Author Topic: Self loathing  (Read 7097 times)

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Offline Its_Got2Happen

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Re: Self loathing
« Reply #90 on: December 08, 2013, 10:43:00 AM »
Quote from: Grizzfall
I'm with you on the storing the beers on the deck. It is rewarding. I feel like captain planet saving the world by harnessing the power of nature's ice box
There should be more Public Service Announcements about this practical step to save energy. Instead, i saw a PSA yesterday with the tag line "Stop Senior Abuse". I dont know how you all feel, but right then and there i made the hard choice to not go to grampas house and smack him around. Effective advertising by the Ad Council there.
Fuck, now im getting pissed here.
Ok you guys do watch or hear the PSA's that the Ad Council produces? Right. They are the commercials that your tax dollars produce, and radio/TV sations are required to give airtime too by the FCC. Take note of the topical matter they choose to crusade for.
"Talk to your kids about drugs"
"Kindness, pass it on"
"Kids need three square meals a day"
"Be a real man and stay in your child's life"
"Stop senior abuse"
"Riding your bike reduces carbon emmisions"
"Shut the water off when you brush your teeth"
"Don't text and drive with a tripple Latte"

Maybe im the asshole here, but not one of these messages have changed my behavior. I never saw the 30 second clip of mom making breakfast for her school age children and said "Holy Shit! Hey Honey! Do you know we have to feed the kids morning, noon and night!?"
Furthur more, and i will stereotype here, how many male members of the African American community watched the PSA about raising your offspring and decided, "Damn its time to look up Shaquel, Brianique, Sandrina, Lucindra, and Ladasha. Im gonna start paying alimony to all these Bitches i made babies with. Just gotta figure out how to spell their names, get an address, send a money order, and maybe even take one to a Lakers game."

These PSA are devoid of any real message. As a society we should be ashamed that we need commercials to tell us how to live. A generation ago people didnt need to be told to feed their kids, not abandon their kids, dont read the newspaper when you drive (texting), and stop beating on grandpa. Why now then?

The folks who need these messages should be shot and culled. Once thats done, we can deal with some real problems.

I want to see an a commercial where a 14 yr old kid has his first dip. I want to then see a time lapse of his teens where he has to beg older dudes to buy it for him. I want a side shot of the prettiest girl in school having a secret crush on our young star only to see him spit brown juice with the boys and then walk away. I want to see his college years go on while he looks for enough money in the couch cushions for a tin. An image of him re-chewing the same wad, stored on the radiator for warmth, would be nice here. On the right hand side of the screen i want a constantly growing stack of tins with a dollar amount ticking away below. As the time lapse continues we can image his wedding day, childs birth, daughters sweet sixteen, and her send off to Yale....all with a stream of brown juice in the background. Finally lets end the film with his oral cancer, rotted face, emaciated corpse, and death. Thats what i want to see in the next PSA. Put it on during the superbowl and i guranfuckingtee lives will be saved.

Fuck you Ad Council. Try being better at your job.

(I didnt expect to get into this here. Will repost on my own intro. Carry on) This post rocks!!

'Finger' Ad Council, I have always felt the same way about that crap.

Offline Grizzfall

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Re: Self loathing
« Reply #89 on: December 08, 2013, 10:21:00 AM »
I'm with you on the storing the beers on the deck. It is rewarding. I feel like captain planet saving the world by harnessing the power of nature's ice box
There should be more Public Service Announcements about this practical step to save energy. Instead, i saw a PSA yesterday with the tag line "Stop Senior Abuse". I dont know how you all feel, but right then and there i made the hard choice to not go to grampas house and smack him around. Effective advertising by the Ad Council there.
Fuck, now im getting pissed here.
Ok you guys do watch or hear the PSA's that the Ad Council produces? Right. They are the commercials that your tax dollars produce, and radio/TV sations are required to give airtime too by the FCC. Take note of the topical matter they choose to crusade for.
"Talk to your kids about drugs"
"Kindness, pass it on"
"Kids need three square meals a day"
"Be a real man and stay in your child's life"
"Stop senior abuse"
"Riding your bike reduces carbon emmisions"
"Shut the water off when you brush your teeth"
"Don't text and drive with a tripple Latte"

Maybe im the asshole here, but not one of these messages have changed my behavior. I never saw the 30 second clip of mom making breakfast for her school age children and said "Holy Shit! Hey Honey! Do you know we have to feed the kids morning, noon and night!?"
Furthur more, and i will stereotype here, how many male members of the African American community watched the PSA about raising your offspring and decided, "Damn its time to look up Shaquel, Brianique, Sandrina, Lucindra, and Ladasha. Im gonna start paying alimony to all these Bitches i made babies with. Just gotta figure out how to spell their names, get an address, send a money order, and maybe even take one to a Lakers game."

These PSA are devoid of any real message. As a society we should be ashamed that we need commercials to tell us how to live. A generation ago people didnt need to be told to feed their kids, not abandon their kids, dont read the newspaper when you drive (texting), and stop beating on grandpa. Why now then?

The folks who need these messages should be shot and culled. Once thats done, we can deal with some real problems.

I want to see an a commercial where a 14 yr old kid has his first dip. I want to then see a time lapse of his teens where he has to beg older dudes to buy it for him. I want a side shot of the prettiest girl in school having a secret crush on our young star only to see him spit brown juice with the boys and then walk away. I want to see his college years go on while he looks for enough money in the couch cushions for a tin. An image of him re-chewing the same wad, stored on the radiator for warmth, would be nice here. On the right hand side of the screen i want a constantly growing stack of tins with a dollar amount ticking away below. As the time lapse continues we can image his wedding day, childs birth, daughters sweet sixteen, and her send off to Yale....all with a stream of brown juice in the background. Finally lets end the film with his oral cancer, rotted face, emaciated corpse, and death. Thats what i want to see in the next PSA. Put it on during the superbowl and i guranfuckingtee lives will be saved.

Fuck you Ad Council. Try being better at your job.

(I didnt expect to get into this here. Will repost on my own intro. Carry on)
"This personal torture has a good ending right?"

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: Self loathing
« Reply #88 on: December 06, 2013, 07:20:00 PM »

Anywhere between day 60 and 80 many quitters experience a rough patch. It is well documented and occurs with regularity across all quit groups. It's been referred to as the 70 day funk.

Funks roll in and out for a while longer but the time between them will get gradually larger as well. This is all part of your body readjusting and the nicotine receptors dying off. Your healing now.

The best remedy for the funk is to get your ass up and moving. Exercise will pull you out of it faster than anything else. Walk around the block, shovel snow, or chase the old lady around the house, but get busy.

Stay the course, keep quitting one day at a time, it still gets soooooooo much better than it is now. You can do it... I know you can.

"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: Self loathing
« Reply #87 on: December 06, 2013, 07:12:00 PM »
Quote from: Grizzfall
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Grizzfall
Posterity Ponderings,

    I have a few minutes before work this morning. Woke up early with anxiety for no reason. The cold sweat in bed type. Kinda thought that was over at this point, but apparently not. Overall had a blah week. No highs, no lows, no feeling. Just going through the motions of daily work and nightly hobbies. Its day 62. Maybe I'm giving nicotine a bit to much credit here, but never before in my life have i had anxious cold sweats, laying in bed, in the pre-dawn hours. If this is part of the price of quitting, I will gladly pay. Does anyone else have advice on dealing with these cycles over two months in?
  Second thought: Pinched has changed his avatar. I liked the first one better. A raven beauty with a chimp is tough to trump.
   Its cold and pretty outside. Work calls and the weekend is near.

I had the same thing. Its totally normal and it totally sucks, and yes I do believe nic is the root cause of it.

Even after 60 some days your body is still saying, "what the fuck...this shit has gone on long enough, time to give me my posion back". However, since you smartly want your freedom back, you are telling it NO!!! Sending you brain into a fight or flight panic mode, hence the anxiety/cold sweats. I'm not making this shit up and I'm not a doctor, but a doctor did tell me this as the exact same shit happened to me and I freaked like a little baby and went to see a shrink and counselor.

You're learning to live without a life crutch you've leaned on for many years. Its gonna be a bumpy road at times. But over TIME things will get better. Two months is tits, but its gonna tale longer to unravel all the damage you did to yourself by sucking on death dirt.

Read up on some anti anxiety techniques, I know vigorous exercise helped me the most, but their are many other techniques out there.

Finally...don't feel bad or ashamed that you got hit with some anxiety. Its perfectly normal. Nothing to freak out about. It continues to hit you hard, I would suggest going to see your doctor. They can offer some assists. If need be.

Hang tough, bro.
You bastards and your accurate perspectives. It really fucking sucks when you need someone to tell you the answers you don't want to believe. I just PM'ed (again, a verb?) Brettlees about falling into that old trap of being to prideful to "complain" about the quitting process. Yeah, that pride is what this intro is titled after. But Diesel is right.
I've said this a few times before. I want to forget I ever chewed tobacco. Never, never ever, did I identify with chewing. I was never a tough guy with a pinch. I was never a cowboy in the field with his horse and copenhagen.
Everybody goes through a self analysis from time to time where they reflect on how others percieve them. Not ever did I think that people viewed me as a dipper. As far as my self-image is concerned, i never chewed tobacco. That shits for losers.
1.5 decades later. Here we are.
I will enjoy this rollercoaster. Shit, i signed up for it. Thanks guys.

This too shall pass.

Self realization is a bitch eh? There was a stretch during the first part of my quit where I was colossally embarrassed about how naive I was. I got over it. What's done is done. Now is what matters and you, my man, are rocking it. Proud to quit with you. You want another number?... Pm me bro!
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline Grizzfall

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Re: Self loathing
« Reply #86 on: December 06, 2013, 06:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Grizzfall
Posterity Ponderings,

    I have a few minutes before work this morning. Woke up early with anxiety for no reason. The cold sweat in bed type. Kinda thought that was over at this point, but apparently not. Overall had a blah week. No highs, no lows, no feeling. Just going through the motions of daily work and nightly hobbies. Its day 62. Maybe I'm giving nicotine a bit to much credit here, but never before in my life have i had anxious cold sweats, laying in bed, in the pre-dawn hours. If this is part of the price of quitting, I will gladly pay. Does anyone else have advice on dealing with these cycles over two months in?
  Second thought: Pinched has changed his avatar. I liked the first one better. A raven beauty with a chimp is tough to trump.
  Its cold and pretty outside. Work calls and the weekend is near.

I had the same thing. Its totally normal and it totally sucks, and yes I do believe nic is the root cause of it.

Even after 60 some days your body is still saying, "what the fuck...this shit has gone on long enough, time to give me my posion back". However, since you smartly want your freedom back, you are telling it NO!!! Sending you brain into a fight or flight panic mode, hence the anxiety/cold sweats. I'm not making this shit up and I'm not a doctor, but a doctor did tell me this as the exact same shit happened to me and I freaked like a little baby and went to see a shrink and counselor.

You're learning to live without a life crutch you've leaned on for many years. Its gonna be a bumpy road at times. But over TIME things will get better. Two months is tits, but its gonna tale longer to unravel all the damage you did to yourself by sucking on death dirt.

Read up on some anti anxiety techniques, I know vigorous exercise helped me the most, but their are many other techniques out there.

Finally...don't feel bad or ashamed that you got hit with some anxiety. Its perfectly normal. Nothing to freak out about. It continues to hit you hard, I would suggest going to see your doctor. They can offer some assists. If need be.

Hang tough, bro.
You bastards and your accurate perspectives. It really fucking sucks when you need someone to tell you the answers you don't want to believe. I just PM'ed (again, a verb?) Brettlees about falling into that old trap of being to prideful to "complain" about the quitting process. Yeah, that pride is what this intro is titled after. But Diesel is right.
I've said this a few times before. I want to forget I ever chewed tobacco. Never, never ever, did I identify with chewing. I was never a tough guy with a pinch. I was never a cowboy in the field with his horse and copenhagen.
Everybody goes through a self analysis from time to time where they reflect on how others percieve them. Not ever did I think that people viewed me as a dipper. As far as my self-image is concerned, i never chewed tobacco. That shits for losers.
1.5 decades later. Here we are.
I will enjoy this rollercoaster. Shit, i signed up for it. Thanks guys.

This too shall pass.
"This personal torture has a good ending right?"

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Self loathing
« Reply #85 on: December 06, 2013, 10:04:00 AM »
Quote from: Grizzfall
Posterity Ponderings,

I have a few minutes before work this morning. Woke up early with anxiety for no reason. The cold sweat in bed type. Kinda thought that was over at this point, but apparently not. Overall had a blah week. No highs, no lows, no feeling. Just going through the motions of daily work and nightly hobbies. Its day 62. Maybe I'm giving nicotine a bit to much credit here, but never before in my life have i had anxious cold sweats, laying in bed, in the pre-dawn hours. If this is part of the price of quitting, I will gladly pay. Does anyone else have advice on dealing with these cycles over two months in?
Second thought: Pinched has changed his avatar. I liked the first one better. A raven beauty with a chimp is tough to trump.
Its cold and pretty outside. Work calls and the weekend is near.

I had the same thing. Its totally normal and it totally sucks, and yes I do believe nic is the root cause of it.

Even after 60 some days your body is still saying, "what the fuck...this shit has gone on long enough, time to give me my posion back". However, since you smartly want your freedom back, you are telling it NO!!! Sending you brain into a fight or flight panic mode, hence the anxiety/cold sweats. I'm not making this shit up and I'm not a doctor, but a doctor did tell me this as the exact same shit happened to me and I freaked like a little baby and went to see a shrink and counselor.

You're learning to live without a life crutch you've leaned on for many years. Its gonna be a bumpy road at times. But over TIME things will get better. Two months is tits, but its gonna tale longer to unravel all the damage you did to yourself by sucking on death dirt.

Read up on some anti anxiety techniques, I know vigorous exercise helped me the most, but their are many other techniques out there.

Finally...don't feel bad or ashamed that you got hit with some anxiety. Its perfectly normal. Nothing to freak out about. It continues to hit you hard, I would suggest going to see your doctor. They can offer some assists. If need be.

Hang tough, bro.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Mogul

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Re: Self loathing
« Reply #84 on: December 06, 2013, 09:30:00 AM »
Usually night sweats is caused by viruses, alcohol, or lack of pussy. Suggest you get some of the latter. Just joking Grizz. You doing great and an inspiration to us. Keep it up. We support your quitting ass.

Offline Grizzfall

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Re: Self loathing
« Reply #83 on: December 06, 2013, 07:08:00 AM »
Posterity Ponderings,

I have a few minutes before work this morning. Woke up early with anxiety for no reason. The cold sweat in bed type. Kinda thought that was over at this point, but apparently not. Overall had a blah week. No highs, no lows, no feeling. Just going through the motions of daily work and nightly hobbies. Its day 62. Maybe I'm giving nicotine a bit to much credit here, but never before in my life have i had anxious cold sweats, laying in bed, in the pre-dawn hours. If this is part of the price of quitting, I will gladly pay. Does anyone else have advice on dealing with these cycles over two months in?
Second thought: Pinched has changed his avatar. I liked the first one better. A raven beauty with a chimp is tough to trump.
Its cold and pretty outside. Work calls and the weekend is near.

"This personal torture has a good ending right?"

Offline Jlud007

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Re: Self loathing
« Reply #82 on: November 25, 2013, 08:17:00 PM »
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Quote from: hope
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Grizzfall
Dear Digital Diary,
   Today is day 50. It seems like a huge expanse of time has gone by since day one. It could be the change in seasons as i was in shorts when i first quit, and now we have snow on the ground. It could also just be the time distortion that is so prominant in those first ten days. What ever the cause may be, i am damn proud to be here 50 days in, with nothing but optimisism.
    No more fear! I will never be afraid of existing without dip. In these last 50 days i have learned that there is no activity i cant do without a dip. Yeah, i still crave one during specific moments, espcially after meals. But i understand that dip does nothing to improve any activity. In fact it's just one more variable to be constantly tended to. Fuck that, i have enough stress already.
   My wife and sister in law are very close. Katie tells her about my quit, which is fine. Yesterday, my SIL walked up and handed me a Kennedy 50cent piece. That was pretty cool and stirred some emotion from my otherwise cold, cavernous heart. This quit is for me, but its damn nice to have the support of others.

Keep Quit,
Your making your way around that corner now. Great job. A whole new world is beginning to open up for you Grizzfall. You will learn a lot about yourself as the next weeks/days pass grizzfall. I'm at 283 and still finding out new things about myself. I'm a lot different of a person without the poison. You are to. Glad to be quit with you today my friend.
Thanks for sharing, Grizzfall. I'm glad you have the support around you. You're an inspiration to me and others. Freedom...what a slave we've been to that can. I'm finding that I don't really know myself at all. On day 23. Nice to hear what it's like with 50 days.
I quit with you today.
Thanks for all of the consistent updates Grizzfall.

Really cool to see your progress from my POV (Day 3er).

Can't wait to follow in your footsteps man.

I quit with you!
And thanks for a guy only a little behind you- your posts keep giving me a glimpse of what might come next for me. Glad to quit with you.
What brother srans said X 100. We are becoming the men we were meant to be!
We were not born with the poison in our mouths.
Quitting every damn day my feet hit the floor with all the brothers at KTC!
Keep up the great work Grizzfall. I know exactly what you mean about the support being important. It was the thing that made the difference in my quit. When I hit HOF my 9 year old gave me my KTC coin and told me he was proud of me. WTF, talk about sending a man to his knees. My 9 year old is proud of me, wow, how could I ever go back.

I am glad things are getting better for you. Use the good days to prepare for the tougher days. They dont go away like magic when you hit HOF, I know that you already understand that. This is a process of recovery and it takes some time. The beautiful thing is this.......the success of our quit does NOT depend upon how we FEEL about. There will be good days, and bad days. There will be days that you never think about dip once, there will be others that you crave it badly. We will carry on with life and experince the entire gammit of emotions, high and lows and ups and downs and everything in between. And we can and will do it all, QUIT. Freedom is worth the fight.

Nicotine is off the table.
One is one too many.

I will quit with you today Grizzfall, one day at a time.


I can't add much that hasn't been said already. Those wins start to pile up and you realize what a wonderful freedom you have discovered. I just enjoy reading a post from someone that really "gets it", this thing starts out as quitting the dip and as our bodies heal from the poison we abused ourselves with we realize what 30 said..... We are becoming the men we were intended to be, keep strapped in man it keeps getting better!

Quit with you today.

Offline Its_Got2Happen

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Re: Self loathing
« Reply #81 on: November 25, 2013, 08:03:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Quote from: hope
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Grizzfall
Dear Digital Diary,
   Today is day 50. It seems like a huge expanse of time has gone by since day one. It could be the change in seasons as i was in shorts when i first quit, and now we have snow on the ground. It could also just be the time distortion that is so prominant in those first ten days. What ever the cause may be, i am damn proud to be here 50 days in, with nothing but optimisism.
    No more fear! I will never be afraid of existing without dip. In these last 50 days i have learned that there is no activity i cant do without a dip. Yeah, i still crave one during specific moments, espcially after meals. But i understand that dip does nothing to improve any activity. In fact it's just one more variable to be constantly tended to. Fuck that, i have enough stress already.
   My wife and sister in law are very close. Katie tells her about my quit, which is fine. Yesterday, my SIL walked up and handed me a Kennedy 50cent piece. That was pretty cool and stirred some emotion from my otherwise cold, cavernous heart. This quit is for me, but its damn nice to have the support of others.

Keep Quit,
Your making your way around that corner now. Great job. A whole new world is beginning to open up for you Grizzfall. You will learn a lot about yourself as the next weeks/days pass grizzfall. I'm at 283 and still finding out new things about myself. I'm a lot different of a person without the poison. You are to. Glad to be quit with you today my friend.
Thanks for sharing, Grizzfall. I'm glad you have the support around you. You're an inspiration to me and others. Freedom...what a slave we've been to that can. I'm finding that I don't really know myself at all. On day 23. Nice to hear what it's like with 50 days.
I quit with you today.
Thanks for all of the consistent updates Grizzfall.

Really cool to see your progress from my POV (Day 3er).

Can't wait to follow in your footsteps man.

I quit with you!
And thanks for a guy only a little behind you- your posts keep giving me a glimpse of what might come next for me. Glad to quit with you.
What brother srans said X 100. We are becoming the men we were meant to be!
We were not born with the poison in our mouths.
Quitting every damn day my feet hit the floor with all the brothers at KTC!
Keep up the great work Grizzfall. I know exactly what you mean about the support being important. It was the thing that made the difference in my quit. When I hit HOF my 9 year old gave me my KTC coin and told me he was proud of me. WTF, talk about sending a man to his knees. My 9 year old is proud of me, wow, how could I ever go back.

I am glad things are getting better for you. Use the good days to prepare for the tougher days. They dont go away like magic when you hit HOF, I know that you already understand that. This is a process of recovery and it takes some time. The beautiful thing is this.......the success of our quit does NOT depend upon how we FEEL about. There will be good days, and bad days. There will be days that you never think about dip once, there will be others that you crave it badly. We will carry on with life and experince the entire gammit of emotions, high and lows and ups and downs and everything in between. And we can and will do it all, QUIT. Freedom is worth the fight.

Nicotine is off the table.
One is one too many.

I will quit with you today Grizzfall, one day at a time.


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Re: Self loathing
« Reply #80 on: November 25, 2013, 04:15:00 PM »
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Quote from: hope
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Grizzfall
Dear Digital Diary,
   Today is day 50. It seems like a huge expanse of time has gone by since day one. It could be the change in seasons as i was in shorts when i first quit, and now we have snow on the ground. It could also just be the time distortion that is so prominant in those first ten days. What ever the cause may be, i am damn proud to be here 50 days in, with nothing but optimisism.
    No more fear! I will never be afraid of existing without dip. In these last 50 days i have learned that there is no activity i cant do without a dip. Yeah, i still crave one during specific moments, espcially after meals. But i understand that dip does nothing to improve any activity. In fact it's just one more variable to be constantly tended to. Fuck that, i have enough stress already.
   My wife and sister in law are very close. Katie tells her about my quit, which is fine. Yesterday, my SIL walked up and handed me a Kennedy 50cent piece. That was pretty cool and stirred some emotion from my otherwise cold, cavernous heart. This quit is for me, but its damn nice to have the support of others.

Keep Quit,
Your making your way around that corner now. Great job. A whole new world is beginning to open up for you Grizzfall. You will learn a lot about yourself as the next weeks/days pass grizzfall. I'm at 283 and still finding out new things about myself. I'm a lot different of a person without the poison. You are to. Glad to be quit with you today my friend.
Thanks for sharing, Grizzfall. I'm glad you have the support around you. You're an inspiration to me and others. Freedom...what a slave we've been to that can. I'm finding that I don't really know myself at all. On day 23. Nice to hear what it's like with 50 days.
I quit with you today.
Thanks for all of the consistent updates Grizzfall.

Really cool to see your progress from my POV (Day 3er).

Can't wait to follow in your footsteps man.

I quit with you!
And thanks for a guy only a little behind you- your posts keep giving me a glimpse of what might come next for me. Glad to quit with you.
What brother srans said X 100. We are becoming the men we were meant to be!
We were not born with the poison in our mouths.
Quitting every damn day my feet hit the floor with all the brothers at KTC!
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

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  • Interests: "Being Quit" Today, just Today.Moving on to more of life before the light is gone.
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Re: Self loathing
« Reply #79 on: November 25, 2013, 03:37:00 PM »
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Quote from: hope
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Grizzfall
Dear Digital Diary,
   Today is day 50. It seems like a huge expanse of time has gone by since day one. It could be the change in seasons as i was in shorts when i first quit, and now we have snow on the ground. It could also just be the time distortion that is so prominant in those first ten days. What ever the cause may be, i am damn proud to be here 50 days in, with nothing but optimisism.
    No more fear! I will never be afraid of existing without dip. In these last 50 days i have learned that there is no activity i cant do without a dip. Yeah, i still crave one during specific moments, espcially after meals. But i understand that dip does nothing to improve any activity. In fact it's just one more variable to be constantly tended to. Fuck that, i have enough stress already.
   My wife and sister in law are very close. Katie tells her about my quit, which is fine. Yesterday, my SIL walked up and handed me a Kennedy 50cent piece. That was pretty cool and stirred some emotion from my otherwise cold, cavernous heart. This quit is for me, but its damn nice to have the support of others.

Keep Quit,
Your making your way around that corner now. Great job. A whole new world is beginning to open up for you Grizzfall. You will learn a lot about yourself as the next weeks/days pass grizzfall. I'm at 283 and still finding out new things about myself. I'm a lot different of a person without the poison. You are to. Glad to be quit with you today my friend.
Thanks for sharing, Grizzfall. I'm glad you have the support around you. You're an inspiration to me and others. Freedom...what a slave we've been to that can. I'm finding that I don't really know myself at all. On day 23. Nice to hear what it's like with 50 days.
I quit with you today.
Thanks for all of the consistent updates Grizzfall.

Really cool to see your progress from my POV (Day 3er).

Can't wait to follow in your footsteps man.

I quit with you!
And thanks for a guy only a little behind you- your posts keep giving me a glimpse of what might come next for me. Glad to quit with you.
What brother srans said X 100. We are becoming the men we were meant to be!
We were not born with the poison in our mouths.
Quitting every damn day my feet hit the floor with all the brothers at KTC!
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline brettlees

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Re: Self loathing
« Reply #78 on: November 25, 2013, 02:47:00 PM »
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Quote from: hope
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Grizzfall
Dear Digital Diary,
   Today is day 50. It seems like a huge expanse of time has gone by since day one. It could be the change in seasons as i was in shorts when i first quit, and now we have snow on the ground. It could also just be the time distortion that is so prominant in those first ten days. What ever the cause may be, i am damn proud to be here 50 days in, with nothing but optimisism.
    No more fear! I will never be afraid of existing without dip. In these last 50 days i have learned that there is no activity i cant do without a dip. Yeah, i still crave one during specific moments, espcially after meals. But i understand that dip does nothing to improve any activity. In fact it's just one more variable to be constantly tended to. Fuck that, i have enough stress already.
   My wife and sister in law are very close. Katie tells her about my quit, which is fine. Yesterday, my SIL walked up and handed me a Kennedy 50cent piece. That was pretty cool and stirred some emotion from my otherwise cold, cavernous heart. This quit is for me, but its damn nice to have the support of others.

Keep Quit,
Your making your way around that corner now. Great job. A whole new world is beginning to open up for you Grizzfall. You will learn a lot about yourself as the next weeks/days pass grizzfall. I'm at 283 and still finding out new things about myself. I'm a lot different of a person without the poison. You are to. Glad to be quit with you today my friend.
Thanks for sharing, Grizzfall. I'm glad you have the support around you. You're an inspiration to me and others. Freedom...what a slave we've been to that can. I'm finding that I don't really know myself at all. On day 23. Nice to hear what it's like with 50 days.
I quit with you today.
Thanks for all of the consistent updates Grizzfall.

Really cool to see your progress from my POV (Day 3er).

Can't wait to follow in your footsteps man.

I quit with you!
And thanks for a guy only a little behind you- your posts keep giving me a glimpse of what might come next for me. Glad to quit with you.
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline MTBkerJ

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Re: Self loathing
« Reply #77 on: November 24, 2013, 11:51:00 AM »
Quote from: hope
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Grizzfall
Dear Digital Diary,
   Today is day 50. It seems like a huge expanse of time has gone by since day one. It could be the change in seasons as i was in shorts when i first quit, and now we have snow on the ground. It could also just be the time distortion that is so prominant in those first ten days. What ever the cause may be, i am damn proud to be here 50 days in, with nothing but optimisism.
    No more fear! I will never be afraid of existing without dip. In these last 50 days i have learned that there is no activity i cant do without a dip. Yeah, i still crave one during specific moments, espcially after meals. But i understand that dip does nothing to improve any activity. In fact it's just one more variable to be constantly tended to. Fuck that, i have enough stress already.
   My wife and sister in law are very close. Katie tells her about my quit, which is fine. Yesterday, my SIL walked up and handed me a Kennedy 50cent piece. That was pretty cool and stirred some emotion from my otherwise cold, cavernous heart. This quit is for me, but its damn nice to have the support of others.

Keep Quit,
Your making your way around that corner now. Great job. A whole new world is beginning to open up for you Grizzfall. You will learn a lot about yourself as the next weeks/days pass grizzfall. I'm at 283 and still finding out new things about myself. I'm a lot different of a person without the poison. You are to. Glad to be quit with you today my friend.
Thanks for sharing, Grizzfall. I'm glad you have the support around you. You're an inspiration to me and others. Freedom...what a slave we've been to that can. I'm finding that I don't really know myself at all. On day 23. Nice to hear what it's like with 50 days.
I quit with you today.
Thanks for all of the consistent updates Grizzfall.

Really cool to see your progress from my POV (Day 3er).

Can't wait to follow in your footsteps man.

I quit with you!

Offline hope

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Re: Self loathing
« Reply #76 on: November 24, 2013, 09:55:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Grizzfall
Dear Digital Diary,
  Today is day 50. It seems like a huge expanse of time has gone by since day one. It could be the change in seasons as i was in shorts when i first quit, and now we have snow on the ground. It could also just be the time distortion that is so prominant in those first ten days. What ever the cause may be, i am damn proud to be here 50 days in, with nothing but optimisism.
    No more fear! I will never be afraid of existing without dip. In these last 50 days i have learned that there is no activity i cant do without a dip. Yeah, i still crave one during specific moments, espcially after meals. But i understand that dip does nothing to improve any activity. In fact it's just one more variable to be constantly tended to. Fuck that, i have enough stress already.
  My wife and sister in law are very close. Katie tells her about my quit, which is fine. Yesterday, my SIL walked up and handed me a Kennedy 50cent piece. That was pretty cool and stirred some emotion from my otherwise cold, cavernous heart. This quit is for me, but its damn nice to have the support of others.

Keep Quit,
Your making your way around that corner now. Great job. A whole new world is beginning to open up for you Grizzfall. You will learn a lot about yourself as the next weeks/days pass grizzfall. I'm at 283 and still finding out new things about myself. I'm a lot different of a person without the poison. You are to. Glad to be quit with you today my friend.
Thanks for sharing, Grizzfall. I'm glad you have the support around you. You're an inspiration to me and others. Freedom...what a slave we've been to that can. I'm finding that I don't really know myself at all. On day 23. Nice to hear what it's like with 50 days.
I quit with you today.