Author Topic: Quitting  (Read 14382 times)

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Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #240 on: January 05, 2015, 11:54:00 PM »
Day 182 Read this a long time ago but thought about it recently and I believe it fits in nicely with quitting.

"Attitude" by Chuck Swindol

"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break company...a church...a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way...we cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude...I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you...we are in charge of our attitude."

Quitting and your attitude go hand in hand. The right attitude and the freedom from nicotine can be yours. No excuses, no bullshit.

Quit on.

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #239 on: December 28, 2014, 04:10:00 PM »
Happy birthday FrogManBunnyMuffin! Way to be quit and show us all what QLF is on the daily!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #238 on: December 28, 2014, 12:39:00 PM »
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 175 QUIT

First birthday in over a decade that the nic bitch won't be involved and it's a great feeling. I told myself I'd quit before I was 30- that didn't work out too well, told myself time and again that I'd quit before my next birthday etc. etc. etc. and it never happened- usually because New Years is so close so of course the nic bitch would rationalize that I may as well wait for the New Year and then quit. That shit never happened. There is no special day to quit but every day quit is special.

Now I can finally say I'm quit on a birthday and it's fanfuckingtastic.

Quit on!
Nice ForMeByMe! Keep it up!

Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #237 on: December 28, 2014, 09:17:00 AM »
Day 175 QUIT

First birthday in over a decade that the nic bitch won't be involved and it's a great feeling. I told myself I'd quit before I was 30- that didn't work out too well, told myself time and again that I'd quit before my next birthday etc. etc. etc. and it never happened- usually because New Years is so close so of course the nic bitch would rationalize that I may as well wait for the New Year and then quit. That shit never happened. There is no special day to quit but every day quit is special.

Now I can finally say I'm quit on a birthday and it's fanfuckingtastic.

Quit on!

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #236 on: December 10, 2014, 03:02:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: FMBM707

157 days- it's really not that long but at times it feels longer than it is- those are the days that cruise right along without much of a thought about the nic bitch. Then the nic bitch whore comes calling with a deep, deep crave- I fucking hate it. I keep battling some of the same triggers over and over- stress probably being the biggest ones. Shit hitting the fan at work and the nic bitch sits on my shoulder whispering her poisonous thoughts into my ear. "It'll be better if you just get in the car, go to the gas station and lock in a big fat lipper". Fuck her and her lies- last thing I want is to be sitting in another Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor's office wondering if I have oral cancer.

Other craves from triggers have almost stopped completely- but the stress trigger- the trigger that ALWAYS sent me pinching for some poison has hardly faded. But what can I expect? I abused the nic bitch and used her as my crutch for so many mother fucking wasted years that 157 days of clean living is barely putting a dent into the number of days of abusing the poison. So how can expect this shit to be easy? That sneaky little temptress knows exactly when to come calling and I keep cunt punting her to the fucking curb BUT FUCK it gets tiring sometimes but not as tiring as chemo I'm sure. I'm fighting to keep the shit out of my mouth EDD and sometimes it feels like Im' fighting every fucking minute so I don't have to fight oral cancer. It's worth it. It damn sure is worth the fight.

I have to realize this just isn't something that is going to go away. It's something that is going to stick me with me for fucking ever and a day. Only way to battle it is one fucking day at a time and keep getting stronger through quit and knowledge of how to battle this nasty little cuntbitch.

Mother fuck I'm going to throat punch a mother fucker- and the only person that deserves it is me for ever putting that shit in my mouth and then to continually put that shit in my mouth.

That was the past but I still get fucking pissed about it at times. Gotta focus on now- I'm quit and being quit is a damn good feeling, better than any feeling that time wasting, murderous, dirty little fucking cuntwhore nic bitch can ever provide.

FUCK FUCK FUCK. I feel better now for getting that out. Crave curbed.

Quit the fuck on.
I'll Quit Like Fuck with this dude any day. Way to work that shit out and use the site as intended!
We can never have just one. We must remind ourselves each day of this. Proud to quit with you. Keep the fight.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #235 on: December 10, 2014, 02:59:00 PM »
Quote from: FMBM707

157 days- it's really not that long but at times it feels longer than it is- those are the days that cruise right along without much of a thought about the nic bitch. Then the nic bitch whore comes calling with a deep, deep crave- I fucking hate it. I keep battling some of the same triggers over and over- stress probably being the biggest ones. Shit hitting the fan at work and the nic bitch sits on my shoulder whispering her poisonous thoughts into my ear. "It'll be better if you just get in the car, go to the gas station and lock in a big fat lipper". Fuck her and her lies- last thing I want is to be sitting in another Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor's office wondering if I have oral cancer.

Other craves from triggers have almost stopped completely- but the stress trigger- the trigger that ALWAYS sent me pinching for some poison has hardly faded. But what can I expect? I abused the nic bitch and used her as my crutch for so many mother fucking wasted years that 157 days of clean living is barely putting a dent into the number of days of abusing the poison. So how can expect this shit to be easy? That sneaky little temptress knows exactly when to come calling and I keep cunt punting her to the fucking curb BUT FUCK it gets tiring sometimes but not as tiring as chemo I'm sure. I'm fighting to keep the shit out of my mouth EDD and sometimes it feels like Im' fighting every fucking minute so I don't have to fight oral cancer. It's worth it. It damn sure is worth the fight.

I have to realize this just isn't something that is going to go away. It's something that is going to stick me with me for fucking ever and a day. Only way to battle it is one fucking day at a time and keep getting stronger through quit and knowledge of how to battle this nasty little cuntbitch.

Mother fuck I'm going to throat punch a mother fucker- and the only person that deserves it is me for ever putting that shit in my mouth and then to continually put that shit in my mouth.

That was the past but I still get fucking pissed about it at times. Gotta focus on now- I'm quit and being quit is a damn good feeling, better than any feeling that time wasting, murderous, dirty little fucking cuntwhore nic bitch can ever provide.

FUCK FUCK FUCK. I feel better now for getting that out. Crave curbed.

Quit the fuck on.
I'll Quit Like Fuck with this dude any day. Way to work that shit out and use the site as intended!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #234 on: December 10, 2014, 02:39:00 PM »

157 days- it's really not that long but at times it feels longer than it is- those are the days that cruise right along without much of a thought about the nic bitch. Then the nic bitch whore comes calling with a deep, deep crave- I fucking hate it. I keep battling some of the same triggers over and over- stress probably being the biggest ones. Shit hitting the fan at work and the nic bitch sits on my shoulder whispering her poisonous thoughts into my ear. "It'll be better if you just get in the car, go to the gas station and lock in a big fat lipper". Fuck her and her lies- last thing I want is to be sitting in another Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor's office wondering if I have oral cancer.

Other craves from triggers have almost stopped completely- but the stress trigger- the trigger that ALWAYS sent me pinching for some poison has hardly faded. But what can I expect? I abused the nic bitch and used her as my crutch for so many mother fucking wasted years that 157 days of clean living is barely putting a dent into the number of days of abusing the poison. So how can expect this shit to be easy? That sneaky little temptress knows exactly when to come calling and I keep cunt punting her to the fucking curb BUT FUCK it gets tiring sometimes but not as tiring as chemo I'm sure. I'm fighting to keep the shit out of my mouth EDD and sometimes it feels like Im' fighting every fucking minute so I don't have to fight oral cancer. It's worth it. It damn sure is worth the fight.

I have to realize this just isn't something that is going to go away. It's something that is going to stick me with me for fucking ever and a day. Only way to battle it is one fucking day at a time and keep getting stronger through quit and knowledge of how to battle this nasty little cuntbitch.

Mother fuck I'm going to throat punch a mother fucker- and the only person that deserves it is me for ever putting that shit in my mouth and then to continually put that shit in my mouth.

That was the past but I still get fucking pissed about it at times. Gotta focus on now- I'm quit and being quit is a damn good feeling, better than any feeling that time wasting, murderous, dirty little fucking cuntwhore nic bitch can ever provide.

FUCK FUCK FUCK. I feel better now for getting that out. Crave curbed.

Quit the fuck on.

Offline worktowin

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #233 on: November 28, 2014, 02:11:00 AM »
Quote from: FMBM707



KTC provides a wonderful medium for quitting and quitters. KTC has a proven method, it has great information available, it has resources and tools and it has many dedicated individuals that can help guide you to the freedom from nicotine. It's still up to you to follow the method, read the information and use the resources. It's through your actions and/or non-action that determines whether you quit, stay quit or educate yourself on nicotine. KTC has helped fuel many powerful quits but it's those individuals who have put the time in that get the most out.

KTC is a integral part of why I'm still quit and it will remain a part of my quit for the foreseeable future and I'm thankful a site like this exists. I rely on that daily promise, it means something to me, that daily promise has help me remember that the decision was already made- a decision to stay nicotine free for that day. Being back home for Thanksgiving I've been out drinking with my brother and friends and the bitch nicotine was prevalent everywhere, I had craves, but in my mind I told myself I made a commitment today to not use nicotine so it's not even an option. I can't tell you how many times I've had that internal conversation in my head but this week traveling back home for the holidays, it's happened almost daily. And I can tell you that I'm extremely thankful that I'm not sneaking off to stuff my face with rat poison to get my fix.

This is about being QUIT but a good parallel would be religion. You have folks all over the spectrum- those that aren't believers and those radical religious fanatics. Just because someone isn't a 'churchgoer' doesn't mean they are any less of a "Christian". To assume that is to pronounce your ignorance.

There's been a lot of activity on Srans Intro page about him leaving KTC. It's a good read with a lot of passion. On the one hand you have people thanking him and wishing him well. On the other hand you have the "if you leave KTC you'll be damned, only by staying will you be saved!". FUCK THAT- that is nothing but FEAR talking. There's only one thing that controls whether you are quit or not- and that's you. And everyone is different. Quitting/staying quit and KTC are not mutually exclusive.

The act of attending 'church' doesn't make you any more 'Christian' than the next guy. The physical act of attending 'church' isn't going to 'save' you, nor is the act of not attending 'church' going to mean you are damned. 'Church' is a great place to build a foundation and understanding- it's a great place for 'lost souls' to find direction, be educated and be shown 'the right path to take' but it won't walk that path for you. And the number of times you 'attend' church doesn't innately make you a 'better' Christian. SAME GOES FOR QUIT.

Logging onto KTC and posting roll does not provide quit through osmosis. KTC does not make you quit, KTC will not make you stay quit, KTC does not educate you on nicotine- KTC only provides what you are willing to earn. People have quit nicotine before KTC and people will quit nicotine after KTC, and people can remain QUIT after KTC. KTC makes it easier to quit if you are willing to follow the method, read the information and honor your word. KTC is a great platform on which to build confidence and understanding, and to help quit but it comers down to you- it always comes back to you and your decisions.

Here's another revelation: BIG TOBACCO didn't put any cat turds in your mouth so quit fucking blaming BIG TOBACCO on your fucking problem- try looking in the fucking mirror instead. NO MATTER WHAT, IT COMES DOWN TO YOU and YOUR DECISION.

A true test of character isn't doing the right thing when everyone is watching, it's doing the right thing when no one is watching. Understanding your responsible for the consequences of your actions because you control your actions.

Addiction is a scaring thing, so fear mongering is understandable. Protect what has helped you stamp down your addiction. KTC has helped many, but it only helps those who help themselves. The beauty of KTC is also all the dedicated BAQs that stick around and continue to help others walk down the path of quit. I'm thankful today for KTC and the folks to help make this a great place to quit.

Quit with you all today and thank you to the folks that put this site together and poured their time and energy into making a great place for people to learn to quit and stay quit.

Quit on fuckers. Quit on.
Great post. Thank you.

Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #232 on: November 27, 2014, 12:08:00 PM »



KTC provides a wonderful medium for quitting and quitters. KTC has a proven method, it has great information available, it has resources and tools and it has many dedicated individuals that can help guide you to the freedom from nicotine. It's still up to you to follow the method, read the information and use the resources. It's through your actions and/or non-action that determines whether you quit, stay quit or educate yourself on nicotine. KTC has helped fuel many powerful quits but it's those individuals who have put the time in that get the most out.

KTC is a integral part of why I'm still quit and it will remain a part of my quit for the foreseeable future and I'm thankful a site like this exists. I rely on that daily promise, it means something to me, that daily promise has help me remember that the decision was already made- a decision to stay nicotine free for that day. Being back home for Thanksgiving I've been out drinking with my brother and friends and the bitch nicotine was prevalent everywhere, I had craves, but in my mind I told myself I made a commitment today to not use nicotine so it's not even an option. I can't tell you how many times I've had that internal conversation in my head but this week traveling back home for the holidays, it's happened almost daily. And I can tell you that I'm extremely thankful that I'm not sneaking off to stuff my face with rat poison to get my fix.

This is about being QUIT but a good parallel would be religion. You have folks all over the spectrum- those that aren't believers and those radical religious fanatics. Just because someone isn't a 'churchgoer' doesn't mean they are any less of a "Christian". To assume that is to pronounce your ignorance.

There's been a lot of activity on Srans Intro page about him leaving KTC. It's a good read with a lot of passion. On the one hand you have people thanking him and wishing him well. On the other hand you have the "if you leave KTC you'll be damned, only by staying will you be saved!". FUCK THAT- that is nothing but FEAR talking. There's only one thing that controls whether you are quit or not- and that's you. And everyone is different. Quitting/staying quit and KTC are not mutually exclusive.

The act of attending 'church' doesn't make you any more 'Christian' than the next guy. The physical act of attending 'church' isn't going to 'save' you, nor is the act of not attending 'church' going to mean you are damned. 'Church' is a great place to build a foundation and understanding- it's a great place for 'lost souls' to find direction, be educated and be shown 'the right path to take' but it won't walk that path for you. And the number of times you 'attend' church doesn't innately make you a 'better' Christian. SAME GOES FOR QUIT.

Logging onto KTC and posting roll does not provide quit through osmosis. KTC does not make you quit, KTC will not make you stay quit, KTC does not educate you on nicotine- KTC only provides what you are willing to earn. People have quit nicotine before KTC and people will quit nicotine after KTC, and people can remain QUIT after KTC. KTC makes it easier to quit if you are willing to follow the method, read the information and honor your word. KTC is a great platform on which to build confidence and understanding, and to help quit but it comers down to you- it always comes back to you and your decisions.

Here's another revelation: BIG TOBACCO didn't put any cat turds in your mouth so quit fucking blaming BIG TOBACCO on your fucking problem- try looking in the fucking mirror instead. NO MATTER WHAT, IT COMES DOWN TO YOU and YOUR DECISION.

A true test of character isn't doing the right thing when everyone is watching, it's doing the right thing when no one is watching. Understanding your responsible for the consequences of your actions because you control your actions.

Addiction is a scaring thing, so fear mongering is understandable. Protect what has helped you stamp down your addiction. KTC has helped many, but it only helps those who help themselves. The beauty of KTC is also all the dedicated BAQs that stick around and continue to help others walk down the path of quit. I'm thankful today for KTC and the folks to help make this a great place to quit.

Quit with you all today and thank you to the folks that put this site together and poured their time and energy into making a great place for people to learn to quit and stay quit.

Quit on fuckers. Quit on.

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #231 on: October 15, 2014, 12:25:00 AM »
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: bradf
Quote from: CDub27
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Smeds
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: CBird65
The first of many milestones achieved today. Never let another dissuade you from your quit.
Own it daily and never forget the nic bitch is hunting you more than ever.
'oh yeah'
Hell yeah FMBM! Enjoy your day, and see you at 101 tomorrow!
Congrats, FM! Rinse and repeat.
(I find Tworts avatar very disturbing)
Very solid quit. Stay with us and keep saving lives, most importantly your own.
Excellent job Steve!!
Holy Hell, that went by fast! Way to be Steve-O! Enjoy your day but make sure you make it back here tomorrow! Well Done!!!!
You are an honorary ;Ironman: !
Proud to quit with you Stevo!! Congrats on 100... lets push towards 200 now!!
Congrats on 100. Thanks for reaching out and supporting this youngster who is not too far behind.
Appreciate the support from all of you! Thank you!

Quit on. It's better than the alternative.

Quit with you
Sorry I'm late. No one has put more words into their quit over the last 100 days than you. You've taken this real serious....and now you have found yourself in the middle of a serious quit...Congrats!

Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #230 on: October 14, 2014, 11:35:00 PM »
Quote from: bradf
Quote from: CDub27
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Smeds
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: CBird65
The first of many milestones achieved today. Never let another dissuade you from your quit.
Own it daily and never forget the nic bitch is hunting you more than ever.
'oh yeah'
Hell yeah FMBM! Enjoy your day, and see you at 101 tomorrow!
Congrats, FM! Rinse and repeat.
(I find Tworts avatar very disturbing)
Very solid quit. Stay with us and keep saving lives, most importantly your own.
Excellent job Steve!!
Holy Hell, that went by fast! Way to be Steve-O! Enjoy your day but make sure you make it back here tomorrow! Well Done!!!!
You are an honorary ;Ironman: !
Proud to quit with you Stevo!! Congrats on 100... lets push towards 200 now!!
Congrats on 100. Thanks for reaching out and supporting this youngster who is not too far behind.
Appreciate the support from all of you! Thank you!

Quit on. It's better than the alternative.

Quit with you

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #229 on: October 14, 2014, 07:22:00 PM »
congrats bro

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #228 on: October 14, 2014, 05:48:00 PM »
Nice job on a solid quit and thanks for your perspective. See you in roll tomorrow.

Offline bradf

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #227 on: October 14, 2014, 03:29:00 PM »
Quote from: CDub27
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Smeds
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: CBird65
The first of many milestones achieved today. Never let another dissuade you from your quit.
Own it daily and never forget the nic bitch is hunting you more than ever.
'oh yeah'
Hell yeah FMBM! Enjoy your day, and see you at 101 tomorrow!
Congrats, FM! Rinse and repeat.
(I find Tworts avatar very disturbing)
Very solid quit. Stay with us and keep saving lives, most importantly your own.
Excellent job Steve!!
Holy Hell, that went by fast! Way to be Steve-O! Enjoy your day but make sure you make it back here tomorrow! Well Done!!!!
You are an honorary ;Ironman: !
Proud to quit with you Stevo!! Congrats on 100... lets push towards 200 now!!
Congrats on 100. Thanks for reaching out and supporting this youngster who is not too far behind.

Offline CDub27

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #226 on: October 14, 2014, 12:44:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Smeds
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: CBird65
The first of many milestones achieved today. Never let another dissuade you from your quit.
Own it daily and never forget the nic bitch is hunting you more than ever.
'oh yeah'
Hell yeah FMBM! Enjoy your day, and see you at 101 tomorrow!
Congrats, FM! Rinse and repeat.
(I find Tworts avatar very disturbing)
Very solid quit. Stay with us and keep saving lives, most importantly your own.
Excellent job Steve!!
Holy Hell, that went by fast! Way to be Steve-O! Enjoy your day but make sure you make it back here tomorrow! Well Done!!!!
You are an honorary ;Ironman: !
Proud to quit with you Stevo!! Congrats on 100... lets push towards 200 now!!