 months, and she didn't believe me. She was shocked. She simply realized that I was serious this time. I could see the happiness in her face as she simply smiled. I had gained her respect again, and it felt like a ton of bricks was off my chest.  This time the difference is I'm gonna keep going, before I would feel like I had accomplished my goal and stopped. Now I'm addicted to my new lifestyle.. I'm addicted to the fucking freedom, and the thought of enjoying this beautiful life without a ball  chain.. I feel peaceful..
The end of my day yesterday I had to get gas for my work truck. I went inside got a couple bananas, and a candy to take home for my son.. I was waiting in line and one guy ahead of me. I started staring at the rows of tins. so many cans, so many brands, I just spaced out thinking how much I hated all that shit I was looking at. Then the cashier guy said hey bro you ok? I said ya why? He said you where spacing out shaking you head. I told him I used to be addicted to that crap on his shelf. He said hey I remember you!
  I used to buy my tins there, and on my first day quit I was getting gas and he asked me if I needed my regular 2 cans? I told him I had quit. The guy said I heard that before and kinda laughed. I hadn't seen him in awhile because I never went inside while getting gas after quitting. Anyway here we were 199 days later. He asked me if I was still quit? I said absolutely!! I was so proud, felt so good. He smiled as well.. Nice young kid.. I was also successful in getting my nephew to quit. he hasn't used since the day we had the talk.. I think I scared the shit out of him. good.. Thank you to everyone who has helped me transform. I truly appreciate all of you and still thank god I found KTC... peace
Congrats Kana! Great stuff!!!
That's Awesome, Powerful stuff there!Congrats
Just perfect. Thanks for sharing.
It's amazing what we can see in our lives after the nicotine induced haze clears.

Nice work - keep going
well done my friend. Keep up the great work and proud to be quit with you
Very proud of you man
Nice work bro! One day at a time seems to work.
Kana you've always been a badass in the 200 days I've known you. Keep it bro.
awesome job Kana!!!
Holy shit Kana, this post made my day. I am impressed and inspired. You have strengthened my quit today. I dont know if I am happier for you or your young nephew. Either way, damn proud to be quit with you today!!!
Your strength and friendship has inspired me so many times. When I see your name on a post or in roll the first thing that comes to my mind is the picture of you and your truck and how 'cool' your business is. Then I can't think about you without thinking about how lucky your son is to have his Dad free of nicotine. Proud to be quit with you! 200 days, great!
Thanks for sharing Kana, I enjoy reading your posts.
Fucking Champ. Love it.
Honored to be quit with you today!

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #150 on: February 20, 2013, 11:38:00 PM »
Quote from: tazbutane
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: cdaniels
Quote from: Morgan1
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jaynellie
Quote from: 916quit
Quote from: kana
Today I reflect- yesterday was one of those euphoria days. 200 days ago When I first posted on KTC I was a mess. I made a commitment to my brothers, sisters  most importantly me. For now on I would take care of myself. I took a photo of my fat ass in the mirror to remember... 200 days ago I dipped 18 hrs a day. Ate nothing but fast food, and processed crap.. Sat on the couch like a lazy ass. Had no energy to play with my son.  My wife would look at me with no respect... she could see I wasn't taking care of myself. I was a depressed mess...
What a difference 200 days makes.. I'm just a different person now..
My diet now consists of nothing that I don't prepare myself. I exercise 4 days a week for 6 months? holy crap. I've never done that before... yesterday I swam laps and felt like fucking superman when I was done. I remembered the photo I took 200 days ago. I went home and compared Holy crap again!!@  I have simply transformed.. That lazy nic addicted fat ass is gone.. I really feel like I turned a corner and proud of all the hard work I've put in. My wife asked how long has it been? I told her over 6 months, and she didn't believe me. She was shocked. She simply realized that I was serious this time. I could see the happiness in her face as she simply smiled. I had gained her respect again, and it felt like a ton of bricks was off my chest.  This time the difference is I'm gonna keep going, before I would feel like I had accomplished my goal and stopped. Now I'm addicted to my new lifestyle.. I'm addicted to the fucking freedom, and the thought of enjoying this beautiful life without a ball  chain.. I feel peaceful..
The end of my day yesterday I had to get gas for my work truck. I went inside got a couple bananas, and a candy to take home for my son.. I was waiting in line and one guy ahead of me. I started staring at the rows of tins. so many cans, so many brands, I just spaced out thinking how much I hated all that shit I was looking at. Then the cashier guy said hey bro you ok? I said ya why? He said you where spacing out shaking you head. I told him I used to be addicted to that crap on his shelf. He said hey I remember you!
  I used to buy my tins there, and on my first day quit I was getting gas and he asked me if I needed my regular 2 cans? I told him I had quit. The guy said I heard that before and kinda laughed. I hadn't seen him in awhile because I never went inside while getting gas after quitting. Anyway here we were 199 days later. He asked me if I was still quit? I said absolutely!! I was so proud, felt so good. He smiled as well.. Nice young kid.. I was also successful in getting my nephew to quit. he hasn't used since the day we had the talk.. I think I scared the shit out of him. good.. Thank you to everyone who has helped me transform. I truly appreciate all of you and still thank god I found KTC... peace
Congrats Kana! Great stuff!!!
That's Awesome, Powerful stuff there!Congrats
Just perfect. Thanks for sharing.
It's amazing what we can see in our lives after the nicotine induced haze clears.

Nice work - keep going
well done my friend. Keep up the great work and proud to be quit with you
Very proud of you man
Nice work bro! One day at a time seems to work.
Kana you've always been a badass in the 200 days I've known you. Keep it bro.
awesome job Kana!!!
Holy shit Kana, this post made my day. I am impressed and inspired. You have strengthened my quit today. I dont know if I am happier for you or your young nephew. Either way, damn proud to be quit with you today!!!
Your strength and friendship has inspired me so many times. When I see your name on a post or in roll the first thing that comes to my mind is the picture of you and your truck and how 'cool' your business is. Then I can't think about you without thinking about how lucky your son is to have his Dad free of nicotine. Proud to be quit with you! 200 days, great!
Thanks for sharing Kana, I enjoy reading your posts.
Fucking Champ. Love it.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Tazbutane

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #149 on: February 20, 2013, 10:06:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: cdaniels
Quote from: Morgan1
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jaynellie
Quote from: 916quit
Quote from: kana
Today I reflect- yesterday was one of those euphoria days. 200 days ago When I first posted on KTC I was a mess. I made a commitment to my brothers, sisters  most importantly me. For now on I would take care of myself. I took a photo of my fat ass in the mirror to remember... 200 days ago I dipped 18 hrs a day. Ate nothing but fast food, and processed crap.. Sat on the couch like a lazy ass. Had no energy to play with my son.  My wife would look at me with no respect... she could see I wasn't taking care of myself. I was a depressed mess...
What a difference 200 days makes.. I'm just a different person now..
My diet now consists of nothing that I don't prepare myself. I exercise 4 days a week for 6 months? holy crap. I've never done that before... yesterday I swam laps and felt like fucking superman when I was done. I remembered the photo I took 200 days ago. I went home and compared Holy crap again!!@  I have simply transformed.. That lazy nic addicted fat ass is gone.. I really feel like I turned a corner and proud of all the hard work I've put in. My wife asked how long has it been? I told her over 6 months, and she didn't believe me. She was shocked. She simply realized that I was serious this time. I could see the happiness in her face as she simply smiled. I had gained her respect again, and it felt like a ton of bricks was off my chest.  This time the difference is I'm gonna keep going, before I would feel like I had accomplished my goal and stopped. Now I'm addicted to my new lifestyle.. I'm addicted to the fucking freedom, and the thought of enjoying this beautiful life without a ball  chain.. I feel peaceful..
The end of my day yesterday I had to get gas for my work truck. I went inside got a couple bananas, and a candy to take home for my son.. I was waiting in line and one guy ahead of me. I started staring at the rows of tins. so many cans, so many brands, I just spaced out thinking how much I hated all that shit I was looking at. Then the cashier guy said hey bro you ok? I said ya why? He said you where spacing out shaking you head. I told him I used to be addicted to that crap on his shelf. He said hey I remember you!
  I used to buy my tins there, and on my first day quit I was getting gas and he asked me if I needed my regular 2 cans? I told him I had quit. The guy said I heard that before and kinda laughed. I hadn't seen him in awhile because I never went inside while getting gas after quitting. Anyway here we were 199 days later. He asked me if I was still quit? I said absolutely!! I was so proud, felt so good. He smiled as well.. Nice young kid.. I was also successful in getting my nephew to quit. he hasn't used since the day we had the talk.. I think I scared the shit out of him. good.. Thank you to everyone who has helped me transform. I truly appreciate all of you and still thank god I found KTC... peace
Congrats Kana! Great stuff!!!
That's Awesome, Powerful stuff there!Congrats
Just perfect. Thanks for sharing.
It's amazing what we can see in our lives after the nicotine induced haze clears.

Nice work - keep going
well done my friend. Keep up the great work and proud to be quit with you
Very proud of you man
Nice work bro! One day at a time seems to work.
Kana you've always been a badass in the 200 days I've known you. Keep it bro.
awesome job Kana!!!
Holy shit Kana, this post made my day. I am impressed and inspired. You have strengthened my quit today. I dont know if I am happier for you or your young nephew. Either way, damn proud to be quit with you today!!!
Your strength and friendship has inspired me so many times. When I see your name on a post or in roll the first thing that comes to my mind is the picture of you and your truck and how 'cool' your business is. Then I can't think about you without thinking about how lucky your son is to have his Dad free of nicotine. Proud to be quit with you! 200 days, great!
Thanks for sharing Kana, I enjoy reading your posts.
March 2013 - Mad Men of Quit        
Quit date: 11/22/12          
Sobriety Date: 4/10/2006         
HOF Date 03/02/2013         
Semper Fidelis

Offline Wt57

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #148 on: February 20, 2013, 09:36:00 PM »
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: cdaniels
Quote from: Morgan1
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jaynellie
Quote from: 916quit
Quote from: kana
Today I reflect- yesterday was one of those euphoria days. 200 days ago When I first posted on KTC I was a mess. I made a commitment to my brothers, sisters  most importantly me. For now on I would take care of myself. I took a photo of my fat ass in the mirror to remember... 200 days ago I dipped 18 hrs a day. Ate nothing but fast food, and processed crap.. Sat on the couch like a lazy ass. Had no energy to play with my son.  My wife would look at me with no respect... she could see I wasn't taking care of myself. I was a depressed mess...
What a difference 200 days makes.. I'm just a different person now..
My diet now consists of nothing that I don't prepare myself. I exercise 4 days a week for 6 months? holy crap. I've never done that before... yesterday I swam laps and felt like fucking superman when I was done. I remembered the photo I took 200 days ago. I went home and compared Holy crap again!!@  I have simply transformed.. That lazy nic addicted fat ass is gone.. I really feel like I turned a corner and proud of all the hard work I've put in. My wife asked how long has it been? I told her over 6 months, and she didn't believe me. She was shocked. She simply realized that I was serious this time. I could see the happiness in her face as she simply smiled. I had gained her respect again, and it felt like a ton of bricks was off my chest.  This time the difference is I'm gonna keep going, before I would feel like I had accomplished my goal and stopped. Now I'm addicted to my new lifestyle.. I'm addicted to the fucking freedom, and the thought of enjoying this beautiful life without a ball  chain.. I feel peaceful..
The end of my day yesterday I had to get gas for my work truck. I went inside got a couple bananas, and a candy to take home for my son.. I was waiting in line and one guy ahead of me. I started staring at the rows of tins. so many cans, so many brands, I just spaced out thinking how much I hated all that shit I was looking at. Then the cashier guy said hey bro you ok? I said ya why? He said you where spacing out shaking you head. I told him I used to be addicted to that crap on his shelf. He said hey I remember you!
  I used to buy my tins there, and on my first day quit I was getting gas and he asked me if I needed my regular 2 cans? I told him I had quit. The guy said I heard that before and kinda laughed. I hadn't seen him in awhile because I never went inside while getting gas after quitting. Anyway here we were 199 days later. He asked me if I was still quit? I said absolutely!! I was so proud, felt so good. He smiled as well.. Nice young kid.. I was also successful in getting my nephew to quit. he hasn't used since the day we had the talk.. I think I scared the shit out of him. good.. Thank you to everyone who has helped me transform. I truly appreciate all of you and still thank god I found KTC... peace
Congrats Kana! Great stuff!!!
That's Awesome, Powerful stuff there!Congrats
Just perfect. Thanks for sharing.
It's amazing what we can see in our lives after the nicotine induced haze clears.

Nice work - keep going
well done my friend. Keep up the great work and proud to be quit with you
Very proud of you man
Nice work bro! One day at a time seems to work.
Kana you've always been a badass in the 200 days I've known you. Keep it bro.
awesome job Kana!!!
Holy shit Kana, this post made my day. I am impressed and inspired. You have strengthened my quit today. I dont know if I am happier for you or your young nephew. Either way, damn proud to be quit with you today!!!
Your strength and friendship has inspired me so many times. When I see your name on a post or in roll the first thing that comes to my mind is the picture of you and your truck and how 'cool' your business is. Then I can't think about you without thinking about how lucky your son is to have his Dad free of nicotine. Proud to be quit with you! 200 days, great!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Its_Got2Happen

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #147 on: February 20, 2013, 09:02:00 PM »
Quote from: cdaniels
Quote from: Morgan1
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jaynellie
Quote from: 916quit
Quote from: kana
Today I reflect- yesterday was one of those euphoria days. 200 days ago When I first posted on KTC I was a mess. I made a commitment to my brothers, sisters  most importantly me. For now on I would take care of myself. I took a photo of my fat ass in the mirror to remember... 200 days ago I dipped 18 hrs a day. Ate nothing but fast food, and processed crap.. Sat on the couch like a lazy ass. Had no energy to play with my son.  My wife would look at me with no respect... she could see I wasn't taking care of myself. I was a depressed mess...
What a difference 200 days makes.. I'm just a different person now..
My diet now consists of nothing that I don't prepare myself. I exercise 4 days a week for 6 months? holy crap. I've never done that before... yesterday I swam laps and felt like fucking superman when I was done. I remembered the photo I took 200 days ago. I went home and compared Holy crap again!!@  I have simply transformed.. That lazy nic addicted fat ass is gone.. I really feel like I turned a corner and proud of all the hard work I've put in. My wife asked how long has it been? I told her over 6 months, and she didn't believe me. She was shocked. She simply realized that I was serious this time. I could see the happiness in her face as she simply smiled. I had gained her respect again, and it felt like a ton of bricks was off my chest.  This time the difference is I'm gonna keep going, before I would feel like I had accomplished my goal and stopped. Now I'm addicted to my new lifestyle.. I'm addicted to the fucking freedom, and the thought of enjoying this beautiful life without a ball  chain.. I feel peaceful..
The end of my day yesterday I had to get gas for my work truck. I went inside got a couple bananas, and a candy to take home for my son.. I was waiting in line and one guy ahead of me. I started staring at the rows of tins. so many cans, so many brands, I just spaced out thinking how much I hated all that shit I was looking at. Then the cashier guy said hey bro you ok? I said ya why? He said you where spacing out shaking you head. I told him I used to be addicted to that crap on his shelf. He said hey I remember you!
  I used to buy my tins there, and on my first day quit I was getting gas and he asked me if I needed my regular 2 cans? I told him I had quit. The guy said I heard that before and kinda laughed. I hadn't seen him in awhile because I never went inside while getting gas after quitting. Anyway here we were 199 days later. He asked me if I was still quit? I said absolutely!! I was so proud, felt so good. He smiled as well.. Nice young kid.. I was also successful in getting my nephew to quit. he hasn't used since the day we had the talk.. I think I scared the shit out of him. good.. Thank you to everyone who has helped me transform. I truly appreciate all of you and still thank god I found KTC... peace
Congrats Kana! Great stuff!!!
That's Awesome, Powerful stuff there!Congrats
Just perfect. Thanks for sharing.
It's amazing what we can see in our lives after the nicotine induced haze clears.

Nice work - keep going
well done my friend. Keep up the great work and proud to be quit with you
Very proud of you man
Nice work bro! One day at a time seems to work.
Kana you've always been a badass in the 200 days I've known you. Keep it bro.
awesome job Kana!!!
Holy shit Kana, this post made my day. I am impressed and inspired. You have strengthened my quit today. I dont know if I am happier for you or your young nephew. Either way, damn proud to be quit with you today!!!

Offline cdaniels

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #146 on: February 20, 2013, 06:00:00 PM »
Quote from: Morgan1
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jaynellie
Quote from: 916quit
Quote from: kana
Today I reflect- yesterday was one of those euphoria days. 200 days ago When I first posted on KTC I was a mess. I made a commitment to my brothers, sisters  most importantly me. For now on I would take care of myself. I took a photo of my fat ass in the mirror to remember... 200 days ago I dipped 18 hrs a day. Ate nothing but fast food, and processed crap.. Sat on the couch like a lazy ass. Had no energy to play with my son.  My wife would look at me with no respect... she could see I wasn't taking care of myself. I was a depressed mess...
What a difference 200 days makes.. I'm just a different person now..
My diet now consists of nothing that I don't prepare myself. I exercise 4 days a week for 6 months? holy crap. I've never done that before... yesterday I swam laps and felt like fucking superman when I was done. I remembered the photo I took 200 days ago. I went home and compared Holy crap again!!@  I have simply transformed.. That lazy nic addicted fat ass is gone.. I really feel like I turned a corner and proud of all the hard work I've put in. My wife asked how long has it been? I told her over 6 months, and she didn't believe me. She was shocked. She simply realized that I was serious this time. I could see the happiness in her face as she simply smiled. I had gained her respect again, and it felt like a ton of bricks was off my chest.  This time the difference is I'm gonna keep going, before I would feel like I had accomplished my goal and stopped. Now I'm addicted to my new lifestyle.. I'm addicted to the fucking freedom, and the thought of enjoying this beautiful life without a ball  chain.. I feel peaceful..
The end of my day yesterday I had to get gas for my work truck. I went inside got a couple bananas, and a candy to take home for my son.. I was waiting in line and one guy ahead of me. I started staring at the rows of tins. so many cans, so many brands, I just spaced out thinking how much I hated all that shit I was looking at. Then the cashier guy said hey bro you ok? I said ya why? He said you where spacing out shaking you head. I told him I used to be addicted to that crap on his shelf. He said hey I remember you!
  I used to buy my tins there, and on my first day quit I was getting gas and he asked me if I needed my regular 2 cans? I told him I had quit. The guy said I heard that before and kinda laughed. I hadn't seen him in awhile because I never went inside while getting gas after quitting. Anyway here we were 199 days later. He asked me if I was still quit? I said absolutely!! I was so proud, felt so good. He smiled as well.. Nice young kid.. I was also successful in getting my nephew to quit. he hasn't used since the day we had the talk.. I think I scared the shit out of him. good.. Thank you to everyone who has helped me transform. I truly appreciate all of you and still thank god I found KTC... peace
Congrats Kana! Great stuff!!!
That's Awesome, Powerful stuff there!Congrats
Just perfect. Thanks for sharing.
It's amazing what we can see in our lives after the nicotine induced haze clears.

Nice work - keep going
well done my friend. Keep up the great work and proud to be quit with you
Very proud of you man
Nice work bro! One day at a time seems to work.
Kana you've always been a badass in the 200 days I've known you. Keep it bro.
awesome job Kana!!!
Quit date 11-20-12
Never again for any reason. I quit for today. Today I live.

Offline Morgan1

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #145 on: February 20, 2013, 04:36:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jaynellie
Quote from: 916quit
Quote from: kana
Today I reflect- yesterday was one of those euphoria days. 200 days ago When I first posted on KTC I was a mess. I made a commitment to my brothers, sisters  most importantly me. For now on I would take care of myself. I took a photo of my fat ass in the mirror to remember... 200 days ago I dipped 18 hrs a day. Ate nothing but fast food, and processed crap.. Sat on the couch like a lazy ass. Had no energy to play with my son.  My wife would look at me with no respect... she could see I wasn't taking care of myself. I was a depressed mess...
What a difference 200 days makes.. I'm just a different person now..
My diet now consists of nothing that I don't prepare myself. I exercise 4 days a week for 6 months? holy crap. I've never done that before... yesterday I swam laps and felt like fucking superman when I was done. I remembered the photo I took 200 days ago. I went home and compared Holy crap again!!@  I have simply transformed.. That lazy nic addicted fat ass is gone.. I really feel like I turned a corner and proud of all the hard work I've put in. My wife asked how long has it been? I told her over 6 months, and she didn't believe me. She was shocked. She simply realized that I was serious this time. I could see the happiness in her face as she simply smiled. I had gained her respect again, and it felt like a ton of bricks was off my chest.  This time the difference is I'm gonna keep going, before I would feel like I had accomplished my goal and stopped. Now I'm addicted to my new lifestyle.. I'm addicted to the fucking freedom, and the thought of enjoying this beautiful life without a ball  chain.. I feel peaceful..
The end of my day yesterday I had to get gas for my work truck. I went inside got a couple bananas, and a candy to take home for my son.. I was waiting in line and one guy ahead of me. I started staring at the rows of tins. so many cans, so many brands, I just spaced out thinking how much I hated all that shit I was looking at. Then the cashier guy said hey bro you ok? I said ya why? He said you where spacing out shaking you head. I told him I used to be addicted to that crap on his shelf. He said hey I remember you!
  I used to buy my tins there, and on my first day quit I was getting gas and he asked me if I needed my regular 2 cans? I told him I had quit. The guy said I heard that before and kinda laughed. I hadn't seen him in awhile because I never went inside while getting gas after quitting. Anyway here we were 199 days later. He asked me if I was still quit? I said absolutely!! I was so proud, felt so good. He smiled as well.. Nice young kid.. I was also successful in getting my nephew to quit. he hasn't used since the day we had the talk.. I think I scared the shit out of him. good.. Thank you to everyone who has helped me transform. I truly appreciate all of you and still thank god I found KTC... peace
Congrats Kana! Great stuff!!!
That's Awesome, Powerful stuff there!Congrats
Just perfect. Thanks for sharing.
It's amazing what we can see in our lives after the nicotine induced haze clears.

Nice work - keep going
well done my friend. Keep up the great work and proud to be quit with you
Very proud of you man
Nice work bro! One day at a time seems to work.
Kana you've always been a badass in the 200 days I've known you. Keep it bro.
I have control over my quit. There's no luck involved. - Diesel2112


Offline Souliman

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #144 on: February 20, 2013, 12:25:00 PM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jaynellie
Quote from: 916quit
Quote from: kana
Today I reflect- yesterday was one of those euphoria days. 200 days ago When I first posted on KTC I was a mess. I made a commitment to my brothers, sisters  most importantly me. For now on I would take care of myself. I took a photo of my fat ass in the mirror to remember... 200 days ago I dipped 18 hrs a day. Ate nothing but fast food, and processed crap.. Sat on the couch like a lazy ass. Had no energy to play with my son.  My wife would look at me with no respect... she could see I wasn't taking care of myself. I was a depressed mess...
What a difference 200 days makes.. I'm just a different person now..
My diet now consists of nothing that I don't prepare myself. I exercise 4 days a week for 6 months? holy crap. I've never done that before... yesterday I swam laps and felt like fucking superman when I was done. I remembered the photo I took 200 days ago. I went home and compared Holy crap again!!@  I have simply transformed.. That lazy nic addicted fat ass is gone.. I really feel like I turned a corner and proud of all the hard work I've put in. My wife asked how long has it been? I told her over 6 months, and she didn't believe me. She was shocked. She simply realized that I was serious this time. I could see the happiness in her face as she simply smiled. I had gained her respect again, and it felt like a ton of bricks was off my chest.  This time the difference is I'm gonna keep going, before I would feel like I had accomplished my goal and stopped. Now I'm addicted to my new lifestyle.. I'm addicted to the fucking freedom, and the thought of enjoying this beautiful life without a ball  chain.. I feel peaceful..
The end of my day yesterday I had to get gas for my work truck. I went inside got a couple bananas, and a candy to take home for my son.. I was waiting in line and one guy ahead of me. I started staring at the rows of tins. so many cans, so many brands, I just spaced out thinking how much I hated all that shit I was looking at. Then the cashier guy said hey bro you ok? I said ya why? He said you where spacing out shaking you head. I told him I used to be addicted to that crap on his shelf. He said hey I remember you!
  I used to buy my tins there, and on my first day quit I was getting gas and he asked me if I needed my regular 2 cans? I told him I had quit. The guy said I heard that before and kinda laughed. I hadn't seen him in awhile because I never went inside while getting gas after quitting. Anyway here we were 199 days later. He asked me if I was still quit? I said absolutely!! I was so proud, felt so good. He smiled as well.. Nice young kid.. I was also successful in getting my nephew to quit. he hasn't used since the day we had the talk.. I think I scared the shit out of him. good.. Thank you to everyone who has helped me transform. I truly appreciate all of you and still thank god I found KTC... peace
Congrats Kana! Great stuff!!!
That's Awesome, Powerful stuff there!Congrats
Just perfect. Thanks for sharing.
It's amazing what we can see in our lives after the nicotine induced haze clears.

Nice work - keep going
well done my friend. Keep up the great work and proud to be quit with you
Very proud of you man
Nice work bro! One day at a time seems to work.

Offline wastepanel

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #143 on: February 20, 2013, 10:40:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jaynellie
Quote from: 916quit
Quote from: kana
Today I reflect- yesterday was one of those euphoria days. 200 days ago When I first posted on KTC I was a mess. I made a commitment to my brothers, sisters  most importantly me. For now on I would take care of myself. I took a photo of my fat ass in the mirror to remember... 200 days ago I dipped 18 hrs a day. Ate nothing but fast food, and processed crap.. Sat on the couch like a lazy ass. Had no energy to play with my son.  My wife would look at me with no respect... she could see I wasn't taking care of myself. I was a depressed mess...
What a difference 200 days makes.. I'm just a different person now..
My diet now consists of nothing that I don't prepare myself. I exercise 4 days a week for 6 months? holy crap. I've never done that before... yesterday I swam laps and felt like fucking superman when I was done. I remembered the photo I took 200 days ago. I went home and compared Holy crap again!!@  I have simply transformed.. That lazy nic addicted fat ass is gone.. I really feel like I turned a corner and proud of all the hard work I've put in. My wife asked how long has it been? I told her over 6 months, and she didn't believe me. She was shocked. She simply realized that I was serious this time. I could see the happiness in her face as she simply smiled. I had gained her respect again, and it felt like a ton of bricks was off my chest.  This time the difference is I'm gonna keep going, before I would feel like I had accomplished my goal and stopped. Now I'm addicted to my new lifestyle.. I'm addicted to the fucking freedom, and the thought of enjoying this beautiful life without a ball  chain.. I feel peaceful..
The end of my day yesterday I had to get gas for my work truck. I went inside got a couple bananas, and a candy to take home for my son.. I was waiting in line and one guy ahead of me. I started staring at the rows of tins. so many cans, so many brands, I just spaced out thinking how much I hated all that shit I was looking at. Then the cashier guy said hey bro you ok? I said ya why? He said you where spacing out shaking you head. I told him I used to be addicted to that crap on his shelf. He said hey I remember you!
  I used to buy my tins there, and on my first day quit I was getting gas and he asked me if I needed my regular 2 cans? I told him I had quit. The guy said I heard that before and kinda laughed. I hadn't seen him in awhile because I never went inside while getting gas after quitting. Anyway here we were 199 days later. He asked me if I was still quit? I said absolutely!! I was so proud, felt so good. He smiled as well.. Nice young kid.. I was also successful in getting my nephew to quit. he hasn't used since the day we had the talk.. I think I scared the shit out of him. good.. Thank you to everyone who has helped me transform. I truly appreciate all of you and still thank god I found KTC... peace
Congrats Kana! Great stuff!!!
That's Awesome, Powerful stuff there!Congrats
Just perfect. Thanks for sharing.
It's amazing what we can see in our lives after the nicotine induced haze clears.

Nice work - keep going
well done my friend. Keep up the great work and proud to be quit with you
Very proud of you man
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021


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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #142 on: February 20, 2013, 10:40:00 AM »
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jaynellie
Quote from: 916quit
Quote from: kana
Today I reflect- yesterday was one of those euphoria days. 200 days ago When I first posted on KTC I was a mess. I made a commitment to my brothers, sisters  most importantly me. For now on I would take care of myself. I took a photo of my fat ass in the mirror to remember... 200 days ago I dipped 18 hrs a day. Ate nothing but fast food, and processed crap.. Sat on the couch like a lazy ass. Had no energy to play with my son.  My wife would look at me with no respect... she could see I wasn't taking care of myself. I was a depressed mess...
What a difference 200 days makes.. I'm just a different person now..
My diet now consists of nothing that I don't prepare myself. I exercise 4 days a week for 6 months? holy crap. I've never done that before... yesterday I swam laps and felt like fucking superman when I was done. I remembered the photo I took 200 days ago. I went home and compared Holy crap again!!@  I have simply transformed.. That lazy nic addicted fat ass is gone.. I really feel like I turned a corner and proud of all the hard work I've put in. My wife asked how long has it been? I told her over 6 months, and she didn't believe me. She was shocked. She simply realized that I was serious this time. I could see the happiness in her face as she simply smiled. I had gained her respect again, and it felt like a ton of bricks was off my chest.  This time the difference is I'm gonna keep going, before I would feel like I had accomplished my goal and stopped. Now I'm addicted to my new lifestyle.. I'm addicted to the fucking freedom, and the thought of enjoying this beautiful life without a ball  chain.. I feel peaceful..
The end of my day yesterday I had to get gas for my work truck. I went inside got a couple bananas, and a candy to take home for my son.. I was waiting in line and one guy ahead of me. I started staring at the rows of tins. so many cans, so many brands, I just spaced out thinking how much I hated all that shit I was looking at. Then the cashier guy said hey bro you ok? I said ya why? He said you where spacing out shaking you head. I told him I used to be addicted to that crap on his shelf. He said hey I remember you!
  I used to buy my tins there, and on my first day quit I was getting gas and he asked me if I needed my regular 2 cans? I told him I had quit. The guy said I heard that before and kinda laughed. I hadn't seen him in awhile because I never went inside while getting gas after quitting. Anyway here we were 199 days later. He asked me if I was still quit? I said absolutely!! I was so proud, felt so good. He smiled as well.. Nice young kid.. I was also successful in getting my nephew to quit. he hasn't used since the day we had the talk.. I think I scared the shit out of him. good.. Thank you to everyone who has helped me transform. I truly appreciate all of you and still thank god I found KTC... peace
Congrats Kana! Great stuff!!!
That's Awesome, Powerful stuff there!Congrats
Just perfect. Thanks for sharing.
It's amazing what we can see in our lives after the nicotine induced haze clears.

Nice work - keep going
well done my friend. Keep up the great work and proud to be quit with you

Great job. Proud to be quit with you.
Enough is enough. Time to take control back from the nic bitch. My HOF speechGR8WHITEBUFFALO

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #141 on: February 20, 2013, 10:26:00 AM »
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jaynellie
Quote from: 916quit
Quote from: kana
Today I reflect- yesterday was one of those euphoria days. 200 days ago When I first posted on KTC I was a mess. I made a commitment to my brothers, sisters  most importantly me. For now on I would take care of myself. I took a photo of my fat ass in the mirror to remember... 200 days ago I dipped 18 hrs a day. Ate nothing but fast food, and processed crap.. Sat on the couch like a lazy ass. Had no energy to play with my son.  My wife would look at me with no respect... she could see I wasn't taking care of myself. I was a depressed mess...
What a difference 200 days makes.. I'm just a different person now..
My diet now consists of nothing that I don't prepare myself. I exercise 4 days a week for 6 months? holy crap. I've never done that before... yesterday I swam laps and felt like fucking superman when I was done. I remembered the photo I took 200 days ago. I went home and compared Holy crap again!!@  I have simply transformed.. That lazy nic addicted fat ass is gone.. I really feel like I turned a corner and proud of all the hard work I've put in. My wife asked how long has it been? I told her over 6 months, and she didn't believe me. She was shocked. She simply realized that I was serious this time. I could see the happiness in her face as she simply smiled. I had gained her respect again, and it felt like a ton of bricks was off my chest.  This time the difference is I'm gonna keep going, before I would feel like I had accomplished my goal and stopped. Now I'm addicted to my new lifestyle.. I'm addicted to the fucking freedom, and the thought of enjoying this beautiful life without a ball  chain.. I feel peaceful..
The end of my day yesterday I had to get gas for my work truck. I went inside got a couple bananas, and a candy to take home for my son.. I was waiting in line and one guy ahead of me. I started staring at the rows of tins. so many cans, so many brands, I just spaced out thinking how much I hated all that shit I was looking at. Then the cashier guy said hey bro you ok? I said ya why? He said you where spacing out shaking you head. I told him I used to be addicted to that crap on his shelf. He said hey I remember you!
  I used to buy my tins there, and on my first day quit I was getting gas and he asked me if I needed my regular 2 cans? I told him I had quit. The guy said I heard that before and kinda laughed. I hadn't seen him in awhile because I never went inside while getting gas after quitting. Anyway here we were 199 days later. He asked me if I was still quit? I said absolutely!! I was so proud, felt so good. He smiled as well.. Nice young kid.. I was also successful in getting my nephew to quit. he hasn't used since the day we had the talk.. I think I scared the shit out of him. good.. Thank you to everyone who has helped me transform. I truly appreciate all of you and still thank god I found KTC... peace
Congrats Kana! Great stuff!!!
That's Awesome, Powerful stuff there!Congrats
Just perfect. Thanks for sharing.
It's amazing what we can see in our lives after the nicotine induced haze clears.

Nice work - keep going
well done my friend. Keep up the great work and proud to be quit with you

Offline cbird65

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #140 on: February 20, 2013, 09:59:00 AM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jaynellie
Quote from: 916quit
Quote from: kana
Today I reflect- yesterday was one of those euphoria days. 200 days ago When I first posted on KTC I was a mess. I made a commitment to my brothers, sisters  most importantly me. For now on I would take care of myself. I took a photo of my fat ass in the mirror to remember... 200 days ago I dipped 18 hrs a day. Ate nothing but fast food, and processed crap.. Sat on the couch like a lazy ass. Had no energy to play with my son.  My wife would look at me with no respect... she could see I wasn't taking care of myself. I was a depressed mess...
What a difference 200 days makes.. I'm just a different person now..
My diet now consists of nothing that I don't prepare myself. I exercise 4 days a week for 6 months? holy crap. I've never done that before... yesterday I swam laps and felt like fucking superman when I was done. I remembered the photo I took 200 days ago. I went home and compared Holy crap again!!@  I have simply transformed.. That lazy nic addicted fat ass is gone.. I really feel like I turned a corner and proud of all the hard work I've put in. My wife asked how long has it been? I told her over 6 months, and she didn't believe me. She was shocked. She simply realized that I was serious this time. I could see the happiness in her face as she simply smiled. I had gained her respect again, and it felt like a ton of bricks was off my chest.  This time the difference is I'm gonna keep going, before I would feel like I had accomplished my goal and stopped. Now I'm addicted to my new lifestyle.. I'm addicted to the fucking freedom, and the thought of enjoying this beautiful life without a ball  chain.. I feel peaceful..
The end of my day yesterday I had to get gas for my work truck. I went inside got a couple bananas, and a candy to take home for my son.. I was waiting in line and one guy ahead of me. I started staring at the rows of tins. so many cans, so many brands, I just spaced out thinking how much I hated all that shit I was looking at. Then the cashier guy said hey bro you ok? I said ya why? He said you where spacing out shaking you head. I told him I used to be addicted to that crap on his shelf. He said hey I remember you!
  I used to buy my tins there, and on my first day quit I was getting gas and he asked me if I needed my regular 2 cans? I told him I had quit. The guy said I heard that before and kinda laughed. I hadn't seen him in awhile because I never went inside while getting gas after quitting. Anyway here we were 199 days later. He asked me if I was still quit? I said absolutely!! I was so proud, felt so good. He smiled as well.. Nice young kid.. I was also successful in getting my nephew to quit. he hasn't used since the day we had the talk.. I think I scared the shit out of him. good.. Thank you to everyone who has helped me transform. I truly appreciate all of you and still thank god I found KTC... peace
Congrats Kana! Great stuff!!!
That's Awesome, Powerful stuff there!Congrats
Just perfect. Thanks for sharing.
It's amazing what we can see in our lives after the nicotine induced haze clears.

Nice work - keep going
Believe Me

FLOOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ,11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19,, 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29,,, 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
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