Author Topic: Quitting  (Read 10779 times)

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Offline sixercountry

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #90 on: July 23, 2014, 06:16:00 PM »
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 17: Reminder to self how fucked up this addiction shit really is.

"Fuck it. I'm just going to grab a monster dip on the way home"

This was a subconscious response to a frustrating personal situation today. I was actually mapping out in my mind where I was going to buy a can of cancer. I was having a day dream about a death dip. I quickly snapped out of it, told the nic bitch to eat a big fat donkey dick and I got on in dealing with the situation like a normal person instead of using the situation as an excuse to feed my addiction.

It was pretty disappointing that I had that thought. I'm sure it won't be the last time.

Problem + nicotine = 2 problems. THAT IS JUST SO TRUE.
great post bro.....great job winning the fight too. proud of you man.

Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #89 on: July 23, 2014, 06:12:00 PM »
Day 17: Reminder to self how fucked up this addiction shit really is.

"Fuck it. I'm just going to grab a monster dip on the way home"

This was a subconscious response to a frustrating personal situation today. I was actually mapping out in my mind where I was going to buy a can of cancer. I was having a day dream about a death dip. I quickly snapped out of it, told the nic bitch to eat a big fat donkey dick and I got on in dealing with the situation like a normal person instead of using the situation as an excuse to feed my addiction.

It was pretty disappointing that I had that thought. I'm sure it won't be the last time.

Problem + nicotine = 2 problems. THAT IS JUST SO TRUE.

Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #88 on: July 23, 2014, 12:30:00 AM »
Closing out Day 16.

It feels really fucking good to be QUIT. Waking up every morning QUIT is just a great feeling. I fucking love it. I love it because I didn't let myself, my wife , my kids or the great folks here at KTC down.

I wake up with a damn smile on my face knowing I get the opportunity to kick the fuck out of the nic bitch again because I owe her a shit ton of ass kickings.

Most days have their challenges but I look forward to facing those challenges without being deranged enough to think that I need a pinch of poison to make it through those challenges. I really can't believe I use to say shit like, "Better lock one in because..." It sounds so fucking stupid now. Fuck that just pisses me off now. Just stupid.

Some days the craves are worse than others but that shit is going to happen. It sucks but it can be handled. The sense of freedom when I go an hour or two without thinking about it or when I start and complete a task without even thinking about putting a dip of death in my lip is just fucking FANTASTIC.

This site can't make anyone QUIT. That's a decision you have to make every day. This site sure is useful for the ones that want to stay QUIT. I have no doubt my QUIT, 16 days young, is stronger than it ever would have been on my own. I feel better armed to combat the nic bitch. The information on this site, along with the support, provides an immense level of confidence that a QUIT can be achieved every damn day by doing it one day at a time.

Drink the KTC kool-aid, follow the process, get involved, listen, read and grab onto those ideas that will help your QUIT. Not every suggestion on here is going to help your QUIT- take what helps you but also get involved and give back- I promise giving back will help keep your QUIT strong. Read about successes and failures. Ask questions, answer questions, reach out to newbies and the guys that have been there. You can learn from both.

I'm happy to QUIT with anyone and everyone that wants to stay QUIT.

QLF EDD ODAAT then do it again.

The next time I'll have worm dirt in my lip is the day they bury me.

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #87 on: July 19, 2014, 11:34:00 AM »
Quote from: FMBM707
Days 9-13.
It's been a roller coaster: highs and lows, twist, turns and a few loops. Life can be that way from one day to the next or one situation to the next. I find myself looking back and looking forward as well as just trying to take it ODAAT.

Looking back they were LIES, ALL LIES.
It didn't matter whether the situation was good, bad or indifferent I could always find a reason to reach for that ticking time bomb in a tin and lock in a big fat lipper goose shit.
"Yawn. Work is pretty slow right now, great time to put a monster cat turd in my lip to get through the slow time because I know it'll get busy here shortly. Ah fuck, it's crazy busy better lock in some cancer in a can so I can get through this. Whew, those last few hours were intense a nice big pinch of poison will take the edge off".

How can one thing 'get you through' a slow time, then a busy time and then help you relax? IT CAN'T!

When you are addicted to something it doesn't take much to justify getting your fix. We have been lying to ourselves for so long to justify our nicotine abuse that there is fear associated with quitting. How can I work, golf, drive, mow, play, shop, clean, shit, sleep, drink, live, breathe without this poison coursing through my veins? YOU CAN!

It's amazing just how gullible I was to the nic bitch and her evil ways. Looking back to when I abused nicotine, I found myself justifying why I 'needed' it or why it was OK that I was putting poison in my lip. I would tell myself damn near anything as long as it convinced me to reach for the cancer can knowing full well it wasn't good for me. For years I ignored that voice in my head. The one saying "You really shouldn't be doing this" "You know that can cause cancer" "You've got a wife and kids" "Is it really worth the risk" "You are a fucking moron" There were times I really didn't even want a dip but I found myself pinching some poison to put in my raw and torn up lip to 'get through' whatever was going on. "Fuck I don't even want a dip right now, but it'll help me get this through this long drive so I better lock one in" SERIOUSLY!?!?!? It'll help? NO IT WON'T you fucking idiot! Better! I used a verb that means to approve upon to rationalize putting that shit in my mouth! That's how irrational an addict can be.


"You got to reverse it. DonÂ’t be pussy-whipped, whip that pussy. Like this here, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang." Mr. Jackson, Boomerang

Now that I fucked my body and mind up with a nasty addiction to nicotine- that I have QUIT- I find myself doing the reverse of what I use to do. Now I'm having to justify why I'm not putting poison in my body. Thank about that! I'm reasoning with myself on why I don't need it. I'm convincing myself I don't need that shit to work, to play golf, to mow the lawn, to drive a fucking car. I don't need that shit period. I've known that truth all along but I choose to ignore it because believing the truth wasn't conducive to appeasing the addiction. So now I'm reversing that and working at it every damn day, rewiring my brain so it knows I can function without that shit even though for years I convinced myself otherwise.

I fully believe in ODAAT mantra. It's helpful in keeping perspective. FOREVER can seem daunting, so ODAAT works to relieve the burden of forever. My goal is to stay QUIT and to stay QUIT for the next five minutes, 5 hours, 5 days, 5 months, 5 years, 5 decades. In order for me to do that it helps to visual the long term benefits of staying QUIT today. It reinforces why I'm doing this right now (ODAAT)- it's because there are long term benefits and transversely long term consequences if I don't stay QUIT. It helps to show me why it's so important to make it through today. I'm not going to put poison in my lip today because I want to see my girls' faces on Christmas morning, I want to see them blow out their candles on their birthdays, I want to watch them as they grow up into young women,I want to be there when they need their dad, I want to walk my daughters down the aisle at their weddings, I want to hold grandchildren some day. I want to be there for them every damn day and the only way I can do that is by staying QUIT ODAAT. Thinking about all of those things is helping to keep my commitment of QUIT strong.

It's a choice to use or to not use nicotine. I made the wrong choice multiple times a day and for so many years that it feels really good to make the right choice every day and sometimes multiple times a day.

No matter what is going on in my life I still have a choice. I can either choose to use nicotine or choose not to use it. I know the right answer, I've always known the right answer.


Great post fmb.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #86 on: July 19, 2014, 11:02:00 AM »
Days 9-13.
It's been a roller coaster: highs and lows, twist, turns and a few loops. Life can be that way from one day to the next or one situation to the next. I find myself looking back and looking forward as well as just trying to take it ODAAT.

Looking back they were LIES, ALL LIES.
It didn't matter whether the situation was good, bad or indifferent I could always find a reason to reach for that ticking time bomb in a tin can and lock in a big fat lipper of goose shit.
"Yawn. Work is pretty slow right now, great time to put a monster cat turd in my lip to get through the slow time because I know it'll get busy here shortly. Ah fuck, it's crazy busy better lock in some cancer in a can so I can get through this. Whew, those last few hours were intense a nice big pinch of poison will take the edge off".

How can one thing 'get you through' a slow time, then a busy time and then help you relax? IT CAN'T!

When you are addicted to something it doesn't take much to justify getting your fix. We have been lying to ourselves for so long to justify our nicotine abuse that there is fear associated with quitting. How can I work, golf, drive, mow, play, shop, clean, shit, sleep, drink, live, breathe without this poison coursing through my veins? YOU CAN!

It's amazing just how gullible I was to the nic bitch and her evil ways. Looking back to when I abused nicotine, I found myself justifying why I 'needed' it or why it was OK that I was putting poison in my lip. I would tell myself damn near anything as long as it convinced me to reach for the cancer can knowing full well it wasn't good for me. For years I ignored that voice in my head. The one saying "You really shouldn't be doing this" "You know that can cause cancer" "You've got a wife and kids" "Is it really worth the risk" "You are a fucking moron" There were times I really didn't even want a dip but I found myself pinching some poison to put in my raw and torn up lip to 'get through' whatever was going on. "Fuck I don't even want a dip right now, but it'll help me get this through this long drive so I better lock one in" SERIOUSLY!?!?!? It'll help? NO IT WON'T you fucking idiot! Better! I used a verb that means to approve upon to rationalize putting that shit in my mouth! That's how irrational an addict can be.


"You got to reverse it. DonÂ’t be pussy-whipped, whip that pussy. Like this here, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang." Mr. Jackson, Boomerang

Now that I fucked my body and mind up with a nasty addiction to nicotine- that I have QUIT- I find myself doing the reverse of what I use to do. Now I'm having to justify why I'm not putting poison in my body. Thank about that! I'm reasoning with myself on why I don't need it. I'm convincing myself I don't need that shit to work, to play golf, to mow the lawn, to drive a fucking car. I don't need that shit period. I've known that truth all along but I choose to ignore it because believing the truth wasn't conducive to appeasing the addiction. So now I'm reversing that and working at it every damn day, rewiring my brain so it knows I can function without that shit even though for years I convinced myself otherwise.

I fully believe in ODAAT mantra. It's helpful in keeping perspective. FOREVER can seem daunting, so ODAAT works to relieve the burden of forever. My goal is to stay QUIT and to stay QUIT for the next five minutes, 5 hours, 5 days, 5 months, 5 years, 5 decades. In order for me to do that it helps to visual the long term benefits of staying QUIT today. It reinforces why I'm doing this right now (ODAAT)- it's because there are long term benefits and transversely long term consequences if I don't stay QUIT. It helps to show me why it's so important to make it through today. I'm not going to put poison in my lip today because I want to see my girls' faces on Christmas morning, I want to see them blow out their candles on their birthdays, I want to watch them as they grow up into young women,I want to be there when they need their dad, I want to walk my daughters down the aisle at their weddings, I want to hold grandchildren some day. I want to be there for them every damn day and the only way I can do that is by staying QUIT ODAAT. Thinking about all of those things is helping to keep my commitment of QUIT strong.

It's a choice to use or to not use nicotine. I made the wrong choice multiple times a day and for so many years that it feels really good to make the right choice every day and sometimes multiple times a day.

No matter what is going on in my life I still have a choice. I can either choose to use nicotine or choose not to use it. I know the right answer, I've always known the right answer.


Offline THansen2413

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #85 on: July 15, 2014, 11:07:00 PM »
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: mule
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 8: Started the morning off great- slept well, no headache and I marched my happy nic free ass into my office to post. After that it was pure crave hell damn near all day.

A little after I started working the nic bitch started working on me. Just a little crave, no big deal, ignore it and it'll go away. It didn't go away though instead it grew into a full on rage of a crave. Motherfucker. That bitch was putting up a fight. Fuck her.

At this point I really wished I had some Hooch or other fake stuff. So I got on KTC and looked up the fake shit, talked to some vets on chat about it and then found where they sold it in my area. Awesome, the closet place that had it: CIGARETTES FOR LESS. A nicotine haven. A fucking NICOTINE SUPERSTORE. Every nicotine product you could think of was in there but they also had Hooch and I needed some Hooch and I figured if I was going to cave now then I didn't have the resolve to get through this for very long.

So I walked in there, bought 5 cans of Hooch and had a lipper in before I even started the car. Not only that but I walked right into the bitches house and told her to fuck off. It feels so good to no longer be a slave to that bitch. I know she hanging around, just waiting and every continually tempting and I know it will take a thousand more crave beat downs before she gets further away but it's one step at a time.

I beat that bitch again today, on her turf and I'm gong to beat her again tomorrow.

Nicely done. Fireballs are a nice alternative as well, and I think smoky mountain still sends free sample to first time orders.

Way to rock it. Bad ass
Gooooo stuff.
Agreed! Bad Ass indeed! Another victory. Scoreboard,Nic Bitch!
'Cheers' 'dance' :Winner: That a boy! Quit w/you my friend! If you need anything you have my number. Don't hesitate to shoot me a text, brother.
Thanks fellas! Appreciate all of your support! Here to QUIT with you edd!
Rdad.....scoreboard, nic bitch! Love it.

Hey nic bitch, I'm a man. I'm 40. Go play intramurals, nic bitch.
It makes me want to puke!

Nice win FMBM...what the he'll does that stand for?
My name isn't cool like a lot of these names, I know. It's plain and simple and not very catchy or manly.

It's just a reminder that I QUIT ForMeByMe7(July)07(day).

I wasn't quitting because my wife, my brother, my sisters etc. wanted me to. I was quitting because I wanted to do it. I was ready and I knew I couldn't do this for someone else or to half ass it.

I love my wife and I know she has wanted me to QUIT for a long time. Had my wife (or any other relative) found KTC and shown it to me and asked me to sign up I know I would have been either too stubborn to sign-up or I would have signed up to appease them- a recipe for failure.

I QUIT because I wanted to, I QUIT because I was ready.

Monday, July 7th when I woke up I made up my mind that I was QUITTING forever.

The week prior to finding this site my wife and I had a long conversation about quitting. So I 'stopped' the week before finding KTC for a couple of days, caved, stopped again, then caved. I didn't understand what my body or mind was going through during the stoppage time. I just knew that I felt like shit and I couldn't concentrate.

I caved because I convinced myself I 'needed' some lip poison for a long drive we were going on for the 4th of July weekend, so I ninja dipped a cat turd while the wife and kids were sleeping. Convincing myself that once we make it safely to our destination I'll just stop again. So I stopped the next day again. Another day passes and I played a round of golf- who doesn't have a death dip in when they play golf? 12+ beers later and I have a fat turd in my lip right in front of my wife.

My individual attempts at quitting were always focused on quitting chewing. I've tried to QUIT using nicotine crutches: nicorette gum, a cigarette in the morning and one in the afternoon. It's almost comical now that I think about it. I threw away my can of cat turds and I bought cancer sticks! How fucking dumb is that!

Of course those attempts of quitting chewing had never worked out because I wasn't focused on the real enemy- NICOTINE. I knew I needed to find best practices, articles, blogs, whatever I could get my hands on to arm me with knowledge. There had to be other people out there that had gone down this road before me and talked about it somewhere on-line.

That's when I found KTC. I read some stuff on KTC, realized my problem wasn't just dipping rat poison, my problem was that I was addicted to nicotine. It hit me like a freight train. I'm a fucking nicotine addict. I'M A G-DAMN MOTHERFUCKING NICTOTINE ADDICT! What in the FUCK! I was mad. I was embarrassed. And I was damn sure determined to beat the FUCK out of it.

I grew up in the 80s with Nancy Reagan's "Say No TO Drugs" campaign. I really never thought I would ever utter the phrase "I'm an addict". I still don't like saying it but I've accepted it. I'll do it again: Hi, my name is Steve and I'm addicted to that evil, conniving bitch ass whore nicotine and from this day forward I will no longer be her little bitchboy, I will cunt punt her and stomp on her face every fucking day.

The morning of 7/07, I liked what I read on KTC and signed up for me/by me.

That just gave me a quit boner, good post FMBM!
wow.....that was me.....a few days ago.

honored to quit with you today sir.
awesome awesome awesome.
Awesome shit and that's exactly what I was going to guess FMBN707 meant. I like the name, it's cool to me.

Quit on!!!
I figured it stood for FuckMyBowelMovement.
Good quit going here, bro.
Like the interesting new avatar, except maybe the ram part.
Doc- for a couple of days there at the beginning it could have meant that! My stomach was really fucked up. I grew up with a Chiefs helmet but once the Rams moved to StL I had to support the home team. Still root for the Chiefs as well though.
What a badass meaning behind your name! Damn, you keep getting badder and badder as the days rack up. Keep QLF my friend.
Quitters I've met in person : Keddy, boelker62, Big Brother Jack, baitbanjo, SirDerek, Chewie, Scowick65, theo3wood, mcarmo44, MonsterEMT, Bronc, dforbes, rocketman, Lance from SD, kdip, wastepanel, quitspit, basshaug, greenspidy, 30yrAddict, btdogboy, cmark, chrisTKE1982, Jeffro Dolfie, Clampy, carlh2o, JGlav, ReWire, Chewrouski_Philly, Sranger999, walterwhite, DWEIRICK, spit cup, FranPro, ericfluck

Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #84 on: July 15, 2014, 10:19:00 AM »
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: mule
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 8: Started the morning off great- slept well, no headache and I marched my happy nic free ass into my office to post. After that it was pure crave hell damn near all day.

A little after I started working the nic bitch started working on me. Just a little crave, no big deal, ignore it and it'll go away. It didn't go away though instead it grew into a full on rage of a crave. Motherfucker. That bitch was putting up a fight. Fuck her.

At this point I really wished I had some Hooch or other fake stuff. So I got on KTC and looked up the fake shit, talked to some vets on chat about it and then found where they sold it in my area. Awesome, the closet place that had it: CIGARETTES FOR LESS. A nicotine haven. A fucking NICOTINE SUPERSTORE. Every nicotine product you could think of was in there but they also had Hooch and I needed some Hooch and I figured if I was going to cave now then I didn't have the resolve to get through this for very long.

So I walked in there, bought 5 cans of Hooch and had a lipper in before I even started the car. Not only that but I walked right into the bitches house and told her to fuck off. It feels so good to no longer be a slave to that bitch. I know she hanging around, just waiting and every continually tempting and I know it will take a thousand more crave beat downs before she gets further away but it's one step at a time.

I beat that bitch again today, on her turf and I'm gong to beat her again tomorrow.

Nicely done. Fireballs are a nice alternative as well, and I think smoky mountain still sends free sample to first time orders.

Way to rock it. Bad ass
Gooooo stuff.
Agreed! Bad Ass indeed! Another victory. Scoreboard,Nic Bitch!
'Cheers' 'dance' :Winner: That a boy! Quit w/you my friend! If you need anything you have my number. Don't hesitate to shoot me a text, brother.
Thanks fellas! Appreciate all of your support! Here to QUIT with you edd!
Rdad.....scoreboard, nic bitch! Love it.

Hey nic bitch, I'm a man. I'm 40. Go play intramurals, nic bitch.
It makes me want to puke!

Nice win FMBM...what the he'll does that stand for?
My name isn't cool like a lot of these names, I know. It's plain and simple and not very catchy or manly.

It's just a reminder that I QUIT ForMeByMe7(July)07(day).

I wasn't quitting because my wife, my brother, my sisters etc. wanted me to. I was quitting because I wanted to do it. I was ready and I knew I couldn't do this for someone else or to half ass it.

I love my wife and I know she has wanted me to QUIT for a long time. Had my wife (or any other relative) found KTC and shown it to me and asked me to sign up I know I would have been either too stubborn to sign-up or I would have signed up to appease them- a recipe for failure.

I QUIT because I wanted to, I QUIT because I was ready.

Monday, July 7th when I woke up I made up my mind that I was QUITTING forever.

The week prior to finding this site my wife and I had a long conversation about quitting. So I 'stopped' the week before finding KTC for a couple of days, caved, stopped again, then caved. I didn't understand what my body or mind was going through during the stoppage time. I just knew that I felt like shit and I couldn't concentrate.

I caved because I convinced myself I 'needed' some lip poison for a long drive we were going on for the 4th of July weekend, so I ninja dipped a cat turd while the wife and kids were sleeping. Convincing myself that once we make it safely to our destination I'll just stop again. So I stopped the next day again. Another day passes and I played a round of golf- who doesn't have a death dip in when they play golf? 12+ beers later and I have a fat turd in my lip right in front of my wife.

My individual attempts at quitting were always focused on quitting chewing. I've tried to QUIT using nicotine crutches: nicorette gum, a cigarette in the morning and one in the afternoon. It's almost comical now that I think about it. I threw away my can of cat turds and I bought cancer sticks! How fucking dumb is that!

Of course those attempts of quitting chewing had never worked out because I wasn't focused on the real enemy- NICOTINE. I knew I needed to find best practices, articles, blogs, whatever I could get my hands on to arm me with knowledge. There had to be other people out there that had gone down this road before me and talked about it somewhere on-line.

That's when I found KTC. I read some stuff on KTC, realized my problem wasn't just dipping rat poison, my problem was that I was addicted to nicotine. It hit me like a freight train. I'm a fucking nicotine addict. I'M A G-DAMN MOTHERFUCKING NICTOTINE ADDICT! What in the FUCK! I was mad. I was embarrassed. And I was damn sure determined to beat the FUCK out of it.

I grew up in the 80s with Nancy Reagan's "Say No TO Drugs" campaign. I really never thought I would ever utter the phrase "I'm an addict". I still don't like saying it but I've accepted it. I'll do it again: Hi, my name is Steve and I'm addicted to that evil, conniving bitch ass whore nicotine and from this day forward I will no longer be her little bitchboy, I will cunt punt her and stomp on her face every fucking day.

The morning of 7/07, I liked what I read on KTC and signed up for me/by me.

That just gave me a quit boner, good post FMBM!
wow.....that was me.....a few days ago.

honored to quit with you today sir.
awesome awesome awesome.
Awesome shit and that's exactly what I was going to guess FMBN707 meant. I like the name, it's cool to me.

Quit on!!!
I figured it stood for FuckMyBowelMovement.
Good quit going here, bro.
Like the interesting new avatar, except maybe the ram part.
Doc- for a couple of days there at the beginning it could have meant that! My stomach was really fucked up. I grew up with a Chiefs helmet but once the Rams moved to StL I had to support the home team. Still root for the Chiefs as well though.

Offline Doc Chewfree

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #83 on: July 15, 2014, 10:04:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: mule
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 8: Started the morning off great- slept well, no headache and I marched my happy nic free ass into my office to post. After that it was pure crave hell damn near all day.

A little after I started working the nic bitch started working on me. Just a little crave, no big deal, ignore it and it'll go away. It didn't go away though instead it grew into a full on rage of a crave. Motherfucker. That bitch was putting up a fight. Fuck her.

At this point I really wished I had some Hooch or other fake stuff. So I got on KTC and looked up the fake shit, talked to some vets on chat about it and then found where they sold it in my area. Awesome, the closet place that had it: CIGARETTES FOR LESS. A nicotine haven. A fucking NICOTINE SUPERSTORE. Every nicotine product you could think of was in there but they also had Hooch and I needed some Hooch and I figured if I was going to cave now then I didn't have the resolve to get through this for very long.

So I walked in there, bought 5 cans of Hooch and had a lipper in before I even started the car. Not only that but I walked right into the bitches house and told her to fuck off. It feels so good to no longer be a slave to that bitch. I know she hanging around, just waiting and every continually tempting and I know it will take a thousand more crave beat downs before she gets further away but it's one step at a time.

I beat that bitch again today, on her turf and I'm gong to beat her again tomorrow.

Nicely done. Fireballs are a nice alternative as well, and I think smoky mountain still sends free sample to first time orders.

Way to rock it. Bad ass
Gooooo stuff.
Agreed! Bad Ass indeed! Another victory. Scoreboard,Nic Bitch!
'Cheers' 'dance' :Winner: That a boy! Quit w/you my friend! If you need anything you have my number. Don't hesitate to shoot me a text, brother.
Thanks fellas! Appreciate all of your support! Here to QUIT with you edd!
Rdad.....scoreboard, nic bitch! Love it.

Hey nic bitch, I'm a man. I'm 40. Go play intramurals, nic bitch.
It makes me want to puke!

Nice win FMBM...what the he'll does that stand for?
My name isn't cool like a lot of these names, I know. It's plain and simple and not very catchy or manly.

It's just a reminder that I QUIT ForMeByMe7(July)07(day).

I wasn't quitting because my wife, my brother, my sisters etc. wanted me to. I was quitting because I wanted to do it. I was ready and I knew I couldn't do this for someone else or to half ass it.

I love my wife and I know she has wanted me to QUIT for a long time. Had my wife (or any other relative) found KTC and shown it to me and asked me to sign up I know I would have been either too stubborn to sign-up or I would have signed up to appease them- a recipe for failure.

I QUIT because I wanted to, I QUIT because I was ready.

Monday, July 7th when I woke up I made up my mind that I was QUITTING forever.

The week prior to finding this site my wife and I had a long conversation about quitting. So I 'stopped' the week before finding KTC for a couple of days, caved, stopped again, then caved. I didn't understand what my body or mind was going through during the stoppage time. I just knew that I felt like shit and I couldn't concentrate.

I caved because I convinced myself I 'needed' some lip poison for a long drive we were going on for the 4th of July weekend, so I ninja dipped a cat turd while the wife and kids were sleeping. Convincing myself that once we make it safely to our destination I'll just stop again. So I stopped the next day again. Another day passes and I played a round of golf- who doesn't have a death dip in when they play golf? 12+ beers later and I have a fat turd in my lip right in front of my wife.

My individual attempts at quitting were always focused on quitting chewing. I've tried to QUIT using nicotine crutches: nicorette gum, a cigarette in the morning and one in the afternoon. It's almost comical now that I think about it. I threw away my can of cat turds and I bought cancer sticks! How fucking dumb is that!

Of course those attempts of quitting chewing had never worked out because I wasn't focused on the real enemy- NICOTINE. I knew I needed to find best practices, articles, blogs, whatever I could get my hands on to arm me with knowledge. There had to be other people out there that had gone down this road before me and talked about it somewhere on-line.

That's when I found KTC. I read some stuff on KTC, realized my problem wasn't just dipping rat poison, my problem was that I was addicted to nicotine. It hit me like a freight train. I'm a fucking nicotine addict. I'M A G-DAMN MOTHERFUCKING NICTOTINE ADDICT! What in the FUCK! I was mad. I was embarrassed. And I was damn sure determined to beat the FUCK out of it.

I grew up in the 80s with Nancy Reagan's "Say No TO Drugs" campaign. I really never thought I would ever utter the phrase "I'm an addict". I still don't like saying it but I've accepted it. I'll do it again: Hi, my name is Steve and I'm addicted to that evil, conniving bitch ass whore nicotine and from this day forward I will no longer be her little bitchboy, I will cunt punt her and stomp on her face every fucking day.

The morning of 7/07, I liked what I read on KTC and signed up for me/by me.

That just gave me a quit boner, good post FMBM!
wow.....that was me.....a few days ago.

honored to quit with you today sir.
awesome awesome awesome.
Awesome shit and that's exactly what I was going to guess FMBN707 meant. I like the name, it's cool to me.

Quit on!!!
I figured it stood for FuckMyBowelMovement.
Good quit going here, bro.
Like the interesting new avatar, except maybe the ram part.
Brave men are honored, rich men are envied, powerful men are feared, but only a man with character is trusted
Quit on Feb. 6, 2014

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #82 on: July 15, 2014, 09:40:00 AM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: mule
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 8: Started the morning off great- slept well, no headache and I marched my happy nic free ass into my office to post. After that it was pure crave hell damn near all day.

A little after I started working the nic bitch started working on me. Just a little crave, no big deal, ignore it and it'll go away. It didn't go away though instead it grew into a full on rage of a crave. Motherfucker. That bitch was putting up a fight. Fuck her.

At this point I really wished I had some Hooch or other fake stuff. So I got on KTC and looked up the fake shit, talked to some vets on chat about it and then found where they sold it in my area. Awesome, the closet place that had it: CIGARETTES FOR LESS. A nicotine haven. A fucking NICOTINE SUPERSTORE. Every nicotine product you could think of was in there but they also had Hooch and I needed some Hooch and I figured if I was going to cave now then I didn't have the resolve to get through this for very long.

So I walked in there, bought 5 cans of Hooch and had a lipper in before I even started the car. Not only that but I walked right into the bitches house and told her to fuck off. It feels so good to no longer be a slave to that bitch. I know she hanging around, just waiting and every continually tempting and I know it will take a thousand more crave beat downs before she gets further away but it's one step at a time.

I beat that bitch again today, on her turf and I'm gong to beat her again tomorrow.

Nicely done. Fireballs are a nice alternative as well, and I think smoky mountain still sends free sample to first time orders.

Way to rock it. Bad ass
Gooooo stuff.
Agreed! Bad Ass indeed! Another victory. Scoreboard,Nic Bitch!
'Cheers' 'dance' :Winner: That a boy! Quit w/you my friend! If you need anything you have my number. Don't hesitate to shoot me a text, brother.
Thanks fellas! Appreciate all of your support! Here to QUIT with you edd!
Rdad.....scoreboard, nic bitch! Love it.

Hey nic bitch, I'm a man. I'm 40. Go play intramurals, nic bitch.
It makes me want to puke!

Nice win FMBM...what the he'll does that stand for?
My name isn't cool like a lot of these names, I know. It's plain and simple and not very catchy or manly.

It's just a reminder that I QUIT ForMeByMe7(July)07(day).

I wasn't quitting because my wife, my brother, my sisters etc. wanted me to. I was quitting because I wanted to do it. I was ready and I knew I couldn't do this for someone else or to half ass it.

I love my wife and I know she has wanted me to QUIT for a long time. Had my wife (or any other relative) found KTC and shown it to me and asked me to sign up I know I would have been either too stubborn to sign-up or I would have signed up to appease them- a recipe for failure.

I QUIT because I wanted to, I QUIT because I was ready.

Monday, July 7th when I woke up I made up my mind that I was QUITTING forever.

The week prior to finding this site my wife and I had a long conversation about quitting. So I 'stopped' the week before finding KTC for a couple of days, caved, stopped again, then caved. I didn't understand what my body or mind was going through during the stoppage time. I just knew that I felt like shit and I couldn't concentrate.

I caved because I convinced myself I 'needed' some lip poison for a long drive we were going on for the 4th of July weekend, so I ninja dipped a cat turd while the wife and kids were sleeping. Convincing myself that once we make it safely to our destination I'll just stop again. So I stopped the next day again. Another day passes and I played a round of golf- who doesn't have a death dip in when they play golf? 12+ beers later and I have a fat turd in my lip right in front of my wife.

My individual attempts at quitting were always focused on quitting chewing. I've tried to QUIT using nicotine crutches: nicorette gum, a cigarette in the morning and one in the afternoon. It's almost comical now that I think about it. I threw away my can of cat turds and I bought cancer sticks! How fucking dumb is that!

Of course those attempts of quitting chewing had never worked out because I wasn't focused on the real enemy- NICOTINE. I knew I needed to find best practices, articles, blogs, whatever I could get my hands on to arm me with knowledge. There had to be other people out there that had gone down this road before me and talked about it somewhere on-line.

That's when I found KTC. I read some stuff on KTC, realized my problem wasn't just dipping rat poison, my problem was that I was addicted to nicotine. It hit me like a freight train. I'm a fucking nicotine addict. I'M A G-DAMN MOTHERFUCKING NICTOTINE ADDICT! What in the FUCK! I was mad. I was embarrassed. And I was damn sure determined to beat the FUCK out of it.

I grew up in the 80s with Nancy Reagan's "Say No TO Drugs" campaign. I really never thought I would ever utter the phrase "I'm an addict". I still don't like saying it but I've accepted it. I'll do it again: Hi, my name is Steve and I'm addicted to that evil, conniving bitch ass whore nicotine and from this day forward I will no longer be her little bitchboy, I will cunt punt her and stomp on her face every fucking day.

The morning of 7/07, I liked what I read on KTC and signed up for me/by me.

That just gave me a quit boner, good post FMBM!
wow.....that was me.....a few days ago.

honored to quit with you today sir.
awesome awesome awesome.
Awesome shit and that's exactly what I was going to guess FMBN707 meant. I like the name, it's cool to me.

Quit on!!!
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline G

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #81 on: July 15, 2014, 09:07:00 AM »
Quote from: mule
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 8: Started the morning off great- slept well, no headache and I marched my happy nic free ass into my office to post. After that it was pure crave hell damn near all day.

A little after I started working the nic bitch started working on me. Just a little crave, no big deal, ignore it and it'll go away. It didn't go away though instead it grew into a full on rage of a crave. Motherfucker. That bitch was putting up a fight. Fuck her.

At this point I really wished I had some Hooch or other fake stuff. So I got on KTC and looked up the fake shit, talked to some vets on chat about it and then found where they sold it in my area. Awesome, the closet place that had it: CIGARETTES FOR LESS. A nicotine haven. A fucking NICOTINE SUPERSTORE. Every nicotine product you could think of was in there but they also had Hooch and I needed some Hooch and I figured if I was going to cave now then I didn't have the resolve to get through this for very long.

So I walked in there, bought 5 cans of Hooch and had a lipper in before I even started the car. Not only that but I walked right into the bitches house and told her to fuck off. It feels so good to no longer be a slave to that bitch. I know she hanging around, just waiting and every continually tempting and I know it will take a thousand more crave beat downs before she gets further away but it's one step at a time.

I beat that bitch again today, on her turf and I'm gong to beat her again tomorrow.

Nicely done. Fireballs are a nice alternative as well, and I think smoky mountain still sends free sample to first time orders.

Way to rock it. Bad ass
Gooooo stuff.
Agreed! Bad Ass indeed! Another victory. Scoreboard,Nic Bitch!
'Cheers' 'dance' :Winner: That a boy! Quit w/you my friend! If you need anything you have my number. Don't hesitate to shoot me a text, brother.
Thanks fellas! Appreciate all of your support! Here to QUIT with you edd!
Rdad.....scoreboard, nic bitch! Love it.

Hey nic bitch, I'm a man. I'm 40. Go play intramurals, nic bitch.
It makes me want to puke!

Nice win FMBM...what the he'll does that stand for?
My name isn't cool like a lot of these names, I know. It's plain and simple and not very catchy or manly.

It's just a reminder that I QUIT ForMeByMe7(July)07(day).

I wasn't quitting because my wife, my brother, my sisters etc. wanted me to. I was quitting because I wanted to do it. I was ready and I knew I couldn't do this for someone else or to half ass it.

I love my wife and I know she has wanted me to QUIT for a long time. Had my wife (or any other relative) found KTC and shown it to me and asked me to sign up I know I would have been either too stubborn to sign-up or I would have signed up to appease them- a recipe for failure.

I QUIT because I wanted to, I QUIT because I was ready.

Monday, July 7th when I woke up I made up my mind that I was QUITTING forever.

The week prior to finding this site my wife and I had a long conversation about quitting. So I 'stopped' the week before finding KTC for a couple of days, caved, stopped again, then caved. I didn't understand what my body or mind was going through during the stoppage time. I just knew that I felt like shit and I couldn't concentrate.

I caved because I convinced myself I 'needed' some lip poison for a long drive we were going on for the 4th of July weekend, so I ninja dipped a cat turd while the wife and kids were sleeping. Convincing myself that once we make it safely to our destination I'll just stop again. So I stopped the next day again. Another day passes and I played a round of golf- who doesn't have a death dip in when they play golf? 12+ beers later and I have a fat turd in my lip right in front of my wife.

My individual attempts at quitting were always focused on quitting chewing. I've tried to QUIT using nicotine crutches: nicorette gum, a cigarette in the morning and one in the afternoon. It's almost comical now that I think about it. I threw away my can of cat turds and I bought cancer sticks! How fucking dumb is that!

Of course those attempts of quitting chewing had never worked out because I wasn't focused on the real enemy- NICOTINE. I knew I needed to find best practices, articles, blogs, whatever I could get my hands on to arm me with knowledge. There had to be other people out there that had gone down this road before me and talked about it somewhere on-line.

That's when I found KTC. I read some stuff on KTC, realized my problem wasn't just dipping rat poison, my problem was that I was addicted to nicotine. It hit me like a freight train. I'm a fucking nicotine addict. I'M A G-DAMN MOTHERFUCKING NICTOTINE ADDICT! What in the FUCK! I was mad. I was embarrassed. And I was damn sure determined to beat the FUCK out of it.

I grew up in the 80s with Nancy Reagan's "Say No TO Drugs" campaign. I really never thought I would ever utter the phrase "I'm an addict". I still don't like saying it but I've accepted it. I'll do it again: Hi, my name is Steve and I'm addicted to that evil, conniving bitch ass whore nicotine and from this day forward I will no longer be her little bitchboy, I will cunt punt her and stomp on her face every fucking day.

The morning of 7/07, I liked what I read on KTC and signed up for me/by me.

That just gave me a quit boner, good post FMBM!
wow.....that was me.....a few days ago.

honored to quit with you today sir.
awesome awesome awesome.

Offline mule

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #80 on: July 15, 2014, 09:04:00 AM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 8: Started the morning off great- slept well, no headache and I marched my happy nic free ass into my office to post. After that it was pure crave hell damn near all day.

A little after I started working the nic bitch started working on me. Just a little crave, no big deal, ignore it and it'll go away. It didn't go away though instead it grew into a full on rage of a crave. Motherfucker. That bitch was putting up a fight. Fuck her.

At this point I really wished I had some Hooch or other fake stuff. So I got on KTC and looked up the fake shit, talked to some vets on chat about it and then found where they sold it in my area. Awesome, the closet place that had it: CIGARETTES FOR LESS. A nicotine haven. A fucking NICOTINE SUPERSTORE. Every nicotine product you could think of was in there but they also had Hooch and I needed some Hooch and I figured if I was going to cave now then I didn't have the resolve to get through this for very long.

So I walked in there, bought 5 cans of Hooch and had a lipper in before I even started the car. Not only that but I walked right into the bitches house and told her to fuck off. It feels so good to no longer be a slave to that bitch. I know she hanging around, just waiting and every continually tempting and I know it will take a thousand more crave beat downs before she gets further away but it's one step at a time.

I beat that bitch again today, on her turf and I'm gong to beat her again tomorrow.

Nicely done. Fireballs are a nice alternative as well, and I think smoky mountain still sends free sample to first time orders.

Way to rock it. Bad ass
Gooooo stuff.
Agreed! Bad Ass indeed! Another victory. Scoreboard,Nic Bitch!
'Cheers' 'dance' :Winner: That a boy! Quit w/you my friend! If you need anything you have my number. Don't hesitate to shoot me a text, brother.
Thanks fellas! Appreciate all of your support! Here to QUIT with you edd!
Rdad.....scoreboard, nic bitch! Love it.

Hey nic bitch, I'm a man. I'm 40. Go play intramurals, nic bitch.
It makes me want to puke!

Nice win FMBM...what the he'll does that stand for?
My name isn't cool like a lot of these names, I know. It's plain and simple and not very catchy or manly.

It's just a reminder that I QUIT ForMeByMe7(July)07(day).

I wasn't quitting because my wife, my brother, my sisters etc. wanted me to. I was quitting because I wanted to do it. I was ready and I knew I couldn't do this for someone else or to half ass it.

I love my wife and I know she has wanted me to QUIT for a long time. Had my wife (or any other relative) found KTC and shown it to me and asked me to sign up I know I would have been either too stubborn to sign-up or I would have signed up to appease them- a recipe for failure.

I QUIT because I wanted to, I QUIT because I was ready.

Monday, July 7th when I woke up I made up my mind that I was QUITTING forever.

The week prior to finding this site my wife and I had a long conversation about quitting. So I 'stopped' the week before finding KTC for a couple of days, caved, stopped again, then caved. I didn't understand what my body or mind was going through during the stoppage time. I just knew that I felt like shit and I couldn't concentrate.

I caved because I convinced myself I 'needed' some lip poison for a long drive we were going on for the 4th of July weekend, so I ninja dipped a cat turd while the wife and kids were sleeping. Convincing myself that once we make it safely to our destination I'll just stop again. So I stopped the next day again. Another day passes and I played a round of golf- who doesn't have a death dip in when they play golf? 12+ beers later and I have a fat turd in my lip right in front of my wife.

My individual attempts at quitting were always focused on quitting chewing. I've tried to QUIT using nicotine crutches: nicorette gum, a cigarette in the morning and one in the afternoon. It's almost comical now that I think about it. I threw away my can of cat turds and I bought cancer sticks! How fucking dumb is that!

Of course those attempts of quitting chewing had never worked out because I wasn't focused on the real enemy- NICOTINE. I knew I needed to find best practices, articles, blogs, whatever I could get my hands on to arm me with knowledge. There had to be other people out there that had gone down this road before me and talked about it somewhere on-line.

That's when I found KTC. I read some stuff on KTC, realized my problem wasn't just dipping rat poison, my problem was that I was addicted to nicotine. It hit me like a freight train. I'm a fucking nicotine addict. I'M A G-DAMN MOTHERFUCKING NICTOTINE ADDICT! What in the FUCK! I was mad. I was embarrassed. And I was damn sure determined to beat the FUCK out of it.

I grew up in the 80s with Nancy Reagan's "Say No TO Drugs" campaign. I really never thought I would ever utter the phrase "I'm an addict". I still don't like saying it but I've accepted it. I'll do it again: Hi, my name is Steve and I'm addicted to that evil, conniving bitch ass whore nicotine and from this day forward I will no longer be her little bitchboy, I will cunt punt her and stomp on her face every fucking day.

The morning of 7/07, I liked what I read on KTC and signed up for me/by me.

That just gave me a quit boner, good post FMBM!
wow.....that was me.....a few days ago.

honored to quit with you today sir.

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #79 on: July 15, 2014, 08:57:00 AM »
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 8: Started the morning off great- slept well, no headache and I marched my happy nic free ass into my office to post. After that it was pure crave hell damn near all day.

A little after I started working the nic bitch started working on me. Just a little crave, no big deal, ignore it and it'll go away. It didn't go away though instead it grew into a full on rage of a crave. Motherfucker. That bitch was putting up a fight. Fuck her.

At this point I really wished I had some Hooch or other fake stuff. So I got on KTC and looked up the fake shit, talked to some vets on chat about it and then found where they sold it in my area. Awesome, the closet place that had it: CIGARETTES FOR LESS. A nicotine haven. A fucking NICOTINE SUPERSTORE. Every nicotine product you could think of was in there but they also had Hooch and I needed some Hooch and I figured if I was going to cave now then I didn't have the resolve to get through this for very long.

So I walked in there, bought 5 cans of Hooch and had a lipper in before I even started the car. Not only that but I walked right into the bitches house and told her to fuck off. It feels so good to no longer be a slave to that bitch. I know she hanging around, just waiting and every continually tempting and I know it will take a thousand more crave beat downs before she gets further away but it's one step at a time.

I beat that bitch again today, on her turf and I'm gong to beat her again tomorrow.

Nicely done. Fireballs are a nice alternative as well, and I think smoky mountain still sends free sample to first time orders.

Way to rock it. Bad ass
Gooooo stuff.
Agreed! Bad Ass indeed! Another victory. Scoreboard,Nic Bitch!
'Cheers' 'dance' :Winner: That a boy! Quit w/you my friend! If you need anything you have my number. Don't hesitate to shoot me a text, brother.
Thanks fellas! Appreciate all of your support! Here to QUIT with you edd!
Rdad.....scoreboard, nic bitch! Love it.

Hey nic bitch, I'm a man. I'm 40. Go play intramurals, nic bitch.
It makes me want to puke!

Nice win FMBM...what the he'll does that stand for?
My name isn't cool like a lot of these names, I know. It's plain and simple and not very catchy or manly.

It's just a reminder that I QUIT ForMeByMe7(July)07(day).

I wasn't quitting because my wife, my brother, my sisters etc. wanted me to. I was quitting because I wanted to do it. I was ready and I knew I couldn't do this for someone else or to half ass it.

I love my wife and I know she has wanted me to QUIT for a long time. Had my wife (or any other relative) found KTC and shown it to me and asked me to sign up I know I would have been either too stubborn to sign-up or I would have signed up to appease them- a recipe for failure.

I QUIT because I wanted to, I QUIT because I was ready.

Monday, July 7th when I woke up I made up my mind that I was QUITTING forever.

The week prior to finding this site my wife and I had a long conversation about quitting. So I 'stopped' the week before finding KTC for a couple of days, caved, stopped again, then caved. I didn't understand what my body or mind was going through during the stoppage time. I just knew that I felt like shit and I couldn't concentrate.

I caved because I convinced myself I 'needed' some lip poison for a long drive we were going on for the 4th of July weekend, so I ninja dipped a cat turd while the wife and kids were sleeping. Convincing myself that once we make it safely to our destination I'll just stop again. So I stopped the next day again. Another day passes and I played a round of golf- who doesn't have a death dip in when they play golf? 12+ beers later and I have a fat turd in my lip right in front of my wife.

My individual attempts at quitting were always focused on quitting chewing. I've tried to QUIT using nicotine crutches: nicorette gum, a cigarette in the morning and one in the afternoon. It's almost comical now that I think about it. I threw away my can of cat turds and I bought cancer sticks! How fucking dumb is that!

Of course those attempts of quitting chewing had never worked out because I wasn't focused on the real enemy- NICOTINE. I knew I needed to find best practices, articles, blogs, whatever I could get my hands on to arm me with knowledge. There had to be other people out there that had gone down this road before me and talked about it somewhere on-line.

That's when I found KTC. I read some stuff on KTC, realized my problem wasn't just dipping rat poison, my problem was that I was addicted to nicotine. It hit me like a freight train. I'm a fucking nicotine addict. I'M A G-DAMN MOTHERFUCKING NICTOTINE ADDICT! What in the FUCK! I was mad. I was embarrassed. And I was damn sure determined to beat the FUCK out of it.

I grew up in the 80s with Nancy Reagan's "Say No TO Drugs" campaign. I really never thought I would ever utter the phrase "I'm an addict". I still don't like saying it but I've accepted it. I'll do it again: Hi, my name is Steve and I'm addicted to that evil, conniving bitch ass whore nicotine and from this day forward I will no longer be her little bitchboy, I will cunt punt her and stomp on her face every fucking day.

The morning of 7/07, I liked what I read on KTC and signed up for me/by me.

That just gave me a quit boner, good post FMBM!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #78 on: July 15, 2014, 08:30:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 8: Started the morning off great- slept well, no headache and I marched my happy nic free ass into my office to post. After that it was pure crave hell damn near all day.

A little after I started working the nic bitch started working on me. Just a little crave, no big deal, ignore it and it'll go away. It didn't go away though instead it grew into a full on rage of a crave. Motherfucker. That bitch was putting up a fight. Fuck her.

At this point I really wished I had some Hooch or other fake stuff. So I got on KTC and looked up the fake shit, talked to some vets on chat about it and then found where they sold it in my area. Awesome, the closet place that had it: CIGARETTES FOR LESS. A nicotine haven. A fucking NICOTINE SUPERSTORE. Every nicotine product you could think of was in there but they also had Hooch and I needed some Hooch and I figured if I was going to cave now then I didn't have the resolve to get through this for very long.

So I walked in there, bought 5 cans of Hooch and had a lipper in before I even started the car. Not only that but I walked right into the bitches house and told her to fuck off. It feels so good to no longer be a slave to that bitch. I know she hanging around, just waiting and every continually tempting and I know it will take a thousand more crave beat downs before she gets further away but it's one step at a time.

I beat that bitch again today, on her turf and I'm gong to beat her again tomorrow.

Nicely done. Fireballs are a nice alternative as well, and I think smoky mountain still sends free sample to first time orders.

Way to rock it. Bad ass
Gooooo stuff.
Agreed! Bad Ass indeed! Another victory. Scoreboard,Nic Bitch!
'Cheers' 'dance' :Winner: That a boy! Quit w/you my friend! If you need anything you have my number. Don't hesitate to shoot me a text, brother.
Thanks fellas! Appreciate all of your support! Here to QUIT with you edd!
Rdad.....scoreboard, nic bitch! Love it.

Hey nic bitch, I'm a man. I'm 40. Go play intramurals, nic bitch.
It makes me want to puke!

Nice win FMBM...what the he'll does that stand for?
My name isn't cool like a lot of these names, I know. It's plain and simple and not very catchy or manly.

It's just a reminder that I QUIT ForMeByMe7(July)07(day).

I wasn't quitting because my wife, my brother, my sisters etc. wanted me to. I was quitting because I wanted to do it. I was ready and I knew I couldn't do this for someone else or to half ass it.

I love my wife and I know she has wanted me to QUIT for a long time. Had my wife (or any other relative) found KTC and shown it to me and asked me to sign up I know I would have been either too stubborn to sign-up or I would have signed up to appease them- a recipe for failure.

I QUIT because I wanted to, I QUIT because I was ready.

Monday, July 7th when I woke up I made up my mind that I was QUITTING forever.

The week prior to finding this site my wife and I had a long conversation about quitting. So I 'stopped' the week before finding KTC for a couple of days, caved, stopped again, then caved. I didn't understand what my body or mind was going through during the stoppage time. I just knew that I felt like shit and I couldn't concentrate.

I caved because I convinced myself I 'needed' some lip poison for a long drive we were going on for the 4th of July weekend, so I ninja dipped a cat turd while the wife and kids were sleeping. Convincing myself that once we make it safely to our destination I'll just stop again. So I stopped the next day again. Another day passes and I played a round of golf- who doesn't have a death dip in when they play golf? 12+ beers later and I have a fat turd in my lip right in front of my wife.

My individual attempts at quitting were always focused on quitting chewing. I've tried to QUIT using nicotine crutches: nicorette gum, a cigarette in the morning and one in the afternoon. It's almost comical now that I think about it. I threw away my can of cat turds and I bought cancer sticks! How fucking dumb is that!

Of course those attempts of quitting chewing had never worked out because I wasn't focused on the real enemy- NICOTINE. I knew I needed to find best practices, articles, blogs, whatever I could get my hands on to arm me with knowledge. There had to be other people out there that had gone down this road before me and talked about it somewhere on-line.

That's when I found KTC. I read some stuff on KTC, realized my problem wasn't just dipping rat poison, my problem was that I was addicted to nicotine. It hit me like a freight train. I'm a fucking nicotine addict. I'M A G-DAMN MOTHERFUCKING NICTOTINE ADDICT! What in the FUCK! I was mad. I was embarrassed. And I was damn sure determined to beat the FUCK out of it.

I grew up in the 80s with Nancy Reagan's "Say No TO Drugs" campaign. I really never thought I would ever utter the phrase "I'm an addict". I still don't like saying it but I've accepted it. I'll do it again: Hi, my name is Steve and I'm addicted to that evil, conniving bitch ass whore nicotine and from this day forward I will no longer be her little bitchboy, I will cunt punt her and stomp on her face every fucking day.

The morning of 7/07, I liked what I read on KTC and signed up for me/by me.


Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #77 on: July 15, 2014, 12:35:00 AM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 8: Started the morning off great- slept well, no headache and I marched my happy nic free ass into my office to post. After that it was pure crave hell damn near all day.

A little after I started working the nic bitch started working on me. Just a little crave, no big deal, ignore it and it'll go away. It didn't go away though instead it grew into a full on rage of a crave. Motherfucker. That bitch was putting up a fight. Fuck her.

At this point I really wished I had some Hooch or other fake stuff. So I got on KTC and looked up the fake shit, talked to some vets on chat about it and then found where they sold it in my area. Awesome, the closet place that had it: CIGARETTES FOR LESS. A nicotine haven. A fucking NICOTINE SUPERSTORE. Every nicotine product you could think of was in there but they also had Hooch and I needed some Hooch and I figured if I was going to cave now then I didn't have the resolve to get through this for very long.

So I walked in there, bought 5 cans of Hooch and had a lipper in before I even started the car. Not only that but I walked right into the bitches house and told her to fuck off. It feels so good to no longer be a slave to that bitch. I know she hanging around, just waiting and every continually tempting and I know it will take a thousand more crave beat downs before she gets further away but it's one step at a time.

I beat that bitch again today, on her turf and I'm gong to beat her again tomorrow.

Nicely done. Fireballs are a nice alternative as well, and I think smoky mountain still sends free sample to first time orders.

Way to rock it. Bad ass
Gooooo stuff.
Agreed! Bad Ass indeed! Another victory. Scoreboard,Nic Bitch!
'Cheers' 'dance' :Winner: That a boy! Quit w/you my friend! If you need anything you have my number. Don't hesitate to shoot me a text, brother.
Thanks fellas! Appreciate all of your support! Here to QUIT with you edd!
Rdad.....scoreboard, nic bitch! Love it.

Hey nic bitch, I'm a man. I'm 40. Go play intramurals, nic bitch.
It makes me want to puke!

Nice win FMBM...what the he'll does that stand for?
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline G

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #76 on: July 14, 2014, 11:12:00 PM »
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 8: Started the morning off great- slept well, no headache and I marched my happy nic free ass into my office to post. After that it was pure crave hell damn near all day.

A little after I started working the nic bitch started working on me. Just a little crave, no big deal, ignore it and it'll go away. It didn't go away though instead it grew into a full on rage of a crave. Motherfucker. That bitch was putting up a fight. Fuck her.

At this point I really wished I had some Hooch or other fake stuff. So I got on KTC and looked up the fake shit, talked to some vets on chat about it and then found where they sold it in my area. Awesome, the closet place that had it: CIGARETTES FOR LESS. A nicotine haven. A fucking NICOTINE SUPERSTORE. Every nicotine product you could think of was in there but they also had Hooch and I needed some Hooch and I figured if I was going to cave now then I didn't have the resolve to get through this for very long.

So I walked in there, bought 5 cans of Hooch and had a lipper in before I even started the car. Not only that but I walked right into the bitches house and told her to fuck off. It feels so good to no longer be a slave to that bitch. I know she hanging around, just waiting and every continually tempting and I know it will take a thousand more crave beat downs before she gets further away but it's one step at a time.

I beat that bitch again today, on her turf and I'm gong to beat her again tomorrow.

Nicely done. Fireballs are a nice alternative as well, and I think smoky mountain still sends free sample to first time orders.

Way to rock it. Bad ass
Gooooo stuff.
Agreed! Bad Ass indeed! Another victory. Scoreboard,Nic Bitch!
'Cheers' 'dance' :Winner: That a boy! Quit w/you my friend! If you need anything you have my number. Don't hesitate to shoot me a text, brother.
Thanks fellas! Appreciate all of your support! Here to QUIT with you edd!
Rdad.....scoreboard, nic bitch! Love it.

Hey nic bitch, I'm a man. I'm 40. Go play intramurals, nic bitch.