Author Topic: When shit gets rough  (Read 9450 times)

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Offline bigwhitebeast

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #72 on: July 30, 2012, 11:38:00 AM »
Quote from: Bruce
I'm once again having trouble sleeping because of nicotine. Not because of withdraws nor to my funk, but because my dad is currently sleeping at the hospital do to "shortness of breath". He couldn't walk ten feet without stopping to catch his breath. I have talk to my dad about quitting many times, his doctor told him last year if he didn't quit he'd die from a stroke/heart attack whatever...he kept smoking. I'm angry. I wanna grab nic by the neck and choke her till she's dead. I can't do that for him, I know this, but I won't give up. But today I heard my father say he has smoked his last cigarette, I'm secure enough to admit, I cried. I'm not celebrating by any means, he's currently fighting withdraws in a hospital full of medicine so he doesn't kill himself. To hear my old man say that though, words can't describe how good it felt, and at the very least, its the first step. If you're thinking about quitting, if you're 18 or 65, stop thinking, just quit. Someone out there cares as much about you as I do my father. Someone wants you to save your life as much as I do my father. Someone wants you to be there in 5 years as bad as I do my father. It's not worth it, you'll miss too much.

I'm thankful I quit when I did, and I found you guys. Today I'm quit, with my dad and it feels good to say that
My father was in the hospital having bypass surgery and said he was going to quit because he wanted to live. After not smoking for 2 months while in rehab, he got out and started smoking again.

Keep an eye on your father Bruce, make sure he keeps his promise, remind him of the promise, remind him of his grandchildren if he has some. Make sure he stays quit.

I don't think I ever mentioned it here Bruce but my father died because of tobacco, not due to cancer or heart disease, no my father died in a fire that they believe was started due to him dropping his pipe in a chair cushion. Any time my phone rings after midnight my heart races, who is it now?

I'll quit with you and your Dad today Bruce, keep him quit, as you know his life depends on it!

Offline Buddy Mac

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #71 on: July 30, 2012, 08:01:00 AM »
Quote from: Bruce
I'm once again having trouble sleeping because of nicotine. Not because of withdraws nor to my funk, but because my dad is currently sleeping at the hospital do to "shortness of breath". He couldn't walk ten feet without stopping to catch his breath. I have talk to my dad about quitting many times, his doctor told him last year if he didn't quit he'd die from a stroke/heart attack whatever...he kept smoking. I'm angry. I wanna grab nic by the neck and choke her till she's dead. I can't do that for him, I know this, but I won't give up. But today I heard my father say he has smoked his last cigarette, I'm secure enough to admit, I cried. I'm not celebrating by any means, he's currently fighting withdraws in a hospital full of medicine so he doesn't kill himself. To hear my old man say that though, words can't describe how good it felt, and at the very least, its the first step. If you're thinking about quitting, if you're 18 or 65, stop thinking, just quit. Someone out there cares as much about you as I do my father. Someone wants you to save your life as much as I do my father. Someone wants you to be there in 5 years as bad as I do my father. It's not worth it, you'll miss too much.

I'm thankful I quit when I did, and I found you guys. Today I'm quit, with my dad and it feels good to say that
I quit with you Bruce. Prayers for your family.
Buddy Mac

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #70 on: July 30, 2012, 05:17:00 AM »
Quote from: Bruce
I'm once again having trouble sleeping because of nicotine. Not because of withdraws nor to my funk, but because my dad is currently sleeping at the hospital do to "shortness of breath". He couldn't walk ten feet without stopping to catch his breath. I have talk to my dad about quitting many times, his doctor told him last year if he didn't quit he'd die from a stroke/heart attack whatever...he kept smoking. I'm angry. I wanna grab nic by the neck and choke her till she's dead. I can't do that for him, I know this, but I won't give up. But today I heard my father say he has smoked his last cigarette, I'm secure enough to admit, I cried. I'm not celebrating by any means, he's currently fighting withdraws in a hospital full of medicine so he doesn't kill himself. To hear my old man say that though, words can't describe how good it felt, and at the very least, its the first step. If you're thinking about quitting, if you're 18 or 65, stop thinking, just quit. Someone out there cares as much about you as I do my father. Someone wants you to save your life as much as I do my father. Someone wants you to be there in 5 years as bad as I do my father. It's not worth it, you'll miss too much.

I'm thankful I quit when I did, and I found you guys. Today I'm quit, with my dad and it feels good to say that
I quit with you today Bruce. Your dad is in my prayers.

Offline Bruce

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #69 on: July 30, 2012, 02:44:00 AM »
I'm once again having trouble sleeping because of nicotine. Not because of withdraws nor to my funk, but because my dad is currently sleeping at the hospital do to "shortness of breath". He couldn't walk ten feet without stopping to catch his breath. I have talk to my dad about quitting many times, his doctor told him last year if he didn't quit he'd die from a stroke/heart attack whatever...he kept smoking. I'm angry. I wanna grab nic by the neck and choke her till she's dead. I can't do that for him, I know this, but I won't give up. But today I heard my father say he has smoked his last cigarette, I'm secure enough to admit, I cried. I'm not celebrating by any means, he's currently fighting withdraws in a hospital full of medicine so he doesn't kill himself. To hear my old man say that though, words can't describe how good it felt, and at the very least, its the first step. If you're thinking about quitting, if you're 18 or 65, stop thinking, just quit. Someone out there cares as much about you as I do my father. Someone wants you to save your life as much as I do my father. Someone wants you to be there in 5 years as bad as I do my father. It's not worth it, you'll miss too much.

I'm thankful I quit when I did, and I found you guys. Today I'm quit, with my dad and it feels good to say that
Quit date: 11/21/11
HOF date: 2/28/12
Comma date: 8/16/14
It's a freedom thing

Caving is NOT an option

-"Now I can walk through walls and my quit can talk to god. That's right. Crazy voodoo magic quit" Souliman

-'Stop being a pussy and quit' Tarpon17

-"this is the gheyest place on earth, if you say it in here it might become someones signature" Bigwhitebeast

- "We Quit Like Fuck" - Coach Steve

Offline Tsmith17

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #68 on: July 07, 2012, 03:24:00 AM »
Quote from: Bruce317
Quote from: tsmith17
Bruce = Quit badass.  Even if he does love men.  ;)
Only men with beards buffalo rider
Don't you tease me.

Offline Bruce

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #67 on: July 06, 2012, 03:26:00 AM »
Quote from: tsmith17
Bruce = Quit badass. Even if he does love men. ;)
Only men with beards buffalo rider
Quit date: 11/21/11
HOF date: 2/28/12
Comma date: 8/16/14
It's a freedom thing

Caving is NOT an option

-"Now I can walk through walls and my quit can talk to god. That's right. Crazy voodoo magic quit" Souliman

-'Stop being a pussy and quit' Tarpon17

-"this is the gheyest place on earth, if you say it in here it might become someones signature" Bigwhitebeast

- "We Quit Like Fuck" - Coach Steve

Offline Tsmith17

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #66 on: July 06, 2012, 01:23:00 AM »
Bruce = Quit badass. Even if he does love men. ;)

Offline Bruce

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #65 on: July 04, 2012, 09:39:00 PM »
Quote from: CleanFuel
Quote from: tinman
Quote from: tinman
Quote from: CleanFuel
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: Bruce317
Quote from: mikegooch
Day 225

The last 2 weeks for me have been a rollercoaster ride to say the least. In the midst of a divorce, turmoil at work and of course the retreads here, all of which had me looking inward. What could I have done, what can I do, how can I be different? Answers which use to be so easy all of a sudden, I'm second guessing myself. Did I make the correct decision ect ect ect...

Well, it all comes full circle back to ktc and my quit. My quit brought me here, without KTC I would not be quit. Without KTC I wouldn't have re-discovered working out and discovering endurance running. Without ktc, I wouldn't have met some kickass people who not only take time out of their day to check on my quit, but do check on me personally. Most of these people I haven't even met. The divorce is what it is, and I'm not going back to that, work is currently being ironed out. The retreads, well they seem to be coming back a dime a dozen. Key phrase there coming back. I know when I am here, I am quit, I know that when I am here, I am bettering myself as a person. Why would anyone mess with that? They would have to be completely stupid, right? Yes, that's the simple answer.

They are, when the coin and milestone came in, the first thing I noticed was the "Botherhood, accountability and success". Always the motto here, but really, as bad as this sounds, I'm just starting to understand this. Brotherhood, men/women you've never met before willing to drop everything to help your ass out. Whether they have reached out to you or not, every person (that I have ran into so far) would do this. Accountability, well that's the easy one, exchanging numbers posting roll ect... Success. Success, is the end result we are all searching for. When have you won? I am on day 225, and I still don't feel like I've won this war. Each day is a battle and I have won 225 days in a row, but still, there is no end in sight. Success is what I feel when I am here, success is not using any nicotene today. Because of this, I am not leaving ktc, I owe this site too much. I may step back, but I will not leave. And, that, I believe is my success.

Sorry for my rambling and horrible grammEr and speelin', quit on

So did your mother in law cause the divorce?  If this is getting too personal just tell me to go away!  Did dip rage cause problems... I'm on day 23  actually my GF and I are having some serious shit.. I'm thinking it may be because of nic-rage.. truthfully what I am doing is telling the truth.. normally I sugar coat everything.. in withdrawl there is absolutely no filter!  I say exactly what I think.. which may not exactly be a good thing?  I told her the other day to her face I didn't like her parents at all!  she said she didn't either! who know?  Whatever happens you don't have to dip...    "Life is a never ending series of temporary events!".. my mentor and coach says that all the time..  See ya.. Gooch
No man, it wasn't because of my mother unlaw even though she did play a part. Couples fight and being quit 23 days, honestly, may play some part in it. You're not raging as much anymore but your "bullshit tolerance" is very low. Or you could be experiencing some sort of funk. Ultimately, if you need to left off some steam do it here, NOT to your girlfriend. That's not healthy man, if you find yourself being overly assholey, take a step back and apologize, then come here and let us know Wtf was pissing you off. I'm not using nic today, I know that bitch ain't gonna fix none of my problems. I hate the nic bitch more then my mother inlaw and bin laden combined, so I'm not coming back.
I'm on board with bruce. Don't be a dick. If you want to yell at someone come on in here and do it. I cuss up a storm with anyone that wants to.

I had a short fuse early as well. Exercise got me through that period. Helped significantly. Your mind and body will be more at ease if you've spent all the tension running or biking or hitting a heavy bag (no...not my mother-in-law). You'll sleep better and have more emotional balance if you make it part of your everyday life. Keeps things even. just coined the phrase "Bullshit Tolerance" and I dig that.....

This biggest thing I have noticed with my quit is that if I feel I am being lied to, I come unhinged.....

Also - I am always up for a good street brawl - so come rage at me before even thinking of the Bitch....and yes, I mean Nic :-)
Yeah well I'll jump in and rage with any of you mother fuckers......(sorry that felt good!! :D )....Day 24 and a day full of yard work with the Nic Bitch butting in every 20 fucking minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!

'bang head' 'bang head' 'bang head'

In a fog, think I gained an extra 15 fucking pounds to boot in the past 3 weeks.....

At least the gums arent bleeding much today...

Thanks for letting me jump in and vent!

FU NIC Bitch
Tin....15 lbs here too but better than cancer!!! So lets do an accountable biggest loser!
Yea tin, I gained fuckin 20lbs when I quit, I've just lost 10. Fuck the nic bitch
Quit date: 11/21/11
HOF date: 2/28/12
Comma date: 8/16/14
It's a freedom thing

Caving is NOT an option

-"Now I can walk through walls and my quit can talk to god. That's right. Crazy voodoo magic quit" Souliman

-'Stop being a pussy and quit' Tarpon17

-"this is the gheyest place on earth, if you say it in here it might become someones signature" Bigwhitebeast

- "We Quit Like Fuck" - Coach Steve

Offline CleanFuel

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #64 on: July 04, 2012, 08:27:00 PM »
Quote from: tinman
Quote from: tinman
Quote from: CleanFuel
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: Bruce317
Quote from: mikegooch
Day 225

The last 2 weeks for me have been a rollercoaster ride to say the least. In the midst of a divorce, turmoil at work and of course the retreads here, all of which had me looking inward. What could I have done, what can I do, how can I be different? Answers which use to be so easy all of a sudden, I'm second guessing myself. Did I make the correct decision ect ect ect...

Well, it all comes full circle back to ktc and my quit. My quit brought me here, without KTC I would not be quit. Without KTC I wouldn't have re-discovered working out and discovering endurance running. Without ktc, I wouldn't have met some kickass people who not only take time out of their day to check on my quit, but do check on me personally. Most of these people I haven't even met. The divorce is what it is, and I'm not going back to that, work is currently being ironed out. The retreads, well they seem to be coming back a dime a dozen. Key phrase there coming back. I know when I am here, I am quit, I know that when I am here, I am bettering myself as a person. Why would anyone mess with that? They would have to be completely stupid, right? Yes, that's the simple answer.

They are, when the coin and milestone came in, the first thing I noticed was the "Botherhood, accountability and success". Always the motto here, but really, as bad as this sounds, I'm just starting to understand this. Brotherhood, men/women you've never met before willing to drop everything to help your ass out. Whether they have reached out to you or not, every person (that I have ran into so far) would do this. Accountability, well that's the easy one, exchanging numbers posting roll ect... Success. Success, is the end result we are all searching for. When have you won? I am on day 225, and I still don't feel like I've won this war. Each day is a battle and I have won 225 days in a row, but still, there is no end in sight. Success is what I feel when I am here, success is not using any nicotene today. Because of this, I am not leaving ktc, I owe this site too much. I may step back, but I will not leave. And, that, I believe is my success.

Sorry for my rambling and horrible grammEr and speelin', quit on

So did your mother in law cause the divorce?  If this is getting too personal just tell me to go away!  Did dip rage cause problems... I'm on day 23  actually my GF and I are having some serious shit.. I'm thinking it may be because of nic-rage.. truthfully what I am doing is telling the truth.. normally I sugar coat everything.. in withdrawl there is absolutely no filter!  I say exactly what I think.. which may not exactly be a good thing?  I told her the other day to her face I didn't like her parents at all!  she said she didn't either! who know?  Whatever happens you don't have to dip...    "Life is a never ending series of temporary events!".. my mentor and coach says that all the time..  See ya.. Gooch
No man, it wasn't because of my mother unlaw even though she did play a part. Couples fight and being quit 23 days, honestly, may play some part in it. You're not raging as much anymore but your "bullshit tolerance" is very low. Or you could be experiencing some sort of funk. Ultimately, if you need to left off some steam do it here, NOT to your girlfriend. That's not healthy man, if you find yourself being overly assholey, take a step back and apologize, then come here and let us know Wtf was pissing you off. I'm not using nic today, I know that bitch ain't gonna fix none of my problems. I hate the nic bitch more then my mother inlaw and bin laden combined, so I'm not coming back.
I'm on board with bruce. Don't be a dick. If you want to yell at someone come on in here and do it. I cuss up a storm with anyone that wants to.

I had a short fuse early as well. Exercise got me through that period. Helped significantly. Your mind and body will be more at ease if you've spent all the tension running or biking or hitting a heavy bag (no...not my mother-in-law). You'll sleep better and have more emotional balance if you make it part of your everyday life. Keeps things even. just coined the phrase "Bullshit Tolerance" and I dig that.....

This biggest thing I have noticed with my quit is that if I feel I am being lied to, I come unhinged.....

Also - I am always up for a good street brawl - so come rage at me before even thinking of the Bitch....and yes, I mean Nic :-)
Yeah well I'll jump in and rage with any of you mother fuckers......(sorry that felt good!! :D )....Day 24 and a day full of yard work with the Nic Bitch butting in every 20 fucking minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!

'bang head' 'bang head' 'bang head'

In a fog, think I gained an extra 15 fucking pounds to boot in the past 3 weeks.....

At least the gums arent bleeding much today...

Thanks for letting me jump in and vent!

FU NIC Bitch
Tin....15 lbs here too but better than cancer!!! So lets do an accountable biggest loser!
Quit 04.02.2012 --- HOF 07.11.2012 --- 5 Years 04.02.2017

Now I am the Voice. I will LEAD, not follow. I will BELIEVE, not doubt. I will CREATE, not destroy. I am a Force for God. I am a Leader.

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Offline tinman

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #63 on: July 04, 2012, 07:19:00 PM »
Quote from: tinman
Quote from: CleanFuel
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: Bruce317
Quote from: mikegooch
Day 225

The last 2 weeks for me have been a rollercoaster ride to say the least. In the midst of a divorce, turmoil at work and of course the retreads here, all of which had me looking inward. What could I have done, what can I do, how can I be different? Answers which use to be so easy all of a sudden, I'm second guessing myself. Did I make the correct decision ect ect ect...

Well, it all comes full circle back to ktc and my quit. My quit brought me here, without KTC I would not be quit. Without KTC I wouldn't have re-discovered working out and discovering endurance running. Without ktc, I wouldn't have met some kickass people who not only take time out of their day to check on my quit, but do check on me personally. Most of these people I haven't even met. The divorce is what it is, and I'm not going back to that, work is currently being ironed out. The retreads, well they seem to be coming back a dime a dozen. Key phrase there coming back. I know when I am here, I am quit, I know that when I am here, I am bettering myself as a person. Why would anyone mess with that? They would have to be completely stupid, right? Yes, that's the simple answer.

They are, when the coin and milestone came in, the first thing I noticed was the "Botherhood, accountability and success". Always the motto here, but really, as bad as this sounds, I'm just starting to understand this. Brotherhood, men/women you've never met before willing to drop everything to help your ass out. Whether they have reached out to you or not, every person (that I have ran into so far) would do this. Accountability, well that's the easy one, exchanging numbers posting roll ect... Success. Success, is the end result we are all searching for. When have you won? I am on day 225, and I still don't feel like I've won this war. Each day is a battle and I have won 225 days in a row, but still, there is no end in sight. Success is what I feel when I am here, success is not using any nicotene today. Because of this, I am not leaving ktc, I owe this site too much. I may step back, but I will not leave. And, that, I believe is my success.

Sorry for my rambling and horrible grammEr and speelin', quit on

So did your mother in law cause the divorce?  If this is getting too personal just tell me to go away!  Did dip rage cause problems... I'm on day 23  actually my GF and I are having some serious shit.. I'm thinking it may be because of nic-rage.. truthfully what I am doing is telling the truth.. normally I sugar coat everything.. in withdrawl there is absolutely no filter!  I say exactly what I think.. which may not exactly be a good thing?  I told her the other day to her face I didn't like her parents at all!  she said she didn't either! who know?  Whatever happens you don't have to dip...    "Life is a never ending series of temporary events!".. my mentor and coach says that all the time..  See ya.. Gooch
No man, it wasn't because of my mother unlaw even though she did play a part. Couples fight and being quit 23 days, honestly, may play some part in it. You're not raging as much anymore but your "bullshit tolerance" is very low. Or you could be experiencing some sort of funk. Ultimately, if you need to left off some steam do it here, NOT to your girlfriend. That's not healthy man, if you find yourself being overly assholey, take a step back and apologize, then come here and let us know Wtf was pissing you off. I'm not using nic today, I know that bitch ain't gonna fix none of my problems. I hate the nic bitch more then my mother inlaw and bin laden combined, so I'm not coming back.
I'm on board with bruce. Don't be a dick. If you want to yell at someone come on in here and do it. I cuss up a storm with anyone that wants to.

I had a short fuse early as well. Exercise got me through that period. Helped significantly. Your mind and body will be more at ease if you've spent all the tension running or biking or hitting a heavy bag (no...not my mother-in-law). You'll sleep better and have more emotional balance if you make it part of your everyday life. Keeps things even. just coined the phrase "Bullshit Tolerance" and I dig that.....

This biggest thing I have noticed with my quit is that if I feel I am being lied to, I come unhinged.....

Also - I am always up for a good street brawl - so come rage at me before even thinking of the Bitch....and yes, I mean Nic :-)
Yeah well I'll jump in and rage with any of you mother fuckers......(sorry that felt good!! :D )....Day 24 and a day full of yard work with the Nic Bitch butting in every 20 fucking minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!

'bang head' 'bang head' 'bang head'

In a fog, think I gained an extra 15 fucking pounds to boot in the past 3 weeks.....

At least the gums arent bleeding much today...

Thanks for letting me jump in and vent!

FU NIC Bitch

Offline tinman

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #62 on: July 04, 2012, 07:18:00 PM »
Quote from: CleanFuel
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: Bruce317
Quote from: mikegooch
Day 225

The last 2 weeks for me have been a rollercoaster ride to say the least. In the midst of a divorce, turmoil at work and of course the retreads here, all of which had me looking inward. What could I have done, what can I do, how can I be different? Answers which use to be so easy all of a sudden, I'm second guessing myself. Did I make the correct decision ect ect ect...

Well, it all comes full circle back to ktc and my quit. My quit brought me here, without KTC I would not be quit. Without KTC I wouldn't have re-discovered working out and discovering endurance running. Without ktc, I wouldn't have met some kickass people who not only take time out of their day to check on my quit, but do check on me personally. Most of these people I haven't even met. The divorce is what it is, and I'm not going back to that, work is currently being ironed out. The retreads, well they seem to be coming back a dime a dozen. Key phrase there coming back. I know when I am here, I am quit, I know that when I am here, I am bettering myself as a person. Why would anyone mess with that? They would have to be completely stupid, right? Yes, that's the simple answer.

They are, when the coin and milestone came in, the first thing I noticed was the "Botherhood, accountability and success". Always the motto here, but really, as bad as this sounds, I'm just starting to understand this. Brotherhood, men/women you've never met before willing to drop everything to help your ass out. Whether they have reached out to you or not, every person (that I have ran into so far) would do this. Accountability, well that's the easy one, exchanging numbers posting roll ect... Success. Success, is the end result we are all searching for. When have you won? I am on day 225, and I still don't feel like I've won this war. Each day is a battle and I have won 225 days in a row, but still, there is no end in sight. Success is what I feel when I am here, success is not using any nicotene today. Because of this, I am not leaving ktc, I owe this site too much. I may step back, but I will not leave. And, that, I believe is my success.

Sorry for my rambling and horrible grammEr and speelin', quit on

So did your mother in law cause the divorce?  If this is getting too personal just tell me to go away!  Did dip rage cause problems... I'm on day 23  actually my GF and I are having some serious shit.. I'm thinking it may be because of nic-rage.. truthfully what I am doing is telling the truth.. normally I sugar coat everything.. in withdrawl there is absolutely no filter!  I say exactly what I think.. which may not exactly be a good thing?  I told her the other day to her face I didn't like her parents at all!  she said she didn't either! who know?  Whatever happens you don't have to dip...    "Life is a never ending series of temporary events!".. my mentor and coach says that all the time..  See ya.. Gooch
No man, it wasn't because of my mother unlaw even though she did play a part. Couples fight and being quit 23 days, honestly, may play some part in it. You're not raging as much anymore but your "bullshit tolerance" is very low. Or you could be experiencing some sort of funk. Ultimately, if you need to left off some steam do it here, NOT to your girlfriend. That's not healthy man, if you find yourself being overly assholey, take a step back and apologize, then come here and let us know Wtf was pissing you off. I'm not using nic today, I know that bitch ain't gonna fix none of my problems. I hate the nic bitch more then my mother inlaw and bin laden combined, so I'm not coming back.
I'm on board with bruce. Don't be a dick. If you want to yell at someone come on in here and do it. I cuss up a storm with anyone that wants to.

I had a short fuse early as well. Exercise got me through that period. Helped significantly. Your mind and body will be more at ease if you've spent all the tension running or biking or hitting a heavy bag (no...not my mother-in-law). You'll sleep better and have more emotional balance if you make it part of your everyday life. Keeps things even. just coined the phrase "Bullshit Tolerance" and I dig that.....

This biggest thing I have noticed with my quit is that if I feel I am being lied to, I come unhinged.....

Also - I am always up for a good street brawl - so come rage at me before even thinking of the Bitch....and yes, I mean Nic :-)
Yeah well I'll jump in and rage with any of you mother fuckers......(sorry that felt good!! :D )....Day 24 and a day full of yard work with the Nic Bitch butting in every 20 fucking minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!

'bang head' 'bang head' 'bang head'

In a fog, think I gained an extra 15 fucking pounds to boot in the past 3 weeks.....

At least the gums arent bleeding much today...

Thanks for letting me jump in and vent!

FU NIC Bitch

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #61 on: July 04, 2012, 06:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: Bruce317
Quote from: mikegooch
Day 225

The last 2 weeks for me have been a rollercoaster ride to say the least. In the midst of a divorce, turmoil at work and of course the retreads here, all of which had me looking inward. What could I have done, what can I do, how can I be different? Answers which use to be so easy all of a sudden, I'm second guessing myself. Did I make the correct decision ect ect ect...

Well, it all comes full circle back to ktc and my quit. My quit brought me here, without KTC I would not be quit. Without KTC I wouldn't have re-discovered working out and discovering endurance running. Without ktc, I wouldn't have met some kickass people who not only take time out of their day to check on my quit, but do check on me personally. Most of these people I haven't even met. The divorce is what it is, and I'm not going back to that, work is currently being ironed out. The retreads, well they seem to be coming back a dime a dozen. Key phrase there coming back. I know when I am here, I am quit, I know that when I am here, I am bettering myself as a person. Why would anyone mess with that? They would have to be completely stupid, right? Yes, that's the simple answer.

They are, when the coin and milestone came in, the first thing I noticed was the "Botherhood, accountability and success". Always the motto here, but really, as bad as this sounds, I'm just starting to understand this. Brotherhood, men/women you've never met before willing to drop everything to help your ass out. Whether they have reached out to you or not, every person (that I have ran into so far) would do this. Accountability, well that's the easy one, exchanging numbers posting roll ect... Success. Success, is the end result we are all searching for. When have you won? I am on day 225, and I still don't feel like I've won this war. Each day is a battle and I have won 225 days in a row, but still, there is no end in sight. Success is what I feel when I am here, success is not using any nicotene today. Because of this, I am not leaving ktc, I owe this site too much. I may step back, but I will not leave. And, that, I believe is my success.

Sorry for my rambling and horrible grammEr and speelin', quit on

So did your mother in law cause the divorce?  If this is getting too personal just tell me to go away!  Did dip rage cause problems... I'm on day 23  actually my GF and I are having some serious shit.. I'm thinking it may be because of nic-rage.. truthfully what I am doing is telling the truth.. normally I sugar coat everything.. in withdrawl there is absolutely no filter!  I say exactly what I think.. which may not exactly be a good thing?  I told her the other day to her face I didn't like her parents at all!  she said she didn't either! who know?  Whatever happens you don't have to dip...    "Life is a never ending series of temporary events!".. my mentor and coach says that all the time..  See ya.. Gooch
No man, it wasn't because of my mother unlaw even though she did play a part. Couples fight and being quit 23 days, honestly, may play some part in it. You're not raging as much anymore but your "bullshit tolerance" is very low. Or you could be experiencing some sort of funk. Ultimately, if you need to left off some steam do it here, NOT to your girlfriend. That's not healthy man, if you find yourself being overly assholey, take a step back and apologize, then come here and let us know Wtf was pissing you off. I'm not using nic today, I know that bitch ain't gonna fix none of my problems. I hate the nic bitch more then my mother inlaw and bin laden combined, so I'm not coming back.
I'm on board with bruce. Don't be a dick. If you want to yell at someone come on in here and do it. I cuss up a storm with anyone that wants to.

I had a short fuse early as well. Exercise got me through that period. Helped significantly. Your mind and body will be more at ease if you've spent all the tension running or biking or hitting a heavy bag (no...not my mother-in-law). You'll sleep better and have more emotional balance if you make it part of your everyday life. Keeps things even. just coined the phrase "Bullshit Tolerance" and I dig that.....

This biggest thing I have noticed with my quit is that if I feel I am being lied to, I come unhinged.....

Also - I am always up for a good street brawl - so come rage at me before even thinking of the Bitch....and yes, I mean Nic :-)
Quit 04.02.2012 --- HOF 07.11.2012 --- 5 Years 04.02.2017

Now I am the Voice. I will LEAD, not follow. I will BELIEVE, not doubt. I will CREATE, not destroy. I am a Force for God. I am a Leader.

Defy the odds. Set a new standard. STEP UP!

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #60 on: July 04, 2012, 09:28:00 AM »
Quote from: Bruce317
Quote from: mikegooch
Day 225

The last 2 weeks for me have been a rollercoaster ride to say the least. In the midst of a divorce, turmoil at work and of course the retreads here, all of which had me looking inward. What could I have done, what can I do, how can I be different? Answers which use to be so easy all of a sudden, I'm second guessing myself. Did I make the correct decision ect ect ect...

Well, it all comes full circle back to ktc and my quit. My quit brought me here, without KTC I would not be quit. Without KTC I wouldn't have re-discovered working out and discovering endurance running. Without ktc, I wouldn't have met some kickass people who not only take time out of their day to check on my quit, but do check on me personally. Most of these people I haven't even met. The divorce is what it is, and I'm not going back to that, work is currently being ironed out. The retreads, well they seem to be coming back a dime a dozen. Key phrase there coming back. I know when I am here, I am quit, I know that when I am here, I am bettering myself as a person. Why would anyone mess with that? They would have to be completely stupid, right? Yes, that's the simple answer.

They are, when the coin and milestone came in, the first thing I noticed was the "Botherhood, accountability and success". Always the motto here, but really, as bad as this sounds, I'm just starting to understand this. Brotherhood, men/women you've never met before willing to drop everything to help your ass out. Whether they have reached out to you or not, every person (that I have ran into so far) would do this. Accountability, well that's the easy one, exchanging numbers posting roll ect... Success. Success, is the end result we are all searching for. When have you won? I am on day 225, and I still don't feel like I've won this war. Each day is a battle and I have won 225 days in a row, but still, there is no end in sight. Success is what I feel when I am here, success is not using any nicotene today. Because of this, I am not leaving ktc, I owe this site too much. I may step back, but I will not leave. And, that, I believe is my success.

Sorry for my rambling and horrible grammEr and speelin', quit on

So did your mother in law cause the divorce?  If this is getting too personal just tell me to go away!  Did dip rage cause problems... I'm on day 23  actually my GF and I are having some serious shit.. I'm thinking it may be because of nic-rage.. truthfully what I am doing is telling the truth.. normally I sugar coat everything.. in withdrawl there is absolutely no filter!  I say exactly what I think.. which may not exactly be a good thing?  I told her the other day to her face I didn't like her parents at all!  she said she didn't either! who know?  Whatever happens you don't have to dip...    "Life is a never ending series of temporary events!".. my mentor and coach says that all the time..  See ya.. Gooch
No man, it wasn't because of my mother unlaw even though she did play a part. Couples fight and being quit 23 days, honestly, may play some part in it. You're not raging as much anymore but your "bullshit tolerance" is very low. Or you could be experiencing some sort of funk. Ultimately, if you need to left off some steam do it here, NOT to your girlfriend. That's not healthy man, if you find yourself being overly assholey, take a step back and apologize, then come here and let us know Wtf was pissing you off. I'm not using nic today, I know that bitch ain't gonna fix none of my problems. I hate the nic bitch more then my mother inlaw and bin laden combined, so I'm not coming back.
I'm on board with bruce. Don't be a dick. If you want to yell at someone come on in here and do it. I cuss up a storm with anyone that wants to.

I had a short fuse early as well. Exercise got me through that period. Helped significantly. Your mind and body will be more at ease if you've spent all the tension running or biking or hitting a heavy bag (no...not my mother-in-law). You'll sleep better and have more emotional balance if you make it part of your everyday life. Keeps things even.

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #59 on: July 03, 2012, 11:46:00 PM »
Quote from: mikegooch
Day 225

The last 2 weeks for me have been a rollercoaster ride to say the least. In the midst of a divorce, turmoil at work and of course the retreads here, all of which had me looking inward. What could I have done, what can I do, how can I be different? Answers which use to be so easy all of a sudden, I'm second guessing myself. Did I make the correct decision ect ect ect...

Well, it all comes full circle back to ktc and my quit. My quit brought me here, without KTC I would not be quit. Without KTC I wouldn't have re-discovered working out and discovering endurance running. Without ktc, I wouldn't have met some kickass people who not only take time out of their day to check on my quit, but do check on me personally. Most of these people I haven't even met. The divorce is what it is, and I'm not going back to that, work is currently being ironed out. The retreads, well they seem to be coming back a dime a dozen. Key phrase there coming back. I know when I am here, I am quit, I know that when I am here, I am bettering myself as a person. Why would anyone mess with that? They would have to be completely stupid, right? Yes, that's the simple answer.

They are, when the coin and milestone came in, the first thing I noticed was the "Botherhood, accountability and success". Always the motto here, but really, as bad as this sounds, I'm just starting to understand this. Brotherhood, men/women you've never met before willing to drop everything to help your ass out. Whether they have reached out to you or not, every person (that I have ran into so far) would do this. Accountability, well that's the easy one, exchanging numbers posting roll ect... Success. Success, is the end result we are all searching for. When have you won? I am on day 225, and I still don't feel like I've won this war. Each day is a battle and I have won 225 days in a row, but still, there is no end in sight. Success is what I feel when I am here, success is not using any nicotene today. Because of this, I am not leaving ktc, I owe this site too much. I may step back, but I will not leave. And, that, I believe is my success.

Sorry for my rambling and horrible grammEr and speelin', quit on

So did your mother in law cause the divorce? If this is getting too personal just tell me to go away! Did dip rage cause problems... I'm on day 23  actually my GF and I are having some serious shit.. I'm thinking it may be because of nic-rage.. truthfully what I am doing is telling the truth.. normally I sugar coat everything.. in withdrawl there is absolutely no filter! I say exactly what I think.. which may not exactly be a good thing? I told her the other day to her face I didn't like her parents at all! she said she didn't either! who know? Whatever happens you don't have to dip... "Life is a never ending series of temporary events!".. my mentor and coach says that all the time.. See ya.. Gooch
No man, it wasn't because of my mother unlaw even though she did play a part. Couples fight and being quit 23 days, honestly, may play some part in it. You're not raging as much anymore but your "bullshit tolerance" is very low. Or you could be experiencing some sort of funk. Ultimately, if you need to left off some steam do it here, NOT to your girlfriend. That's not healthy man, if you find yourself being overly assholey, take a step back and apologize, then come here and let us know Wtf was pissing you off. I'm not using nic today, I know that bitch ain't gonna fix none of my problems. I hate the nic bitch more then my mother inlaw and bin laden combined, so I'm not coming back.
Quit date: 11/21/11
HOF date: 2/28/12
Comma date: 8/16/14
It's a freedom thing

Caving is NOT an option

-"Now I can walk through walls and my quit can talk to god. That's right. Crazy voodoo magic quit" Souliman

-'Stop being a pussy and quit' Tarpon17

-"this is the gheyest place on earth, if you say it in here it might become someones signature" Bigwhitebeast

- "We Quit Like Fuck" - Coach Steve

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Re: When shit gets rough
« Reply #58 on: July 03, 2012, 11:14:00 PM »
[/QUOTE]Day 225

The last 2 weeks for me have been a rollercoaster ride to say the least. In the midst of a divorce, turmoil at work and of course the retreads here, all of which had me looking inward. What could I have done, what can I do, how can I be different? Answers which use to be so easy all of a sudden, I'm second guessing myself. Did I make the correct decision ect ect ect...

Well, it all comes full circle back to ktc and my quit. My quit brought me here, without KTC I would not be quit. Without KTC I wouldn't have re-discovered working out and discovering endurance running. Without ktc, I wouldn't have met some kickass people who not only take time out of their day to check on my quit, but do check on me personally. Most of these people I haven't even met. The divorce is what it is, and I'm not going back to that, work is currently being ironed out. The retreads, well they seem to be coming back a dime a dozen. Key phrase there coming back. I know when I am here, I am quit, I know that when I am here, I am bettering myself as a person. Why would anyone mess with that? They would have to be completely stupid, right? Yes, that's the simple answer.

They are, when the coin and milestone came in, the first thing I noticed was the "Botherhood, accountability and success". Always the motto here, but really, as bad as this sounds, I'm just starting to understand this. Brotherhood, men/women you've never met before willing to drop everything to help your ass out. Whether they have reached out to you or not, every person (that I have ran into so far) would do this. Accountability, well that's the easy one, exchanging numbers posting roll ect... Success. Success, is the end result we are all searching for. When have you won? I am on day 225, and I still don't feel like I've won this war. Each day is a battle and I have won 225 days in a row, but still, there is no end in sight. Success is what I feel when I am here, success is not using any nicotene today. Because of this, I am not leaving ktc, I owe this site too much. I may step back, but I will not leave. And, that, I believe is my success.

Sorry for my rambling and horrible grammEr and speelin', quit on

So did your mother in law cause the divorce? If this is getting too personal just tell me to go away! Did dip rage cause problems... I'm on day 23  actually my GF and I are having some serious shit.. I'm thinking it may be because of nic-rage.. truthfully what I am doing is telling the truth.. normally I sugar coat everything.. in withdrawl there is absolutely no filter! I say exactly what I think.. which may not exactly be a good thing? I told her the other day to her face I didn't like her parents at all! she said she didn't either! who know? Whatever happens you don't have to dip... "Life is a never ending series of temporary events!".. my mentor and coach says that all the time.. See ya.. Gooch