Author Topic: Finally going to do this...  (Read 6474 times)

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Offline Dlee3

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Re: Finally going to do this...
« Reply #67 on: April 10, 2013, 01:18:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Dlee3
It might have been obvious during my first 86 days of quit, but I am an emotional guy and completely unashamed by it.  I turned on the television a few minutes ago and watched Bubba Watson (reigning Masters champ) cry his damn eyeballs out talking about wrapping the green jacket around his newly adopted son soon after winning last years Masters.  Naturally, I cried, too.  And then I couldn't stop crying.  Crying doesn't bother me as a man.  It cleanses me.  It lets me know my heart exists even when it doesn't feel like it.

So I'm sitting here on the couch in tears and it had nothing to do with Bubba Watson or his adopted son.  Like most thoughts of the past three months, it all came back to this fucking disease we call addiction.  My daughter will be eight years old in five days and I've never wrapped her up in something as meaningful as my quit.  Bubba's got his green jacket; I have quit.  I think mine's more valuable.  For eighty-six days, even though she has no idea she's engulfed in the love that exists with my quit, she has been wrapped up in it.  I quit for me, but as I look back, I'm not the most meaningful recipient of my quit.  Humility gives that advantage to her.

Damn, I love fatherhood.  And I love being quit.  First time in sixteen years I've known what integrity actually feels like.  I kinda like it, even if I have to cry.
Damn man, your posts always get my attention because I've admired the way you talk about 'the kid' since day one. I'm kinda emotional too and your comparison of your quit to the green jacket made my eyes blur. Fatherhood is great! I wish I'd gone threw those early years nic free but I am enjoying being a grandfather nicotine free. One of my motivations to quit was when my 4 year old grandson asked me what I was eating while riding in the tractor. Dang I'm glad he hasn't had the opportunity to ask me again. Can't believe your HOF is just around the corner.
I can't believe it either, WT. Actually, I can, but it sounds better to say I can't believe it. Thank YOU for being there for me from day one.

Offline Wt57

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Re: Finally going to do this...
« Reply #66 on: April 10, 2013, 01:00:00 AM »
Quote from: Dlee3
It might have been obvious during my first 86 days of quit, but I am an emotional guy and completely unashamed by it. I turned on the television a few minutes ago and watched Bubba Watson (reigning Masters champ) cry his damn eyeballs out talking about wrapping the green jacket around his newly adopted son soon after winning last years Masters. Naturally, I cried, too. And then I couldn't stop crying. Crying doesn't bother me as a man. It cleanses me. It lets me know my heart exists even when it doesn't feel like it.

So I'm sitting here on the couch in tears and it had nothing to do with Bubba Watson or his adopted son. Like most thoughts of the past three months, it all came back to this fucking disease we call addiction. My daughter will be eight years old in five days and I've never wrapped her up in something as meaningful as my quit. Bubba's got his green jacket; I have quit. I think mine's more valuable. For eighty-six days, even though she has no idea she's engulfed in the love that exists with my quit, she has been wrapped up in it. I quit for me, but as I look back, I'm not the most meaningful recipient of my quit. Humility gives that advantage to her.

Damn, I love fatherhood. And I love being quit. First time in sixteen years I've known what integrity actually feels like. I kinda like it, even if I have to cry.
Damn man, your posts always get my attention because I've admired the way you talk about 'the kid' since day one. I'm kinda emotional too and your comparison of your quit to the green jacket made my eyes blur. Fatherhood is great! I wish I'd gone threw those early years nic free but I am enjoying being a grandfather nicotine free. One of my motivations to quit was when my 4 year old grandson asked me what I was eating while riding in the tractor. Dang I'm glad he hasn't had the opportunity to ask me again. Can't believe your HOF is just around the corner.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Dlee3

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Re: Finally going to do this...
« Reply #65 on: April 10, 2013, 12:30:00 AM »
It might have been obvious during my first 86 days of quit, but I am an emotional guy and completely unashamed by it. I turned on the television a few minutes ago and watched Bubba Watson (reigning Masters champ) cry his damn eyeballs out talking about wrapping the green jacket around his newly adopted son soon after winning last years Masters. Naturally, I cried, too. And then I couldn't stop crying. Crying doesn't bother me as a man. It cleanses me. It lets me know my heart exists even when it doesn't feel like it.

So I'm sitting here on the couch in tears and it had nothing to do with Bubba Watson or his adopted son. Like most thoughts of the past three months, it all came back to this fucking disease we call addiction. My daughter will be eight years old in five days and I've never wrapped her up in something as meaningful as my quit. Bubba's got his green jacket; I have quit. I think mine's more valuable. For eighty-six days, even though she has no idea she's engulfed in the love that exists with my quit, she has been wrapped up in it. I quit for me, but as I look back, I'm not the most meaningful recipient of my quit. Humility gives that advantage to her.

Damn, I love fatherhood. And I love being quit. First time in sixteen years I've known what integrity actually feels like. I kinda like it, even if I have to cry.

Offline dipweasel

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Re: Finally going to do this...
« Reply #64 on: March 30, 2013, 09:56:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: tsmith17
Quote from: Dlee3
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Dlee3
So the kid had a sleepover tonight which gave me the opportunity to go get her something for Easter.  After shopping, I stopped in Lonestar Steakhouse to have some dinner.  I hadn't done it alone yet, but I wanted a beer.  So I had one.  I knew it would be a trigger, but I wanted a damn beer. 

So I'm sitting their enjoying my steak and a couple comes in and sits at the bar across from me.  It was obvious it was an early-in-the-relationship date between forty-somethings.  She was cute in a Mary Lou Retton sort of way, so I was intrigued by it.  She was no supermodel, but she was my type.  Cute, petite, seemingly unbroken, not an ounce of bitch in her face.  He, on the other hand, was a bit of a brute.  Polar opposites from a physical standpoint, but who am I to judge.  They sit down and give each other a peck on the lips.

He asked, "So how was your week?"

She said, "Okay.  Better now."  She was obviously both excited and nervous.  Not sure why now.

After a little conversation, he goes to bathroom.  When he comes back, I notice he looks different.  It looked to me like he had a micro-dip in his cheek. 

The bartender comes over and he says, "I know it's inappropriate, but can I get one of those Styrofoam take-out cups."

The waitress says yes and soon comes back with one.  He stuffs a wad of toilet paper (yes, toilet paper) in the cup and spits.  A few moments later, in the middle of more conversation, he spits again.  And again.

At this point, my mind turned to the psychiatry of human behavior.  I was a ninja dipper, so my wife used to be skeptical but still unconvinced that I was an addict.  She caught me a few times, but I always played it off as a stress reducer and I only did it when I was stressed or with the boys at poker night or on the golf course.

This guy, on the other hand, sits down ON A DATE and sticks a dip in.  Who the hell does that?  More than anything, for the first time in my addicted life, I wondered what kind of woman had such low expectations that she would date a man who felt dip was superior to her.

My beer trigger was long gone at this point.  I thoroughly enjoyed it, but it left no cave trigger.  More than anything else, I wanted to walk over to this guy, sit down beside him, and introduce him to KTC.

So the question I have for you guys:  Should I have done it?  Have you ever gone up to a complete stranger who was being a complete idiot and tried to sell KTC?
Approaching someone to sell KTC, while noble, could result in a new quit, planting the quit seed, or a solid ass kicking. You have to be ready to accept all three options if you decide to approach anyone. If you are not of sober mind I suggest taking a pass, or being a ninja and writing the URL for the bartender to hand over after you leave.
And then there is the getting-my-ass-kicked side of the story. What sucks is that I felt sorry for her more than him. Then again, I can't make decisions for him or her. They have to do it themselves.

Oh well. I'm not a salesman anyway. Maybe one day.

Either way, seeing that fuckstick dipping on a date was pure medicine for me. I watched the man I was surely going to become spitting into a borrowed takeout cup while on a date with a cute lady. I saw enough for the next dozen triggers or so.
I don't think you'll ever get your ass kicked, but you may receive a few "fuck offs" or a " mind your own business asshole". I am all for promoting being quit, but be sure to protect your own quit above all else.
I would have given you a hardy "fuck off". I never liked being preached to. Their are plenty of people here for you to save.

If you are really serious about helping others and I have thought about this, try getting into local high schools and asking for an hour or so to preach the dangers of nic addiction in smokeless form.

I think you would have better luck than approaching some Chachi off off the street.

This is my humble opinion.
I left the URL on a card for my handgun license instructor. We all know, they have to make the decision. I'm sure many don't know about KTC so I see it as educational only - not trying to convince them to quit.

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Finally going to do this...
« Reply #63 on: March 30, 2013, 12:47:00 AM »
Quote from: tsmith17
Quote from: Dlee3
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Dlee3
So the kid had a sleepover tonight which gave me the opportunity to go get her something for Easter.  After shopping, I stopped in Lonestar Steakhouse to have some dinner.  I hadn't done it alone yet, but I wanted a beer.  So I had one.  I knew it would be a trigger, but I wanted a damn beer. 

So I'm sitting their enjoying my steak and a couple comes in and sits at the bar across from me.  It was obvious it was an early-in-the-relationship date between forty-somethings.  She was cute in a Mary Lou Retton sort of way, so I was intrigued by it.  She was no supermodel, but she was my type.  Cute, petite, seemingly unbroken, not an ounce of bitch in her face.  He, on the other hand, was a bit of a brute.  Polar opposites from a physical standpoint, but who am I to judge.  They sit down and give each other a peck on the lips.

He asked, "So how was your week?"

She said, "Okay.  Better now."  She was obviously both excited and nervous.  Not sure why now.

After a little conversation, he goes to bathroom.  When he comes back, I notice he looks different.  It looked to me like he had a micro-dip in his cheek. 

The bartender comes over and he says, "I know it's inappropriate, but can I get one of those Styrofoam take-out cups."

The waitress says yes and soon comes back with one.  He stuffs a wad of toilet paper (yes, toilet paper) in the cup and spits.  A few moments later, in the middle of more conversation, he spits again.  And again.

At this point, my mind turned to the psychiatry of human behavior.  I was a ninja dipper, so my wife used to be skeptical but still unconvinced that I was an addict.  She caught me a few times, but I always played it off as a stress reducer and I only did it when I was stressed or with the boys at poker night or on the golf course.

This guy, on the other hand, sits down ON A DATE and sticks a dip in.  Who the hell does that?  More than anything, for the first time in my addicted life, I wondered what kind of woman had such low expectations that she would date a man who felt dip was superior to her.

My beer trigger was long gone at this point.  I thoroughly enjoyed it, but it left no cave trigger.  More than anything else, I wanted to walk over to this guy, sit down beside him, and introduce him to KTC.

So the question I have for you guys:  Should I have done it?  Have you ever gone up to a complete stranger who was being a complete idiot and tried to sell KTC?
Approaching someone to sell KTC, while noble, could result in a new quit, planting the quit seed, or a solid ass kicking. You have to be ready to accept all three options if you decide to approach anyone. If you are not of sober mind I suggest taking a pass, or being a ninja and writing the URL for the bartender to hand over after you leave.
And then there is the getting-my-ass-kicked side of the story. What sucks is that I felt sorry for her more than him. Then again, I can't make decisions for him or her. They have to do it themselves.

Oh well. I'm not a salesman anyway. Maybe one day.

Either way, seeing that fuckstick dipping on a date was pure medicine for me. I watched the man I was surely going to become spitting into a borrowed takeout cup while on a date with a cute lady. I saw enough for the next dozen triggers or so.
I don't think you'll ever get your ass kicked, but you may receive a few "fuck offs" or a " mind your own business asshole". I am all for promoting being quit, but be sure to protect your own quit above all else.
I would have given you a hardy "fuck off". I never liked being preached to. Their are plenty of people here for you to save.

If you are really serious about helping others and I have thought about this, try getting into local high schools and asking for an hour or so to preach the dangers of nic addiction in smokeless form.

I think you would have better luck than approaching some Chachi off off the street.

This is my humble opinion.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Tsmith17

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Re: Finally going to do this...
« Reply #62 on: March 30, 2013, 12:39:00 AM »
Quote from: Dlee3
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Dlee3
So the kid had a sleepover tonight which gave me the opportunity to go get her something for Easter.  After shopping, I stopped in Lonestar Steakhouse to have some dinner.  I hadn't done it alone yet, but I wanted a beer.  So I had one.  I knew it would be a trigger, but I wanted a damn beer. 

So I'm sitting their enjoying my steak and a couple comes in and sits at the bar across from me.  It was obvious it was an early-in-the-relationship date between forty-somethings.  She was cute in a Mary Lou Retton sort of way, so I was intrigued by it.  She was no supermodel, but she was my type.  Cute, petite, seemingly unbroken, not an ounce of bitch in her face.  He, on the other hand, was a bit of a brute.  Polar opposites from a physical standpoint, but who am I to judge.  They sit down and give each other a peck on the lips.

He asked, "So how was your week?"

She said, "Okay.  Better now."  She was obviously both excited and nervous.  Not sure why now.

After a little conversation, he goes to bathroom.  When he comes back, I notice he looks different.  It looked to me like he had a micro-dip in his cheek. 

The bartender comes over and he says, "I know it's inappropriate, but can I get one of those Styrofoam take-out cups."

The waitress says yes and soon comes back with one.  He stuffs a wad of toilet paper (yes, toilet paper) in the cup and spits.  A few moments later, in the middle of more conversation, he spits again.  And again.

At this point, my mind turned to the psychiatry of human behavior.  I was a ninja dipper, so my wife used to be skeptical but still unconvinced that I was an addict.  She caught me a few times, but I always played it off as a stress reducer and I only did it when I was stressed or with the boys at poker night or on the golf course.

This guy, on the other hand, sits down ON A DATE and sticks a dip in.  Who the hell does that?  More than anything, for the first time in my addicted life, I wondered what kind of woman had such low expectations that she would date a man who felt dip was superior to her.

My beer trigger was long gone at this point.  I thoroughly enjoyed it, but it left no cave trigger.  More than anything else, I wanted to walk over to this guy, sit down beside him, and introduce him to KTC.

So the question I have for you guys:  Should I have done it?  Have you ever gone up to a complete stranger who was being a complete idiot and tried to sell KTC?
Approaching someone to sell KTC, while noble, could result in a new quit, planting the quit seed, or a solid ass kicking. You have to be ready to accept all three options if you decide to approach anyone. If you are not of sober mind I suggest taking a pass, or being a ninja and writing the URL for the bartender to hand over after you leave.
And then there is the getting-my-ass-kicked side of the story. What sucks is that I felt sorry for her more than him. Then again, I can't make decisions for him or her. They have to do it themselves.

Oh well. I'm not a salesman anyway. Maybe one day.

Either way, seeing that fuckstick dipping on a date was pure medicine for me. I watched the man I was surely going to become spitting into a borrowed takeout cup while on a date with a cute lady. I saw enough for the next dozen triggers or so.
I don't think you'll ever get your ass kicked, but you may receive a few "fuck offs" or a " mind your own business asshole". I am all for promoting being quit, but be sure to protect your own quit above all else.

Offline Dlee3

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Re: Finally going to do this...
« Reply #61 on: March 30, 2013, 12:25:00 AM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Dlee3
So the kid had a sleepover tonight which gave me the opportunity to go get her something for Easter.  After shopping, I stopped in Lonestar Steakhouse to have some dinner.  I hadn't done it alone yet, but I wanted a beer.  So I had one.  I knew it would be a trigger, but I wanted a damn beer. 

So I'm sitting their enjoying my steak and a couple comes in and sits at the bar across from me.  It was obvious it was an early-in-the-relationship date between forty-somethings.  She was cute in a Mary Lou Retton sort of way, so I was intrigued by it.  She was no supermodel, but she was my type.  Cute, petite, seemingly unbroken, not an ounce of bitch in her face.  He, on the other hand, was a bit of a brute.  Polar opposites from a physical standpoint, but who am I to judge.  They sit down and give each other a peck on the lips.

He asked, "So how was your week?"

She said, "Okay.  Better now."  She was obviously both excited and nervous.  Not sure why now.

After a little conversation, he goes to bathroom.  When he comes back, I notice he looks different.  It looked to me like he had a micro-dip in his cheek. 

The bartender comes over and he says, "I know it's inappropriate, but can I get one of those Styrofoam take-out cups."

The waitress says yes and soon comes back with one.  He stuffs a wad of toilet paper (yes, toilet paper) in the cup and spits.  A few moments later, in the middle of more conversation, he spits again.  And again.

At this point, my mind turned to the psychiatry of human behavior.  I was a ninja dipper, so my wife used to be skeptical but still unconvinced that I was an addict.  She caught me a few times, but I always played it off as a stress reducer and I only did it when I was stressed or with the boys at poker night or on the golf course.

This guy, on the other hand, sits down ON A DATE and sticks a dip in.  Who the hell does that?  More than anything, for the first time in my addicted life, I wondered what kind of woman had such low expectations that she would date a man who felt dip was superior to her.

My beer trigger was long gone at this point.  I thoroughly enjoyed it, but it left no cave trigger.  More than anything else, I wanted to walk over to this guy, sit down beside him, and introduce him to KTC.

So the question I have for you guys:  Should I have done it?  Have you ever gone up to a complete stranger who was being a complete idiot and tried to sell KTC?
Approaching someone to sell KTC, while noble, could result in a new quit, planting the quit seed, or a solid ass kicking. You have to be ready to accept all three options if you decide to approach anyone. If you are not of sober mind I suggest taking a pass, or being a ninja and writing the URL for the bartender to hand over after you leave.
And then there is the getting-my-ass-kicked side of the story. What sucks is that I felt sorry for her more than him. Then again, I can't make decisions for him or her. They have to do it themselves.

Oh well. I'm not a salesman anyway. Maybe one day.

Either way, seeing that fuckstick dipping on a date was pure medicine for me. I watched the man I was surely going to become spitting into a borrowed takeout cup while on a date with a cute lady. I saw enough for the next dozen triggers or so.

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Re: Finally going to do this...
« Reply #60 on: March 29, 2013, 11:47:00 PM »
Quote from: Dlee3
So the kid had a sleepover tonight which gave me the opportunity to go get her something for Easter.  After shopping, I stopped in Lonestar Steakhouse to have some dinner.  I hadn't done it alone yet, but I wanted a beer.  So I had one.  I knew it would be a trigger, but I wanted a damn beer. 

So I'm sitting their enjoying my steak and a couple comes in and sits at the bar across from me.  It was obvious it was an early-in-the-relationship date between forty-somethings.  She was cute in a Mary Lou Retton sort of way, so I was intrigued by it.  She was no supermodel, but she was my type.  Cute, petite, seemingly unbroken, not an ounce of bitch in her face.  He, on the other hand, was a bit of a brute.  Polar opposites from a physical standpoint, but who am I to judge.  They sit down and give each other a peck on the lips.

He asked, "So how was your week?"

She said, "Okay.  Better now."  She was obviously both excited and nervous.  Not sure why now.

After a little conversation, he goes to bathroom.  When he comes back, I notice he looks different.  It looked to me like he had a micro-dip in his cheek. 

The bartender comes over and he says, "I know it's inappropriate, but can I get one of those Styrofoam take-out cups."

The waitress says yes and soon comes back with one.  He stuffs a wad of toilet paper (yes, toilet paper) in the cup and spits.  A few moments later, in the middle of more conversation, he spits again.  And again.

At this point, my mind turned to the psychiatry of human behavior.  I was a ninja dipper, so my wife used to be skeptical but still unconvinced that I was an addict.  She caught me a few times, but I always played it off as a stress reducer and I only did it when I was stressed or with the boys at poker night or on the golf course.

This guy, on the other hand, sits down ON A DATE and sticks a dip in.  Who the hell does that?  More than anything, for the first time in my addicted life, I wondered what kind of woman had such low expectations that she would date a man who felt dip was superior to her.

My beer trigger was long gone at this point.  I thoroughly enjoyed it, but it left no cave trigger.  More than anything else, I wanted to walk over to this guy, sit down beside him, and introduce him to KTC.

So the question I have for you guys:  Should I have done it?  Have you ever gone up to a complete stranger who was being a complete idiot and tried to sell KTC?
Approaching someone to sell KTC, while noble, could result in a new quit, planting the quit seed, or a solid ass kicking. You have to be ready to accept all three options if you decide to approach anyone. If you are not of sober mind I suggest taking a pass, or being a ninja and writing the URL for the bartender to hand over after you leave.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline Dlee3

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Re: Finally going to do this...
« Reply #59 on: March 29, 2013, 11:07:00 PM »
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: Dlee3
So the kid had a sleepover tonight which gave me the opportunity to go get her something for Easter.  After shopping, I stopped in Lonestar Steakhouse to have some dinner.  I hadn't done it alone yet, but I wanted a beer.  So I had one.  I knew it would be a trigger, but I wanted a damn beer. 

So I'm sitting their enjoying my steak and a couple comes in and sits at the bar across from me.  It was obvious it was an early-in-the-relationship date between forty-somethings.  She was cute in a Mary Lou Retton sort of way, so I was intrigued by it.  She was no supermodel, but she was my type.  Cute, petite, seemingly unbroken, not an ounce of bitch in her face.  He, on the other hand, was a bit of a brute.  Polar opposites from a physical standpoint, but who am I to judge.  They sit down and give each other a peck on the lips.

He asked, "So how was your week?"

She said, "Okay.  Better now."  She was obviously both excited and nervous.  Not sure why now.

After a little conversation, he goes to bathroom.  When he comes back, I notice he looks different.  It looked to me like he had a micro-dip in his cheek. 

The bartender comes over and he says, "I know it's inappropriate, but can I get one of those Styrofoam take-out cups."

The waitress says yes and soon comes back with one.  He stuffs a wad of toilet paper (yes, toilet paper) in the cup and spits.  A few moments later, in the middle of more conversation, he spits again.  And again.

At this point, my mind turned to the psychiatry of human behavior.  I was a ninja dipper, so my wife used to be skeptical but still unconvinced that I was an addict.  She caught me a few times, but I always played it off as a stress reducer and I only did it when I was stressed or with the boys at poker night or on the golf course.

This guy, on the other hand, sits down ON A DATE and sticks a dip in.  Who the hell does that?  More than anything, for the first time in my addicted life, I wondered what kind of woman had such low expectations that she would date a man who felt dip was superior to her.

My beer trigger was long gone at this point.  I thoroughly enjoyed it, but it left no cave trigger.  More than anything else, I wanted to walk over to this guy, sit down beside him, and introduce him to KTC.

So the question I have for you guys:  Should I have done it?  Have you ever gone up to a complete stranger who was being a complete idiot and tried to sell KTC?
hey brother Dlee3, I was that guy at the bar with a girl...I dipped 24/7 full blown all the time except in the bedroom and while sleeping....that dude is a full blown nic addict...
I tell everyone I can about KTC...for the full blown strangers like that dude you saw...I have wrote the url on a piece of paper, given it to them and said, hey check out this cool site. Walked away.
Seeds of quit are planted in many ways. Everyone is different, yet we're all addicted. One seed an old lady planted in my about 18 months ago was when she told me about her husband whom died early and was a dipper and never smoked. Coming from her, it lodged into my brain for days...I haven't seen her again, but when I do, I will tell how her words helped me.
Most people dipping will resist any conversation about quitting...they (in my experience) are just not ready.
Have a super weekend.
NAFAR I quit with you Today and all days that end in a y.
Cheers. 'bang head'
30, allow me to speak for you with regards to your reply. Tell me if I'm wrong, in other words.

When you see a guy dipping, you could care less if he is ready to quit. You sell QUIT anyway. When you hear a guy talking about dipping and how wonderful it is, you could care less if he truly believes it. You sell QUIT anyway. When you see a guy walking down the sidewalk with the dip circle in his back pocket, you sell QUIT anyway.

I'm seriously curious when I ask: Do you really do that? Have you really written the URL and simply walked away, wondering if you missed an opportunity to save a life if you stuck around and chatted? I'm really quite curious. I really, really wanted to be that guy tonight.

I completely agree with you when it comes to people being ready to quit. Some people simply aren't and might never be. They'll die with that mindset.

That's why I feel like I missed an opportunity tonight. I will never be able to make that dude quit dipping, but I will always wonder if I could have been his quit trigger. I haven't had the occasion to feel that way in 75 days. Cool and frustrating at the same time.

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Re: Finally going to do this...
« Reply #58 on: March 29, 2013, 09:15:00 PM »
Quote from: Dlee3
So the kid had a sleepover tonight which gave me the opportunity to go get her something for Easter. After shopping, I stopped in Lonestar Steakhouse to have some dinner. I hadn't done it alone yet, but I wanted a beer. So I had one. I knew it would be a trigger, but I wanted a damn beer.

So I'm sitting their enjoying my steak and a couple comes in and sits at the bar across from me. It was obvious it was an early-in-the-relationship date between forty-somethings. She was cute in a Mary Lou Retton sort of way, so I was intrigued by it. She was no supermodel, but she was my type. Cute, petite, seemingly unbroken, not an ounce of bitch in her face. He, on the other hand, was a bit of a brute. Polar opposites from a physical standpoint, but who am I to judge. They sit down and give each other a peck on the lips.

He asked, "So how was your week?"

She said, "Okay. Better now." She was obviously both excited and nervous. Not sure why now.

After a little conversation, he goes to bathroom. When he comes back, I notice he looks different. It looked to me like he had a micro-dip in his cheek.

The bartender comes over and he says, "I know it's inappropriate, but can I get one of those Styrofoam take-out cups."

The waitress says yes and soon comes back with one. He stuffs a wad of toilet paper (yes, toilet paper) in the cup and spits. A few moments later, in the middle of more conversation, he spits again. And again.

At this point, my mind turned to the psychiatry of human behavior. I was a ninja dipper, so my wife used to be skeptical but still unconvinced that I was an addict. She caught me a few times, but I always played it off as a stress reducer and I only did it when I was stressed or with the boys at poker night or on the golf course.

This guy, on the other hand, sits down ON A DATE and sticks a dip in. Who the hell does that? More than anything, for the first time in my addicted life, I wondered what kind of woman had such low expectations that she would date a man who felt dip was superior to her.

My beer trigger was long gone at this point. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but it left no cave trigger. More than anything else, I wanted to walk over to this guy, sit down beside him, and introduce him to KTC.

So the question I have for you guys: Should I have done it? Have you ever gone up to a complete stranger who was being a complete idiot and tried to sell KTC?
hey brother Dlee3, I was that guy at the bar with a girl...I dipped 24/7 full blown all the time except in the bedroom and while sleeping....that dude is a full blown nic addict...
I tell everyone I can about KTC...for the full blown strangers like that dude you saw...I have wrote the url on a piece of paper, given it to them and said, hey check out this cool site. Walked away.
Seeds of quit are planted in many ways. Everyone is different, yet we're all addicted. One seed an old lady planted in my about 18 months ago was when she told me about her husband whom died early and was a dipper and never smoked. Coming from her, it lodged into my brain for days...I haven't seen her again, but when I do, I will tell how her words helped me.
Most people dipping will resist any conversation about quitting...they (in my experience) are just not ready.
Have a super weekend.
NAFAR I quit with you Today and all days that end in a y.
Cheers. 'bang head'
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

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Re: Finally going to do this...
« Reply #57 on: March 29, 2013, 07:54:00 PM »
So the kid had a sleepover tonight which gave me the opportunity to go get her something for Easter. After shopping, I stopped in Lonestar Steakhouse to have some dinner. I hadn't done it alone yet, but I wanted a beer. So I had one. I knew it would be a trigger, but I wanted a damn beer.

So I'm sitting their enjoying my steak and a couple comes in and sits at the bar across from me. It was obvious it was an early-in-the-relationship date between forty-somethings. She was cute in a Mary Lou Retton sort of way, so I was intrigued by it. She was no supermodel, but she was my type. Cute, petite, seemingly unbroken, not an ounce of bitch in her face. He, on the other hand, was a bit of a brute. Polar opposites from a physical standpoint, but who am I to judge. They sit down and give each other a peck on the lips.

He asked, "So how was your week?"

She said, "Okay. Better now." She was obviously both excited and nervous. Not sure why now.

After a little conversation, he goes to bathroom. When he comes back, I notice he looks different. It looked to me like he had a micro-dip in his cheek.

The bartender comes over and he says, "I know it's inappropriate, but can I get one of those Styrofoam take-out cups."

The waitress says yes and soon comes back with one. He stuffs a wad of toilet paper (yes, toilet paper) in the cup and spits. A few moments later, in the middle of more conversation, he spits again. And again.

At this point, my mind turned to the psychiatry of human behavior. I was a ninja dipper, so my wife used to be skeptical but still unconvinced that I was an addict. She caught me a few times, but I always played it off as a stress reducer and I only did it when I was stressed or with the boys at poker night or on the golf course.

This guy, on the other hand, sits down ON A DATE and sticks a dip in. Who the hell does that? More than anything, for the first time in my addicted life, I wondered what kind of woman had such low expectations that she would date a man who felt dip was superior to her.

My beer trigger was long gone at this point. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but it left no cave trigger. More than anything else, I wanted to walk over to this guy, sit down beside him, and introduce him to KTC.

So the question I have for you guys: Should I have done it? Have you ever gone up to a complete stranger who was being a complete idiot and tried to sell KTC?

Offline bleeckerdogs

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Re: Finally going to do this...
« Reply #56 on: March 29, 2013, 09:42:00 AM »
Dlee3 - The quit is very strong with you! I am not 100% but I can tell you the days I missed and they all made me feel like shit. I look forward to walking into the Hall with you on April 24th. We will step on each floor together. I pray that January 15th 2013 is a day that will mean something to us forever. A single cave will ruin it! Not an option. Your Brother! Bleeckerdogs

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Re: Finally going to do this...
« Reply #55 on: March 27, 2013, 10:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Dlee3
After 71 days, I did something really stupid today (not cave stupid but addict stupid) and proved why this site works. I have no excuses good enough to post here, but at about 8:00 EST, I realized that I had totally forgot to post roll all day. When I logged in, I had a message from spartonron. I messaged back after posting and apologized for almost ruining a 100% day for our April group. A little while later, tsmith messaged me making sure I was okay. I was. Had a great day in fact. Parents versus kids night at soccer practice makes any day a great day (we lost; they cheated.)

My point: thanks, guys. I've been getting complacent because of outside stresses and just being busy as hell. It's no excuse. I think Coach Doc put it very well tonight in his new thread about excuses. When we get complacent, we open ourselves up for a cave.

I just wanted to thank you guys for checking in on me. Please lambaste me fully and completely if it happens again.

This reminds me of my favorite quote ever:

"We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse." - Rudyard Kipling
It is very easy to become complacent. We are all susceptible to it. Everyone once in a while, we need our brothers to hold us accountable and keep us on track. It doesnÂ’t matter if we are on day 50, 500 or 5,000. There will come a time where we will all need a little help from our brothers. Early on in my quit, I absent mindedly forgot to post roll at my early time. Later that day I logged into to find my inbox filled with messages from my quit brothers checking up on me. I also received many texts that day. The point is that people here really care about me and my quit. I care about your quit. All I ask for holding you accountable is that you pass it on. That is why this place works so well. Take care brother and see you on roll.

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Re: Finally going to do this...
« Reply #54 on: March 26, 2013, 11:01:00 PM »
After 71 days, I did something really stupid today (not cave stupid but addict stupid) and proved why this site works. I have no excuses good enough to post here, but at about 8:00 EST, I realized that I had totally forgot to post roll all day. When I logged in, I had a message from spartonron. I messaged back after posting and apologized for almost ruining a 100% day for our April group. A little while later, tsmith messaged me making sure I was okay. I was. Had a great day in fact. Parents versus kids night at soccer practice makes any day a great day (we lost; they cheated.)

My point: thanks, guys. I've been getting complacent because of outside stresses and just being busy as hell. It's no excuse. I think Coach Doc put it very well tonight in his new thread about excuses. When we get complacent, we open ourselves up for a cave.

I just wanted to thank you guys for checking in on me. Please lambaste me fully and completely if it happens again.

This reminds me of my favorite quote ever:

"We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse." - Rudyard Kipling

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Re: Finally going to do this...
« Reply #53 on: March 25, 2013, 09:52:00 PM »
In another context, does this article feel familiar to you guys? If not, I'm thinking it should be pretty easy to relate to this dude. ... ness-march

BTW, sorry I've been semi-absent. Looking forward to getting back in the fold now that tangible hell has come and gone. I was right when I was fifteen. Homework really, really sucks.