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Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #180 on: September 20, 2014, 12:25:00 AM »
You are only truly tested when the shit hits the fan. Anybody can quit and stay quit when life is easy.

Life isn't always going to be easy and if you want to cave there are always excuses- they are easy to find. That's the addiction speaking.

Conversely, no matter what is happening in your life, good or bad, if you want to quit and stay quit there are always good reasons and they are easy to find.

Quit with you all.

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #179 on: September 19, 2014, 01:16:00 PM »
All I know is that bad days are gonna happen, and if I caved I just shat on 169 days, my family, myself, and the KTC. Not gonna happen today.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline Tuco

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #178 on: September 19, 2014, 12:25:00 PM »
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 74: 10 and half weeks in and the nic bitch just won't let go.

Work has been busy, life, kids, etc.- it's all been a whirlwind lately with school, sports and everything else getting into full swing. Can't seem to catch up or during the times that it finally slows down I can't find the motivation to hit it and just get the stuff done.

I'm in a mid 70s funk- which means nic the bitch comes around trying to convince me that with one big ol' pinch I can power through all this stuff and then just quit again. THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Caving or believing that a pinch of poison is actually going to give me some magical powers to work through this shit.

I keep telling her to get bent, fuck off, eat a fat donkey dick but she's persistent. I really think it's my brain is telling me that I'm not giving it the dopamine it's used to. I just feel a little off, a little complacent in everything- it's almost like reverting back to when I dipped and I hadn't had one in awhile- I couldn't concentrate on anything for very long except getting that next fix. Now I think I'm searching for something but I'm not finding it. I feel like I'm missing something- there's an every present small emptiness that pops up here and there and hangs on- that's when the craves hit. Fuck is it ever frustrating. I don't expect less, I used that shit as a crutch for a long time- it isn't going to change overnight.

1 problem + nicotine - 2 problems.
Posted roll- I made my promise so I'll get through this funk
ODAAT- get through today, worry about tomorrow tomorrow
NAFAR- there are no good reasons to put that poison in my mouth again, shit will get done once I pull my head out of my ass and stop procrastinating. I can catch up without putting cancer causes chemicals in my mouth.

I knew a girl once, years ago, that I met shortly after I moved to Boston. She was cool, kind of edgy, and quite hot. We initially bonded over music and a mutual disdain for our exes. While we were close, we were never officially "together" - at least in my mind. The fact that most of my friends didn't really seem to care for her stuck out to me. Then it was other things like the fact that she was always drinking, would sometimes go into these crazed fits of raging/crying, and seemed to really crave attention from other men. Sounds like a dream, right? Yeah, well, I did what most idiots do. I rationalized how fun and hot and awesome she was when we were together, and tried to ignore all of the other stuff like the drunken mid-day phone calls at work, pleading with me to go to her apartment. Or the random dude that would be there when I showed up.

Ok, I lied. I couldn't ignore that last one. I broke off whatever it was we had, and vowed never to come back to the well. As the days and weeks went by, she kept calling and showing up. A lot at first, then the calls/drop-ins started to get more and more infrequent until they eventually stopped. I had reached a point several months later where in my mind I had completely moved on. Then I bumped into her on the street one day. She seemed genuinely happy, funny, and sane. Meanwhile, I was stuck in a major rut. I hated my job, was constantly broke, and felt major homesickness. When she asked what I was doing later, of course I jumped at the chance to hang out. After we made plans for one weekend night, I was excited initially and then all of the negative shit came flooding back a few hours later. My rutted mind wanted to try and ignore the past and rationalize that she had "changed". My gut was telling me to back away, but my mind didn't want to listen. I finally made a deal with myself that I would call her to cancel our date as a test. If she was cool about it, we'd reschedule and move ahead. If she was even slightly manic, then there was my answer and my gut was right all along. I'll let you guess which door she went with...

Anyway, what's the point to that whole story? I don't know exactly. I do know that I had a penchant for attracting batshit crazy chicks for a good 4-5 year stretch in my early twenties.

I also know that your last post kind of reminds me of her. She was just like the nic bitch. She had her fucking claws in me, made me feel great and awesome, until she didn't. She was still there, months after I kicked her ass to the curb, waiting to lure me in by tempting me with memories of all the "fun" we had together. I was at such a low point otherwise, I very nearly gave in.

I'm glad I didn't and I'm glad you didn't.

Offline Sir Nopenhagen

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #177 on: September 18, 2014, 07:06:00 PM »
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 74: 10 and half weeks in and the nic bitch just won't let go.

Work has been busy, life, kids, etc.- it's all been a whirlwind lately with school, sports and everything else getting into full swing. Can't seem to catch up or during the times that it finally slows down I can't find the motivation to hit it and just get the stuff done.

I'm in a mid 70s funk- which means nic the bitch comes around trying to convince me that with one big ol' pinch I can power through all this stuff and then just quit again. THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Caving or believing that a pinch of poison is actually going to give me some magical powers to work through this shit.

I keep telling her to get bent, fuck off, eat a fat donkey dick but she's persistent. I really think it's my brain is telling me that I'm not giving it the dopamine it's used to. I just feel a little off, a little complacent in everything- it's almost like reverting back to when I dipped and I hadn't had one in awhile- I couldn't concentrate on anything for very long except getting that next fix. Now I think I'm searching for something but I'm not finding it. I feel like I'm missing something- there's an every present small emptiness that pops up here and there and hangs on- that's when the craves hit. Fuck is it ever frustrating. I don't expect less, I used that shit as a crutch for a long time- it isn't going to change overnight.

1 problem + nicotine - 2 problems.
Posted roll- I made my promise so I'll get through this funk
ODAAT- get through today, worry about tomorrow tomorrow
NAFAR- there are no good reasons to put that poison in my mouth again, shit will get done once I pull my head out of my ass and stop procrastinating. I can catch up without putting cancer causes chemicals in my mouth.


I know the feeling of all the shit hitting at once. I am only 11 days into my quit but like you life has taken somewhat a backseat to my quit. I was thinking about that yesterday and I thought fuck this, the nic bitch can't win. I get through this fog and slow down LIFE picks back up. This quit is get my life back. My wife and kids have been good about keeping me quit. One of them asks every morning if I have posted roll yet. Thank you for keeping this intro as a journal it really helps me see what I have coming. I know not all quits are the same but its nice to see guys get it and keep it up. Thanks

Sir Nope

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #176 on: September 18, 2014, 04:13:00 PM »
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 74: 10 and half weeks in and the nic bitch just won't let go.

Work has been busy, life, kids, etc.- it's all been a whirlwind lately with school, sports and everything else getting into full swing. Can't seem to catch up or during the times that it finally slows down I can't find the motivation to 'hit it' and just get the stuff done.

I'm in a mid 70s funk- which means nic the bitch comes around trying to convince me that with one big ol' pinch I can power through all this stuff and then just quit again. THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Caving or believing that a pinch of poison is actually going to give me some magical powers to work through this shit.

I keep telling her to get bent, fuck off, eat a fat donkey dick but she's persistent. I really think it's my brain is telling me that I'm not giving it the dopamine it's used to. I just feel a little off, a little complacent in everything- it's almost like reverting back to when I dipped and I hadn't had one in awhile- I couldn't concentrate on anything for very long except getting that next fix. Now I think I'm searching for something but I'm not finding it. I feel like I'm missing something- there's an every present small emptiness that pops up here and there and hangs on- that's when the craves hit. Fuck is it ever frustrating. I don't expect less, I used that shit as a crutch for a long time- it isn't going to change overnight.

1 problem + nicotine - 2 problems.
Posted roll- I made my promise so I'll get through this funk
ODAAT- get through today, worry about tomorrow tomorrow
NAFAR- there are no good reasons to put that poison in my mouth again, shit will get done once I pull my head out of my ass and stop procrastinating. I can catch up without putting cancer causes chemicals in my mouth.


RAGE ON brother....let it ALL out....God knows I was there for a LOOOOONG time between 50 and 100. Sometimes I still don't think I'm out of the woods. But I can say the good days are beginning to outweigh the bad ones.

Quit on....whatever you need to do to stay that way each and every day. I know you know that, just wanted you to know you have a shit-ton of folks pulling for you.

Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #175 on: September 18, 2014, 04:07:00 PM »
Day 74: 10 and half weeks in and the nic bitch just won't let go.

Work has been busy, life, kids, etc.- it's all been a whirlwind lately with school, sports and everything else getting into full swing. Can't seem to catch up or during the times that it finally slows down I can't find the motivation to hit it and just get the stuff done.

I'm in a mid 70s funk- which means nic the bitch comes around trying to convince me that with one big ol' pinch I can power through all this stuff and then just quit again. THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Caving or believing that a pinch of poison is actually going to give me some magical powers to work through this shit.

I keep telling her to get bent, fuck off, eat a fat donkey dick but she's persistent. I really think it's my brain is telling me that I'm not giving it the dopamine it's used to. I just feel a little off, a little complacent in everything- it's almost like reverting back to when I dipped and I hadn't had one in awhile- I couldn't concentrate on anything for very long except getting that next fix. Now I think I'm searching for something but I'm not finding it. I feel like I'm missing something- there's an every present small emptiness that pops up here and there and hangs on- that's when the craves hit. Fuck is it ever frustrating. I don't expect less, I used that shit as a crutch for a long time- it isn't going to change overnight.

1 problem + nicotine - 2 problems.
Posted roll- I made my promise so I'll get through this funk
ODAAT- get through today, worry about tomorrow tomorrow
NAFAR- there are no good reasons to put that poison in my mouth again, shit will get done once I pull my head out of my ass and stop procrastinating. I can catch up without putting cancer causes chemicals in my mouth.


Offline Derk40

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #174 on: September 14, 2014, 09:16:00 AM »
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 65:

Things are going good- I'm quit and my mouth is healing. Still reading a ton of stuff on KTC. Still getting craves here and there but knowing how to deal with the craves- having a plan is key. I burned the boats so I have to deal with the craves. It's part of the deal after abusing my body and mind with that poison for so long.

The wife knows I'm quit, she asks about once a week what day I'm on, which I think is pretty cool. I'm starting to earn that trust back and it feels good. It's really starting to settle in with her that I'm QUIT. She told me the other day, "That web-site you are on and that app where you chat with your quit buddies and that contract you carry in your wallet (sic)- I have no doubt that all of that is what is making this time work." I told her I'm doing what needs to be done to stay quit because I want to be quit- because I don't ever want to put that shit in my mouth again.

There's a process that has helped so many people quit here- I'm applying that process EDD and soaking up all the great advice that's available. Really appreciate everyone that takes the time to share their stories, advice, trials and victories. You have to own your quit but the process and the people make my quit better and for that I'm thankful.

Quit on fuckers. I quit with y'all today and when I wake up tomorrow I'm going to happily post roll and quit with y'all again.
QLF EDD w/ you, bro.
NAFAR...see you tomorrow.
This is great stuff. Keep at it brother!
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Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #173 on: September 14, 2014, 06:40:00 AM »
Quote from: CBird65
ATTENTION KTC QUITTERS... you want this cat in your call list, quit defense or whatever else you call it!

Damn glad to meet up with you and keep owning it !!
Appreciate that CBird! Great meeting up for lunch this past Friday. Keep up the great work of helping others! Keep quitting strong

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #172 on: September 12, 2014, 06:42:00 PM »
ATTENTION KTC QUITTERS... you want this cat in your call list, quit defense or whatever else you call it!

Damn glad to meet up with you and keep owning it !!
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Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #171 on: September 12, 2014, 09:56:00 AM »
Quote from: rdad
Whats up ForMeByMe!
The support of my wife has been huge for me too. Just the occasional "good Job" or "what day are you on ?" or "it's nice being able to kiss you whenever I want without having to wonder if there is a huge wad of shit in your lip" goes along way. The support we get here is made stronger by the in your face support we get from family and true friends. I have a estimator that sits in the same room with me and I would get a fistful of knuckles if he ever saw me dipping at my desk again!
You got with the program early on and are continuing to get stronger all the time. I am really enjoying following your journey! Peace, Out!
LOL. I work from home so I don't have anyone to give me a fistful of knuckles! Guess I'd have to pull a Fight Club and beat the shit out of myself- which I would do if I ever stuck that shit in my mouth again.

Got a big whiff of chew last night at softball right after we lost by a run. It gave me a quick but fleeting crave. I wasn't even thinking about it 10 steps later. I didn't even remember thinking about it until I was writing this. It feels awesome to.

Ya'll keep up the strong quit because I know it's helping my quit. Appreciate you fellas.

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #170 on: September 12, 2014, 09:07:00 AM »
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 65:

Things are going good- I'm quit and my mouth is healing. Still reading a ton of stuff on KTC. Still getting craves here and there but knowing how to deal with the craves- having a plan is key. I burned the boats so I have to deal with the craves. It's part of the deal after abusing my body and mind with that poison for so long.

The wife knows I'm quit, she asks about once a week what day I'm on, which I think is pretty cool. I'm starting to earn that trust back and it feels good. It's really starting to settle in with her that I'm QUIT. She told me the other day, "That web-site you are on and that app where you chat with your quit buddies and that contract you carry in your wallet (sic)- I have no doubt that all of that is what is making this time work." I told her I'm doing what needs to be done to stay quit because I want to be quit- because I don't ever want to put that shit in my mouth again.

There's a process that has helped so many people quit here- I'm applying that process EDD and soaking up all the great advice that's available. Really appreciate everyone that takes the time to share their stories, advice, trials and victories. You have to own your quit but the process and the people make my quit better and for that I'm thankful.

Quit on fuckers. I quit with y'all today and when I wake up tomorrow I'm going to happily post roll and quit with y'all again.
QLF EDD w/ you, bro.
NAFAR...see you tomorrow.
Brave men are honored, rich men are envied, powerful men are feared, but only a man with character is trusted
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Re: Quitting
« Reply #169 on: September 10, 2014, 02:34:00 PM »
Whats up ForMeByMe!
The support of my wife has been huge for me too. Just the occasional "good Job" or "what day are you on ?" or "it's nice being able to kiss you whenever I want without having to wonder if there is a huge wad of shit in your lip" goes along way. The support we get here is made stronger by the in your face support we get from family and true friends. I have a estimator that sits in the same room with me and I would get a fistful of knuckles if he ever saw me dipping at my desk again!
You got with the program early on and are continuing to get stronger all the time. I am really enjoying following your journey! Peace, Out!

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #168 on: September 10, 2014, 02:28:00 PM »
Nice work bud, you have been a staple in my quit and will continue to be. Quit with you today!

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #167 on: September 10, 2014, 12:12:00 AM »
Glad to hear the mouth is healing and the trust is returning. Full tilt quit. I am quit with you.

Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #166 on: September 09, 2014, 11:44:00 PM »
Day 65:

Things are going good- I'm quit and my mouth is healing. Still reading a ton of stuff on KTC. Still getting craves here and there but knowing how to deal with the craves- having a plan is key. I burned the boats so I have to deal with the craves. It's part of the deal after abusing my body and mind with that poison for so long.

The wife knows I'm quit, she asks about once a week what day I'm on, which I think is pretty cool. I'm starting to earn that trust back and it feels good. It's really starting to settle in with her that I'm QUIT. She told me the other day, "That web-site you are on and that app where you chat with your quit buddies and that contract you carry in your wallet (sic)- I have no doubt that all of that is what is making this time work." I told her I'm doing what needs to be done to stay quit because I want to be quit- because I don't ever want to put that shit in my mouth again.

There's a process that has helped so many people quit here- I'm applying that process EDD and soaking up all the great advice that's available. Really appreciate everyone that takes the time to share their stories, advice, trials and victories. You have to own your quit but the process and the people make my quit better and for that I'm thankful.

Quit on fuckers. I quit with y'all today and when I wake up tomorrow I'm going to happily post roll and quit with y'all again.