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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #94 on: November 23, 2012, 12:12:00 PM »
Quote from: kana
i think that the more posts you post, the many different names you earn on KTC. Slut, whore, floozy, its kinda like an achievement. Congrats you big floozy.

Not sure about the avatar problem. I do know they can't be larger than 100 x 100 pixels in size.
ok.. I know I'm a floozy I just don't wear it on my sleeve. lol I was able to change the wording in that section before  now I can't find the option. Think I'm goin crazy.
aaahhh that's better.. ty
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #93 on: November 23, 2012, 11:05:00 AM »
i think that the more posts you post, the many different names you earn on KTC. Slut, whore, floozy, its kinda like an achievement. Congrats you big floozy.

Not sure about the avatar problem. I do know they can't be larger than 100 x 100 pixels in size.
ok.. I know I'm a floozy I just don't wear it on my sleeve. lol I was able to change the wording in that section before  now I can't find the option. Think I'm goin crazy.
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield


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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #92 on: November 23, 2012, 11:03:00 AM »
I am a bimbo hoping to work my way up to floozy. Nice.
Enough is enough. Time to take control back from the nic bitch. My HOF speechGR8WHITEBUFFALO


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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #91 on: November 23, 2012, 11:02:00 AM »
i think that the more posts you post, the many different names you earn on KTC. Slut, whore, floozy, its kinda like an achievement. Congrats you big floozy.

Not sure about the avatar problem. I do know they can't be larger than 100 x 100 pixels in size.
Enough is enough. Time to take control back from the nic bitch. My HOF speechGR8WHITEBUFFALO

Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #90 on: November 23, 2012, 10:45:00 AM »
Ok I tried to change my avatar and now it's all fucked up.. It keeps defaulting to one that I don't want, and I can't change the wording under my avatar. It says FLOOZY? not sure where that came from? not me.. Is someone fucking with me, or is something wrong with the site right now? I'm about to go yell at the shrubbs again...
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #89 on: November 21, 2012, 11:26:00 AM »
Quote from: kana
yesterday as mentioned I started feeling better.. Then out of the blue my wife said let's go to a movie! Oh crap... I haven't been to a movie in a year. Then I started thinking I haven't been to a movie without a dip since like 1980? Wow I started too panic. We had 20 minutes till it started. Once we got there bought some popcorn. (ALWAYS have gum  butterrum lifesavers in my pocket!) Anyway watched the movie. We were at home hours later, and my son came in and asked me what I did today. Your mom  me went to a movie. Then It hit me..from the time I first freaked out to now, I didn't think about dip once!! I went the whole movie and half the day, and she never came back in my mind. When she did it was a positive thought! Long story short. I felt victorious. This was a trigger I forgot about, but it was a trigger that I ignored thanks to my tools.. Me 109 - Nic bitch 0! Sorry gotta dance! 'dance' 'dance' 'dance'
Bravo Kana!

Nicotine can piss up wind for all I care. We don't need her and never did! :Winner: Victory is sweet!
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Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #88 on: November 21, 2012, 09:36:00 AM »
yesterday as mentioned I started feeling better.. Then out of the blue my wife said let's go to a movie! Oh crap... I haven't been to a movie in a year. Then I started thinking I haven't been to a movie without a dip since like 1980? Wow I started too panic. We had 20 minutes till it started. Once we got there bought some popcorn. (ALWAYS have gum  butterrum lifesavers in my pocket!) Anyway watched the movie. We were at home hours later, and my son came in and asked me what I did today. Your mom  me went to a movie. Then It hit me..from the time I first freaked out to now, I didn't think about dip once!! I went the whole movie and half the day, and she never came back in my mind. When she did it was a positive thought! Long story short. I felt victorious. This was a trigger I forgot about, but it was a trigger that I ignored thanks to my tools.. Me 109 - Nic bitch 0! Sorry gotta dance! 'dance' 'dance' 'dance'
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #87 on: November 20, 2012, 12:48:00 PM »
I'm old enough to know that a morning perspective is alway's different from the evening before. "Hence sleeping on it" I tried to focus on what was setting me off. It was pretty obvious. A lack of exercise. Exercise was at the core of my quit. It helped me in my dark days. I hurt my back 3 weeks ago, so I decided to take a break. Problem was I felt good last week but never did anything. I was getting complacent, and in turn thinking too much, and KTCing too much, and eating too much. I finally bought a family gym membership with the savings. I hadn't even gone yet. My wife - everyday. After my bitch breakdown yesterday I decided to get off my ass. This morning I went to the gym after I dropped my son to school. IT FELT GREAT! The best part is they have an indoor heated pool. I can do laps every morning now no excuses. Swimming is the only thing I can do that doesn't irritate my old injuries.
Sorry for the unnecessary bitching yesterday. I'm feeling better now..
I quit with all of you understanding, tittie loving, but plugging, fuckwads...
Have a nice day :D
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #86 on: November 16, 2012, 06:33:00 PM »
Quote from: kana
Ok saw something really dumb this morning. This is for Radman as he put it best "be prepared to notice addicts doing dumb things."
I was sick as a dog last couple days. This morning after dropping my son to school I stopped at Walgreens to get some meds.. (Keep in mind it's 8:15 am.)  The guy in front of me was fairly young in his mid 20's obviously a regular, as the lady new what he wanted. 4 packs of smokes. He also had 1 cs of beer. (That was me 20 years ago) The attendant complimented him on the smokes.  I guess she was a smoker also, and had tried them. They were supposedly ALL NATURAL. Anyway back  forth, how good they are. The lady said she even recommends them to her customers. Sad.. 
These were 2 addicts having a conversation, and trying to justify the fact that they're killing themselves.. The conversation sounded really stupid to a normal person (ME). I felt good as a non-drinker, non nic brotha, but I also felt bad I didn't say something. Like ALL NATURAL my ASS! It will still kill you.. I just minded my own business, and thanked god that I'm not like that anymore... I couldn't do anything for them today, but I share this to help my brothers to keep focus on the prize.. Normalcy..

I went to a simple court proceeding as support for a friend. His case was coming up but they were behind so I got to sit and listen to testimonies and cases etc.

I got bored and walked outside to make a call. There were about 4 different individuals standing by their cars smoking. I focused on one guy. He looks like a hard working guy. The type of "blue collar" American that makes our country move. I thought that I liked people like this that work to earn their bread.

Since I was quit I did notice him smoking. Well fast forward to back in court. This guy comes in and is sitting in front of me while this girl is giving her statement of a guy that she claims was stalking her.

He obviously was the father of this girl. I suddenly saw a dad that loved his daughter. I also saw an addict that worshiped nicotine and the Father he probably wanted to be, he couldn't be because his addiction enslaved him. I really think nicotine lowers IQ. Not for good but while you are in its power.

Now that I am quit, observing those who still worship the can or smokes....They don't come across as world beaters. Yeah I guess the harshness is they seem stupid.

I kind of went off but all I meant to say is I know what you are talking about. Our blinders are off and so glad to be quit with real quitters.
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Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #85 on: November 16, 2012, 11:19:00 AM »
Ok saw something really dumb this morning. This is for Radman as he put it best "be prepared to notice addicts doing dumb things."
I was sick as a dog last couple days. This morning after dropping my son to school I stopped at Walgreens to get some meds.. (Keep in mind it's 8:15 am.) The guy in front of me was fairly young in his mid 20's obviously a regular, as the lady new what he wanted. 4 packs of smokes. He also had 1 cs of beer. (That was me 20 years ago) The attendant complimented him on the smokes. I guess she was a smoker also, and had tried them. They were supposedly ALL NATURAL. Anyway back  forth, how good they are. The lady said she even recommends them to her customers. Sad..
These were 2 addicts having a conversation, and trying to justify the fact that they're killing themselves.. The conversation sounded really stupid to a normal person (ME). I felt good as a non-drinker, non nic brotha, but I also felt bad I didn't say something. Like ALL NATURAL my ASS! It will still kill you.. I just minded my own business, and thanked god that I'm not like that anymore... I couldn't do anything for them today, but I share this to help my brothers to keep focus on the prize.. Normalcy..
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #84 on: November 12, 2012, 09:50:00 AM »
Quote from: copingwithoutcopen
Quote from: kana
Wow, I can't believe I'm finally at this point. HOLY CRAP!!!! Enough already.
I'm 44 now. I Met the bitch when I was 14. SKOAL. Walking home after school, I remember having to lay down in the middle of the Football field because I was spinning so bad. I didn't really like it and slowly started smoking, and drinking.
In those days you just bought your shit from a vending machine.
At the 10 yr point of my marriage I was drinking way too much. Smoking way too much. and hit my bottom.  I quit drinking and smoking cold. Aug. 15th will be 8 yrs. sober. Been married 18 yrs. now. and a wonderful son (5YR).
Unfortunately, I picked up the copenhagen to get me through it. I told myself it was temporary, and I could quit at will. Well almost 8 yrs. later and I tried to quit how many times. Last year I went 8 months without dipping and caved. Just that one dip fucked it up. I regret that dip. I've had the bitch in my system one way or another for 30 years. but this time it's different. I know what I have to do. Keep it simply and keep support.
This time it's different, this time I AM Quit. FUCK YOU BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats Kana! You've come a long way but there's still some work to be done.
absolutely... I just finished making my son  nephew breakfast.. It's my other nephews b-day as well, and we have a fun day planned.. I'm focused on the simple things now. (Love how my taste  smell work now)
I have likened my quit to a wound. It was an effin gash but it did heal. It took 100 days to heal, and the scab finally came off. Now it's a scar. The scar will be there for life, but the pain is gone. It will always remind me of that gash and how painful the quit was. With time the scar will fade and I won't notice it as often, but it will always be there. Quit with all my brothers  sisters today! :D
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #83 on: November 12, 2012, 08:31:00 AM »
Quote from: kana
Wow, I can't believe I'm finally at this point. HOLY CRAP!!!! Enough already.
I'm 44 now. I Met the bitch when I was 14. SKOAL. Walking home after school, I remember having to lay down in the middle of the Football field because I was spinning so bad. I didn't really like it and slowly started smoking, and drinking.
In those days you just bought your shit from a vending machine.
At the 10 yr point of my marriage I was drinking way too much. Smoking way too much. and hit my bottom. I quit drinking and smoking cold. Aug. 15th will be 8 yrs. sober. Been married 18 yrs. now. and a wonderful son (5YR).
Unfortunately, I picked up the copenhagen to get me through it. I told myself it was temporary, and I could quit at will. Well almost 8 yrs. later and I tried to quit how many times. Last year I went 8 months without dipping and caved. Just that one dip fucked it up. I regret that dip. I've had the bitch in my system one way or another for 30 years. but this time it's different. I know what I have to do. Keep it simply and keep support.
This time it's different, this time I AM Quit. FUCK YOU BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats Kana! You've come a long way but there's still some work to be done.

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #82 on: November 05, 2012, 01:46:00 PM »
Quote from: copingwithoutcopen
Quote from: Radman
Quote from: kana
I was reading through my calendar from a year ago as I always do for work. I had entries to take my brother in law to the hospital for rehab. He's gone now. passed 5 months ago.  He was an innocent hardworking man. I can remember him working 7 days a week for years on end. Having a few beers here and there. Saying he'd rest when he retires.  He would always come over and help me with repairs on the house. He taught me so much.  He died at the ripe old age of 50.. Never saw retirement.  Left behind his wife, and 2 young boys. Maundrey is too young and will never remember his father.
He was not an addict. Well maybe a work addict. He died of cancer in the brain. Went through 2 surgeries. Cut his head open from ear to ear. I never heard him complain once. Not once. Only asked for tylenol. I would drive him to the hospital twice a week for therapy. He could hardly walk. Just shriveling up. Here I was with a dip in the whole time watching him die in front of me.. Not even thinking about it.
Three months after he passed I was sent an email. It was a video scrapbook of Freddie, his wife, and the boys.. Picture after picture.. It brought me to tears to see what he was missing. What they are missing. There's no pain in the world greater to me than knowing you'll leave behind you're family. I told myself I was done.  I quit for myself, but I owed it to Freddie, and my family as well. That was the weekend I quit. That was the weekend I took back my life. Stay quit brothers.. Life is short.. be good to yourself and others..
I miss you Freddie.. I miss you so much.. and I'll never put that crap in my mouth again..
Powerful words, sir. Thank you for sharing.
I'll second that.

Thanks for sharing
Ex-professional ninja dipper aka ex-dumbass

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #81 on: November 01, 2012, 02:46:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: kana
Yesterday was very interesting for me. I finally decided to tackle the 10 hours of yard work I needed to do.. Halfway through My friend (pool guy) came with a new employee..Holy crap this guy had a monster Effin dip in.. He could barely talk without spit running down his chin.. It was actually quite disgusting looking.. Then I started to remember that I looked like that. My mind is definitely changing as I didn't crave at all. I just felt sorry for him.. These things now add another layer of armor to my quit. Just makes me feel good that I'm no longer a slave. Ended up taking all the kids trick or treating..followed by everyone getting drunk.. except me I don't drink.. For years I was the drunkard with a fatty making a fool of myself.. Now I'm the cool and collected handsome guy sitting and watching everyone else make a fool of themselves.
AAHHH the benefits of a bad ass quitter!!! Love my job!!!
Well Done as a huge step is realizing the disgust. Let this strengthen your quit to new heights.
Nice work brother. Way to stay on the path.
So proud to be quit with men like you Kana.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #80 on: November 01, 2012, 12:57:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: kana
Yesterday was very interesting for me. I finally decided to tackle the 10 hours of yard work I needed to do.. Halfway through My friend (pool guy) came with a new employee..Holy crap this guy had a monster Effin dip in.. He could barely talk without spit running down his chin.. It was actually quite disgusting looking.. Then I started to remember that I looked like that. My mind is definitely changing as I didn't crave at all. I just felt sorry for him.. These things now add another layer of armor to my quit. Just makes me feel good that I'm no longer a slave. Ended up taking all the kids trick or treating..followed by everyone getting drunk.. except me I don't drink.. For years I was the drunkard with a fatty making a fool of myself.. Now I'm the cool and collected handsome guy sitting and watching everyone else make a fool of themselves.
AAHHH the benefits of a bad ass quitter!!! Love my job!!!
Well Done as a huge step is realizing the disgust. Let this strengthen your quit to new heights.
Nice work brother. Way to stay on the path.